
rayman 2 versions

Sep 18th, 2016
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  1. Rayman 2 versions:
  3. N64 - First version released, all levels are there. Runs at the framerate typical for an N64 game.
  5. PC - Basically the N64 version but with a smoother framerate, faster loads as well as some exclusive skips not present on N64.
  7. Dreamcast - What is often considered to be the best version of Rayman 2, with much cleaner graphics and a near-constant 60fps all the way through unlike the other versions.
  9. PS1 - An awful port and basically the worst version of Rayman 2. Graphics are very bad compared to N64, several levels have been truncated, shortened beyond belief and some levels are completely missing altogether or simply merged with existing levels. Because of this, the PS1 version only has 800 Lums in the game as opposed to the normal 1000 from every other version. The final boss fight has been changed completely from every other version as well.
  11. PS2 - A remake on the PS2 that ditched the SMW-like level select hub for a more open free-roam hub. The levels themselves remain mostly unchanged, however the two stages in The Top of The World are a mini-game that is a part of The Echoing Caves, and The Precipice and Echoing Caves had some stages swapped (according to the RaymanPC wiki). However no stages have been shortened or outright removed like in the PS1 version.
  13. Rayman DS - A port of the N64 version for the original DS. It has the same low-quality MIDI soundtrack as well as some technical issues not present on N64.
  15. Rayman 3D - Basically a port of the Dreamcast version on 3DS, not much else to say. However, because the fucking geniuses at Ubisoft didn't bother testing the game before release, the web trampoline that leads to the secret 1000th Lum is glitched and doesn't bounce you, making the 1000th Lum impossible to get unless you do a glitchy damage boost off a spider on the wall to get up there.
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