
Shadows app

Apr 8th, 2015
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  1. Henry Black-heart or now known as "Shadow" Has a more in depth background than the most of the Black-hearts or royal family. Henry's full name was Henry Black-heart Hikes, the third and he had 3 siblings, William Black-heart, Fang Black-heart and himself. His Mother abandon her children him and his younger brother William Black-heart raised under the same farther while Fang was his brother in law and he did not meet until his late 20's. Henry was Born in a small town within kong known as ulshinfinera, it was un-development and was considerable small it was also close to some mountains and in which had a spring nearby, that is where the small town got most of its water, and around there had a small shake that Henry and William raised together.
  2. Henry wasn't really considered the favorite child in the family dispite him being better than his younger brother his farther was an amazing blacksmith and generally forged most of there weapons. William had his fathers talents while Shadow....coudn't really master that during his time.
  4. How life was like During his Infint years
  6. Henry and William always had this flare against each other, training to see who can last the longest, sparring to who has improved(Or just to see who is better.) But regardless of the situwation they were remarkabley close. Henry generally studied old military tactics in koffenge as much as he could possible try, his father training him to master Close combat along with basic aura usage. At the age of 8 Henry has already mastered Hand to hand combat, and was a Black-belt in karate and even started training other students. Henry was also a remarkable thrower, some saying he was a better shot than a gun or ranged weapon at the age of 11, he began learning the several techinques on throwing a weapon and at the age of 14 he completly mastered it.
  8. While Henry Was a teenager he began training on his senses trying to be able to react faster even if caught completely by surprised he often trained with multiple subjects generally having him outnumbered 1v how much there was generally totaling up to 12. His Master also his father put him in different scenario and even told him to break his right arm and told him he has to use it only, some may say that's why he can tolerate the most of brutal of tortures because he fought with injury's that most people would not. One training that he even performs as an adult is known as the "Blind eyes" in which he is blind folded, and is only allowed to use his fist but allowed to use any weaponry he manages to take from his opponents. Every time he performs this training all his opponents are severely injured and sometimes he almost killed. At the age of 17 he was disgraced from his home and exiled for killing 5 members during this exercise due to him taking one staff, and slamming it against his opponents heads which the force was so strong that it lobbed the brain off the tissues that connected it killing the person. He than began his career Serving the Black-hearts military since he was not eligible in joining the current order.
  10. Life in the Military
  12. Since he was during the military he served in the infantry division for quite some time, and went quickly through the ranks despite the Black-hearts not going to war yet. When rebellion began Henry was already at an officers position and was commanding his own Platoon.
  13. Him in the Military, his accomplishments and such
  14. When the war began which was around 2235, He was around 22 years old and the first war began, he was ordered to hold the fort Genesis which was only located just around the mountain regions it had very low defenses, and generally he was cornered. He was also given 800 men to occupy the fort itself. While the Enemy known the the Pure-Blood's was running around 4000 completely outnumbering him. But this didn't stopped him, he was determined to make use of this fort..somehow. He than used a Guerrilla warfare tactic, and using that to bring in the army, and separate the army. in order to accomplish this He had to split his army in three, both of them ordered to diverse and split the army up and generally only having up to 200 men. By doing so this was to cause the army to split up in two different direction while the remaining will hold down the fort.
  15. The tactic succeeded, This operation was used at approximately....6 PM. The remaining army was reduced to 2000 and was pursuing on the fort itself. When the army approached, there was no troops within the fort, no one guarding the walls. When the army entered the fort several explosions around the walls occurred making the wall collapsed and putting up debris and dust into the air. there that is how he ambushed the soldiers. using Ranged weaponry and even going to CQB near the end The soldiers were unable to see, and or find where the source of fire was. He called this...the illusion tactic in which having your enemy s completely blinded while having your men gun them down from a far, along with surrounding them and enclosing them as the smoke clears up. The Battle was over by 8 PM, and he sustained about 228 casualty. He was than promoted to what would be a General in Human ranks.
  17. A New Dawn
  19. After his victory's he was an unpredictable adversary and generally took back villages, and forts back within the years...the war ended around 2240. He than began studying tactics, military tactics, and even trained further on the use of his aura. Finally a local invasion from the titans tried to take Fort Density It failed, and Henry emerged victorious once again.
  21. Tactics
  23. As a general he was unpredictable, and his enemy s was unable to predict his next action. Henry though is specialized on divide and conquer, along with Guerrilla warfare tactics, and surprise attacks. Along with complete offensive charges, and putting forts under-siege. He was also one of the few who would join his men in battle and fight alongside his soldiers. His enemy s than called him "Shadow" Due to him using the element of surprise and using Darkness to conceal his men. But in 2250 he was defeated for the first time by a massive army of titans, and barely surviving the slaughter himself, he was driven back to exodus, where he took refuge with the Black-hearts. Finally when the Hik's and Black-heart war began he became an essential adversary and thus him meeting Fang for the first time and having the privilege on working alongside him. Using the terrain, he had a total of 2,000 men. and any survivors from the war. When he took over the Hik's private Fortress in which was a complete slaughter house he was than called.."Shadow the Dark paladin" inferring that he will slaughter, his foes, but doing it in the most honorable way. He was fairly known by giving his foes a chance to fight back, or submit. before delivering the final blow, and thus strengthening his name.
  25. Life was good/personality
  26. at the age of 30 Shadow had his own Wife and one baby Daughter he called her...Serena, and since he did not perform the tradition in the royal family he was not consider a member. He always visit them frequently and stayed there for a few days before returning back. Shadow was also very serous, and takes discipline to a whole new level and in which he is known for whipping some of his comrades for simply disrespecting one another. He even drive his two blades into a fellow commander for knowing the outcome of a horrific battle, or slaughtering innocents. He was always serous, and always busy generally trying to put his family first, but work always came in the way the Black-hearts also refusing to let him go into retirement. Shadow was also known for being prepared for everything he even ordered his men to sleep with there Guns, and Having there suit in half uniform. And having patrols, and lookouts 24/7 and even routinely training his soldiers. He was also known to be brutal to his enemy's especially during interrogations, he would usually strangle them, and rough house them. He...has anger issues.
  28. A leader taking a blow
  29. Royal family diktats that to become the new "Headmaster" you must kill off all your brothers and sisters, in order to do so, Henry did not do this since he saw this as not needed, and simply did not perform this...his brother though William Black-heart did not. Fang submitting to him and giving away his location(now he feels sorry and now serves him faithfully even though shadow did not ask him to do so.)for his life William accepted and brought the fight to Shadow. Shadow and William than confronted one another, and in which shadow for the first time in his life...was caught by surprised. Shadow dueled William...and Lost William sparred his life, but to ensure he will never challenge him again...He set his home on fire and made him watch...his wife...and possibility his child death. Shadow than disbanded from the Black-hearts losing everything he had fought, and into a set of rage went back to his Fathers place...and ended his father and all his disciple's thus breaking the code, and confirming he is now a rouge. He than join the cenerauis and now is concerned in only defending the last"Piece" of him his daughter who had survived, and was cared for by other khelan's who was living at Exodus for the time being nursing her back to health. Here is what he has to say
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