
KidAnonXTeacher Twilight, Pt 2

Jan 29th, 2016
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  1. >Her purple form sways side to side
  2. >Mesmerizing you as she walks towards your desk
  3. >Soft thuds against the ground
  4. >Silence
  5. >The students stare at you
  6. >She smiles
  7. >Hoof on your chair
  8. >Scooting you back
  9. >Getting in front of the desk
  10. >Leaning down
  11. >Muzzle between your legs
  12. >She isn't even touching
  13. >And still it sends shocks of pleasure through you
  14. >Your breath gets shorter
  15. >She leans forward
  16. >Soft muzzle prods against your pants
  17. >Her lips widen
  18. >Teeth portrudes
  19. >The room gasps when she bites your pants
  20. >And starts pulling down
  21. >Her tail swaying
  22. >Hooves move up to either side of your leg
  23. >Your pants slide down
  24. >Past your knees
  25. >She brings a cheek against your inner thigh
  26. >Smiling at you
  27. >Half lidded eyes
  28. >"Oh, Anon~"
  29. "Y-yes, Miss Twilight?"
  30. >Wordless
  31. >She leans in
  32. >Muzzle digging in your boxers
  33. >And your body arches when her muzzle finds the prize
  34. >Soft, warm fur
  35. >A loooong exhale
  36. >Sends you shivering
  37. "Oh, Miss Twilight~"
  38. >She takes the tip in her mouth
  39. >Pulling it out
  40. >Bobbing her head back
  41. >Licking her lips
  42. >"Anon..."
  43. "Y-yeah?"
  44. >"Anon..."
  45. >Huh?
  46. >"Anon!"
  48. >Jolt
  49. >Laughter
  50. >Your teacher stands above you
  51. >A stern look on her face
  52. >Slight flush on her cheeks
  53. >Your head feels cold wood
  54. >Some wetness near your lips
  55. >Oh
  56. >You glance around
  57. >All the eyes are on you
  58. >You cough
  59. >Clear your throat
  60. >Sit up straight
  61. >Your face feels really hot
  62. "Sorry, Miss Twilight, I-I just-"
  63. >She shakes her head
  64. >"It's alright."
  65. >Her words are a lot colder
  66. >What happened?
  67. >She turns around
  68. >Walks back to her desk
  69. >A brisk walk
  70. >Not like the really nice one from yesterday
  71. >Her sway was minimal
  72. >Laughter
  73. >You look around
  74. >She turns around
  75. >"Please keep your eyes on the board, Anon."
  76. >Oh
  77. >It wasn't that obvious
  78. >Was it?
  79. >You had friends who did it
  80. >Made a game of it
  81. >Not getting caught
  82. >Your hands rub your eyes
  83. >She clears her throat again
  84. >Magically held stick taps the board
  85. >"Let's continue on. As I was saying, Starswirl's 1800th theorem has many practical applications..."
  87. >It wasn't your fault
  88. >What she did yesterday kept you up all night
  89. >You kept touching yourself
  90. >Imagining her there
  91. >Thinking of her
  92. >Remembering what she did
  93. >And her touch
  94. >And scent
  95. >And everything
  96. >It's not your fault
  97. >Your head leans forward
  98. >Resting it on your folded arms
  99. >Your teacher drones on
  100. >Something about surface integrals
  101. >It still goes over your head
  102. >You had thought yesterday you were going to study
  103. >Harder than ever before
  104. >But
  105. >No matter what you did
  106. >What section you read
  107. >You still didn't get it
  108. >And your thoughts kept wandering back
  109. >Did she do it with every student here?
  110. >Eyes wander towards a colt to your right
  111. >A light blue fur
  112. >Whitish mane
  113. >And you wonder
  114. >Did she ever do it with him?
  115. >What if you aren't special?
  116. >Why would you be?
  117. >You aren't the smartest student
  118. >No magic
  119. >Bad grasp of math
  120. >Science
  121. >Why would you think you-
  122. >"Anon."
  123. >You glance towards your teacher
  124. >"Is something about your classmate distracting you?"
  125. >He turns back
  126. >Giving you a a blank stare
  127. >Blinks
  128. >You shirk backwards
  129. >Feeling red hot again
  130. "N-no."
  131. >She sighs and continues on
  132. >Drawing 3D blobs with chalk
  133. >Normally you're distracted in class
  134. >But you always pretended to pay attention
  135. >It's hard to right now
  136. >You keep wondering
  137. >Thinking of her
  138. >She can't leave your mind
  139. >And you feel all weird thinking about her
  140. >Good
  141. >Strange
  142. >All sorts of feelings
  143. >And wondering if she's been with the other students
  144. >Constantly
  145. >"Are there any questions?"
  146. >A hoof shoots up
  147. >She nods
  148. >And he asks her several questions you have no idea about
  149. >What if this
  150. >What if that
  151. >Can't you use this
  152. >Or that
  153. >And the two talk
  154. >Her body changes
  155. >Swaying
  156. >Smiling
  157. >Maybe she likes the smart colts better
  158. >The bell rings
  159. >Break
  160. >The student asking questions stays behind
  161. >It's an orange unicorn, yellowish hair
  162. >All the other ponies shuffle out
  163. >As do you
  164. >Before
  165. >"Anon?"
  166. >Maybe this is your chance
  167. >Maybe she'll try to do it again
  169. >"Thanks, Miss Twilight! I'll see you later!"
  170. >He strolls out
  171. >Ignoring you
  172. >And you walk up to her
  173. >"Anon, what were you thinking?"
  174. >Thud
  175. >Her magic slammed the door
  176. >Clatter
  177. >Shutters close
  178. >This isn't like what was before
  179. "I-I'm sorry I fell asleep, I-"
  180. >"You were moaning my name!"
  181. >Oh
  182. >That explains a lot
  183. >The stares
  184. >Her sudden cold demeanor
  185. "I-I-I-"
  186. >"Anon, what happened yesterday cannot go out. Understood?"
  187. >Nod
  188. >It scares you a little
  189. >Seeing her change a lot from yesterday
  190. >But it must mean a lot to her that no one finds out
  191. >"I thought you were going to try after yesterday."
  192. >You open your mouth to protest
  193. >"I'm disappointed in you, Anon."
  194. >It's like her words just latched around your heart
  195. >Tearing at it
  196. >Pulling it
  197. >Twisting
  198. "Sorry."
  199. >Her eyes are on you
  200. >And you feel that lurching well up inside you
  201. >Not sure what to do
  202. >So you stand there
  203. >Looking down
  204. "I'm really sorry."
  205. >Flat voice
  206. >You don't really have the energy
  207. >Her feet move forward
  208. >You glance towards her
  209. >Her face had softened
  210. >Eyes looking a little worried
  211. >A hoof on your shoulder
  212. >She towers over you from this angle
  213. >But
  214. >It's comforting to see her big form
  215. >"Why don't you tell me what's going on?"
  216. >Pause
  217. >Her hoof rubs against your shoulders
  218. >What if she thinks it's weird
  219. >Or-
  220. >Her hoof brushes against your cheeks
  221. >And you're reminded of how she was yesterday
  222. >And before
  223. >And always
  224. >Just kind
  225. >Patient
  226. >You take a deep breath
  227. "I can't stop thinking of you, Miss Twilight."
  228. >Glance
  229. >And she smiles
  230. >Actually smiles
  231. >It feels weird that it feels so good
  232. >After feeling so down
  233. >But it does
  234. >That smile warms you up
  235. >"I understand."
  236. >You lean against her chest
  237. >Her hoof moves behind you
  238. >Pulling you in
  239. >And you take a whiff of her scent
  240. >Your imagination did it no justice
  241. >It's sweet
  242. >Warm
  243. >Soft
  244. >Could smells be soft?
  245. >Hers definitely is
  247. >Your hand rubs against her fur
  248. >Moving around
  249. >As best as you can
  250. >Fingers not quite wrapping entirely around
  251. >And the two of you hold for a long while
  252. >Hearing her soft breathing
  253. >Hoof stroking your hair
  254. >Her muzzle rubs against the top of your head
  255. >Whispering
  256. >"Please be careful about it, Anon."
  257. >You nod against her chest
  258. >"If the other students know, they'll try to take you away."
  259. >Other students?
  260. >Does that mean
  261. "Am I the only one?"
  262. >Soft, gentle strokes on your hair
  263. >And a soft "mhm"
  264. >All the validation you need
  265. >Your hands tighten
  266. >The beating of her heart throbs against your skin
  267. >Gentle, soft
  268. >Like her fur and scent
  269. >She pulls back
  270. >Your hands try to hold her
  271. >Her hoof on your shoulders
  272. >Lightly pushing
  273. >You don't want to resist her
  274. >It doesn't feel right to
  275. >And you let go
  276. >"Promise me you won't fall asleep again, alright?"
  277. >A small smile
  278. >It gets you a little nervous
  279. >You couldn't really control it
  280. >You struggle for a good answer
  281. >She senses your hesitation
  282. >"You've never fallen asleep in my class before. What happened?"
  283. >She was okay with your earlier answer
  284. "W-well..."
  285. >Her hoof moves up your neck
  286. >To your cheeks
  287. >Flashes of memories flood back
  288. >Her hoof against your skin
  289. >Her wonderful voice guiding you
  290. >Her breath
  291. >Scent
  292. >And you feel the same longing as you did last night
  293. >Her eyes glance down
  294. >Eyebrows raised
  295. "I was, uhm, up all night just thinking of what we...did..."
  296. >Your voice trails off
  297. >Her gaze shifts
  298. >Between your eyes
  299. >And your pants
  300. >"You liked what we did that much?"
  301. >Furious nodding
  302. >"And you have trouble thinking of anything else?"
  303. >Pause
  304. >Nod
  305. >She gives you a small smile
  306. >"You can tell your teacher anything, alright?"
  308. >Her words just relax you
  309. >Sending a wave of relief throughout your body
  310. >Her hoof rubs against your cheeks
  311. >Soft circular motions
  312. "Thank you, Miss Twilight."
  313. >Your heart just feels warm
  314. >And you bring your hands back up
  315. >Hoping for another hug
  316. >She gives a small giggle
  317. >Moves her hoof down to your chest
  318. >"Break is ending soon, Anon."
  319. >Oh
  320. >How long have you been here?
  321. >"But I can't have you distracted during class."
  322. >Her hoof trails down your chest
  323. >Sending tingling sensations throughout your body
  324. >All of it
  325. >Moving towards your stomach
  326. >Over it
  327. >Brushing
  328. >Top of your pants
  329. >Licks her lips
  330. >"So why don't you tell me what you were dreaming of?"
  331. >Gulp
  332. "Uhhhh...."
  333. >Her hoof digs against the top of your pants
  334. >Applying some force down
  335. >But not enough to pull it down
  336. >You still had the zipper and buttons
  337. >"Anything, Anon."
  338. >She was right
  339. "I-I was, uhm, dreaming of you."
  340. >"I thought so."
  341. >Hoof to zipper
  342. >Zip
  343. >Unbutton
  344. "But it was different."
  345. >She pauses
  346. >Looking at you
  347. >While her hoof moves between your pants
  348. >Rub
  349. >You gasp
  350. >Leaning forward
  351. >Into her
  352. >She brings a different hoof up
  353. >Moves it around your neck
  354. >Holding you in
  355. >Bracing herself on you
  356. >While her other hoof rubs gently against you
  357. >When she speaks, vibrations run from her skin along yours
  358. >"What was different?"
  359. >It's hard to respond
  360. >You can almost hear her heart this close
  361. >Rub
  362. >Gasp
  363. >"Well?"
  364. "Y-you were using your m-m-m-mouth."
  365. >Her hoof had moved under your boxers
  366. >And the sudden warmth engulfing you there left you yammering
  367. >Her hoof is gentle
  368. >Gripping it at the top
  369. >Moving up
  370. >Down
  371. >Getting across the head of it
  372. >Where it's most sensitive
  373. >She knows exactly where it's most sensitive
  374. >Her cheeks are pressed on your head
  375. >Your gasps, moans, keep going
  377. >"What was I doing with my mouth?"
  378. "Y-you were-"
  379. >She pulls back
  380. >Hoof on your shoulders
  381. >Her hoof on your shaft moves to the side
  382. >Pulling your boxers, pants down
  383. >They drop with a thud
  384. >Sending a shiver of cold through you
  385. >Quickly replaced by warm hooves on your thigh
  386. >Rubbing
  387. >"Was what?"
  388. >Smile
  389. >Leans down
  390. >Head level with yours
  391. >Stronger weight on shoulders
  392. >But you don't mind
  393. >Your eyes glance down
  394. >She keeps looking at you
  395. "Uhm, m-my, uhm-"
  396. >Peck on the lips
  397. >Hoof drops to the side
  398. >Both of them
  399. >She leans down
  400. >Head in front of your crotch
  401. >Exhales on it
  402. >Sending it throbbing
  403. >Suddenly you feel warmth
  404. >Wet
  405. >Pressure
  406. >As her head leans forwards
  407. >Suction
  408. >Pulling
  409. >Tingling of her horn
  410. >Buzzing of her body from behind
  411. >You arch your back
  412. >Moving your hips forward
  413. >Into her
  414. >Her tongue laps against you
  415. >Swirls around you
  416. >All sorts of directions
  417. >Her lips find the base
  418. >Pressing against your skin
  419. >Her tongue tickles against your underside
  420. >Moving the tip of it flicking up
  421. >And down
  422. >And she goes back all around
  423. >Swirling it
  424. >It's too much
  425. >Too sudden
  426. >You lean forwards
  427. >Hands outstretched
  428. >Naturally getting on her head
  429. >But you don't grip her
  430. >Just lay them there
  431. >Feeling her soft, warm fur
  432. >Focusing on her tongue
  433. >She pulls out
  434. >Breathing heavily
  435. >Adjusts her glasses
  436. >Blushing
  437. >Her hoof takes the place
  438. >Spreading her saliva all over
  439. >Rubbing against it fiercely
  440. >Her motions are a blur
  441. >"They're coming back soon. I know you can do it before."
  442. >You don't focus on her words
  443. >Just her hoof on you
  444. >Gripping
  445. >Gasping
  446. >"Finish for me."
  447. >Like last time
  448. >Like last night
  449. >You feel that sensation welling inside you
  450. >She wants it
  451. >Wills it
  452. >You can't help but-
  453. >She lets go
  454. >There's a brief moment
  455. >No hoof
  456. >Cold air
  457. >Chills
  458. >Time almost slows
  459. >Before she bobs down again
  460. >Mouth on your member
  461. >Closing
  462. >Lapping
  463. >Licking
  464. >Her hooves are on the ground
  465. >Her horn lights
  466. >Massaging against your sack
  467. >Rubbing it lightly
  468. >Coaxing you
  469. >Wanting you
  470. >To cum
  471. >And you do
  473. >You feel it squirt out of you
  474. >Warmth emptying out
  475. >Sack squeezing
  476. >Her hoof stroking them
  477. >Rubbing them
  478. >Liquid pours out again
  479. >Like yesterday
  480. >Like last night
  481. >Full burst
  482. >Strong
  483. >You feel her moan into you
  484. >Loudly
  485. >Back arching
  486. >Almost screaming, muffled into you
  487. >You feel the liquid
  488. >But this time it's stick
  489. >Wet
  490. >All around you
  491. >She hasn't swallowed like last time
  492. >No bulges on her throat
  493. >You see her legs quiver
  494. >Buckle
  495. >And she finally relaxes
  496. >Pulling out of you with a small pop
  497. >Mouth closed
  498. >Big blush
  499. >Smiling
  500. >Hoof rubbing against her lips
  501. >Her horn's glow fades
  502. >She opens her mouth
  503. >And you see it
  504. >White strands
  505. >Tongue rolling about
  506. >Folding it over
  507. >Just for a brief moment
  508. >She closes it
  509. >Smiling still
  510. >And gestures to your seat
  511. >You nod
  512. >Pulling your pants up
  513. >Fast
  514. >Wanting to bask
  515. >But the students will come back soon
  516. >She turns around
  517. >Walks to her desk
  518. >You notice a dark spot on her panties
  519. >And as you regain your senses
  520. >You notice the smell
  521. >You linger
  522. >Sniffing
  523. >She clears her throat
  524. >And you scramble back to your seat
  525. >She takes hers
  526. >Smiles at you
  527. >Mouth opens a little more
  528. >It's still in
  529. >Closes
  530. >Horn lights
  531. >Chalk against board
  532. >"Silent study. Problems 12.435, 12.437, 12.439, 12.444."
  533. >She sometimes did that when she had a lot of papers
  534. >There is a big stack on her desk
  535. >How does she do it?
  536. >Just like nothing's happened
  537. >The bell rings
  538. >And she takes a piece of paper
  539. >And starts going over it as the students pour in
  540. >Chattering loudly
  541. >Talking about what fun they had
  542. >Or jokes
  543. >You hear a not-so-hushed voice
  544. >"Anon must've gotten in big trouble."
  545. >Agreeing voices
  546. >You just take your book
  547. >And open it to chapter 12
  548. >Flipping through the problems
  549. >Rap
  550. >That makes you cringe a little
  551. >Tap
  552. >Chalk against board
  553. >Not scraping, just tapping
  554. >The students get silent
  555. >Flipping pages
  556. >You glance up
  557. >Her cheeks move slightly
  558. >Her eyes look mostly focused
  559. >Glance down
  560. >Problem 435
  561. >Flow through a surface
  562. >Oh
  564. >None of it makes sense to you still
  565. >But you're determined to try
  566. >At some point you wonder why you were here
  567. >The material is hard
  568. >Math isn't your best subject
  569. >Being the last class didn't really help
  570. >At least there were breaks in between every class
  571. >And sometimes in the middle of the longer ones
  572. >Your teacher makes it all worth it though
  573. >You even hear she's going to teach space stuff next semester
  574. >That was going to be really fun
  575. >Especially with her
  576. >Time passes as you struggle
  577. >And then
  578. >A gulp
  579. >From the teacher
  580. >You look down at your paper
  581. >Blank
  582. >As usual
  583. >She gets up
  584. >Always facing the class
  585. >Carefully walking over to the board
  586. >"Does any one want to present the problems?"
  587. >Several volunteers
  588. >You weren't one
  589. >She rattles off some names, and assigns them to problems
  590. >And they walk up to the board and do it
  591. >However
  592. >One of those names was yours
  593. >And you didn't have a single thing ready
  594. >"Anon?"
  595. >You slowly get out of your seat
  596. >Walk up to the board
  597. >Paper in hand
  598. >The other students finish
  599. >Turn to look at you
  600. >You glance towards the class
  601. >They're all looking at you
  602. >Staring
  603. >Your teacher sighs
  604. >You turn back to her
  605. >Her eyes are on your blank paper
  606. >A stifled giggle from the class
  607. >"Did you do it?"
  608. >She walks up to you
  609. >Magic straightens her glasses as she looks down
  610. "N-no, I didn't know how."
  611. >"I see."
  612. >She turns towards the class
  613. >A stern face of disappointment on her
  614. >"Who else can do this? You, Silver, you're up."
  615. >One of the colts stroll up
  616. >She strolls towards the door
  617. >"Anon? I want to have a chat."
  618. >Door swings open
  619. >"Come outside with me."
  620. >You can't help but glance under her skirt while she walks
  621. >Her tails hides the spot
  622. >The nearby colt snickers
  623. >"We can see you staring, doofus."
  624. >You clear your throat
  625. >Follow her
  626. >Out of the warm classroom
  627. >Into the cool open air
  628. >Door closes
  629. >And you're treated to a nice view of the campus
  630. >And your teacher's stern look
  632. >She tugs at your paper with her magic
  633. >Pulling it out of your grip
  634. >You loosen it as soon as you feel her
  635. >And she floats it out of your hands
  636. >Up in front of you
  637. >Turning it
  638. >Bringing it down
  639. >Looking at you
  640. >Staring
  641. >Glaring almost
  642. >You shuffle a little uneasily
  643. >Feeling that disappointment again
  644. >The same as earlier
  645. >They're almost drilling holes into you, that stare
  646. "I-I tried..."
  647. >Eyebrow raises
  648. >As does your paper
  649. >She turns it over
  650. >Looking at it
  651. >One side
  652. >The other side
  653. >You get the point
  654. "I really didn't know-"
  655. >"Then why didn't you ask about it?"
  656. "I was-"
  657. >"Sleeping? Dreaming of me?"
  658. >Blink
  659. >Careful nod
  660. >She sighs
  661. >Handing you your blank paper
  662. >"You can't keep getting distracted. If I'm not helping-"
  663. "You are! Do!"
  664. >Glaring eyes
  665. "I went home and tried hard to study, I told you."
  666. >"Then why is the paper blank?"
  667. "Because we studied last week's things a-and-"
  668. >"That's not an excuse, Anon, you should be catching up."
  669. >It's not fair
  670. >You were always behind
  671. >Your friends just understood the material
  672. >"Look, even if you don't understand it, you can still try."
  673. >You look down at the white paper
  674. >"How can I help you if I don't even know what's wrong?"
  675. "Yeah..."
  676. >"So please please try, Anon. I really want you to do well and I'm trying to help you."
  677. "I know."
  678. >"But you have to try yourself, okay?"
  679. >Nod
  680. >She looks you over
  681. >Head turning
  682. >Down
  683. >Up
  684. >"I want you to stay here for all your breaks."
  685. "What?"
  686. >Mixed feelings
  687. >Somewhat positive
  688. >But
  689. >Something tells you you shouldn't
  690. >You've friends to talk to
  691. >To play with
  692. >You don't interact with them much out of school
  693. >Or at all
  694. >Overprotective parents
  695. >Wanting you to be safe
  696. >School was your only social outlet
  697. >But you also get to spend time with your teacher
  698. >And
  699. >Do more of those things
  700. >"You heard me, Anon."
  701. >You look at her
  702. >Probably looking a mix of surprise
  703. >Shock
  704. >A little worry
  705. >A small worry
  706. >About losing friends
  707. >"At least, until you catch up."
  709. >Hopefully, maybe even longer than that
  710. "Okay."
  711. >She gives a small smile
  712. >Breaking her stern look
  713. >Your heart leaps a little
  714. >It feels nice after her scolding
  715. >Warm
  716. >A little fuzzy
  717. >That smile can always brighten your day
  718. >You don't even care all that much about playtime with your friends anymore
  719. >The thought of spending more time with your teacher overpowers that
  720. >"You look a little too happy to be losing his breaks."
  721. "W-well..."
  722. >She turns towards the door
  723. >Magic wraps around the doorknob
  724. "Wait!"
  725. >Stops
  726. >Glance
  727. "What about lu-"
  728. >"Come during lunch break, too."
  729. >So
  730. >All day with your teacher
  731. >No end
  732. >Except for when you have other classes
  733. >But those teachers are all mean
  734. >None of them help you like Miss Twilight
  735. >You return her answer with a smile
  736. >She opens the door
  737. >Classroom hushes
  738. >You walk in
  739. >Eyes stare at you
  740. >You both walk to your seats
  741. >There are solutions on the board
  742. >You take out your notebook
  743. >And copy them down on your paper
  745. >The rest of the class passes by swiftly
  746. >Your teacher presents
  747. >The class copies
  748. >Questions
  749. >But all throughout you take notes
  750. >Make comments on the sides
  751. >And try really hard to see what you don't understand
  752. >Because it's for her
  753. >You even catch her smiling at you during the class
  754. >Each one is a jolt
  755. >Driving you onwards
  756. >You even feel the eyes of the colt nearby stare at your paper
  757. >Surprised at your sudden notetaking
  758. >Whenever it starts to feel useless
  759. >Whenever you realize it's beyond your understanding
  760. >When the numbers, figures don't make too much sense
  761. >Your teacher's smile flashes
  762. >And you continue
  763. >The bell rings
  764. >The class gets up
  765. >Shouts, cheers, chatter
  766. >They fall in the distance
  767. >Dispersing
  768. >While you stay with your seat
  769. >Looking at the scribble you just produced
  770. >Most of it means nothing to you
  771. >But you made some questions to ask her
  772. >And it feels you with a little pride
  774. >She leans forwards on her desk
  775. >Adjusting her glasses
  776. >Shirt crinkling a little agains tht desk
  777. >The last of the students are gone
  778. >You no longer hear them
  779. >The door closes
  780. >Locks
  781. >And she smiles at you
  782. >"I have to admit I'm a little surprised you listened to me."
  783. >Glances at the papers
  784. >Back at you
  785. >"I'm proud of you."
  786. >Warm feelings
  787. >Heart pulses a little faster
  788. >You can't help but beam at her
  789. >It's rare that she says that
  790. >It's the first time
  791. >She's actually proud of you
  792. >Her hoof waves you over
  793. >And you get up from your seat
  794. >Bumping against the desk in your haste
  795. >Sending it scraping
  796. >She laughs
  797. >And you almost sprint to her
  798. >A small bounce in your step
  799. >"Why don't you bring your notes, too?"
  800. >Oh right
  801. >You'd almost forgotten
  802. >You were already halfway there
  803. >And quickly scramble back
  804. >Hands scrambling
  805. >Gathering the notebook
  806. >Pencil
  807. >Accidentally dropping the pencil
  808. >Picking it up
  809. >She giggles behind you
  810. >The notebook is in your hand
  811. >When you turn back towards her
  812. >Her shirt's unbuttoned
  813. >Spread
  814. >Purple fur underneath rising with her breaths
  815. >You step towards her
  816. >Smiling
  817. >Staring
  818. >Imagining that fur against you
  819. "D-do I get a reward for taking notes?"
  820. >She tilts her head
  821. >Eyes to the side
  822. >Pondering it
  823. >As you step up to her desk
  824. >Breathing a little heavily
  825. >Anticipating
  826. >"It's a little too early to tell if your notes were good."
  827. >Oh
  828. >"But..."
  829. >Jolt of energy
  830. >Eyes move down
  831. >Looking at you
  832. >Down your body
  833. >Tingling sensations
  834. >She licks her lips
  835. >"It might take some time to go over what you need..."
  836. >The world gets higher
  837. >Your feet tips
  838. >Point downwards
  839. >As you're lifted
  840. >Her magical hold is warm
  841. >Tickling over your skin
  842. >Like a gentle massage
  843. >She moves you slowly
  844. >Up
  845. >Over her desk
  846. >To her side
  847. >Dropping you down
  848. >Legs dangling
  849. >Her hold releases
  850. >And the air suddenly feels very cold
  851. >The desk very solid on your butt
  853. >You feel tugging on your hand
  854. >And you release
  855. >Turning your head
  856. >Your notes clack against the desk
  857. >Turns
  858. >Clack
  859. >Straightening
  860. >And she puts them before her
  861. >Laid flat
  862. >Edge parallel to the side of the desk
  863. >Perfectly
  864. >And looks at you
  865. >Her glasses make her eyes look bigger
  866. >Her hoof moves on your knee
  867. >You shiver
  868. >Her hoof isn't on anything but your knee
  869. >But you feel the anticipation
  870. >A tickling sensation between your legs
  871. >Your shaft stirring a little
  872. >Her other hoof moves to your other knee
  873. >Putting weight
  874. >Pressing your pants against the hard wood of her desk
  875. >And she slowly moves your legs apart
  876. >Amplifying that tingling anticipation
  877. >"So we'll have to make sure you're not distracted for that part."
  878. >Gulp
  879. >Her half lidded eyes
  880. >Lowing voice
  881. >Small smile
  882. >Sends your body shaking
  883. >Her hooves move closer in
  884. >Warm fur pressing against pants
  885. >Against skin
  886. >On your inner thigh
  887. >Small circular motions
  888. >Rubbing
  889. >Looking up at you
  890. >"How do you feel about doing this before we start so you're always focused?"
  891. >You nod vigorously
  892. >She moves one of her hooves in
  893. >Pressing in between your legs
  894. >Going lower
  895. >Her other falls to the ground
  896. >Thud
  897. >A prodding at your back
  898. >The tingling of her magic
  899. >Scoots you closer to the edge
  900. >Her hoof is under
  901. >Rubbing against your sack
  902. >Through your pants
  903. >Pushing up
  904. >Inwards
  905. >Lightly squeezing
  906. >You gasp
  907. >Body shivering
  908. >She smiles at you
  909. >Her hoof glides up
  910. >Rubbing against your confined shaft
  911. >Moving to the zipper
  912. >Ziiip
  913. >Cold draft
  914. >Sends you throbbing
  915. >Unbuttons
  916. >And your boxers are now visible
  917. >Her hoof moves in again
  918. >Prodding
  919. >Warm, soft sensations
  920. >You arch as she grips
  921. >Pulling it out again
  922. >She leans in
  923. >Inhales
  924. >Exhales
  925. >And pulls back
  926. >You glance at her
  927. >She wasn't going to use her mouth?
  928. >She scoots closer
  929. >Hoof on the side
  930. >Squeezing lightly at your shaft
  931. >"It's not a reward, Anon, just something to help you concentrate more."
  933. >She slides her hoof up
  934. >Brushing against the sensitive head
  935. >"After all, I wouldn't want you thinking of me all throughout our lesson. That wouldn't be very helpful."
  936. >She turns her head towards the desk
  937. >Towards your paper
  938. >Picks the top page
  939. >Down goes her hoof
  940. >She pulls it up vertically
  941. >Up goes her hoof
  942. >You grunt out
  943. >Creak
  944. >Drawer pulls out
  945. >Her hoof goes down and up
  946. >Still squeezing
  947. >She pulls out a pencil with magic
  948. >Up
  949. >Down
  950. >Pencil moves onto your paper
  951. >Up
  952. >Traces across your notes
  953. >Down
  954. >Up
  955. >Down
  956. >Up
  957. >Her strokes become rhythmic
  958. >Her pencil scratching
  959. >Tracing
  960. >Moving across your work
  961. >Her pace speeds up
  962. >She squeezes
  963. >Harder
  964. >Her smile fades
  965. >Flat line
  966. >Blinks
  967. >Several strokes
  968. >You clench teeth
  969. >Feel the familiar feeling
  970. >Paper goes down
  971. >Her squeezing gets tighter
  972. >You feel close
  973. >Almost
  974. >Just
  975. >She stops
  976. >Hoof on your tip
  977. >Moving to the top
  978. >Squeezing
  979. >Frowns
  980. >Scribbles
  981. >Your cock twitches
  982. "M-miss-"
  983. >"You wrote something wrong here."
  984. >She turns towards you
  985. >Picking up the paper
  986. >You're shivering
  987. >Wanting that feeling
  988. >Wanting to shoot it out
  989. >She looks down
  990. >Her hoof moves aside
  991. >And strokes at you
  992. >Faster than before
  993. >Shuffle
  994. >Paper drops
  995. >Her attention focuses
  996. >You feel it
  997. >Rising
  998. >Boiling
  999. >And you let the cap go
  1000. >Feeling your shaft throb against her
  1001. >She leans down when yo twitch
  1002. >Opens her mouth
  1003. >Brings it in
  1004. >But a little too later
  1005. >You shoot off a strand
  1006. >Gasping
  1007. >Feeling the amazing high
  1008. >Smelling that sweet scent
  1009. >The strand hits on her nose
  1010. >She leans in
  1011. >Mouth closing
  1012. >Head bobbing as you continue
  1013. >Spurt
  1014. >Spurt
  1015. >Gulp
  1016. >Pulls out
  1017. >The strand still on her nose
  1018. >She licks her lips
  1019. >Get ssome of it
  1020. >Smiling at you
  1021. >"Now you're able to devote all your attention to this, Anon."
  1022. >You just pant in response
  1023. >Leaning back
  1024. >Down
  1025. >Laying on the desk
  1026. >she rubs against you
  1027. >Before pulling her hooves back
  1029. >It feels so comfortable
  1030. >Just laying there
  1031. >Breathing
  1032. >"Anon?"
  1033. >Slower and slower
  1034. >The ceiling above is pretty
  1035. >A little too bright
  1036. >But still your eyelids droop
  1037. >They're suddenly a bit heavier
  1038. >The desk is hard against your back
  1039. >And the air is a little cold after her touch
  1040. >But the afterglow
  1041. >The idea of being with her
  1042. >Her warmth
  1043. >Even now
  1044. >As her hoof prods against your leg
  1045. >Makes you not mind too much
  1046. >You blink
  1047. >A little longer than usual
  1048. >She taps
  1049. >You close your eyes
  1050. >She nudges
  1051. >Just for a moment
  1052. >"Anon..?"
  1053. >Her voice just fades away
  1054. >Your breathing slows
  1055. >Something lifts you
  1056. >You hear slight swishing
  1057. >A click
  1058. >Darkness
  1059. >A slight hum
  1060. >Before you drift off
  1062. >"Anon?"
  1063. >Soft whispering
  1064. >Breaths against your skin
  1065. >It's not an abrupt wakeup
  1066. >Nothing like an alarm
  1067. >Or your parents
  1068. >But like whenever you slept in
  1069. >And just faded back into the world
  1070. >Rested
  1071. >Alert
  1072. >Your eyes blink open
  1073. >And a dull purple glow greets you
  1074. >She's smiling a little
  1075. >You regain your feelings
  1076. >Feel soft fabric around you
  1077. >Get up
  1078. >You were on her chair
  1079. >Wrapped in her jacket
  1080. >"Did you have a good nap?"
  1081. >You blink
  1082. >She just...let you sleep?
  1083. >Her horn's glow subsides
  1084. >She turns on the light
  1085. >It blinds for a moment
  1086. >Pure whiteness
  1087. >And as the world fades in
  1088. >You see your teacher
  1089. >Smiling in front of you
  1090. >Mane a little frazzled
  1091. >Shirt in disarray
  1092. >And she smells so sweet
  1093. >Like that first time just two days ago
  1094. >You nod
  1095. >Yawning
  1096. >She brings a hoof against you
  1097. >Rubbing against your face
  1098. >"I reviewed your notes while you were sleeping."
  1099. "How long was-"
  1100. >"Just 10 minutes."
  1101. >Not too bad
  1102. >It didn't feel like 10 minutes
  1103. >It felt like
  1104. >12 hours
  1105. >You stretch
  1106. >Your hands out of the warmth of her jacket
  1107. >Into the cool air
  1108. >Arching your back
  1109. >"We have a lot to go over. Since you slept, I hope you don't mind if we stay a little longer?"
  1110. >A thousand times no
  1111. >You shake your heads
  1112. >Trying for a thousand
  1113. >She just giggles
  1115. >She unfolds the jacket
  1116. >Letting you out
  1117. >You notice your pants are gone
  1118. >Any boxers with them
  1119. >You look down in surprise
  1120. >Scanning around
  1121. >"What are you looking for?"
  1122. >A few moments
  1123. >Not on her desk
  1124. >Under her desk
  1125. >Under her chair
  1126. "Where are my pants?"
  1127. >"You can put them on when we're done for today."
  1128. >She glances down
  1129. >Between your legs
  1130. >Smiling
  1131. >She's not wanting more is she?
  1132. >Not that you wouldn't want to
  1133. >But you don't feel like it
  1134. >So soon
  1135. >It feels like nothing's happening
  1136. >Just emptiness
  1137. >"You can sit on my chair while we go over this."
  1138. >Not like you mind
  1139. >And you get back on the chair
  1140. >It's one of those soft fuzzy ones
  1141. >That spin around
  1142. >And can bounce up and down a little
  1143. >Not like the solid plastic chairs the students have
  1144. >A force pushes you gently forwards
  1145. >Towards her desk
  1146. >Where your papers were
  1147. >In addition to some more
  1148. >Hers
  1149. >Full of her writing
  1150. >Notes
  1151. >Questions
  1152. >"I'm glad you took notes on what I talked about today."
  1153. >Her hoof moves over your shoulders
  1154. >You wrap her jacket around you
  1155. >It's a little cold without it
  1156. >Especially with no pants
  1157. >Getting snuggly
  1158. >She wraps her hoof around your neck
  1159. >On your shoulders
  1160. >Gently rubbing
  1161. >Her sweet scent is really strong here
  1162. >You can't but glance back
  1163. >She notices
  1164. >Flicks her head towards you
  1165. >Sees your eyes
  1166. >Gives a short laugh
  1167. >Flicks her tail
  1168. >You turn away
  1169. "I-it just smells, uhm, really good."
  1170. >She smiles at you
  1171. >That warm smile
  1172. >"We can't both be distracted now, can we? I had to take care of myself while you were asleep."
  1173. >That sends shivers through your body for some reason
  1174. >Her hoof rubs against you
  1175. >"Don't worry."
  1176. >Her head leans in
  1177. >"If you pass the quiz tomorrow, I'll show you how."
  1178. >Your heart jumps a little
  1179. >You're a lot more alert now
  1180. >She pulls up your paper
  1181. >Leans away
  1182. >Your head leans in towards her
  1183. >Wanting her scent
  1184. >Her breath against your skin
  1185. >She adjusts her glasses
  1186. >Too far
  1187. >You'd fall leaning that far
  1188. >And instead turn towards the paper in front
  1189. >The first page
  1191. >"I saw a couple things that I wanted to go over."
  1192. >Her voice shifts a little
  1193. >A little more concerned
  1194. >You glance up at her
  1195. >Fear creeping up
  1196. >But she squashes them away
  1197. >When she strokes your shoulder
  1198. >Turns towards you
  1199. >"Don't worry, that's what teachers are for. I'll be here to help as long as you want to learn."
  1200. >It's almost like nothing she says wouldn't make you feel warm
  1201. >Fuzzy
  1202. >Nice inside
  1203. "Thank you."
  1204. >She glances
  1205. >Head slightly turned
  1206. >Smiles
  1207. >It looks really nice from the side
  1208. >"Don't you worry, Anon, we'll make a scholar out of you yet."
  1209. >A pencil floats up
  1210. >Glowing in her magical grasp
  1211. >And she points to a few things
  1212. >"I think I might know the problem, Anon."
  1213. >Huh?
  1214. >"But I have to be sure."
  1215. >Now you're curious
  1216. >The problem?
  1217. >She flips your notes over
  1218. >You don't write on the back
  1219. >Because then you have to flip things over
  1220. >And it gets really annoying
  1221. >You never liked paper
  1222. >But how could you write things without paper?
  1223. >She scribbles something down
  1224. >A simple double integral
  1225. >A simple cosine inside
  1226. >cos(xy)
  1227. >Way simpler than the material you're learning
  1228. >It reminds you a little of last year
  1229. >Where the teacher was nowhere as nice
  1230. >"Do you think you can do this?"
  1231. >Her voice is soft
  1232. >Gentle
  1233. >Not at all disappointed
  1234. >Or stern
  1235. >You look at it
  1236. >She hands you the pencil
  1237. >You venture an arm out
  1238. >She scoots you in when you can't reach
  1239. >It's cold in the air
  1240. >The pencil scratches against the paper
  1241. >Sending little vibrations through your hand
  1242. >You didn't try to make a mark
  1243. >It just slid
  1244. >But the memories come flooding back
  1245. >Failing
  1246. >Not doing well
  1247. >Teachers yelling
  1248. >And
  1249. >Not understanding a single thing of it
  1250. >You stare at the simple equation
  1251. >Breathing a little faster
  1252. >"It's alright."
  1253. >She gently pulls the pencil out
  1254. >"It looks like your earlier teachers never helped you."
  1255. >You look at her
  1256. >A little confused
  1257. >"I don't know whose fault it is. But I'm going to catch you up, every day, until you're ready."
  1259. "Really?"
  1260. >She nods
  1261. >Holds you into her
  1262. >Drops the pencil
  1263. >"I'm going to try my best, Anon."
  1264. >And wraps both hooves around you
  1265. >Her cheek pressing against yours
  1266. >For a few moments
  1267. >Holding
  1268. >Warm fur
  1269. >Thick smell
  1270. >And she releases
  1271. >Leaving a cool spot on your skin
  1272. >Or at least
  1273. >It feels cooler now that her warmth isn't on it
  1274. >Something pops up in your mind
  1275. >As you look back at the paper
  1276. "S-since you say I'm behind..."
  1277. >She glances at you
  1278. >Raises an eyebrow
  1279. >You pause
  1280. >Not sure if you want to continue
  1281. >And she gives you a smile
  1282. >"Go ahead, Anon."
  1283. >Soft voice
  1284. >She always manages to be so gentle and nice
  1285. >It gives you a little confidence
  1286. "Will I have to take the quiz tomorrow?"
  1287. >She smiles
  1288. >Ponders it a while
  1289. >"Well..."
  1290. >You lean forwards
  1291. >Her hoof on your shoulders holds you back
  1292. >Just a little bit
  1293. >"I can't in good conscience let a student not take a quiz."
  1294. >Oh
  1295. >"Quizzes are important, and they help you learn the material."
  1296. >But she-
  1297. >"However."
  1298. >You perk up
  1299. >"I will let you do a different quiz."
  1300. >You look at her
  1301. >A little confused
  1302. >"It'll be easier, and based on what we learn today."
  1303. >Your heart leaps a little
  1304. >Wow, she was really nice
  1305. >"Only if you try, though."
  1306. "I will, Miss Twilight!"
  1307. >She giggles
  1308. >Your voice did seem a little loud suddenly
  1309. >And she brings a hoof up against your cheeks
  1310. >Brushing it
  1311. >Lingering there
  1312. >Just looking into you
  1313. >Your eyes
  1314. >Staring through her glasses
  1315. >You're not sure why
  1316. >But you don't mind
  1317. >It feels...fuzzy
  1318. >Fluttery inside you
  1319. >She moves her hoof down
  1320. >And turns towards the paper in front of you
  1321. "So what are we going to learn?"
  1322. >"We're going to go backwards until I find you can do a problem."
  1323. >That might take a while
  1324. "Can't you just go from the beginning?"
  1325. >She glances back at you
  1326. >Eyes slightly wide
  1327. >"What?"
  1328. >She looks shocked
  1329. >It's surprising to you
  1330. >And for the first time you see your teacher a little frazzled
  1331. >Sure, her mane was in disarray
  1332. >And her shirt
  1333. >And...panties on the floor
  1334. >But she always had composure in class
  1336. >You shirk back a little at her words
  1337. >Just a little
  1338. "What if I don't-"
  1339. >"Anon, the Canterlot education system has been around for millennia. I understand a few teachers, but all of them?"
  1340. >Pause
  1341. >Nod
  1342. >She looks at you
  1343. >And her surprised expression fades a little
  1344. >"You're not doing it for an easy quiz, are you?"
  1345. >Shake
  1346. "N-no."
  1347. >She keeps her gaze on you
  1348. >Tilting her head down just a little
  1349. >Glasses falling on her nose
  1350. >"Are you sure?"
  1351. >Nod
  1352. >"Why don't we just try to see what you need to know, first?"
  1353. >Slow nod
  1354. >It's not really that scary
  1355. >Even if she realizes you don't know anything
  1356. >She'll always be the kind Miss Twilight you know
  1357. >You put on a smile
  1358. >Just to put her at ease
  1359. >She smiles back
  1360. >"Alright, Anon. If you don't know this double integral, do you know the single one?"
  1361. >She rubs out the dy
  1362. >The first integral
  1363. >The y
  1364. >Leaving a simple integral of cos(x)
  1365. >Which you don't really know about either
  1366. >You briefly remember something
  1367. >About maybe triangles
  1368. >Or circles
  1369. >But nothing beyond that
  1370. >Maybe something about a parallelogram
  1371. >You shake your head
  1372. >And she sighs
  1373. >Scrubs out the integral sign
  1374. >"Do you know what this is?"
  1375. "What's x?"
  1376. >She rubs it out
  1377. >Replaces it with 90
  1378. >You briefly remember this from two years ago
  1379. >There's something about circles
  1380. >About drawing a line and moving it around
  1381. >"Anon?"
  1382. "Yeah?"
  1383. >You look at her
  1384. >She looks a little concerned
  1385. >"Do you really not..."
  1386. >She glances down at the paper
  1387. >Even if she's nice about it
  1388. >You can't help but feel a little shame
  1389. "I'm s-sorry."
  1390. >She brings a hoof on your shoulder
  1391. >Gently letting it rest there
  1392. >Feeling warm
  1393. >"I-It's alright, I'm just surprised. How did you ever manage to do all the homeworks?"
  1394. >Uhhhh
  1395. >Maybe you'd completely break her trust if you told her
  1396. >Or maybe she'd understand?
  1397. "T-they're all in the book."
  1398. >Hopefully passable?
  1399. >She raises an eyebrow
  1400. >"No, Anon, most of them are not. I made them myself."
  1402. "U-uhm, t-they're..."
  1403. >Your voice trails off as she looks at you
  1404. >Eyes not quite glaring
  1405. >But the disappointment is there
  1406. >She must've realized by now
  1407. >Her hoof gets off of you
  1408. >Leaving a very cold spot behind
  1409. >"Anon..."
  1410. >The voice sounds soft
  1411. >Still firm
  1412. >"I can't help you if you lie to me."
  1413. >You avert her gaze
  1414. >Looking to the side
  1415. >At the desk
  1416. >At the wall
  1417. >Anything but her
  1418. >Trying to think
  1419. >Both of her hooves landing on your shoulders stills you
  1420. >And you look back at her
  1421. >Softer eyes
  1422. >A worried expression
  1423. >"Please."
  1424. >You close your eyes
  1425. >Take a little deep breath
  1426. "I-I had some help."
  1427. >You squint
  1428. >Waiting
  1429. >A shout
  1430. >A reprimand
  1431. >Maybe even a hit
  1432. >But nothing
  1433. >You peek open an eye
  1434. >And she's in front of you
  1435. >On eye level, closer, weight on your shoulders pushing down
  1436. >"Did you copy the homeworks?"
  1437. "Y-yes."
  1438. >Your heart wrenches
  1439. >Lurches
  1440. >Scared, worrying about this
  1441. >Would she leave you now?
  1442. >She just holds still
  1443. >Looking at your eyes
  1444. >While you look back into hers
  1445. >She breaks it first
  1446. >Closing her eyes
  1447. >Giving a long exhale
  1448. >"Anon, I'm disappointed."
  1449. >Your heart sinks a little
  1450. >And you just want to curl up
  1451. >Hide away for a bit
  1452. >You can't believe you admitted to that
  1453. >"But."
  1454. >Huh?
  1455. >"I'm glad you told me the truth."
  1456. >A small smile
  1457. >A little sad
  1458. >Bittersweet
  1459. >But it's still there
  1460. >"From now on, I want you to be entirely truthful, okay?"
  1461. >You nod
  1462. >Slowly
  1463. "I promise I will."
  1464. >Even if a big part of you feels shame
  1465. >There's a small part that feels a little safer
  1466. >You just told her that you cheated
  1467. >And she's...
  1468. >There still
  1469. >In front of you
  1470. >You look into her eyes
  1471. >Lean into her
  1472. >Arms out
  1473. >Wrapping around her neck
  1474. "I'm sorry, Miss Twilight."
  1475. >She's silent for a moment
  1476. >Before bringing her hoof up against you
  1477. >Brushing your back
  1478. >"I understand, Anon. I know that it's hard to admit that you don't understand something."
  1479. >She grips you a little tight
  1480. >"But you have to never cheat again, alright?"
  1482. >You nuzzle against her fur for a little
  1483. "I promise, Miss Twilight."
  1484. >And you try to reciprocate her squeeze
  1485. >It feels weird
  1486. >Like opening up
  1487. >Letting her in
  1488. >You somehow feel a little closer
  1489. >Telling her something that any teacher wouldn't have liked to hear
  1490. >Her hoof brushes against your back
  1491. >Rubbing it
  1492. >Moving around your shoulders
  1493. >"I forgive you, anon."
  1494. >And she breaks the hug
  1495. >Pulling back as your hands try to find purchase
  1496. >Sadly, to no avail
  1497. >She's in front of you
  1498. >Glancing back at the paper
  1499. >And then at the closed windows
  1500. >"Let's get back to it. It's getting late, and your parents might want you back soon."
  1501. >She smiles
  1502. >You nod
  1503. >Even though you'd rather spend your nights with her
  1504. >You wonder what it'd be like
  1505. >Going home with her
  1506. >Staying over with her
  1507. >Smelling her when you wake
  1508. >You sniff at the air
  1509. >Taking in her scent again
  1510. >She raises her eyebrow
  1511. >"Let's focus here."
  1512. >She swishes her tail behind her
  1513. >Oh
  1514. >Somehow you're looking back again
  1515. >You focus on the paper before you
  1516. >She scribbles a little circle on it
  1517. >"Do you know the relationship between this circle and the trigonometric functions?"
  1518. >She draws a line
  1519. >A number
  1520. >45
  1521. >And numbers underneath
  1522. "N-no."
  1523. >She blinks
  1524. >"Imagine a triangle, Anon."
  1525. >Scribble
  1526. >"Do you see this point between the origin and the edge of the circle?"
  1527. >The origin is the center of the graph
  1528. >You know that much at least
  1529. >She leans a little closer into you as she continues on
  1530. >Her magic taking care of the pencil
  1531. >The air gets slightly warmer
  1532. "Yeah?"
  1533. >"It's always 1. And because we hold it constant, we can solve for the other sides given the angle. Do you remember how?"
  1534. >Her smell gets a little stronger
  1535. >You shake your head
  1536. >She scribbles something on the top
  1537. >"If you remember that you can solve for a different side of a triangle using only one angle and another side, you can do it easily."
  1538. >This makes a lot more sense than the normal things she teaches
  1539. >Even if it's a little difficult for you
  1541. >She puts her weight on you as she continues
  1542. >A hoof reaching under her
  1543. >Moving behind her
  1544. >As you look back to see where it goes
  1545. >She pinches your cheek slightly with her hoof
  1546. >Turning you forward again
  1547. >Several formulas on it
  1548. >"The sine will always be the y component of this circle, and the cosine the x component."
  1549. >She labels it so
  1550. >She's really putting more weight on you
  1551. >Using you to stabilize herself
  1552. >You just nod
  1553. >"What do you think happens to the value of sin as I go around the circle?"
  1554. >0
  1555. >1
  1556. >0
  1557. >-1
  1558. >0
  1559. "It goes up and down from -1 and 1, doesn't it?"
  1560. >She smiles at you
  1561. >Her hoof returns to the front
  1562. >The fade around the pencil dims
  1563. >Dropping it onto the desk in front of you
  1564. >Her horn is still alight
  1565. >"If I told you cosine was the x value, what would happen to it?"
  1566. >A small sound
  1567. >Reminds you of the first time she taught you math
  1568. >Except this time you understand it
  1569. >And trace the value as you rotate around the circle
  1570. "It's the same thing."
  1571. >"Not quite, Anon."
  1572. >What's different?
  1573. >It just went-
  1574. >Oh
  1575. "It starts at 1."
  1576. >"Good job."
  1577. >She smiles at you
  1578. >"I'm really glad you're understanding this."
  1579. >There's a faint blush on her
  1580. >You remember now
  1581. >She does this when she talks about math for some reason
  1582. >And you smell her again
  1583. >"Now, if you think of the angle as the x axis in a graph, and the value of sine as the y value, what do you think it would look like?"
  1584. >She nudges you forward a little
  1585. >Watching
  1586. >Your hand grips the pencil
  1587. >It's a little warm
  1588. >And draw a cross
  1589. >A 1
  1590. >A 0
  1591. >A -1
  1592. >Zig zagging
  1593. >"Almost, anon."
  1594. >What could be wrong?
  1595. >"Do you see on the circle how y goes up slower?"
  1596. >You have a hard time imagining that
  1597. >What would it even look like?
  1598. >She gives you a few moments
  1599. >Before taking the pencil
  1600. >Pulling it from your hands
  1601. >And drawing a curve
  1602. >"We call this a sine curve, Anon. See how it goes slower when it's nearer to 1?"
  1603. >She points towards the circle
  1604. >You swear she's getting a little short of breath
  1605. >Breathing a little hard
  1607. >The pencil wavers just a little bit
  1608. >Dropping
  1609. >"What happens when you take the derivative of sin with respect to the angle?"
  1610. >You stare at her blankly
  1611. >And your eyes gaze into each other
  1612. >If only for a brief moment
  1613. >She readjusts her glasses
  1614. >"W-well, the derivative is the rate of change, so how much is the y changing at 0?"
  1615. "A lot."
  1616. >"And here?"
  1617. >She points a hoof at the crest
  1618. "Not much?"
  1619. >"So how would you map this?"
  1620. >You draw points
  1621. >Zig zag
  1622. >Remember what she did
  1623. >Made it look curvy
  1624. >She grins at you
  1625. >Eyes almost glinting
  1626. >"And what does this curve look like?"
  1627. "Like the sine but to the side."
  1628. >"A-and what function is the same but-"
  1629. "Cosine!"
  1630. >She beams at you
  1631. >And you feel happy
  1632. >She leans heavily into you
  1633. >Her hoof reaching forwards
  1634. >Across your chest
  1635. >Head leaning in
  1636. >"Really good, Anon. And remember how the integral and antiderivatives are similar?"
  1637. >Your mind almost floods instantaneously with understanding
  1638. >You glance at her
  1639. >Eyes wide
  1640. >She blinks
  1641. "The integral of cosine is sine!"
  1642. >She nods
  1643. >You feel really proud of yourself
  1644. >Even if it was simple
  1645. >Something small
  1646. >You actually understood something
  1647. >For what seems like the first time
  1648. >Not just following along with her
  1649. >Not just listening
  1650. >And nodding
  1651. >And feigning understanding
  1652. >"I want you to study these tonight, Anon."
  1653. >You glance at the time
  1654. >And it was already getting late
  1655. >You didn't realize
  1656. "O-oh."
  1657. >"We have a lot of catching up to do, and I don't think I can help you by the end of the semester."
  1658. >W-what?
  1659. >"And I can't have you being distracted thinking of me all the time."
  1660. >This is sudden
  1661. >What is she hinting-
  1662. >"So I want you to go home and ask your parents if I could give you extended tutoring."
  1663. >Pause
  1664. >Beat
  1665. >And your heart leaps
  1666. >More time with her?
  1667. "Really?"
  1668. >"Yes, really."
  1669. >She leans on top of you
  1670. >Cheeks against your head
  1671. >Hoof reaching down
  1672. >"And I can help you if you feel distracted while studying."
  1673. >Across your stomach
  1674. >To your waist
  1675. >"Would you like that?"
  1677. "Yes, Miss Twilight!"
  1678. >She stills her hoof
  1679. >Just against yours
  1680. >Leans in
  1681. >Kisses you on the head
  1682. >You bring you hands around her hoof
  1683. >Hugging it
  1684. >Holding it
  1685. >Like a soft pillow
  1686. >"Do you feel a little distracted now?"
  1687. >Nod
  1688. >She brings it down
  1689. >You feel fur slide against skin
  1690. >Against stomach
  1691. >Chest
  1692. >Arms
  1693. >Hands
  1694. >And she flicks down between your legs
  1695. >Sending that familiar rush of pleasure
  1696. >And just holding there
  1697. >"Remember when you took a nap and I took care of myself?"
  1698. "Y-yeah?"
  1699. >Her hoof flicks against you
  1700. >"I get distracted, too, anon."
  1701. >A smile
  1702. >A tail flick
  1703. >And you feel yourself erect
  1704. >Prodding against her hooves
  1705. >She rolls it around
  1706. >Side to side
  1707. >Up and down
  1708. >And retreats
  1709. >Your hands grip her hoof tightly
  1710. >She gives you a small smile
  1711. >"I really like teaching you, Anon. And I'm glad to have you as my student."
  1712. >Weird time to say it
  1713. >But
  1714. >At the same time it feels right
  1715. >She nuzzles her cheeks against you
  1716. >Hoof rubbing against your stomach
  1717. >"So I'm sorry if I get distracted whenever I try to teach you."
  1718. >She pulls back
  1719. >Leaning back
  1720. >Your grip loosens
  1721. >Lets her go
  1722. >Because you know she'll come back
  1723. >"But we can help each other with our distractions. And I can teach you how to help with mine."
  1724. >Her small smile
  1725. >Ignites something in you
  1726. >Both in your heart
  1727. >And your loins
  1728. >She sits down
  1729. >On her haunches
  1730. >Beckons you
  1731. >You pull down her jacket
  1732. >Letting the cool air down around you
  1733. >Getting up
  1734. >Off
  1735. >She pulls you in
  1736. >Hooves wrapping around you
  1737. >Your eyes are level with hers in this position
  1738. >And your cheeks against each other
  1739. >Holding
  1740. >Just naturally
  1741. >A hoof on your head
  1742. >Slowly moving you down
  1743. >You feel her body slowly separating
  1744. >Leaning back
  1745. >Her scent getting stronger
  1746. >Stronger
  1747. >Nose moves past her chest
  1748. >Past her stomach
  1749. >To her skirt
  1750. >You don't need to do anything
  1751. >Her magic lifts her skirt
  1752. >Revealing her white panties underneath
  1753. >Wet
  1754. >See through
  1755. >Her source of her sweet smell
  1756. >Right in front of you
  1757. >Filling your nose
  1758. >Permeating the air around
  1760. >Her hoof guides your head
  1761. >Moving you in
  1762. >Against her panties
  1763. >Nose touching
  1764. >Smelling it
  1765. >Sweetness
  1766. >All around
  1767. >Her legs shuffle
  1768. >Moving closer
  1769. >Clasping around you
  1770. >And it feels right, natural, just normal
  1771. >To stick your tongue out
  1772. >And bring it against the wet fabric
  1773. >You feel a gentle tingling sensation
  1774. >Her magic warms you
  1775. >Wrapping around your shaft
  1776. >Rubbing against it
  1777. >As your tongue easily glides against the wetness
  1778. >It's like thick sugary water
  1779. >Sticky against your tongue
  1780. >But tasting so good
  1781. >So right
  1782. >Her legs on either side clamp against you
  1783. >Her magic releases on her skirt
  1784. >Covering you
  1785. >You don't see much
  1786. >Just feel the warmth
  1787. >The gentle stroking
  1788. >Wetness before you
  1789. >You chance something
  1790. >As her hoof moves you in
  1791. >Pushing you against her
  1792. >You open your mouth
  1793. >Retrieve your tongue
  1794. >Bite against the top of her panties
  1795. >And pull
  1796. >She realizes
  1797. >Relaxes her hold
  1798. >Lets you move it down
  1799. >Just a little
  1800. >Just to reveal with little light her slit
  1801. >Almost glinting in the relative darkness under her skirt
  1802. >You let go
  1803. >Her magic grips her panties
  1804. >Pulling it a little further
  1805. >Her hoof holds your head
  1806. >Not forcing
  1807. >Not shoving
  1808. >Just
  1809. >Lightly guiding
  1810. >Suggesting where you should go
  1811. >And you let her
  1812. >You let her bring you in
  1813. >Bring your lips against hers
  1814. >Wet tongue against her folds
  1815. >Lap
  1816. >Her legs shiver
  1817. >Her magic squeezes you
  1818. >You hear her gasp out
  1819. >You want more
  1820. >Need more
  1821. >And your tongue reflects that desire
  1822. >Worming in
  1823. >Digging into her
  1824. >Her hoof is a little more forceful
  1825. >Holding you in
  1826. >Her magical stroking quickens
  1827. >Almost a vibration on you
  1828. >Your tongue parts her
  1829. >The tip flicks against the inside
  1830. >She moans out
  1831. >Lap
  1832. >Cry
  1833. >Lick
  1834. >Gasp
  1835. >Like you're playing with her
  1836. >Enjoying her
  1837. >Letting her enjoy herself
  1838. >Nothing like the first time
  1839. >You know what you want this time
  1840. >Your tongue recedes
  1841. >Lapping across her slit
  1842. >In again
  1843. >Flicking inside
  1844. >You feel her stroking waver
  1845. >Her magic throbs against your shaft
  1846. >Fading in and out
  1847. >Gripping unevenly
  1849. >You face grinds against her
  1850. >Boosting your tongue
  1851. >Thrusting
  1852. >Lapping
  1853. >Licking
  1854. >Her body convulses
  1855. >Her magic fades
  1856. >Legs crushing against you
  1857. >Hoof shoving you in
  1858. >She gives a soft yell
  1859. >And you feel her fluids rush out
  1860. >Pouring onto your lips
  1861. >Into your mouth
  1862. >Splashing on your cheeks
  1863. >And you savor it
  1864. >As she did yours
  1865. >Keeping it in your mouth
  1866. >Filling more
  1867. >More
  1868. >Until she relaxes
  1869. >And you pull back
  1870. >Her fluids in your mouth
  1871. >It's a lot
  1872. >And it's a little difficult to-
  1873. >You accidentally gulp it down when her magic grips you again
  1874. >And starts stroking you in full force
  1875. >You see her on the ground
  1876. >Head turned up
  1877. >Towards you
  1878. >Hooves on her side
  1879. >Legs spread
  1880. >Panting
  1881. >But she still regains enough focus
  1882. >You feel that familiar feeling rise
  1883. >Almost to the brim
  1884. >Your body quivers
  1885. >Shakes
  1886. >She lifts her skirt
  1887. >And you grunt out as she coaxes you
  1888. >Brings
  1889. >No
  1890. >Shoves you over the edge
  1891. >You give a soft moan
  1892. >Your own fluids spurting out
  1893. >Some of it lands on her skirt
  1894. >Her fur
  1895. >Around her slit
  1896. >Wetting it further
  1897. >Before she drops her skirt down
  1898. >Pulls up her panties
  1899. >You stumble forward
  1900. >Her chest rises and falls
  1901. >Looking like a nice
  1902. >Soft
  1903. >Breathing
  1904. >Pillow
  1905. >As you lean forwards
  1906. >Her arms outstretched
  1907. >You fall into her
  1908. >She wraps you in her hold
  1909. >And her soft fur meets your face
  1910. >Warmth
  1911. >From all around
  1912. >She hugs you tightly
  1913. >You don't see it
  1914. >But you know she's smiling at you
  1915. >Looking at you with those wonderful eyes
  1916. >Bright purple
  1917. >Brilliant eyes
  1918. >The two of you hold there
  1919. >For a few moments
  1920. >Maybe longer
  1921. >Just breathing with each other
  1922. >Catching your breaths
  1923. >Taking in her scent
  1924. >It takes a while
  1925. >But she soon taps you
  1926. >"Your parents could be worried, Anon."
  1927. "Mmm."
  1928. >You really don't want to leave this comfortable position
  1929. >Just stay here
  1930. >Soft forever
  1931. >She shifts
  1932. >Pushing you up
  1933. >You try not to budge
  1934. >"If you come early tomorrow, I can help again."
  1935. >You look up
  1936. >She's smiling at you
  1937. >And you smile back
  1938. "Yes, please."
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