
Echoing Past 2: Powers of Two

Nov 3rd, 2013
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  1. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (my)
  2. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (two of my coplayers are Myra)
  3. <epiele|online> [You can add two and two. If you've been asked not to look at Dawn, and if 'Cho says they were never supposed to meet again...]
  4. <Dove> [>Zeimah: Stir, groggily, as your husktop chirps out the opening chords for MLP. It's the first time you've moved since you fell asleep after arriving in the pre-session.]
  5. <epiele|online> [There's a niche in the floorplan on the fifth floor that you squeeze yourself into, next to a potted plant.]
  6. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (zei are you there)
  7. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (please answer me)
  8. <Dove> [Yawn, then regret it briefly as you feel your jaw ache from doing so. Wonder if there's anything edible in your replayee's hive.]
  9. <Dove> [The husktop is still chirping. Pull it out and poke at it.]
  10. <staApp|online> [Come online, to your coplayers, for the first time in days.]
  11. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( 'm awake )
  12. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (oh thank skaia)
  13. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( sorry, just woke up )
  14. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (i don't know what to do)
  15. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( /me hugs )
  16. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( how's there two of her? )
  17. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (well there's her body)
  18. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (and then there's)
  19. <epiele|online> [what do you call it]
  20. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (her mind? she said something about her memories)
  21. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (but all the same she moves familiar, too familiar)
  22. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (and)
  23. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (what do i do)
  24. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (what do i do what do i do what do i do)
  25. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( first, shoosh )
  26. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( do you gotta do a thing right away? )
  27. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (...)
  28. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (i'm not supposed to be telling you this what will people /say/)
  30. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( ...hey, are you there? )
  32. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (what do i do)
  33. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( if you don't tell me, you end up telling someone not family, and then it ends up on pits and then erryone knows )
  34. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( first, are you somewhere safe, where you can take your time to process? )
  35. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( if not, that's what you do first )
  36. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (, but i can't do any better than where i am)
  37. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (or)
  38. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (hey maybe i should shut myself in the public bathrooms in the lobby where people walk in and out every ten minutes haha no)
  39. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( yeah no )
  40. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (up on the fifth floor behind a potted plant in a niche in the wall)
  41. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( works )
  42. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (it's a hotel so this is technically public space but there is /nobody/ here)
  44. <serlin|online> [Oh god]
  45. <serlin|online> [He]
  46. <serlin|online> [Just walked out]
  47. <serlin|online> [He walked out he walked /out/ you need to talk to someone]
  49. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (so)
  50. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (so what do i do now)
  51. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( now, we sort )
  53. * amaSwe|Online PMs "Cho": (Yeah, I'm here. What's up?)
  55. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( what do you /wanna/ do? what needs to be done, so that they stay safe? what needs to be done so /you/re/ okay? )
  56. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (i don't know yet)
  57. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (just)
  58. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (she's not /dead/ and there's two of her and)
  59. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( and magic bubble clones aren't involved )
  60. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( and everyone thought she was dead )
  62. * serlin|online PMs amaSwe|Online: ( i told him )
  63. * serlin|online PMs amaSwe|Online: ( i told him and he )
  64. * serlin|online PMs amaSwe|Online: ( i )
  65. * serlin|online PMs amaSwe|Online: ( he )
  66. * serlin|online PMs amaSwe|Online: ( he walked out )
  68. * staApp|online PMs "Cho" : ( ri's panic-flailing at me, what happened? )
  70. * amaSwe|Online PMs "Cho": (Well, fuck. Okay. Are you somewhere safe?)
  71. * serlin|online PMs amaSwe|Online: ( and zei's pming me and and and fuck what if he told her i )
  72. * serlin|online PMs amaSwe|Online: ( icantbreathe )
  73. * amaSwe|Online PMs "Cho": (You can breathe. Remember the exercises you had me do? One-onethousand-two-onethousand-three-onethousand.)
  74. * amaSwe|Online PMs "Cho": (You can breathe.)
  75. * serlin|online PMs amaSwe|Online: ( i )
  76. * serlin|online PMs amaSwe|Online: ( i'm trying )
  78. * amaSwe|Online PMs staApp|online: (If this shit isn't critical you lay off Cho /right/ /now/.)
  80. * amaSwe|Online PMs "Cho": (I know you are. Keep trying. You can do it. You can breathe.)
  82. * staApp|online PMs "Ock" : ( bwuh? I'm trying to figure out why the fuck Ri's panicking )
  83. * staApp|online PMs "Ock" : ( and I just woke /up/ )
  85. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (what do i do what do i do what do i do)
  86. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( first? breathe )
  88. * amaSwe|Online PMs staApp|online: (Then tell him to find someone who can /manage/. He's got the horrorterror admin in his presession, doesn't he, have him go talk to her. She likes patting people on the back and shit like that.)
  90. * serlin|online PMs amaSwe|Online: ( i )
  91. * amaSwe|Online PMs "Cho": (Breathe. /Breathe/.)
  93. * staApp|online PMs "Ock" : ( I figured she might know, he said she was dancing around telling him something or other. )
  95. * serlin|online PMs spenih|online: ( epi needs you right now )
  97. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (damn well trying)
  99. * amaSwe|Online PMs "Cho": (One-onethousand-two-onethousand-three-onethousand.)
  100. <staApp|online> [Make a face at the husktop. "Oh fuck you too, Ock."]
  102. speNih|Online PMs serlin|online: (okay)
  104. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( 'kay. Count too, then. One-and-two-and-three-and-four, in on ten, out on ten. )
  106. speNih|Online PMs epiele|online: (epiele?)
  107. * epiele|online PMs "Spen" (go away)
  108. * epiele|online PMs "Spen" ('m not allowed to talk about this apparently)
  109. speNih|Online PMs epiele|online: (she's not going to go away)
  110. speNih|Online PMs epiele|online: (and if it's about what she thinks it is you can talk to her about it)
  111. * epiele|online PMs "Spen" (yes but see if you keep talking i'm eventually going to say something and i can't tell you anything because i can't tell anyone else anything either)
  113. * serlin|online PMs spenih: ( she said he was having a panic attack )
  115. <serlin|online> [You can't. You can't you can't you /can't/ your heart is racing and your chest is heaving and you ache and you /can't/.]
  117. * epiele|online PMs "Spen" (if what is about hat thinks what what)
  119. <serlin|online> [So you don't. You suck in a breath and hold it for a while.]
  120. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( i'm sorry )
  122. speNih|Online PMs epiele|online: (is it about myra)
  123. * epiele|online PMs "Spen" (not allowed to say)
  125. * amaSwe|Online PMs serlin|online: (You still with me?)
  127. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( /me hugs you tightly and curls around you so that no one else can bother you 'till you're ready for them to )
  129. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( i'm sorry i shouldn't be burdening you with this )
  131. speNih|Online PMs epiele|online: (epiele she knows already)
  132. * epiele|online PMs "Spen" (knows what)
  134. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( shhh, it'll be okay, we'll figure it out )
  135. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( 's gonna be complicated but that's my wheelhouse )
  137. speNih|Online PMs epiele|online: (what happened with serlin and myra and ontexp)
  139. * amaSwe|Online PMs serlin|online: (Shhhhh. It's okay. I'm here for you. I'm not upset.)
  141. * epiele|online PMs "Spen" (yeah but i'm still not allowed to say because i wasn't supposed to tell someone and i)
  142. <epiele|online> [Rock back and forth on your heels.]
  144. <serlin|online> [You can't hold your breath any longer.]
  145. <serlin|online> [You let it out explosively, and stop again.]
  146. <serlin|online> [Shudder, for a few seconds.]
  148. * amaSwe|Online PMs serlin|online: (Breathe, Cho. Breathe. I'm here. You're not burdening me.)
  149. <serlin|online> [You force yourself to take in a slow breath.]
  151. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (well of course)
  152. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (that's what you do after all)
  154. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( one-and-two-and-three-and )
  155. <serlin|online> [And out-and-out-and-out-and...]
  156. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( okay )
  157. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( okay )
  158. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( breathing is a thing )
  160. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (why did i tell you i wasn't supposed to tell you)
  161. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (oh god what happens now is it cursed knowledge)
  162. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (what if it is)
  164. speNih|Online PMs epiele|online: (you don't have to say anything about that itself but how are you?)
  166. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( then i'll be cursed with you, and i'm okay with that )
  168. * amaSwe|Online PMs serlin|online: (Good. Good girl. You're doing wonderfully. I've got you. You're gonna be okay.)
  169. * amaSwe|Online PMs serlin|online: (Just keep breathing.)
  171. <epiele|online> [Ignore Spen, because you're certain whatever you weren't supposed to say is going to come rocketing out your mouth if you so much as /look/ at the other window.]
  173. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( he left he /left/ ockzel he left and i )
  174. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( no i )
  175. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( i )
  177. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( shh. count with me while you breathe, okay? )
  178. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( and you had to tell /someone/, and i'm a someone who's safe )
  179. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( Mages are good at keeping secrets. )
  180. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024)
  182. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( what do i do now )
  183. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( what do i do what do i do )
  184. * amaSwe|Online PMs serlin|online: (I'm sorry he left. And we'll figure out what to do. For now, breathe until you're not panicking, okay?)
  185. * amaSwe|Online PMs serlin|online: (I'll stay right here with you.)
  187. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536)
  188. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (what was the next one)
  189. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (131072? yeah that looks right)
  191. speNih|Online PMs epiele|online: (epi?)
  193. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (262144)
  194. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( /me hugs you tightly )
  196. speNih|Online PMs epiele|online: (please talk to her)
  197. <epiele|online> [Still ignoring that window.]
  199. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (524288)
  200. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (1048576)
  201. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I)
  202. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I'm pretty sure I've irrevocably fucked something up)
  203. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (only I don't know what, or how to fix it)
  204. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( shhh. we'll figure it out together )
  205. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( what happened when you found out? )
  207. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( i )
  208. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( thank you )
  209. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( i'm sorry )
  210. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( i'm sorry )
  212. speNih|Online PMs epiele|online: (epi please)
  214. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (I panicked and left)
  215. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (and then I)
  216. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (and then)
  217. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( shhh. )
  218. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( when you feel up to it, you should go back and apologize, but not until you feel up to it )
  220. * amaSwe|Online PMs serlin|online: (It's okay. Apology accepted. It's okay. You're welcome.)
  221. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( oh god what if he tells everyone people here /believe/ him i )
  222. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( i don't want to be the person who killed myra i don't want to be myra v2 i don't want dawn to be pulled into this all i )
  223. * amaSwe|Online PMs serlin|online: (I'll watch the chat. I'll keep an eye on things. I'm here for you.)
  225. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (why the hell was this a secret why was it ever a secret secrets /never/ end well)
  226. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (secrets get people killed)
  227. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( they do. so, when you're up for talking to her again, you can ask her that. )
  229. * amaranthineSwell has connected to the memo
  230. <amaranthineSwell> Saying /right/ off the bat that I'm in the mood for nobody's shit.
  231. <amaranthineSwell> Don't give it to me and I won't grant you a new asshole.
  232. <amaranthineSwell> Glad we've had this talk.
  234. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (Breathe, love. We'll make it through this.)
  236. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (but she doesn't understand)
  237. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( what doesn't she understand? )
  239. speNih|Online PMs epiele|online: (please just let her know that you're not injured)
  240. <epiele|online> [Nope, still not looking at that window! Feel free to panic, Skye. He's not answering anything.]
  241. speNih|Online [You proceed to start fussing. You are not going to panic. You are not giving yourself the luxury to panic. Curse your helplessness, yes, but not panic.]
  243. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( i )
  244. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( thank you )
  245. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (You're welcome. Anything for you, Cho.)
  246. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( god i sound like a record-skip )
  247. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (Shhhh. It's okay. Say what you need to, and what you want to.)
  249. <epiele|online> [You know, if /you/ were in this situation you'd be sniffing packets off the wifi with a Pringles can antenna to find her.]
  250. <epiele|online> [It doesn't quite occur to you that Skye has no idea this is possible, let alone how to do it. You assume she can find you if she's really desperate. This is almost completely wrong.]
  251. <amaranthineSwell> [Too bad you're only tech-savvy enough to make dongles and run basic computer programs. Alas!]
  253. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( goddamnit hes having a panic attack and i just fucked over any chance dawn had at a relatively normal relationship with him i should have just made something up )
  255. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (that if i'm not supposed to know something better to never dangle it in front of me in the first place and)
  256. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (i don't know how i /feel/ about myra, or myras, every time i look i remember something different about her and i)
  258. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (Lies are worse than the truth, in the long run. He's smart, if what I've heard is half-right. You did the right thing. It may not be pretty, but it's right.)
  259. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( he hated me before and he treated me like her and now it's g oing to be a even worse and i )
  261. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (sometimes i want her back more than anything and sometimes i despise her with every fiber of my being and sometimes both of these happen at the same time and)
  262. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (i don't know how to /manage/ this i don't understand what to do about it i don't understand how it's theoretically possible for someone to feel like this at all)
  264. speNih|Online PMs staApp|online: (do you know where epiele is because she's worried and she needs to know if he needs help or if she needs to stay away and if he's injured)
  266. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (And you will get through it.)
  267. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (The moons will yet rise.)
  268. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (You've got me on your side. Ross. Icemount.)
  269. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( icemount doesn't know what if he judges me what if it breaks things )
  270. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (Shhh. If he does, then we've /both/ misjudged him.)
  272. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (what)
  273. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (what do id o)
  274. <epiele|online> [Where did you leave off, in your counting...]
  275. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (2097152)
  276. <epiele|online> [Try to take a full breath, at the very least.]
  278. * staApp|online PMs "Mama" : ( he's hiding 'till he's done having a panic attack, he's okay other than the panic, though )
  279. * staApp|online PMs "Mama" : ( 'm talking with him and getting him to breathe and count )
  281. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (4194304)
  283. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( a ndtheny ou lose a firend because of me )
  285. * staApp|online PMs "Mama" : ( i think maybe 'cho needs a hug? if i'm understanding things right )
  287. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (8388608)
  289. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (I don't think it'll come to that.)
  290. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (But if it does, like hell I'm going to blame you.)
  292. * tenThe|Online PMs "Zeimah" (Well, yes. I'm not a fantastic cook, but I am a competent one)
  294. speNih|Online [>Skye: You remember where she's staying. You race up the stairs as quickly as you can manage.]
  296. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( okay, well - first thing is, figure out if they still count as myra. or are they their own people now? )
  297. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (16777216)
  298. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (i)
  299. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (i don't know if i want them to be myra or not)
  301. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( but it will still b e my fault )
  303. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (and until i know that i can't even compensate for the effect that'll have on the way i think about them)
  304. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( even if you do want them to be her, /are/ they? )
  305. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( /me hugs )
  306. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (i don't know)
  307. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (i don't)
  309. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (In part, maybe. I don't think your part in it would be worth /blaming/ you for. And if he'd turn on you because of this? Then I'm not sure I /want/ someone of his moral fiber as a friend.)
  311. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (33554432)
  312. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (that's a nice number)
  314. speNih|Online [>Skye: Knock lightly but quickly on Cho's door.]
  316. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( i )
  317. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( someone's knocking )
  318. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (Do you feel up to answering it? Can you look through a peephole?)
  319. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( no i )
  320. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( icn't right now )
  321. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (Then they can wait. You take care of /yourself/.)
  323. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (67108864)
  325. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( okay )
  326. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( whyi s she knocking he's the one who needs help he's sick )
  328. speNih|Online [... you don't think she's going to answer. You sit down against the wall and rest your chin on your knees. You don't look unusually upset, just concerned and a little distressed.]
  330. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (134217728)
  332. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (I dunno, Cho. I'm sure she has her reasons?)
  333. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( i can't i need space right now she /needs/ to igve me space she said herself that she didn't want to get myran ad i mixed up )
  335. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (what do i call her)
  336. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (i can't just call her echo anymore not when i know this about her but she)
  337. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (but she)
  339. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (Do you want me to tell her to go away?)
  340. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (I'll even be polite.)
  342. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (the body i don't think the body is myra anymore)
  343. <epiele|online> [You can't cry, you /can't/ cry, you can't make noise, someone will find you if you do.]
  344. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (268435456)
  346. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( please )
  348. * amaranthineSwell PMs speNih|Online: (Please leave. You're distressing her.)
  350. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (536870912)
  352. speNih|Online PMs amaranthineSwell: (oh sorry)
  354. speNih|Online [You pick yourself up and... go, then. Elsewhere.]
  356. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (She should be gone now.)
  358. <epiele|online> [You can't /cry/ you can't you can't - ]
  359. <epiele|online> [The sob just barely escapes anyway and you sponge away the tears as fast as you can and try, again, to breathe.]
  360. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (1073741824)
  361. <epiele|online> [Is that even still a power of two?]
  362. <epiele|online> [Fuck it, keep going.]
  363. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (2147483648)
  365. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( i heard her walk away )
  367. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (4294967296)
  368. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( /me hugs )
  369. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( does cho + part of myra = still myra? )
  371. <epiele|online> [You cry.]
  373. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( /me hugs you tightly )
  375. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (Good. Okay.)
  377. * epiele|online PMs "Zei" (i'ts a bit late ofr that)
  378. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( as for what you call her - what does she want you to call her? )
  379. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( hugs can still help )
  381. speNih|Online [You wander to the fifth floor. You're not sure why. Five's a nice number. That and you started puffing on the stairs. Boy, are you out of shape.]
  382. <epiele|online> [She can probably hear faint crying.]
  383. speNih|Online [You can't help it. You quietly hurry toward the sound of crying.]
  385. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (How are you doing now?)
  387. <epiele|online> [ /Familiar/ crying.]
  388. speNih|Online [Your heart breaks a little.]
  390. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( i )
  391. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( not really )
  392. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( breathing but )
  393. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( but )
  394. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( what now )
  396. speNih|Online [You step closer, and slow down.]
  397. <epiele|online> [wait who's that]
  398. <epiele|online> [You captchalogue your computer and just peer over the rim of the potted plant.]
  400. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (We work together and try to figure that out.)
  402. speNih|Online [You haven't quite spotted him yet, but you're looking.]
  404. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( okay )
  405. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( okay )
  406. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( how do we do that )
  408. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( /me hugs )
  409. * staApp|online PMs "Ri" : ( it'll be okay. we'll work it out )
  410. <staApp|online> [You're blissfully unaware that he's captcha'd his computer.]
  412. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (I'll admit that I don't know. I've... never had something like this happen to me, or to anyone I love. But I'm going to stick with you and we're going to find a way to make things work.)
  414. speNih|Online [You step around the potted plant.]
  415. <epiele|online> [You notice someone found you, pick them up with both hands, invert them straight into the potted plant fixture and take off running.]
  416. <epiele|online> [Footsteps go down the stairs.]
  417. speNih|Online [You're stunned for a moment.]
  418. speNih|Online [You hiss at a twinge of protest from your arm and side and start to extricate yourself from the potted plant.]
  419. <epiele|online> [It's only after you've left by the back door and driven out onto the highway that you realize who you just did that to.]
  420. <epiele|online> [You curse, and keep driving.]
  421. <epiele|online> [If nothing else, you can head back the way you came.]
  423. speNih|Online [You... stop for a few moments.]
  424. speNih|Online [You really should have expected that.]
  425. speNih|Online [You think you're going to go for a walk outside.]
  426. speNih|Online [That sounds like a good idea. There's a nice park nearby.]
  428. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( i )
  429. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( okay )
  430. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( who do i talk to what do i do )
  431. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (Who do you feel safe talking to?)
  432. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( i don't know )
  433. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (Ross?)
  435. <staApp|online> [You wait for a while, to see if Ri will PM you some more.]
  436. <staApp|online> [It looks like not, though.]
  437. <staApp|online> [Captcha your husktop, then, and get up to go check out your replayee's hive.]
  439. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( ross isn't a bad idea )
  440. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( i )
  441. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( i think )
  442. * amaranthineSwell PMs serlin|online: (Try talking to him.)
  443. * serlin|online PMs amaranthineSwell: ( okay )
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