
The collapse of mongo`

Feb 23rd, 2018
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  1. 13:43 *** Lensch joined #obama
  2. 13:45 *** Lensch was kicked by |werejag| (nra nt welcomed)
  3. 13:45 !!! You have been kicked from #obama
  4. 13:47 *** Lensch joined #obama
  5. 13:54 lednerk HOLY SHIT!
  6. 13:54 lednerk BREAKING NEWS: Former Trump campaign official Rick Gates pleasing guilty to intentionally conspiring against the United States and to misleading Mueller's FBI investigators.
  7. 13:56 mongo` geez lednerk, relax
  8. 13:57 mongo` wait till you read Manafort's comment regarding the plea
  9. 13:57 lednerk what did he say?
  10. 13:57 mongo` that is rather funny, as we see Manafort headed to prison for the rest of his life (if a jury chooses to convict him)
  11. 13:59 mongo` he said he didn't understand why his partner chose to plead guilty, as he (Manafort) would continue to fight these obviously untrue charges
  12. 13:59 mongo` etc etc
  13. 13:59 mongo` but hell
  14. 13:59 mongo` Manafort has finally been hit with IRS tax evasion charges
  15. 14:00 lednerk ya
  16. 14:00 mongo` which the IRS only agrees to when they have CAREFULLY checked all the evidence
  17. 14:01 mongo` manafort will either fold, or die in prison (if convicted)
  18. 14:01 Lensch Manafort is a top-tier target.
  19. 14:01 *** [Jason] joined #obama
  20. 14:01 mongo` and i can't imagine Mueller filing any indictments unless they can be backed up
  21. 14:02 Lensch Only if there is no way to get Trump without Manafort would Mueller allow Manafort to 'fold'.
  22. 14:02 mongo` apparently manafort was in debt to one of the russian/ukrainian oligarchs ...... and those guys tend to WANT their money
  23. 14:02 *** Robotnik joined #obama
  24. 14:03 mongo` lensch: what did that just mean?
  25. 14:03 mongo` it was totally comnfusing
  26. 14:04 Lensch Mueller wants Manafort to die in prison.
  27. 14:04 mongo` no
  28. 14:04 Lensch Since the crimes of Manafort are 'die in prison' worthy.
  29. 14:04 Lensch However, Mueller also wants Trump.
  30. 14:04 mongo` he wants manafort to plead guilty and talk about trump
  31. 14:04 Lensch Agreed.
  32. 14:04 Lensch What's in that 'plead guilty' scenario?
  33. 14:04 Lensch Reduced punishment, yes.
  34. 14:05 Lensch But his true punishment is 'life in prison'.
  35. 14:05 Lensch And he's 64.
  36. 14:05 Lensch So, what's a reduced sentence look like for him?
  37. 14:05 Lensch Reduced enough to get him to flip, but not so reduced as to let a top-tier level target get away too easily.
  38. 14:05 mongo` if he pleads guilty and tells all he knows about trump, he will get a bery light sentence
  39. 14:05 Lensch Also, Manafort has to assume he's an assassination target by Putin.
  40. 14:05 mongo` very
  41. 14:05 mongo` he is not "top=tier"
  42. 14:05 Lensch That's possible, but unclear.
  43. 14:06 Lensch Why do you believe he is not top-tier?
  44. 14:06 Joey who's 64?
  45. 14:06 Lensch He's one of the most successful agents in American history to conspire against us.
  46. 14:06 Joey Manafort is 68
  47. 14:06 Lensch You are correct.
  48. 14:06 mongo` so you think mueller was hired to go after "Manafort AND Trump"?
  49. 14:07 Joey heh
  50. 14:07 Joey why was the special prosecutor appointed?
  51. 14:07 Lensch The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:
  52. 14:07 mongo` manafort would have gone on to die in bed, had he not gotten involved with trump
  53. 14:07 Lensch any links and/or coordination bet ween the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and
  54. 14:07 Lensch any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and
  55. 14:07 Lensch any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).
  56. 14:07 Lensch That is why Mueller was appointed.
  57. 14:08 Lensch
  58. 14:08 Joey Who is Robert Mueller, the special prosecutor investigating the Trump campaign’s links with Russia?
  59. 14:08 mongo` well, maybe Manafort was the real target
  60. 14:08 Lensch Yes, Mueller was appointed to go after Manafort and Trump and others.
  61. 14:08 mongo` and trump migjht flip to help mueller get manafort
  62. 14:08 mongo`
  63. 14:08 mongo` lensch: wow
  64. 14:09 mongo` obviously i just have seen the truth
  65. 14:09 Lensch I ended my conversation with you, mongo`.
  66. 14:09 Joey WASHINGTON — The Justice Department appointed Robert S. Mueller III, a former F.B.I. director, as special counsel on Wednesday to oversee the investigation into ties between President Trump’s campaign and Russian officials, dramatically raising the legal and political stakes in an affair that has threatened to engulf Mr. Trump’s four-month-old presidency.
  67. 14:09 Lensch Reason: You have collapsed.
  68. 14:10 Joey lol this is from the NY Times about 9 months ago
  69. 14:10 Joey
  70. 14:10 RoboTurmp [ Robert Mueller, Former F.B.I. Director, Is Named Special Counsel for Russia Investigation - The New York Times ] -
  71. 14:10 --- mongo` has banned *!*60569743@*
  72. 14:10 *** Lensch was kicked by mongo` (duh)
  73. 14:10 !!! You have been kicked from #obama
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