
Philosophy in #debates (TonySnark, Fundamentalist, lauchlin)

May 3rd, 2018
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  1. 1:51:41 PM+LowInformationVoterThis is interesting:
  2. 1:51:56 PM+LowInformationVoterA former director of the CIA and NSA said Wednesday that hysteria in Texas over a 2015 U.S. military training exercise called Jade Helm was fueled by Russians wanting to dominate “the information space,” and that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's decision to send the Texas State Guard to monitor the operation gave them proof of the power of such misinformation campaigns.
  3. 1:54:12 PM→ HansMcfarland has joined
  4. 1:54:12 PMⓘ ChanServ set mode +b *!*2@*
  5. 1:54:13 PM← HansMcfarland was kicked by ChanServ (User has been banned from the channel)
  6. 1:54:27 PM* Fundamenta|ist knocks Mabus over
  7. 1:54:28 PM+LowInformationVoterdeafblindmonkey: If I rip off a cat's head, slowly, as it screams out in pain and tries to claw my flesh, is the rightness/wrongness of my action dependent on whether or not that cat is owned as property by a human?
  8. 1:54:58 PM+LowInformationVoterWhat if I do a fair market analysis of the cat's worth, emotional pain, etc. and promise to compensate the potential owner?
  9. 1:55:25 PM+Fundamenta|istI almost forgot about Jade helm
  10. 1:55:46 PM+LowInformationVoterI didn't realize back then just how fucked up the mentality of a substantial part of the American Right
  11. 1:56:14 PM+LowInformationVoterI thought it was a 'game' in which some low information voters, likely religious, highly partisan, were terrorizing themselves with some nudging by extremist American media looking to make a quick buck
  12. 1:56:26 PM← Godric has quit (Quit: these violent delights have violent ends)
  13. 1:57:30 PM+LowInformationVoterI recall Charles Norris being involved in Jade Helm
  14. 1:57:36 PM+LowInformationVoterAfter that, I stopped valuing him
  15. 1:57:48 PM+LowInformationVoterAnd I thought all the Chuck Norris memes were for morons
  16. 1:58:10 PM+LowInformationVoter'Chuck Norris? That one moron who can't detect conspiracy theories? Oh, exciting meme you got their, fren.'
  17. 1:58:16 PM+LowInformationVoterthre
  18. 1:58:19 PM+LowInformationVoterthere
  19. 1:59:00 PM+LowInformationVoter
  20. 1:59:06 PM→ Banquo has joined
  21. 1:59:09 PM+LowInformationVoter"A Russian Facebook page organized a protest in Texas. A different Russian page launched the counterprotest."
  22. 1:59:12 PMⓘ Mabus set mode +v Banquo
  23. 1:59:19 PM+LowInformationVoterThe American Right is filled with a substantial number of morons
  24. 1:59:30 PM+LowInformationVoterWe simply cannot allow people this uniformed to determine the course of our nation
  25. 1:59:43 PM+LowInformationVoterThe only two choices I see are forced education, or loss of voting powers
  26. 1:59:53 PM← [e] has quit (Quit:)
  27. 2:00:30 PM+LowInformationVoter'No, no! You can't force educate people by the philosophy of America! No, no! You can't take voting powers away from from people in America!'
  28. 2:00:34 PM+Fundamenta|istI agree. I hereby remove the voting rights of all IRC users (except me)
  29. 2:00:56 PM+LowInformationVoter'So, then, an organized crime family in Russia determines the course of American policy, with its enormous international military presence and 1500 nuclear weapons?'
  30. 2:01:04 PM+LowInformationVoter'If the Russian propaganda is the best, then, yes'
  31. 2:01:05 PM← Hedrin has quit (Client closed connection)
  32. 2:01:12 PM@lauchlinshutting down religious schools k-12 would be a positive step
  33. 2:01:16 PM+Banquohey lauchlin
  34. 2:01:23 PM→ Henry911 has joined
  35. 2:01:23 PM@lauchlinhi banquo
  36. 2:01:29 PM+LowInformationVoterWe have got to apply Popper's model of tolerance of intolerance to voting.
  37. 2:01:29 PM+Banquowere u trolling earlier when u said you didn't like IW?
  38. 2:01:32 PMⓘ Mabus set mode +v Henry911
  39. 2:01:34 PM* Fundamenta|ist notes we have more than 1500 Nukes... fare more.
  40. 2:01:46 PM+LowInformationVoterFundamenta|ist: We have about 1500 'active'
  41. 2:01:55 PM+LowInformationVoterMaybe 7000 total, including inactive
  42. 2:01:57 PM← sardaukar has quit (Ping timeout)
  43. 2:02:14 PM+LowInformationVoterIt's okay if you want to be a very religious partisan in modernity -- that should be legal
  44. 2:02:24 PM+LowInformationVoterAlso, you should not have a say in guiding the course of modern nations
  45. 2:02:27 PMⓘ Mabus set mode -b *!*2@*
  46. 2:03:23 PM+LowInformationVoter4,000 (2018) (excludes retired and awaiting dismantlement)[3]
  47. 2:03:28 PM+LowInformationVoter1,800 deployed strategic nuclear warheads (2018)[4]
  48. 2:03:43 PM+Fundamenta|istAnd thus we have the primary evil in modernist thinking...
  49. 2:03:51 PM+LowInformationVoterFundamenta|ist: Expound, please.
  50. 2:04:23 PM+LowInformationVoterFundamenta|ist: To be clear, if you engage me on this topic, I'm going to be bringing some powerful philosophy
  51. 2:04:38 PM+Fundamenta|istLowInformationVoter: I will be simple.
  52. 2:04:47 PM+LowInformationVoterThen you will probably be more wrong
  53. 2:05:18 PM+LowInformationVoterFundamenta|ist: Religion is 'just another way of thinking', that is, it's a type of computational pattern applied to the world
  54. 2:05:26 PM+Fundamenta|istLowInformationVoter: Modernist thinkers want to decide who is worthy...
  55. 2:05:33 PM+Fundamenta|istWorthy to vote...
  56. 2:05:37 PM+Fundamenta|istWorthy to speak
  57. 2:05:43 PM+Fundamenta|istWorthy to have a say...
  58. 2:05:47 PM+LowInformationVoterFundamenta|ist: I can't speak to modernists, but I can speak for what I'm arguing for
  59. 2:05:54 PM+Fundamenta|istThese are not your decisions.
  60. 2:06:05 PM+LowInformationVoter'Worth' is an antiquated human social-emotional heuristic that is merely a low-computational heuristic
  61. 2:06:14 PM+LowInformationVoterMy system has transcended worth
  62. 2:06:22 PM+LowInformationVoterWhat, then, am I aiming for? Minimization of harm
  63. 2:06:28 PM+LowInformationVoterI think denying the vote to some humans is harmful
  64. 2:06:39 PM+Fundamenta|istWe decided a long time ago that all men are created equal and have certain inalienable rights.
  65. 2:06:40 PM+LowInformationVoterI think allowing some humans to vote is more harmful than allowing those humans to vote
  66. 2:06:50 PM+LowInformationVoterFundamenta|ist: That is a philosophical axiom -- it can be challenged
  67. 2:07:10 PM+LowInformationVoterModern science indicates humans are not created and are not equal
  68. 2:07:17 PM+LowInformationVoterVariation is a core component of Darwinian evolution
  69. 2:07:28 PM→ HansMcfarland has joined
  70. 2:07:35 PMⓘ Mabus set mode +v HansMcfarland
  71. 2:07:37 PM+LowInformationVoterHumans having certain, inalienable rights is a leading philosophical model that I value highly
  72. 2:07:55 PM+Fundamenta|istTo go against that philosophy is to reject a core American tenant.
  73. 2:08:02 PM+LowInformationVoterIt's primary alternative is the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, et al.
  74. 2:08:18 PM+LowInformationVoterFundamenta|ist: We cannot be afraid to question and go beyond the philosophical founders of our world
  75. 2:08:44 PM+LowInformationVoterIt is the very essence of philosophy to ask the most successful philosophers in human history, 'Are your ideas improvable?'
  76. 2:09:03 PM+Fundamenta|istLowInformationVoter: Certainly. But if you plan on replacing a core American philosophy, you better have something better.
  77. 2:09:08 PM+LowInformationVoterGiven that computation wasn't available to people like John Locke and Rousseau, the answer is, Yes, we can improve on their ideas
  78. 2:09:29 PM+LowInformationVoterFundamenta|ist: I recommend we expand Karl Popper's idea of Intolerance of Intolerance
  79. 2:09:32 PM+LowInformationVoterAre you familiar with that essay?
  80. 2:09:41 PM+LowInformationVoterThe Paradox of Tolerance
  81. 2:10:11 PM@xsnlxthe Laffer Curve of Tolerance?
  82. 2:10:13 PM+LowInformationVoterKarl Popper identifies a single value he wishes to optimize: tolerance
  83. 2:10:30 PM+Fundamenta|istLowInformationVoter: And when I hear things like "They shouldn't be allowed to vote, or they should be allowed to speak" all I hear is another form of self righteous elitism.
  84. 2:10:43 PM+LowInformationVoterFundamenta|ist: That is the most common motivating factor -- agreed
  85. 2:10:47 PM+LowInformationVoterIt is not my motivating factor
  86. 2:10:58 PM+Fundamenta|istAnd Elitism is as old as the hills
  87. 2:11:00 PM+LowInformationVoterI am highly influenced by the categorical imperative of Kant, Fundamenta|ist
  88. 2:11:28 PM+LowInformationVoterIt is only ethical for me to wish people 'less' than me in some sense don't have certain powers, if I also wish people 'more' than me have more powers
  89. 2:11:30 PM+LowInformationVoterI do wish this.
  90. 2:11:48 PM+LowInformationVoterI wish people more competent than me in rocketry to have more say in how rockets are manufactured
  91. 2:12:15 PM+LowInformationVoterI wish people with more competence than Sarah Palin to have more say in the policies of our federal government
  92. 2:12:31 PM+LowInformationVoterFundamenta|ist: You will not find solace, in this conversation, with your emotional-social heuristics of yesterday
  93. 2:12:47 PM+LowInformationVoterNo shame, elitism, or factionalism here
  94. 2:12:58 PM+LowInformationVoterJames Madison is one of the primary influences on my political ideology
  95. 2:13:09 PM+LowInformationVoterThe highest goal of Madison is to ensure the system is a meta-faction
  96. 2:13:44 PM+LowInformationVoterFundamenta|ist: I am a true philosopher on this point, directly challenging, competently, the foundations of our system
  97. 2:13:55 PM+LowInformationVoterFundamenta|ist: You haven't addressed my Karl Popper question
  98. 2:14:16 PM+LowInformationVoterSo, with a single variable you're trying to optimize, the policy should be simple, right?
  99. 2:14:26 PM+LowInformationVoterJust maximize tolerance. Karl Popper says this does not maximize tolerance
  100. 2:14:55 PM+LowInformationVoterFor what will happen, with some expected value, is that intolerant people will use your tolerance of them to attempt to gain dominance of the system and then destroy tolerance
  101. 2:15:09 PM+LowInformationVoterAnd then you have very little tolerance. Therefore, you should be tolerant of everything, up to a point
  102. 2:15:13 PM+LowInformationVoterAnd that is how you maximize tolerance
  103. 2:15:30 PM+LowInformationVoterThe fundamental problem of most philosophers of yesteryear, Fundamenta|ist, is that they're too principle based
  104. 2:15:42 PM+LowInformationVoterWhat is wrong with principles? Principles are low-computational heuristics that we try to apply to a very complex world
  105. 2:15:59 PM+LowInformationVoterA better approach is one that is rooted in contemporary computation that tries to *minimize harm*
  106. 2:16:02 PM@lauchlinjesus christ
  107. 2:16:05 PM@lauchlinshut the fuck up
  108. 2:16:13 PM Ignoring lauchlin!*@*
  109. 2:16:21 PM+LowInformationVoterNo.
  110. 2:16:31 PM+LowInformationVoterYour emotions are your responsibility.
  111. 2:17:16 PM+LowInformationVoterYou desire universalism, Fundamenta|ist, as do I. I am a vegetarian, i.e. my universalism extends beyond the scope of arbitrary species boundaries
  112. 2:17:40 PM+LowInformationVoterWe cannot have naive universalism, Fundamenta|ist. Some agents, like Vladimir Putin, will use our naive universalism for his own gain and to the detriment of all others
  113. 2:17:40 PM+TonySnarkWell, you can universally take a hike
  114. 2:17:49 PM+Fundamenta|istMabus: Let him tire himself out.
  115. 2:17:57 PM+TonySnarkHe will never, Fundy
  116. 2:18:01 PM+LowInformationVoterFundamenta|ist: You appear to have lost interest in our debate in #debates.
  117. 2:18:02 PM+TonySnarkHoly shit
  118. 2:18:08 PM@xsnlx
  119. 2:18:08 PM+TonySnarkMabus and I just agreed on something
  120. 2:18:11 PM@UnderCoverNerdi think he might be in a literal bot mode right now lol
  121. 2:18:11 PM+LowInformationVoterThat is hard for me to empathize with
  122. 2:18:16 PM+TonySnarkWith no one threatening us!
  123. 2:18:26 PM@UnderCoverNerdman i can't wait to install my new hardware. i should set it as a reward for myself
  124. 2:18:35 PM+LowInformationVoterIf you guys think this is an intense intellectual effort, I recommend you engage some Buddhist monks
  125. 2:18:40 PM@UnderCoverNerdfinish a few pages of my paper then i can install it and config it
  126. 2:19:03 PM+TonySnarkLowInformationVoter: frankly, no, you don't present that serious of a challenge.
  127. 2:19:16 PM+LowInformationVoterTonySnark: Please steel man my argument, then
  128. 2:19:37 PM+TonySnarkLike I'm going to scroll to read it?
  129. 2:19:45 PM+LowInformationVoterTonySnark: Your actions are your responsibility
  130. 2:19:56 PM+TonySnarkWater is wet, yes.
  131. 2:20:02 PM@UnderCoverNerddefine wet
  132. 2:20:03 PM Ignoring TonySnark!*@*
  133. 2:20:12 PM+LowInformationVoterTonySnark: I put you on ignore for sixty minutes
  134. 2:20:28 PM+LowInformationVoterFundamenta|ist: You made no serious attempts to engage in this philosophical conversation, from my perspective
  135. 2:20:47 PM+LowInformationVoterIf you think that was 'intense', I recommend you read some philosophical treatises that have 100x my textual density
  136. 2:20:52 PM@xsnlx
  137. 2:21:01 PM@UnderCoverNerdif it was distilled water it will evaporate with no problem
  138. 2:21:01 PMⓘ lauchlin set mode +b LowInformationVoter!
  139. 2:21:01 PM× You have been kicked by lauchlin (lauchlin)
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