
Graviton villain group

Aug 27th, 2015
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  1. Graviton; M, Unicorn,
  2. CM: Two gas giants
  3. Talent: gravity mastery and manipulation. Can be raised to full on spatial with augmentation. He possesses a short cut black mane and a dark green coat and Amber eyes. He is a fervent believer that pony-kind does not need alicorns to lead them.
  5. Temporal; M, Unicorn
  6. CM: Broken Clock face
  7. Talent: Minor time manipulation (reversing or stopping it for up to 15 seconds) can be augmented to time rewriting or time travel. Graviton's younger brother
  9. Show Stopper; F, Pegasus
  10. CM: a stage
  11. Talent: Extraordinarily talented actress and ventriloquist. Can nearly flawlessly impersonate a pony and is capable of minor glamour magics to make her appearance match theirs
  13. Iron Eyes: M, Griffon
  14. Appearance: Resembles a Peregrine Falcon than an eagle
  15. Talent: Master sharpshooter and tracker. He was hired by Grav to act as muscle as well as to help show multi species unity. Has a distaste for ponies and royalty in general and thus can find more common ground with Graviton
  17. Dynamo: F, Two Horned Unicorn.
  18. Appearance: Pale yellow with a frazzled black and white mane, she possesses two horns and a slightly manic look.
  19. CM: A lightning storm
  20. Ability: Unrivaled Electricity manipulation. Her horns usually appear to act like Tesla coils ad electricity arcs between them. Her innate electrical talent has overworked her brain into causing a verbal tic where she repeats the last word of a sentence.
  22. Lucha & Libre; M&F Twin Earth Ponies,
  23. CM: A Wrestling ring and a set of Ring ropes
  24. Appearance: Lucha possesses a baby blue coat with light blonde mane and a green and red luchadore mask and tights. Libre has a red coat with a green mane and a blue and yellow mask and tights.
  25. Talent; The Duo are the former top wrestlers of the Marexico Lucha Libre Alliance and thus are skilled in the art of high flying combat and other acrobatic routines.
  27. Xolotl; M Quetzalcoatl
  28. Appearance: Orange with green and gold markings along his feathered body.
  29. Talent; One of the few known members of the formerly dominant race of South Amareica that was wiped out by a dragon migration, he is a very reclusive and mysterious one, possessing unholy affinities towards blood and death magics as his once sacrifice crazed race was thought to though he also is quite skilled with fire and lightning when nessecary.
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