
/topic trolling

Oct 3rd, 2012
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  1. [18:07:12] <Dr_Weird_> wants to know if there will be a Forge 4.1.4 compatible CC version.
  2. [18:07:23] <rjwboys> there is, topic
  3. [18:07:40] <Dr_Weird_> Can I have a link?
  4. [18:07:46] <Nia> Why is the first pr of 1.43 public again
  5. [18:08:00] <rjwboys> type /topic and you get the link
  6. [18:08:03] <copygirl> ^lua a = ""; for n, v in pairs(_G) do a = a + n + ":" + type(v) + " " end; print(a)
  7. [18:08:03] <Lua_foo> [string "copygirl"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'a' (a string value)
  8. [18:08:03] <TangentDelta> lol
  9. [18:08:04] <Dr_Weird_> No Idea.
  10. [18:08:08] <Kilobyte> Dr_Weird_: theres a secret hack
  11. [18:08:12] <Hackingroelz|CCInput2> ^lua eat = function(x, y) print(x.." is eating "..y) end
  12. [18:08:13] <Lua_foo> No output.
  13. [18:08:13] <Kilobyte> do /topic
  14. [18:08:21] <TangentDelta> I don't want to spam the bot with it, but I just added a "eat()" function
  15. [18:08:25] <Dr_Weird_> Sounds cool, but is it legal?
  16. [18:08:26] <copygirl> ^lua a = ""; for n, v in pairs(_G) do a = a .. n .. ":" .. type(v) .. " " end; print(a)
  17. [18:08:26] <Lua_foo> copygirl: please direct spammy commands to #ccbots
  18. [18:08:27] <Lua_foo> sleep:function string:table answers:table a:string _G:table irc_channel:string eat:function loadstring:function magicBall:function os:table table:table math:table test:function coroutine:table irc_nick:string
  19. [18:08:31] <Kilobyte> then you get the top secret direct link
  20. [18:08:43] <Cloudy> Hackingroelz|CCInput2: ((NetServerHandler)network.getNetHandler()).getPlayerEntity()
  21. [18:08:43] <Kilobyte> lol
  22. [18:08:46] azagal [] joined #computercraft.
  23. [18:08:55] <Dr_Weird_> I just google it :)
  24. [18:08:58] <Kilobyte> Dr_Weird_: noone will see it
  25. [18:09:00] <copygirl> eat's still there it seams
  26. [18:09:03] <copygirl> seems*
  27. [18:09:11] <Dr_Weird_> So it's not public?
  28. [18:09:16] <TangentDelta> I added it
  29. [18:09:29] <TangentDelta> ^lua eat("Bacon")
  30. [18:09:30] <Lua_foo> [string "Hackingroelz|CCInput2"]:1: attempt to concatenate local 'y' (a nil value)
  31. [18:09:32] <Kilobyte> well its public to everyone who has a brain and can read
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