
Mile-High Club (Challenge No.20 winner)

Dec 29th, 2019
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  1. Koiyama, March 29, 2013; 03:17 / FB 9954
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. >Be Anon, head of the Marketing Department of Ginger Inc.
  4. >Finest manufacturer of sorry sticks this side of the Mississippi
  5. >But that’s not important
  6. >Right now, you're on your way to California, to make a business arrangement with some shady Mexican-labor shops to produce your sticks
  7. >Decide to bring along your fluffy pony
  8. >Last time you left a fluffy in a daycare, it was returned to you less than whole in a cardboard box
  9. >You're not paying $60 a night just to have the thing killed again
  10. >But you digress..
  12. >Arrive at the airport with a couple hours to spare before your flight
  13. >After going through security and paying off the airline to let you take your fluffy as carry on, you're finally sitting in your seat waiting for takeoff.
  14. >”Daddeh, fwuffy has make poopi--
  15. >”Shush you, if you annoy the passengers you're going in the luggage compartment. Do you want that?”
  16. >”Nuuuu..” your fluffy says, fidgeting in the seat
  17. >”That’s a good boy. Daddy's gonna listen to some fine-ass Sinatra.” You say, popping in a pair of ear buds
  18. >Unbeknownst to you, fluffy gulps, muttering “Nu be a mean poopie pwace, pwease nu make sowwie poopies...”
  20. >Be Anon again
  21. >Be woken up by fluffy tugging vigorously on your jacket sleeve
  22. >You must have fallen asleep to Sinatra's fine ass man-music
  23. >Awwww yeahh-- Holy fuck that hurt! The little shit just bit you!
  24. >Flicking your fluffy on the nose, you glare. “What, you ungrateful fuck!”
  25. >”OWWIES! Why huwt fwuffy?” he sniffles
  26. >Fluffy pauses for a moment, looking like he's concentrating. Or rebooting. Who knows.
  27. >”DADDEH, NEE' MAKE POOPIES!” he suddenly yells at the top of his lungs
  28. >Ignoring the quiet chuckles from the row in front of you, you slap your hand over your fluffy's mouth
  29. >”Alright, alright, jesus.”
  30. >Unbuckling yourself, you stand up and scoop the fluffy out of his seat, heading to the restroom
  31. >After waiting for the 400 pound guy that was previously in there to squeeze himself out of the undersized stall, you walk in and lock the door
  32. >Plopping fluffy down on the seat, you tell him turn to the sink to wash your face. Gotta look fresh for the bitches
  33. >”Alright little bro, do your business.” You say, stroking your goatee.
  34. >This thing makes you look like a douche, maybe you should shave it o-
  35. >“Wat dis buttown fo'?” asks your fluffy, pressing the flusher
  36. >“WAAAAA, NO HUWT POOPIE PWACE!!!!” it screams even louder than before
  37. >Fumbling in surprise, you grab your fluffy and try to pull it out, splashing water all over your crotch
  38. >”NUUU, WHY HUWT FWUFFY, NU WIKE! NU WIKE!” it cries
  39. >”Jesus!” you yell, tugging even harder and bumping your ass into the door, making it rattle
  41. >”Shut up! Almost! ALMOSTTTTTTT.........NNNGH, THERE!” you proclaim, freeing the fluffy with a loud popping noise
  42. >”Huu....huuu huuu huuuuuuu.... fwuffy sowwy... pwease nuu huwt poopie pwace 'gain...” fluffy sobs
  43. >”Oh jesus..” you say, glancing at the fluffy's shit-caked bottom
  44. >”Lets get you cleaned up, champ.” you say, dampening and cleaning his fluff off with a wet paper towel
  46. >Tucking your fluffy under your arm, you open the bathroom door to see...
  47. >None other than the air marshal, waiting for your exit
  48. >As well as the entire plane turned around, staring at you with mixtures of both disgust and amusement
  49. >Furrowing your brow, you look back to the air marshal
  50. >”I can expl--”
  51. >”Sir.” he states, cutting you off.
  52. >”I'll have you know that according to the Domestic Animal Act of 2017, Fluffy ponies are legally defined as domesticated animals.”
  53. >Looking at your wet crotch and equally wet-assed fluffy, he sneers and adds
  54. >”I'll also have you know that bestiality is illegal in all 50 states. I'm going to have to detain you for the rest of the flight.”
  55. >The air marshal pushes you and your fluffy against a wall, turning you around and placing zip-tie cuffs around your wrists
  56. >”Owwies! Why sqwish fwuffy?” your fluffy protests
  57. >”But I was just taking him to the bathroom! What the hell!”
  58. >”Save it for the cops, you sick fuck.” the air marshal growls.
  59. >A stewardess scoops up your fluffy, taking him to the flight attendant's area, comforting him and telling him “There there, the mean man won't hurt you again little guy..”
  60. >You can't believe your luck
  61. >Fucking fluffy ponies
  62. >You're getting a cat next time
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