
All Abuse Is Bad

Jul 8th, 2014
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  1. What rubbish, emotional abuse is far worse than physical abuse. It is only emotional abuse that results in suicides, mainly of husbands. Why do you think there are all these 'murder-suicides' of entire families - it is years of emotional abuse that eats away at a man's soul until he cracks. Its not pretty, and far worse than a bruise. .
  3. I support Theresa May's suggestion. No one knows how it feels to be emotionally, mentally and financially abused unless they have experienced it. A lot of women in mental hospital are there because of emotional and mental abuse. These women have not experienced any physical form, but they have lost their MINDS. The mind of a person is their biggest and most important ASSET. Anyone who looses a limb in an act of violence, can still lead a fruitful life, but anyone who looses their mind with their whole body intact, is a good as dead. For anyone experiencing non-physical abuse, I will suggest they do the following: 1. keep a diary of the incidents 2. Discreetly do an audio recording of the incidents 3. Monitor and record how the abuse is affecting you and has affected you in other areas of your life- work, college, relationship with others, your view of the world etc 4. Report it to your doctor 5. Leave if the abuse continues. These sort of abuse takes a while to show.
  5. Well done to the government. This is fantastic news for all DV victims. This is what we have been waiting for. I am appalled that anybody would think that this progress 'waters down' the crime!!!! Domestic Violence is a hidden crime, and finally the government have found the key to exposing it. I am a survivor of DV, 4 decades of it, my childhood and two marriages, and I too have worked for an organisation supporting victims. I was abused by one husband for 17 years. This included emotional, sexual, physical and financial abuse. The most damaging thing he did to me was BULLY me 24/7. Yes, he raped me, he held a knife to my throat and he beat the children. But the biggest scar I have, after the guilt regarding the children, is from the bullying - EMOTIONAL ABUSE IS THE POWER BEHIND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. I have written to David Cameron with my suggestions for programmes in schools, to help teach children what is and isn't acceptable at home. This is the only way to break the chain.
  7. Well done to the government. This is fantastic news for all DV victims. This is what we have been waiting for. I am appalled that anybody would think that this progress 'waters down' the crime!!!! Domestic Violence is a hidden crime, and finally the government have found the key to exposing it. I am a survivor of DV, 4 decades of it, my childhood and two marriages, and I too have worked for an organisation supporting victims. I was abused by one husband for 17 years. This included emotional, sexual, physical and financial abuse. The most damaging thing he did to me was BULLY me 24/7. Yes, he raped me, he held a knife to my throat and he beat the children. But the biggest scar I have, after the guilt regarding the children, is from the bullying - EMOTIONAL ABUSE IS THE POWER BEHIND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. I have written to David Cameron with my suggestions for programmes in schools, to help teach children what is and isn't acceptable at home. This is the only way to break the chain.
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