
more of the same

Jun 6th, 2013
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  1. Session Start: Thu Jun 06 05:45:48 2013
  2. Session Ident: #rebelyellops
  3. #02[05:45] * Disconnected
  4. #02[05:55] * Attempting to rejoin channel #rebelyellops
  5. #03[05:55] * Rejoined channel #rebelyellops
  6. #03[05:55] * chalcedony sets mode: +o gmolly
  7. #03[05:55] * ED209 sets mode: +v gmolly
  8. #05[06:07] <@IndigoMan> #3----'--,--{#4@ #3----'--,--{#4@ #2Hello gmolly #4@#3}--'--,---- #4@#3}--,--'----
  9. #03[06:14] * BlueDude (noneya@ has joined #rebelyellops
  10. #03[06:14] * ED209 sets mode: +v BlueDude
  11. #02[06:17] * @IndigoMan ( Quit (Ping timeout#)
  12. #02[06:18] * BlueDude is now known as IndigoMan
  13. #02[06:18] * +IndigoMan (noneya@ Quit (Registered#)
  14. #03[06:18] * IndigoMan ( has joined #rebelyellops
  15. #03[06:18] * * sets mode: +v IndigoMan
  16. #03[06:18] * chalcedony sets mode: +o IndigoMan
  17. #02[06:31] * @Plan9 ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out#)
  18. #02[07:14] * @Tina`a ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer#)
  19. #04[07:34] <#04@gmolly#> i think tredlord had a fair point about pakistan being able to stop the drones if they wanted to
  20. [07:35] <@IndigoMan> no he didn't
  21. #04[07:35] <#04@gmolly#> i thought he did
  22. [07:35] <@IndigoMan> he doesn't know jack about radar
  23. #04[07:35] <#04@gmolly#> sorry i had to miss the whole thing
  24. [07:35] <@IndigoMan> I'm a radar technician
  25. #04[07:35] <#04@gmolly#> might be more involved than radar
  26. [07:35] <@IndigoMan> I'm telling you you have to know exactly when  it is coming and from where and what altitude.
  27. #04[07:35] <#04@gmolly#> and i didn't think he was being condescending either
  28. #04[07:36] <#04@gmolly#> if anybody needed to calm down it was nogggin
  29. [07:36] <@IndigoMan> he was being condescending to me about radar.
  30. [07:36] <@IndigoMan> he knows jack about radar
  31. #04[07:36] <#04@gmolly#> i didn't see that
  32. #04[07:36] <#04@gmolly#> lemme look again
  33. [07:36] <@IndigoMan> anyway it does'nt matter I shut him up.  :)
  34. [07:36] <@IndigoMan> sure
  35. #04[07:37] <#04@gmolly#> !
  36. [07:37] <@IndigoMan> sure it could be about more than just radar
  37. #04[07:37] <#04@gmolly#> THAT'S THE LAST THINK WE WANT TO DO indi
  38. #04[07:37] <#04@gmolly#> i don't see him being condescending at all to anybody
  39. [07:37] <@IndigoMan> I'm just telling you that catching it on radar is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
  40. #04[07:37] <#04@gmolly#> why should you shut him up? maybe you ARE wrong - or his point is still valid
  41. [07:37] <@IndigoMan> no I'm not wrong
  42. [07:38] <@IndigoMan> I worked on radar for 6 years.
  43. #04[07:38] <#04@gmolly#> now i'm disturbed - you don't WANT to shut him up because you disagree with him do you?
  44. [07:38] <@IndigoMan> how long has tredlord worked on radar?
  45. #04[07:38] <#04@gmolly#> or really - for ANY REASON when he's just talking and giving his opinions about things
  46. #04[07:38] <#04@gmolly#> facts are one thing - difficult to determine and almost impossible to agree on
  47. [07:38] <@IndigoMan> when I said shut him up I meant it figuratively not literally.
  48. #04[07:39] <#04@gmolly#> i mean that too - why NOT encourage him to pursue his point? which wasn't so technicsal at all but maybe more focused on our relationship with pakistan
  49. [07:39] <@IndigoMan> anyway it was one line from him and one line from me.  basically a drop in a bucket as the conversation went.  no big deal really.
  50. #04[07:40] <#04@gmolly#> nogggin was extremely antagonistic to him personally - he simply disagreed with your point - there was no condescension there at all
  51. [07:40] <@IndigoMan> because he made a smartassed remark so I responded.
  52. [07:40] <@IndigoMan> I'm not condoning anyone's treatment of anyone.
  53. #04[07:40] <#04@gmolly#> i think it WAS a big deal - it's a way we respond that doesn't need to be so defensive and personal - like nogggin's immediate personalizing of it
  54. [07:40] <@IndigoMan> I just took care of myself.
  55. #04[07:41] <#04@gmolly#> but you were too quick in my opinion - too quick to take offense, to 'need to defend *yoursefl*' - this is typical of ALL of us so often - i despair
  56. [07:41] <@IndigoMan> so you want me to just let him think he is right and not say anything?  Don't *I* get to chat too?
  57. #04[07:41] <#04@gmolly#> it's not about him thinking anything - it's *about* finding some way to *encourage* rather than shut down somebody with 'superior' information and greaster truth
  58. [07:42] <@IndigoMan> I didn't do anything to shut down chat.
  59. [07:42] <@IndigoMan> look at what I said.
  60. [07:42] <@IndigoMan> do you even know what I said to him?
  61. #04[07:42] <#04@gmolly#> it's about his focus which wasn't as technical as yours - about mostly keeping the conversation going, explorting *with some respect* the other person's point
  62. #04[07:42] <#04@gmolly#> i gotta go
  63. #03[07:42] * Tina`a ( has joined #rebelyellops
  64. #03[07:42] * chalcedony sets mode: +o Tina`a
  65. [07:42] <@IndigoMan> wb Tina`a
  66. #03[07:43] * ED209 sets mode: +v Tina`a
  67. #04[07:43] <#04@gmolly#> just weighing in - i didn't see him being condescending, i didn't think his point was ridiculous and worth nothing more than brushing aside
  68. #04[07:43] <#04@gmolly#> hey tina
  69. [07:43] <@IndigoMan> I saw it
  70. #04[07:43] * @gmolly does /away
  71. #04[07:43] <#04@gmolly#> indi - sometimes people really 'look' for it when it's not so much there
  72. [07:43] <@Tina`a> que?
  73. [07:43] <@IndigoMan> he basically told me that i didn't know anything about radar and all I did was correct him.
  74. #04[07:44] <#04@gmolly#> no he didn't
  75. #04[07:44] <#04@gmolly#> no he didn't say anything like that indi
  76. #04[07:44] <#04@gmolly#> not at all
  77. [07:44] <@IndigoMan> yes he did
  78. [07:44] <@IndigoMan> the hell he didn't./
  79. #04[07:44] <#04@gmolly#> and you gusy immediately started with the personalizing - 'that's bullshit' and such
  80. #04[07:44] <#04@gmolly#> the hell he did
  81. #04[07:44] <#04@gmolly#> show me
  82. [07:44] <@IndigoMan> you need to stick up for your ops more and your problem chatters less.
  83. [07:44] <@IndigoMan> ok.
  84. #04[07:45] <#04@gmolly#> no - YOU need to remember WE are not rulers here but are supposed to *encourage* discussion not slam somebody down we disagree with or don't like
  85. #04[07:45] <#04@gmolly#> regardless we have superior knowledge - greast if we do  but that's no reason to shut swomebody up for being 'less informed'
  86. [07:45] <@IndigoMan> [15:53:00] <+tredlord> Wolf to summarize IndigoMan, to use radar, you have to know where to look, thus defeating the whole point of radar
  87. [07:46] <@IndigoMan> a comment which shows that he knows very little if anything about radar.
  88. #04[07:46] <#04@gmolly#> SO WHAT????
  89. #04[07:46] <#04@gmolly#> you disagree - that's NOT the point!
  90. [07:46] <@IndigoMan> what's the point?
  91. #04[07:47] <#04@gmolly#> that's not insulting, it's not anything requiring personal defense or showing up
  92. [07:47] <@IndigoMan> you are going overboard with this protection of chatters bullshit.
  93. [07:47] <@IndigoMan> I''m getting sick of it
  94. [07:47] <@IndigoMan> When I am challenged I answer.
  95. #04[07:47] <#04@gmolly#> it's not a protection of chatters indi - it's about the purpose of the room - to extend discussions between people who disagree
  96. #04[07:47] <#04@gmolly#> fine
  97. #04[07:47] <#04@gmolly#> answer
  98. [07:48] <@IndigoMan> that's all i did....  answer
  99. [07:48] <@IndigoMan> one simple line.
  100. [07:48] <@IndigoMan> that's all I typed
  101. #04[07:48] <#04@gmolly#> and i too get to say what i think - i disagree on so many things
  102. #04[07:48] <#04@gmolly#> mostly the 'need' the 'rush' to defend 'the self' rather than *just talk about things that are in disagreement*
  103. [07:48] <@IndigoMan> I did NOTHING to impede chat.
  104. [07:49] <@IndigoMan> and I did NOTHING to shut anyone up.
  105. #04[07:49] <#04@gmolly#> oh - and another thing - i WILL protect chatters! i AM on their side! i WILL speak for them in disagreement with every damn op if i have to!
  106. #04[07:49] <#04@gmolly#> what does this mean then: <@IndigoMan> anyway it does'nt matter I shut him up.  :)
  107. [07:49] <@IndigoMan> do you WANT me to quit?  Is that it?  Are you  tired of me?
  108. #04[07:49] <#04@gmolly#> it SOUNDS horrible to me!
  109. [07:49] <@IndigoMan> is that why you are attacking me?
  110. #04[07:50] <#04@gmolly#> that whole idea 'i was SO superior to him i shut him up no MORE disaagreeable 'points' from him!'
  111. #04[07:50] <#04@gmolly#> i'm not attacking you - either
  112. #04[07:50] <#04@gmolly#> i'm arguing yes - that's NOT attacking indi
  113. [07:50] <@IndigoMan> the FUCK you aren't I feel totally on the defensive here.
  114. #04[07:50] <#04@gmolly#> at first - i was just talking
  115. [07:50] <@IndigoMan> for one comment
  116. #04[07:50] <#04@gmolly#> you ALWAYS feel defenseive!
  117. [07:50] <@IndigoMan> that is outrageous.
  118. [07:51] <@IndigoMan> I made one comment.
  119. [07:51] <@IndigoMan> one comment.
  120. [07:51] <@IndigoMan> in defense of myself.
  121. [07:51] <@IndigoMan> And I would do it again.
  122. [07:51] <@IndigoMan> if you want rid of me just deop me and be done with it.
  123. #04[07:52] <#04@gmolly#> why did tredlord need to take a stress pill?
  124. #04[07:52] <#04@gmolly#> if ANYBody needed one it was nogggin
  125. #04[07:52] <#04@gmolly#> tredlord die NOTHING stressful, he was polite to tina and everybody else
  126. [07:52] <@IndigoMan> I was messing with tredlord in the same fashion that he messes with others is all.
  127. #04[07:52] <#04@gmolly#> no smart comments about anybody
  128. #04[07:52] <#04@gmolly#> THAT is what i disagreed with
  129. #04[07:52] <#04@gmolly#> he was just talking right then THAT is what i want us to encourazge from him
  130. [07:53] <@IndigoMan> I don't need this shit.
  131. #05[07:53] <@Tina`a> gmolly the whole tredlord stress thing is fun banter
  132. #03[07:53] * @IndigoMan ( has left #rebelyellops
  133. #04[07:53] <#04@gmolly#> tina not from nogggin
  134. #06[07:53] * @Tina`a sighs deeply
  135. #04[07:53] <#04@gmolly#> she told him twice 'condescending little prick'
  136. [07:53] <@Tina`a> Yes she did
  137. #04[07:53] <#04@gmolly#> and THEN indi jumped in to tell TREDLORD to chill
  138. #04[07:53] <#04@gmolly#> i could see 'calm down' it's his trope - but no - it was different - and wrong
  139. #04[07:54] <#04@gmolly#> HE was not in the wrong at all anywhere
  140. [07:54] <@Tina`a> no
  141. #04[07:54] <#04@gmolly#> an indi is TOO defensive all the time
  142. [07:54] <@Tina`a> indi wasn't wrong
  143. [07:54] <@Tina`a> yes he's touchy
  144. #04[07:54] <#04@gmolly#> i didn't say he was - i SAID what i said
  145. #04[07:54] <#04@gmolly#> and it DOES annoy the spit out of me for any op to claim:" <@IndigoMan> anyway it does'nt matter I shut him up.  :)
  146. #04[07:54] <#04@gmolly#> 'i shut him up'??? that's like a match to fire for me!
  147. [07:54] <@Tina`a> but yeah everyone tells tred to calm down cos he tells everyone to do that
  148. #04[07:54] <#04@gmolly#> I DON'T WANT ANYBODY SHUT UP!
  149. #04[07:55] <#04@gmolly#> especially for simple and gosh it lasted a few lines! disagreement
  150. #04[07:55] <#04@gmolly#> and what about indi claming he needed to defend himself? where?
  151. [07:56] <@Tina`a> erm
  152. [07:57] <@Tina`a> I wans't really paying attention
  153. [07:57] <@Tina`a> so I can't get into this with you
  154. #04[08:00] <#04@gmolly#> btw - i know headsnplates is i forget his nick - i don't care - until he does something reallyi worth kick/banning i don't think we need to do anything
  155. #04[08:00] <#04@gmolly#> heretic i think
  156. Session Close: Thu Jun 06 08:00:23 2013
  159. #03[14:35] * ED209 sets mode: +v gmolly
  160. [14:36] <@chalcedony> - the two us servers
  161. #05[14:36] <@barathron> wb gmolly
  162. #05[14:36] <@chalcedony> gmolly, say i when you can
  163. [14:37] <@^Patron> Speak up Mother
  164. #05[14:37] <@barathron> gmolly you there?
  165. #04[14:37] <#04@gmolly#> here
  166. #04[14:37] <#04@gmolly#> yes
  167. #05[14:37] <@barathron> so lets have this chat in the open gmolly, then chalcedony can speak for herself
  168. #04[14:38] <#04@gmolly#> everybody can speak for himself - i would like to think i too could disagree sometimes without it turning into an event
  169. #05[14:38] <@barathron> gmolly bottom line, you treated indigoman like shit. Made a mountain out of a molehill
  170. #04[14:38] <#04@gmolly#> i did not!
  171. [14:38] <@chalcedony> ok
  172. [14:38] <@barathron> you choose your battles poorly
  173. [14:38] <@^Patron> Yes you did
  174. [14:38] <@chalcedony> you did
  175. #04[14:38] <#04@gmolly#> he pushed it - i should've let it go - but i was already IN it before i figured it out
  176. #05[14:38] <@chalcedony> gmolly, what is a 'fact'?
  177. #05[14:38] <@barathron> gmolly you seem to lack any perspective anymore
  178. #04[14:39] <#04@gmolly#> he does this all the time - everything is an attack on him, this whole discussion wasn't about 'him' so much as about a simple disagreement - which COULD have moved to a fair discussion but no - he's ALREADY MAD at the simplest disagreement
  179. #04[14:39] <#04@gmolly#> chalcy? what 'fact'?
  180. #05[14:39] <@^Patron> <@gmolly> oh - and another thing - #4i WILL protect chatters! i AM on their side! i WILL speak for them in disagreement with every damn op if i have to!<------------Sounds like you want to run the channelo YOUR way and that is it
  181. #02[14:40] * @barathron ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer#)
  182. #03[14:40] * barathro_ ( has joined #rebelyellops
  183. [14:40] <@chalcedony> wb
  184. #03[14:40] * ^Patron sets mode: +o barathro_
  185. #03[14:40] * ED209 sets mode: +v barathro_
  186. #03[14:40] * barathron ( has joined #rebelyellops
  187. #04[14:40] <#04@gmolly#> that indi knew more than tredlord about drones?? who CARES about that!? - tredlord was actually and fairly offering a point - every point is arguable - and he wasn't insulting or condescending to anybody at all
  188. #02[14:40] * barathron ( Quit (Registered#)
  189. #03[14:40] * barathron ( has joined #rebelyellops
  190. #03[14:40] * ^Patron sets mode: +o barathron
  191. #05[14:40] <@^Patron> gmolly You never stand up for the just scold them
  192. #03[14:40] * ED209 sets mode: +v barathron
  193. #05[14:40] <@barathron> <@gmolly> oh - and another thing - i WILL protect chatters! i AM on their side! i WILL speak for them in disagreement with every damn op if i have to!  <- BUT FUCK YOUR OPS WHO WORK HARD FOR YOU
  194. #04[14:40] <#04@gmolly#> patron - it's not aboutr US vs THEM! that's what bothers me so much!
  195. [14:41] <@barathron> BULLSHIT
  196. [14:41] <@barathron> BULLSHIT
  197. #04[14:41] <#04@gmolly#> this 'us vs them' ide a- no! we're NOT HERE to fight them!
  198. [14:41] <@barathron> BULLSHIT
  199. [14:41] <@^Patron> No it is all about them
  200. #04[14:41] <#04@gmolly#> barathron - why is it one or the other?L?
  201. #05[14:41] <@barathron> gmolly I'm so disgusted with you
  202. [14:41] <@barathron> still you argue
  203. #04[14:41] <#04@gmolly#> don't YOUS care to be for chatters? help them talk rather than fight?
  204. [14:41] <@barathron> over NOTHING
  205. #05[14:41] <@chalcedony> gmolly, channel management is about teamwork - working to manage the channel wisely
  206. #05[14:41] <@barathron> gmolly if you fuck your ops over THERE WILL BE NO CHATTERS
  207. [14:41] <@barathron> GET THAT IN THE LEAST????
  208. [14:42] <@barathron> a tiny bit even?
  209. [14:42] <@chalcedony> ops team
  210. #05[14:42] <@^Patron> <@gmolly> don't YOUS care to be for chatters? help them talk rather than fight?,-----------You fight with some all the cannot let it go...
  211. #04[14:42] <#04@gmolly#> it was nothing - till indi than you all decide to fight me for daring to disagree - and thereby annoy an op
  212. #05[14:42] <@barathron> gmolly then why did you say it was a big deal??????
  213. [14:42] <@barathron> Make up your fucking mind
  214. #04[14:42] <#04@gmolly#> barathron the 'well i shut him up' comment ticked me off
  215. #05[14:42] <@chalcedony> Jun:06:10:38:32 <gmolly>        facts are one thing - difficult to determine and almost impossible to agree on
  216. #04[14:42] <#04@gmolly#> THAT bothers me - that 'oh i KNOW more than him - he REFUSES to admit it! bugs ME - so i shut him down!'
  217. #05[14:42] <@barathron> <gmolly> i think it WAS a big deal
  218. [14:43] <@chalcedony> facts are facts. they are verifiable
  219. #05[14:43] <@barathron> so which is it gmolly???
  220. [14:43] <@chalcedony> and that is why they are called facts.
  221. #05[14:43] <@barathron> gmolly was it a big deal or not?
  222. #04[14:43] <#04@gmolly#> chalcy facts about drones?? that has i think nothing at all to do with this whole issue
  223. [14:43] <@barathron> the points of the debate indigoman was having are irrelevant
  224. [14:43] <@barathron> the way you treated him is the relevant part
  225. [14:43] <@chalcedony> it's bending the language
  226. #04[14:44] <#04@gmolly#> how did i treat him? i told him i had a disagreement
  227. #04[14:44] <#04@gmolly#> WHY should that result in THIS?
  228. #05[14:44] <@chalcedony> Jun:06:10:41:56 <gmolly>        it's not about him thinking anything - it's *about* finding some way to *encourage* rather than shut down somebody with 'superior' information and greaster truth
  229. [14:44] <@barathron> its pathetic you even have to ask
  230. [14:44] <@barathron> truly pathetic
  231. #04[14:44] <#04@gmolly#> WHY did he need to be offended and angered, and YOU insiast i mistreated him somehow???
  232. [14:44] <@chalcedony> you were so hypocritical
  233. [14:44] <@barathron> yes, bigtime
  234. #04[14:44] <#04@gmolly#> is it 'mistreatment' to *disaagree*???
  235. [14:44] <@chalcedony> you tell him HE needs to encourage people
  236. #04[14:44] <#04@gmolly#> is THAT really mistreatment?
  237. [14:44] <@chalcedony> you sure don't encourage any of us
  238. #04[14:45] <#04@gmolly#> i gotta scroll and read
  239. [14:45] <@barathron> you tell him to encourage people while you tear us down all the time
  240. [14:45] <@chalcedony> you were attacking him
  241. #04[14:45] <#04@gmolly#> where was i tearing him or any of you down??
  242. #05[14:45] <@^Patron> gmolly No you said: <@gmolly> oh - and another thing - i WILL protect chatters! i AM on their side! i WILL speak for them in disagreement with every damn op if i have to!
  243. #04[14:45] <#04@gmolly#> where the asttack?? the 'disagreement'?????
  244. #04[14:45] <#04@gmolly#> that's not an attacki!
  245. [14:45] <@^Patron> Yes it is
  246. #05[14:45] <@chalcedony> Jun:06:10:40:44 <gmolly>        i think it WAS a big deal - it's a way we respond that doesn't need to be so defensive and personal - like nogggin's immediate personalizing of it
  247. #05[14:45] <@barathron> gmolly the fact that we are all telling you this should give you pause and make you consider that just MAYBE you were at least partially wrong in how you handled it
  248. #04[14:45] <#04@gmolly#> patron - i allowed myself to be provoked - YOU TOO should be thinking 'we' are on the side of chatters - not in a different group
  249. #04[14:46] <#04@gmolly#> barathron i ALWAYS thinki that!
  250. #05[14:46] <@barathron> gmolly you never hesitate to jump on us when you think one of us has not done a good job
  251. #04[14:46] <#04@gmolly#> i shouldn't;'ve said *anything at all #to indigoman#*
  252. [14:46] <@barathron> now its your turn
  253. [14:46] <@barathron> you're right
  254. #04[14:46] <#04@gmolly#> and 'disagreement' is NOT jumping on you
  255. #05[14:46] <@^Patron> <gmolly>        i think it WAS a big deal - it's a way we respond that doesn't need to be so defensive and personal -<---------Now that is funny..YOU should think about that at tribe..KatUK..ippy
  256. [14:46] <@barathron> you should not have
  257. #04[14:46] <#04@gmolly#> i did NOT attack or jump on indi
  258. #04[14:46] <#04@gmolly#> patron i say that myself
  259. #04[14:47] <#04@gmolly#> i thiank about it all the time!
  260. [14:47] <@^Patron> but you dont do it
  261. [14:47] <@^Patron> and you comdem us
  262. #04[14:47] <#04@gmolly#> and why not barathron? right - he's like a ticking bomb - and i don't hear it is's so sensitive all the time!
  263. #02[14:47] * @barathro_ ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out#)
  264. [14:47] <@^Patron> Open your eyes
  265. [14:47] <@chalcedony> he's one of the best ops we have
  266. [14:47] <@chalcedony> people come here and won't talk until IndigoMan is here
  267. [14:48] <@chalcedony> he's extremely valuable
  268. [14:48] <@barathron> <IndigoMan> anyway it was one line from him and one line from me.  basically a drop in a bucket as the conversation went.  no big deal really.
  269. #05[14:48] <@barathron> <gmolly> i think it WAS a big deal
  270. #04[14:48] <#04@gmolly#> patron - no - i really disagree - YOU ARE WRO"NG in this - YOU are in the wrong - YOU are in the wrong in this idea you hold onto that OPS are separate from chatters - that *I* must never agree with a chatter (which i didn't really this morning it wasn't about tredlord at all or any chatter)
  271. [14:48] <@chalcedony> yet you treat him like a bad boy
  272. #04[14:48] <#04@gmolly#> i did not!
  273. #05[14:48] <@barathron> gmolly you even argued with indigoman when he said it wasn't a big deal
  274. [14:48] <@barathron> now you tell us it wasn't a big deal
  275. #04[14:48] <#04@gmolly#> i treated him like an adult who can take some disagreement without flying off the handle
  276. [14:48] <@barathron> you're all over the map
  277. #05[14:48] <@chalcedony> just for the record, i'd be in tears long before now if i were gmolly
  278. #04[14:49] <#04@gmolly#> barathron - it had moved to a big deal because of his comments that got more and more disagreeable
  279. [14:49] <@chalcedony> we are being pretty hard on her
  280. [14:49] <@barathron> Why chalcedony? Its not as bad as we get from her?
  281. #04[14:49] <#04@gmolly#> YOU ALL think the old way - this is not an attack, it's not jump[ing on you, it's not hounding you - but i think you DO think 'the old way'
  282. #04[14:49] <#04@gmolly#> ops vs chatters - us vs the huns!
  283. #05[14:49] <@barathron> You should see the bullshit email gmolly sent me
  284. [14:49] <@chalcedony> what OLD way?
  285. [14:49] <@barathron> balling me out
  286. [14:49] <@barathron> treating me like a fucking child
  287. [14:49] <@chalcedony> i got one of those mails
  288. #04[14:50] <#04@gmolly#> i don't want that - i never THINK i am the leader of the ops against chatters and mustn't ever disasgree 'on their behalf'
  289. [14:50] <@chalcedony> couldn't think how to reply to it. gave up
  290. #04[14:50] <#04@gmolly#> that wasn't bawlling out - that's YELLING!
  291. [14:50] <@barathron> whatever
  292. #06[14:50] * @chalcedony looks at barathron and ^Patron
  293. [14:50] <@barathron> I'm fucking sick of it
  294. #04[14:50] <#04@gmolly#> you can't take some yelling and fierce DISAGREEMENT without feeling bawled out???
  295. #05[14:51] <@^Patron> <@gmolly> i don't want that - i never THINK i am the leader of the ops against chatters and mustn't ever disasgree 'on their behalf'<---------No you are the Leader of chatters against ops
  296. #04[14:51] <#04@gmolly#> i don't know what you're fucking sick of if it isn't disagreeing
  297. #04[14:51] <#04@gmolly#> patron - no!
  298. #05[14:51] <@barathron> gmolly you treat us with no respect, you take us for granted and you WILL NEVER ADMIT WHEN YOU ARE WRONG
  299. #04[14:51] <#04@gmolly#> see????
  300. [14:51] <@^Patron> Yes you are
  301. #04[14:51] <#04@gmolly#> you can't THINK of a unified room!
  302. #04[14:51] <#04@gmolly#> you can't THINK that sometimes WE - hell *I* all the TIME! - do the wrong thing!
  303. [14:51] <@chalcedony> we don't come here all day to be fought with by a manager who doesn't hang out and isn't a part of what happens but walks all over us
  304. #04[14:51] <#04@gmolly#> and could just talk about it among ourselves without having to go through this!
  305. #05[14:51] <@^Patron> gmolly You pretty much want a room where pretty much anything goes....
  306. [14:52] <@chalcedony> except ops doing an op's job
  307. #04[14:52] <#04@gmolly#> i'm not against indi - i never was against any op - i *just disagree* sometimes on the handling of a moment sometimes - it SHOULD HAVE been nothying
  308. #05[14:52] <@barathron> why do you even have ops gmolly?
  309. #04[14:52] <#04@gmolly#> but no!
  310. #04[14:52] <#04@gmolly#> it's ALWA"YS "got to be a huge fight how DARE gmolly *not support her ops* - what the FUCK IS THAT??!
  311. [14:52] <@chalcedony> ever been to #scripture ?
  312. #04[14:52] <#04@gmolly#> you're all BABIES can't take a disagreement from me???L
  313. [14:52] <@barathron> you dont
  314. [14:52] <@barathron> its that simple
  315. #04[14:52] <#04@gmolly#> I have to take a LOT of disagreement from yous!~
  316. [14:52] <@barathron> its been a problem over and over and over and over
  317. [14:52] <@chalcedony> edub sets that room up to explode and stands back and watches the fur
  318. #04[14:52] <#04@gmolly#> barathron???
  319. [14:52] <@^Patron> i *just disagree* sometimes <----------Not sometimes all the time
  320. #05[14:53] <@barathron> I have warned you about it over and over and over gmolly
  321. #04[14:53] <#04@gmolly#> yes - becvasuszed YOU won't ALLOW me this idea - *I* will NOT automatically accept EVERY decision from an op in silence - i NEVER undermine your decisions and actions
  322. #05[14:53] <@barathron> gmolly how many times have I warned you in private about how you treat ops??
  323. [14:53] <@barathron> dozens and dozens
  324. #04[14:53] <#04@gmolly#> but i WILL continue to air my disagreements - small as they are! - and you *could* accept that as grownups!
  325. #04[14:53] <#04@gmolly#> i don't mistreat ops - disagreeing and fighting openly is NOT mistreatment!
  326. [14:54] <@chalcedony> sigh
  327. [14:54] <@chalcedony> it is
  328. [14:54] <@chalcedony> that's what we are telling you
  329. [14:54] <@^Patron> becvasuszed YOU won't ALLOW #4me #1this idea <---------That is what it is all about  *ME*
  330. #04[14:54] <#04@gmolly#> that's my position - i am NOT mistreating when i talk to you honestly and openly about5 my thinking/feelikngs about the room!
  331. #03[14:54] * barathro_ ( has joined #rebelyellops
  332. #03[14:54] * ^Patron sets mode: +o barathro_
  333. #03[14:54] * ED209 sets mode: +v barathro_
  334. #04[14:54] <#04@gmolly#> chalcy i don't want it to explode for nothing - i want *to get through* the explosions - we can't avoid them IF we want people who really disagree and dislike each other
  335. #05[14:55] <@barathron>  and you *could* accept that as grownups!  <- so now gmolly insults us..
  336. #04[14:55] <#04@gmolly#> there's no way to avoid frequent explosions
  337. [14:55] <@^Patron> MY ROOM:  MY RULES.
  338. #04[14:55] <#04@gmolly#> barathron - sorry - but really - i can't 'disagree' it has to be a 'talking to' or 'talking DOWN to'????
  339. #04[14:55] <#04@gmolly#> patron that's not fair - barathron and dani wrote them up, i accepted them and adjusted slightly
  340. #05[14:56] <@^Patron> gmolly: Can you not see..*YOU* are the only one that thinks the way you do
  341. #04[14:56] <#04@gmolly#> patron - i cannot believe that
  342. #05[14:56] <@barathron> gmolly so you won't concede a thing here. You acted perfectly
  343. #05[14:56] <@chalcedony> [17:52:41] <gmolly> you're all BABIES can't take a disagreement from me???L
  344. #04[14:56] <#04@gmolly#> i canot believe you will not tolerate disagreement from me
  345. [14:56] <@barathron> shame you can't listen to your ops even a little
  346. #04[14:56] <#04@gmolly#> barathron i already did concede
  347. [14:56] <@barathron> always have to be 100% right
  348. [14:56] <@^Patron> Well you can belive what you want
  349. #04[14:56] <#04@gmolly#> i shouldn't've said anything at all *to indi*
  350. [14:57] <@barathron> you're right
  351. [14:57] <@barathron> you should not have
  352. [14:57] <@^Patron> Until the next time
  353. [14:57] <@barathron> I suggest you apologize to him
  354. #05[14:57] <@^Patron> <@gmolly> i shouldn't've said anything at all *to indi*<--------Heard it before gmolly
  355. #04[14:57] <#04@gmolly#> patron - you know - maybe - skip that there WILL be a next time - and i STILL insist 'it's not a problem'
  356. #04[14:57] <#04@gmolly#> it SHOULD be alright - wqe DO disasgree on so many things and VERY STRONGLY
  357. #04[14:58] <#04@gmolly#> and nobody here is a doormat or *should even THINK to feel* he cannot speak FREELY in strong disasgreement with any other op /all the other ops/ the cm/ everybody in the world!
  358. #05[14:58] <@^Patron> gmolly The maybe you should look for ops that agree with your views...
  359. #05[14:58] <@chalcedony> gmolly, where we need not to disagree hotly is on how the channel is managed
  360. [14:58] <@chalcedony> we need to be a team
  361. #04[14:58] <#04@gmolly#> patron what did i just say?
  362. [14:58] <@chalcedony> not hating talking to each other or fearful of your wrath
  363. #04[14:59] <#04@gmolly#> oh - you must know i NEVER wanted ops 'who agree' on politics definitily - but on everything *but* the room vision
  364. #04[14:59] <#04@gmolly#> chalcy i can't believe you guys are afraid of my anger - what is it but nothing but a loud and empty explosion?
  365. [15:00] <@barathron> afraid? pfft
  366. #04[15:00] <#04@gmolly#> what do i ever *do* when i'm angry? i just talk more
  367. #04[15:00] <#04@gmolly#> faster
  368. [15:00] <@barathron> more like supremely annoyed
  369. [15:00] <@barathron> your anger is misplaced and over stupid shit all too often
  370. [15:00] <@barathron> like this morning
  371. [15:00] <@chalcedony> no it's bad for people to be treated like this
  372. #04[15:00] <#04@gmolly#> well you know - i'm a bit 'afraid' of indi's sensitivity and yours too - i *would like* to be able to express my constant disagreements - really this WAS minor and should've been treated as such by eveyrbod
  373. #05[15:00] <@^Patron> gmolly; We are not afraid  of your anger..we are tired of you scolding us because *YOU* do not like what has been done
  374. #04[15:00] <#04@gmolly#> - to express my disagreements - oh is that it? you don't wnat to HEAR it??
  375. #04[15:01] <#04@gmolly#> i'm not scolding! i'm TALKING!
  376. #04[15:01] <#04@gmolly#> and i DON'T
  377. #04[15:01] <#04@gmolly#>  like it sometimes - are YOU never qwrong?L??
  378. [15:01] <@^Patron> No you are scolding
  379. #04[15:01] <#04@gmolly#> do YOU never agree on any part of any disagreement i have???
  380. #05[15:01] <@barathron> gmolly this morning's incident was so minor I can't even believe its become an issue
  381. [15:01] <@barathron> really stupid petty shit
  382. #04[15:01] <#04@gmolly#> barathron i blame indi - and myszelf for daring to mention the simplest disagreement
  383. #04[15:01] <#04@gmolly#> he WAS wrong he WASN'T dissed in any way
  384. [15:01] <@barathron> yeah, never your fault
  385. [15:01] <@^Patron> i ahve to go..dinner is ready  :-(
  386. [15:01] <@barathron> always the other guy
  387. #05[15:02] <@barathron> gmolly you have 3 ops here disagreeing on that
  388. [15:02] <@barathron> 1 trumps 3 however
  389. #04[15:02] <#04@gmolly#> that's not me barathron i take plenty of blame
  390. #04[15:02] <#04@gmolly#> you know chalcy
  391. #04[15:02] <#04@gmolly#> i don't agree indi is the best op
  392. [15:02] <@chalcedony> i'm listening
  393. #04[15:02] <#04@gmolly#> he's got a lot to offer, he brings an aswful lot - but he DOES clamp down wrongfully often
  394. [15:03] <@barathron> so do you
  395. [15:03] <@barathron> on ops
  396. #04[15:03] <#04@gmolly#> and he ALSO lets me talk to him and air disagreement without blasting off
  397. #04[15:03] <#04@gmolly#> how was i to know he was not going to this morning?
  398. [15:03] <@barathron> but he DOES clamp down wrongfully often <- you do too, on ops… over the stupidest shit ever
  399. #04[15:03] <#04@gmolly#> barathron ok - yeah i never said *I* don't do some of the things i don't like
  400. [15:04] <@barathron> heh
  401. #04[15:04] <#04@gmolly#> i USUALLY allow *I TOO* am guilty of things i bring up - like this morning
  402. #05[15:04] <@barathron> gmolly I think what had me most upset reading the log is the hypocrisy in your words
  403. [15:04] <@barathron> you do see that now?
  404. #04[15:04] <#04@gmolly#> i *would* be a hypocrite if i believed i was not guilty of things i decry in others
  405. #04[15:05] <#04@gmolly#> so - you agree with me then?
  406. #04[15:05] <#04@gmolly#> you DO find something of value in my position?
  407. #05[15:05] <@barathron> very little in this particular case gmolly
  408. #04[15:05] <#04@gmolly#> even so
  409. #04[15:05] <#04@gmolly#> i find very little to value in indi's place in this affair
  410. [15:06] <@barathron> ha…. shouldn't have even come up
  411. #04[15:06] <#04@gmolly#> i find more justification for his temper tantrum than i do in mine - i'll give yous that
  412. [15:06] <@chalcedony> hey if you don't like us, we can leave
  413. #04[15:06] <#04@gmolly#> no barathron - i LIKE to air little things BECAUSE they are little
  414. [15:06] <@barathron> that's stupid and a poor use of your time and effort
  415. #02[15:06] * @barathro_ ( Quit (Ping timeout#)
  416. [15:06] <@barathron> you fret little shit and ignore the big ones
  417. #04[15:06] <#04@gmolly#> no it's not stupid - to talk over 'little things'???
  418. [15:07] <@barathron> fretting over the paint color of the house is retarded while the house burns
  419. #04[15:07] <#04@gmolly#> offer an alternative to feeling personally dissed - he wasn't - he felt it - he could've let loose in the room as he has done before
  420. #05[15:07] <@barathron> gmolly he was simply done
  421. [15:07] <@barathron> what's the point really?
  422. [15:07] <@chalcedony> he was just being a guy talking about something he knows well
  423. [15:08] <@barathron> yup
  424. [15:08] <@barathron> he actually is an expert on the issue in fact
  425. [15:09] <@barathron> ...
  426. [15:09] <@barathron> am I here?
  427. #04[15:09] <#04@gmolly#> yes
  428. [15:09] <@barathron> so you there ya have it
  429. [15:10] <@barathron> do with it as you will
  430. #04[15:10] <#04@gmolly#> you guys keep asking 'what do you need ops for'
  431. [15:10] <@chalcedony> we might ask what we need a manager for too
  432. #04[15:10] <#04@gmolly#> maybe yous could think of that too - i've given my answer/ideas - of course you disaagree - i'd be curious to hear your answers
  433. #04[15:11] <#04@gmolly#> sure
  434. #04[15:11] <#04@gmolly#> what are we doing here?
  435. #04[15:11] <#04@gmolly#> what are we trying to do here?
  436. #04[15:11] <#04@gmolly#> how are we different from ordinary chastters? is this room in any way different from others - rightly/wrongly?
  437. #05[15:12] <@chalcedony> gmolly, can the theories
  438. [15:12] <@chalcedony> it's not helping
  439. #04[15:12] <#04@gmolly#> i see this - we got together in the beginning and i didn't know any of you - it's kind of like a whirlwind romance/marriage - then wham! real people unable to avoid real disagreements
  440. #04[15:13] <#04@gmolly#> i did not mistreat him, i will apologize *because* he is ill and i shouldn't've said anything knowing he's overlysensitive
  441. [15:13] <@chalcedony> that seems mean too
  442. #04[15:13] <#04@gmolly#> if it were not so - if he were not ill, likely it wouldn't've gotten to this
  443. #04[15:13] <#04@gmolly#> why?
  444. [15:13] <@chalcedony> you look down on people like that
  445. #04[15:13] <#04@gmolly#> he IS ill! i CAN'T speak openly to him mostly without him getting angered!
  446. #04[15:13] <#04@gmolly#> it is not looking down on somebody to acknowledge his illness
  447. [15:13] <@chalcedony> talk as equals and not about things that upset either of you
  448. #04[15:14] <#04@gmolly#> this is where i take blame - i should not have answered when i saw he was getting angry
  449. [15:14] <@chalcedony> he was surprised by your response
  450. #04[15:14] <#04@gmolly#> chalcy that's what i think i'm doing by bringing up my little disagreements
  451. [15:14] <@chalcedony> never good to surprise people
  452. #05[15:14] <@barathron> gmolly you never learn
  453. #04[15:14] <#04@gmolly#> talking to you as equals
  454. [15:14] <@chalcedony> especially when you are keyed up and putting a lot of energy into it
  455. [15:14] <@barathron> how many time have you said to me that you'd stop doing that?
  456. [15:14] <@barathron> over and over
  457. [15:15] <@barathron> just the other day you said it
  458. #03[15:15] * barathro_ ( has joined #rebelyellops
  459. #03[15:15] * ^Patron sets mode: +o barathro_
  460. #03[15:15] * ED209 sets mode: +v barathro_
  461. #03[15:15] * barathro_ was kicked by barathron (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.#)
  462. #03[15:15] * barathro_ ( has joined #rebelyellops
  463. #03[15:15] * ^Patron sets mode: +o barathro_
  464. #03[15:15] * ED209 sets mode: +v barathro_
  465. [15:16] <@barathron> O.O
  466. [15:16] <@barathron> the same disputes hashed out repeatedly grow tiring when it becomes clear nothing is being learned
  467. [15:17] <@barathron> anyone still here?
  468. #04[15:17] <#04@gmolly#> i'm here
  469. [15:17] <@chalcedony> .
  470. #05[15:17] <@barathron> gmolly don't you notice we keep having the same conversations over and over?
  471. #04[15:18] <#04@gmolly#> of course i 'notice'
  472. #04[15:18] <#04@gmolly#> !
  473. [15:18] <@barathron> Don't you think something should be done to address it so these issues are put to rest?
  474. #04[15:19] <#04@gmolly#> i don't know how - what i see is 'i am not to disagree with ops'
  475. #04[15:19] <#04@gmolly#> to disagree - to bring up even a minor disagreement - is to rattle the whole foundations of the room
  476. [15:20] <@barathron> pfft
  477. #04[15:20] <#04@gmolly#> 'oh tshere she is again 'supporting chatters over ops''
  478. [15:20] <@barathron> its not that you disagree, its how you go about it
  479. #04[15:20] <#04@gmolly#> no - it's how YOUS take it!
  480. [15:20] <@barathron> yeah… all of us
  481. [15:20] <@barathron> so perhaps, just maybe, the fault is on your end?
  482. [15:20] <@barathron> maybe???
  483. [15:20] <@barathron> once in awhile???
  484. #04[15:20] <#04@gmolly#> maybe - maybe YOUS are wrong too? in some of it? once in awhile?
  485. [15:21] <@barathron> not when all your ops are unified in agreement… unlikely
  486. #04[15:21] <#04@gmolly#> what did i do wrong this morning?
  487. [15:21] <@barathron> I told you first sentence
  488. #04[15:21] <#04@gmolly#> really - where did i 'mistreat' him?? you don't think that's really an outrageous claim 'mistreatment'???
  489. [15:21] <@chalcedony> your convo with indie
  490. #04[15:22] <#04@gmolly#> yes - i had a conversation with indi this morning - what did i do wrong?
  491. [15:22] <@barathron> now we're gonna have a semantic argument? Rather than worrying about what matters? **AGAIN**?????
  492. #04[15:22] <#04@gmolly#> bring it up at all in the first place? not drop it immediately? show some excitement? where? what?
  493. [15:22] <@barathron> You'd rather argue about the use of the word mistreatment than to address what matters
  494. #04[15:22] <#04@gmolly#> i think it 'matters' to be able to disagree and get over it without having to really DO anything - to 'feel' anything other than a bit of annoyance, maybe EVEN a bit of agreement
  495. #04[15:22] <#04@gmolly#> he and i HAVE done that often
  496. #04[15:23] <#04@gmolly#> no - i'd RATHER get to a place *I TOO* can respect
  497. [15:23] <@barathron> yes, and 9 times out of 10 I keep my mouth shut
  498. #04[15:23] <#04@gmolly#> well - here's a serious thought - maybe you shouldn't - seriously
  499. [15:23] <@barathron> pfft
  500. #04[15:23] <#04@gmolly#> it's little - LET IT BE little
  501. [15:23] <@barathron> sorry but I don't have hours a day to waste on this
  502. #04[15:23] <#04@gmolly#> treat it as something small - which it is
  503. #05[15:23] <@barathron> log on at night gmolly
  504. [15:23] <@barathron> and then we can argue
  505. #04[15:23] <#04@gmolly#> well it wouldn't BE hours a day if we let it be little
  506. #05[15:24] <@barathron> So screw indie, he was wrong, you were right… end of story gmolly?
  507. #04[15:24] <#04@gmolly#> i appreciate - i choose my words carefully - 'appreciate' - yous stick for each other - i appreciate i'm sort of the odd man out
  508. #05[15:25] <@barathron> <@gmolly> oh - and another thing - i WILL protect chatters! i AM on their side! i WILL speak for them in disagreement with every damn op if i have to!  <- did you choose your words carefully there?
  509. #04[15:25] <#04@gmolly#> but that's still part of the 'us vs them' paradigm i don't like - i'm NOT against yous when i'm speaking 'for' a chatter
  510. #04[15:25] <#04@gmolly#> nor the other way
  511. #04[15:25] <#04@gmolly#> yes
  512. [15:25] <@barathron> but you said why does it have to be sides???
  513. [15:25] <@barathron> yet you mention sides in that quate
  514. [15:25] <@barathron> again talking out of both sides of your mouth
  515. #04[15:25] <#04@gmolly#> do you think that is wrong of me? to think *I* might have a real place as a 'spokesman for chatters' sometimes??
  516. [15:26] <@chalcedony> sigh
  517. #05[15:26] <@chalcedony> gmolly, we work together as a team
  518. [15:26] <@barathron> you simply don't want to get it
  519. [15:26] <@barathron> I'm wasting my time obviously
  520. #04[15:26] <#04@gmolly#> i'm in a spot - i'm cm - not 'just another op' - and i DO feel as a 'chatter' - i remember how it is
  521. #04[15:26] <#04@gmolly#> i remember when *I* too was wrong
  522. [15:26] <@chalcedony> when you attack teammates over and over people start thinking of turning in their jerseys
  523. [15:26] <@barathron> well said chalcedony
  524. #04[15:27] <#04@gmolly#> ok - what should i have done?
  525. #05[15:27] <@barathron> gmolly I dunno where to start even lol
  526. #04[15:27] <#04@gmolly#> i know - we're winding down not going to spend an hour on this - but what?
  527. [15:27] <@barathron> its all been said before
  528. #05[15:27] <@chalcedony> gmolly, read this log
  529. [15:27] <@chalcedony> over a few times
  530. [15:28] <@chalcedony> think about what people are saying and how we can make things better for all of us
  531. #04[15:28] <#04@gmolly#> alright chalcy
  532. #04[15:28] <#04@gmolly#> nothing more to say
  533. [15:28] <@chalcedony> thank you
  534. #05[15:28] <@barathron> please give it some thought gmolly
  535. [15:28] <@chalcedony> channel management team
  536. [15:28] <@barathron> try to think of it from our perspective
  537. [15:29] <@barathron> and focus on teamwork, not arguments
  538. [15:29] <@chalcedony> not advocate for users against the people supporting you directly
  539. [15:29] <@barathron> good point
  540. #02[15:29] * @barathro_ ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out#)
  541. [15:29] <@barathron> worth repeating    <@chalcedony>    not advocate for users against the people supporting you directly
  542. [15:30] <@barathron> agreed 1000%
  543. [15:30] <@chalcedony> i brought up #scripture
  544. [15:30] <@chalcedony> (no s)
  545. [15:30] <@chalcedony> i honestly think edub is a psychopath
  546. #05[15:31] <@chalcedony> are you like that gmolly ?
  547. [15:31] <@barathron> ya lost me there chalcedony
  548. [15:31] <@barathron> do we know him?
  549. #04[15:31] <#04@gmolly#> what?
  550. #04[15:31] <#04@gmolly#> am ilike what?
  551. [15:32] <@chalcedony> go watch #scripture for a while
  552. [15:32] <@chalcedony> see if that's the kind of place you want to run
  553. [15:32] <@barathron> I'll watch it… place is a bit nutty from what I've seen in the past
  554. [15:34] <@chalcedony> exactly
  555. [15:34] <@chalcedony> the owner won't allow bans except for extreme cases
  556. #03[15:37] * barathro_ ( has joined #rebelyellops
  557. #03[15:37] * ^Patron sets mode: +o barathro_
  558. #03[15:37] * ED209 sets mode: +v barathro_
  559. [15:40] <@chalcedony> wb
  560. #04[15:52] <#04@gmolly#> chalcy - that was always my first thought - excruciatingly rare bans - i think we're in line with that
  561. #04[15:52] <#04@gmolly#> i have to go /away
  562. #04[15:53] <#04@gmolly#> one last note - i don't want explosions for their own sake - i believe they are inevitable, and *my* purpose is to help get through them to something better - some better discussions
  563. [15:54] <@chalcedony> edub likes arguments and fights
  564. #04[15:54] <#04@gmolly#> i know you all think i'm nothing but a self-blind hypocrite and that may be true - still - that is what i think
  565. [15:54] <@chalcedony> he sponsors activities that harm people
  566. #04[15:54] <#04@gmolly#> i don't like them - i understand lots of people do sometimes, sometimes i get a kick out of them too mea culpa -
  567. [15:55] <@chalcedony> im not here to encourage nasty people to harm others
  568. #04[15:55] <#04@gmolly#> i believe they are inevitable in a room that seeks to bring together people who seriously fundamentally disagxree and often as a rsult can't stand each other
  569. [15:55] <@chalcedony> or make threats
  570. #04[15:55] <#04@gmolly#> nor am i
  571. #04[15:56] <#04@gmolly#> it's easy to get to the meanness and fights - it's hard to get through them - but i've seen it done
  572. [15:57] <@chalcedony> not by berating the ops team
  573. [15:57] <@chalcedony> you can explain your ideas
  574. [15:57] <@chalcedony> people don't need to be told they are bad boys or babies
  575. [15:57] <@chalcedony> not if they work for you
  576. [15:58] <@chalcedony> we are running a 'business'
  577. [15:58] <@chalcedony> of conducting a safe place - call it a cafe
  578. [15:58] <@chalcedony> where people can engage in political discussions and learn things and share news and opinions
  579. [15:58] <@chalcedony> we need to keep the floors clean and the tables set
  580. [15:58] <@chalcedony> people need to be encouraged to talk
  581. #04[15:59] <#04@gmolly#> i have to go
  582. [15:59] <@chalcedony> if you let it turn into a brawling place - sawdust on the floor and peanut shells it will get gross and good people won't eat there
  583. #04[15:59] <#04@gmolly#> why not put that in the window topic
  584. #04[15:59] <#04@gmolly#> 'people need to be encouraged to talk';
  585. #04[15:59] <#04@gmolly#> i have to go
  586. Session Close: Thu Jun 06 15:59:44 2013
  588. Session Start: Thu Jun 06 16:29:55 2013
  589. Session Ident: #rebelyellops
  590. #03[16:29] * Now talking in #rebelyellops
  591. #03[16:29] * Topic is '<@gmolly> oh - and another thing - i WILL protect chatters! i AM on their side! i WILL speak for them in disagreement with every damn op if i have to!#'
  592. #03[16:29] * Set by ^Patron on Thu Jun 06 10:53:58
  593. #03[16:29] * chalcedony sets mode: +o gmolly
  594. #03[16:29] * Retrieving #rebelyellops modes...
  595. #03[16:30] * gmolly changes topic to ''
  596. #03[16:30] * ED209 sets mode: +v gmolly
  597. Session Close: Thu Jun 06 16:32:08 2013
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