
Cheer shit stuff

Dec 5th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Kelsey was in the locker room pulling her hair up after getting changed, throwing the clothes she had on into her gym bag. She seemed to be in a pretty good mood after last night, and had successfully avoided Bradley all day. // Cadence was making her way down the hallway into the locker room so she could get changed into her stuff for cheer. Intent of staying focused for the next thing on her schedule, Cadence was doing her best not to think about the contents of the Conversation she had with Remy last night. // Jose was in the boy's locker room, pulling his tank top over his chest while he silently listened to everyone else that was in there at the moment. // Mark was sitting on a bench in the locker room, changing out his shoes for practice.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Steph turned to walk into the locker room, coming straight from band practice with the girls and wanting to change here instead of taking the time to go home first. She smiled to Kelsey and Cadence already in there, setting her bag down and immediately pulling her sweater off over her head. "I'm actually ready to be in there after having a week off from cheer." // David was in the locker room checking out the dude ass.-
  3. Tsaaq: Hayley stood in the mirror, dressed after her usual routine of a shower and a change into her gym clothes. She gathered her hair up into a high ponytail. One of her ear buds plugged in as she swayed to the music. "How do you think we did at the game before Thanksgiving?" She asked. // Steven walked out of the shower with his towel and went to his locker to get work out clothes. He shook his head at David.
  4. Covet: "I felt the same way all day." Kelsey said with a soft laugh. then looked over at Hayley, " I felt like we did really good. I wish the same could be said for the football team, but Ozzie thinks they have a chance at their next game. I am more excited for when we can start cheering in the gym for games, It's getting cold." // Cadence looked up at Steph and Hayley as they showed up, "It felt good through the whole thing to me. Well, besides at least one personm, but if she were here more, it probably would be perfect." She said as she started getting changed, // Jose was doing his best to keep his eyes to himself, but I mean, he's gay.. he can only do so much. // Mark finished up what he was doing and made his way into the Cheer gym to get stretched out.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Yeahhh..." She trailed off at Cadence's comment, pulling her tank down over her head and slipping out of her shorts. "Well... we needed a weakest link, right?" She asked, trying to find the bright side of Dori dragging those bitches down. She stepped into her shorts and pulled them up, grabbing her hair tie to pull her hair up into a ponytail. // David proceeded to not get changed. He was literally just sitting and watching others change. That was it. This is why you're always late.-
  6. Tsaaq: "Oh yeah, the football team sucks ass." Hayley said with a laugh as she turned down her music. "Oh, you mean the flyless wonder?" She dropped her voice to a whisper and went to ensure her shoes were properly tied. "Kels, how was the thing with Katie and Ozzie and the babies. Also Brad?" She asked, skipping over to the taller blonde. // Steven shook his head and pulled his shirt over his head. "Okay see you in twenty minutes Dave." He said with a shake of his head.
  7. Covet: "It was fantastic. I have a gift for you too, but I kind of spaced it today. It's been quite a weekend." Kelsey said as she zipped up her bag. // "I'd prefer none at all. The rest of us at least function as a team." Cadence, chimed in pulling her shirt over her head. // Jose followed Steven out walking over to the cheer gym himself to get warmed up. // Mark was doing the stretching things.
  8. Alexithymiaa: "Can't always be perfect." She shot back at Cadence, reaching into her back for her knee brace and stepping into it, pulling it up over her right knee until it sat snug in place. She swept her hand over her wrist and pulled off her bracelets before reaching up behind her head to unlatch her necklace, safetly stowing it in her bag. "By the way, I talked to Felix and he's a go for tomorrow. I have all my stuff together, too." // David waved a hand at Steven as he proceeded to just sit in the locker room and look at the ass.-
  9. Tsaaq: Hayley's eyebrows rose. "I got presents!" She cheered. "But I didn't even do anything." She snickered with a shrug. "Thank you for giving me nice things though. I didn't bring you anythng from New Jersey." // He looked around and turned to Jose. "None of our teammates are out here." He muttered.
  10. Covet: "I told you I was going to bring you something from Universal. I think you'll enjoy it, it's festive and it's you. The Harry Potter part of the theme park, was all decorated for Christmas and the holidays. It was pretty." She said with a smile, as she headed for the door ready to go get warmed up. // Cadence rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah.. but we'd look better without her. That's the point I was trying to make." She said then nodded, "Okay, great I gave Sedrick a heads up that we'd be meeting up... I also told Remy about the other thing...and I'll update Ferg on Wednesday. He thinks seeing a neurologist is a good idea." Cadence finished what she was doing then looked at the time, " here early and still going to be late." She said grabbing her bag so she could take it with her into the cheer gym. // Jose looked around, "I'm sure the girls will be here soon. Mark and I are here. Is David on his way?" He asked. // Mark just looked at Steven with a WTF look, because him and Jose were part of the team and they were there.
  11. Tsaaq: ((LMAOOOO he means the girls but he doesn't want to say girls cause it's gender specific!))
  12. Covet: [XD]
  13. Alexithymiaa: "See, I told you. But noooo never listen to me." She said as she rolled her eyes, grabbing her gym bag and looping it over her shoulder. She turned to follow Cadence out of the locker room and across the hall to the cheer gym, stepping inside and dropping her bag down against the wall sos he could begin stretching. // Finally deciding to get off his ass, David changed quickly, grabbing his water bottle and heading out of the locker room to join the others in the gym. "I'm here, I'm here."-
  14. Tsaaq: She tilted her head. "Well yeah! I remember but still." Hayley said as she went to walk into the cheer gym with the others. "I bet it was! Katie didn't even know what any of it meant when she texted me that." She laughed before scoffing. "Haven't seen Dori since before Thanksgiving. Have you?"
  15. Tsaaq: // "You know what i mean." He whispered as he stood up. "Hey team!" He greeted as the girls piled in. "And David." He scoffed.))
  16. Covet: "She was a little lost, but The rest of the park was still really fun." Kelsey said as she walked into the gym, then shook her head, "No last I saw her it was at the cafe. We were talking about christmas cards and pictures." She looked at the guys and gave a bubbly super friendly hello to them, in a very confident tone, because she was all jacked on female empowerment sex from last night still. "Hey guys, I missed you all, how was your holiday slash break?" // "Bitch I did listen to you, I finally got the balls up to tell him about it, like you said to do." Cadence told her as she walked in and set her bag down, heading for the mats to get stretched out. // Jose gave a sigh and shook his head, listening to Steven. "Yeah, yeah." // Stoic Mark said nothing and just kept stretching. // Coach Nevarez came in and walked over to the desk. "Good to see everyone stretching out. Dori's not going to be here, I'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'm starting to question her integrity to the team. So We're going to focus on doing routines with the eight of you, and if she happens to show up we'll fit her in somewhere."
  17. Alexithymiaa: "See how much you benefit when you listen to me?" She asked with a laugh as she sat down on the mats, leaning forward to stretch her arms across the mat. "Just kidding, usually when you listen to me, we both get in trouble." She silenced herself when Coach came in, pursing her lips. // David smirked and waved a hand at Steven since I imagine they were always busting each other's chops and shit. Also he liked Stevem's fine ass.-
  18. Tsaaq: She went to lean forward to stretch out her back. "Hey guys." She greeted. "Well... I guess it doesn't matter. It's not like there's an even amount of us with her here." Hayley said with a shrug. "You've been hanging out with Katie a lot huh?" She smiled, fucking clueless of the lesbian sexes. She went to sit on the mat and waved at Coach Nevarez. "So what are we doing today then?" She asked. // ((Stop that lmaoo.)) Steven went to start his stretches too. "Dori's not going to be here? Again?" He whispered, leaning in to David. "Is it because of her dead grandma?" Steven asked innocently.
  19. Tsaaq: ((She got that shirt from Remy I bet))
  20. Covet: "Yeah, it's a strange phenomenon where mom's start gravitating towards each other. You should come hang out with us sometime though. We can set up the kiddos with Holly and do something together." Kelsey said with a smile, not meaning anything other than friends hanging out. // Cadence blinked at Steph, "Yeah, I was gonna say... it was only a few weeks ago that we were getting our asses in trouble for listening to you." Listening to coach she nodded, " Works for me. We've all got ourselves pretty established with our stunting partners too." // Jose listened to his mom as she came in and updated them. // Mark did the same, looking over to give Steven a glare because he was gossiping. // Coach spoke up, "I want to start building up a good routine for when Basketball season starts up. You ladies looked good out there on the field at the game, I want to keep improving it for the court as well. So today, as a team we're going to start putting together stunts, that we can encorporate."
  21. Tsaaq: ((And scissor?))
  22. Tsaaq: ((Or not that part Kelsey?))
  23. Alexithymiaa: (Thats reserved for Katie)
  24. Covet: [XD Only because she knows that Hayley's in love with Adam.]
  25. Covet: [Otherwise, she'd politely offer, so she didn't feel left out.]
  26. Alexithymiaa: (KELSEY LOVES BRAD, MOST DAYS.)
  27. Tsaaq: ((THIS BITCH LOL. "Yeah no scissoring for Hayley. She's in love with Adam."))
  28. Covet: [XD Yeah.. but they have an open-esque relationship. So.. duh...]
  29. Tsaaq: ((True.))
  30. Covet: [and she doesn't love him right now...]
  31. Covet: [Not even kinda.. XD like she normally tells him]
  32. Alexithymiaa: "Yeahhhh..." She said with a sheepish smile, pulling her legs in once she was appropriately stretched out. She listened to Coach before lifting her hand into the air to at least try to wait her turn to speak, but she kind of just piped up anyway. "Do you mean like pyramid stunting?" She asked. // David looked over to Coach as she gave instructions.-
  33. Alexithymiaa: (I said most days!)
  34. Tsaaq: She stood up when she was done stretching. "That sounds very cool though. Even though I'm not a mom so I'm not cool like you guys..." Hayley went to wave at Mark since that was her partner. "Thanks coach! You heard that guys?" She cheered. "You mean like, whole team stunts?" // He shut up when Coach started speaking, but really. That bitch Dori wasn't around. Like at all.
  35. Covet: "It won't be a mom hang out, it will just be a girls hang out." Kelsey said with a smile, "We're not cool.. we're super lame and watch children's programing." She laughed then nodded, "Pyramids....Isn't there like a curse on those here?" Kelsey asked cringing a bit // Cadence looked at Kelsey, " That was one time... Okay... " She rolled her eyes and shook her head, // Jose looked over at Steph thinking they'd just be doing paired stunts again, but then heard his mom // Mark gave Hayley a wave back, waiting to hear intsructions. // Coach nodded her head, "Pyramids, and other group stunts. We can do two groups of four as well. But for now, I want to see Everyone, at the same time, get into a full extension liberty. We were a little off at times during our performance and it's going to look sloppy if you're not all popping up on the same count. "
  36. Alexithymiaa: -Steph nodded and popped up, moving her hand to cover her mouth as she yawned before swinging her arms around to loosen up even more. "Got it." She walked over to where Jose was standing, giving him a playful elbow in the side. "Enjoy your little vacation from being potentially kicked in the face?" // David rolled his shoulders back as he listened to the agenda for the day, starting to head over to Cadence so they could prep for their stunt. "Full libs? Easy. We got this. Hey wait..." He turned to face coach, raising his voice a little so she would hear him over the chatter. "Do you want to call the counts so we're all together?"-
  37. Tsaaq: "Girls hang out. Got it." Hayley said with a chuckle. "I guess a pyramid will be fun. As long as I'm not on the bottom." She said with a sputter of her lips. "Wait, curse? What curse?" Hayley asked. "Did somebody die?" Her voice dropped to whisper. "You got it coach." She went over to Mark. // Steven went over to Kelsey. "You ready to clean up your full lib?" He asked.
  38. Covet: "One time too many." Kelsey mumbled, then looked at Hayley, "Nobody died, just.. the whole thing fell over." Kelsey said with a laugh then looked at Steven, tucking her hair behind her ear and put her hand on her hip, "I am in fact. Confidence is on myside today Steven." She told him with a smirk, then turned around with both hands at her waist waiting for his hands. // Cadence looked at David, "Ye-" She started as he turned to ask coach to count it out for them. She went ahead and got herself ready for the count to start. // Jose mock winced as he was elbowed by Steph, "Yeah, it was nice. Please don't change that for me." He said with a chuckle as he put his hands on Steph's waist, knowing that this was going to be easy for her, "Don't fall asleep on me yet." // Mark nodded at Hayley. "Hey there, ready to shake off the rust?" He asked as he put his hands out for her. // Coach nodded her head, " That was my intent, are you all ready?" She asked then called out loudly, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven eight." She gave them the straight count expecting them to keep up, and be in position as she got to eight.
  39. Alexithymiaa: "Considering I could do this stunt in my sleep? It won't matter." She spoke with a smirk, turning to face forward and putting her hands on his wrists. Listening for their count, she bent her knees and jumped with his pop, pulling her leg up to tuck it underneath her and bringng her arms up into a high V over her head. // "Got it." David said to Coach before moving behind Cadence, his hands gripping her waist. He counted to himself along with Coach, lifting Cadence up in his mark and quickly grabbing for her foot to push her up over his head.-
  40. Tsaaq: Hayley nodded and grit her teeth, going to stand in front of Mark. "Hell yeah." She answered then put a smile on her face. She let his hands rest on her waist and put her hand on his wrists, bending her knees and hopping with the timing of coach's count off as she put her hands above her head. // "Oh! Awesome. That sounds great." He out his hands on her Kelsey's hips and guided her with a pop and hoisted her upward.
  41. Covet: Covet: Kelsey followed the count and pushed off his wrists as he popped her up. She caught her foot in his hand and lifted up her leg in the same motion as putting her arms up in a high V. // Cadence counted along in her head as David assisted her up into the air at the same time as the others. She moved in the same motions as the other girls as they got up in the air, with her arms held high and her knee lifted up. // Jose chuclked as he lifted Steph up easily enough and grabbed her foot as he got her up, keeping an eye on her balance. // Mark smiled as he made getting Hayley up in the air, effortless. "Looking good up there." // Coach nodded her head as she watched them, "Good, good... Don't forget to smile." She added, "And standard dismount." She said counting them back down. "Now I want to see a twist up."
  42. Tsaaq: Hayley nodded and grit her teeth, going to stand in front of Mark. "Hell yeah." She answered then put a smile on her face. She let his hands rest on her waist and put her hand on his wrists, bending her knees and hopping with the timing of coach's count off as she put her hands above her head. // "Oh! Awesome. That sounds great." He out his hands on her Kelsey's hips and guided her with a pop and hoisted her upward.
  43. Tsaaq: ((OH WAIT THIS IS A NEW POST.))
  44. Tsaaq: ((Disregard me reposting.))
  45. Covet: [XD]
  46. Alexithymiaa: -She forced a smile onto her face when Coach reminded them to smile, listening for the counts and waiting to be dropped back down to the floor. She grabbed onto Jose's wrists on her way down, bending her knees to absorb some of the impact. She hissed between her teeth when she felt the sharp pain in her right knee, standing up straight and shaking her leg out, trying to brush it off. She took a deep breath and nodded, moving back into position with Jose, gripping his wrists. // David waited for Coach's count to give Cadence a pop, letting go of her foot and catching her by the waist on her way down. He considered the twist up before nodding his head. "Alright twist up, no big deal. Let's do this." He moved his hands to Cadence's waist again, waiting for their count.-
  47. Tsaaq: "Thanks!" Hayley called out and went down once the count called for it. She landed on her feet and looked over to Steph a moment. She frowned a little and looked away. She was always worried about that bitch during practice. "A twist up?" Hayley asked just to confirm as she put Mark's hands to her waist. // Steven smoothly let Kels get to the ground. it wasn't as sharp as everyone else's stunt but to him it was better than usual. "Ready for this, or are you worried? If you're worried we can say something?"
  48. Covet: Kelsey dropped back down, a little rough, but then looked at Steven, "I'm ready for this, We'll be fine." She told him as she turned around and stepped away from him, waiting for the count. When coach called it out the count for them she took a couple of steps before she stepped into Steven's hand and pushed off, turning around so she could place her feet in each of his hands. She put her arms up in the air and gave a big smile. // Cadence felt David's hands at her hips, going for the more, 'advanced' version of the move, going for the full spin. When coach called out the count she pushed off his wrists as he tossed her up. She gave her body a twist at her waist, keeping her feet together until she felt herself on his hand beneath her, then lifted her arms up in the air. // Jose looked at Stpeh, "Are you sure you're okay? That looked like it hurt." He said furrowing his brow, then put his hands on her waist again, listening for the count. He dipped and tossed her up, reaching over his head to catch her feet and balance her out. // Mark looked at Hayley, "I want to see you nail this full twist, just like Cadence and Steph, I think you've got it, and don't need to do the half step way like Kelsey did." He said as his hands went to her waist and he tossed her up in time with the count. // Coach looked at them all, "Kelsey, I need you to really work on that full twist, but once you ladies are back down on the ground, You can take off for the night."
  49. Alexithymiaa: "Im fine, it's fine." She dismissed Jose quickly, taking a deep breath and jumping with him when she heard the count. She pulled her body around in her twist up, unable to pull it all the way around because she didnt have her momentum. Wobbling on her way up, she leaned forward and then back, trying to keep her balance before she was unable to stay up right, her body swaying to one side and coming down. Probably kicking Jose in the head because she jinxed that earlier. // David, popped Cadence into the air, catching her feet in his hands and pushing her up above his head. He kept his eyes on her in the air, calling out to her. "Ready?" He asked, waiting for her to count herself down to he could give her a pop and catch her waist on the way down.-
  50. Tsaaq: She nodded at Mark. "Okay. I can do that." Hayley nodded. Waiting for the count so she could bend her knees and fully turned her body. She sharply brought her right foot into his hands and lifted her left into a bend as she threw up her high V. Hayley grinned. She waited on Marks pop then lowered her legs and arms. Her head a turned, distracted by Steph falling. "Hey!" She called out, losing her focus and stumbling on her landing. // He smiled and cupped his hand for her foot. He held both of her feet above his hand and went into the pop so he could catch her by her waist after the twist up. "Good!" He smiled then looked to see what happened with Steph and Jose.
  51. Covet: Kelsey dismounted as Steven popped her up, also rought because she was watching Steph and Jose, she winced seeing him get kicked in the head, "Ouch...Poor guy. You alright Steph?" She asked her//Cadence dismounted and smiled at David, "Thanks, that felt clean." She glanced over to see Steph fumble, which was rare, but she was also wearing her knee brace and she only did that when it was necessary. "See you next week." She said to David then went to get her bag because she wanted to get home and shower before bed.//Jose was trying to help counter her balance and keep her up but it was useless, because it was already doomed to fail from the start. He caught her foot to the back of his head, but still managed to keep her from falling or hitting the mat. He rubbed the back of his head and patted Steph on the shoulder. "We'll get it next time. Get your knee feeling better and we should be alright. // Mark caught Hayley as she stumbled in her landing then looked over at Jose and Steph, "Looks like everyone's going to be polishing up that one next week. I'll try to be here early if you want to go over anything before practice, next week Hayley." He told her with a wave then took off to go get changed so he could go home and shit.
  52. Alexithymiaa: "Sorryyyy." She said very apologetically, her body feeling a little stiff from the awkward catch. Good job Jose. "I'm fine. It was just a slip up, next week we'll nail it." She said to him with a smile, moving quickly over to her bag to collect her things because she was a little embarrassed at the fall and wanting to head home. // David sent Cadence a thumbs up. "Yeah, that felt good." He said to her before watching her take off. He collected himself and went back into the locker room to change and watch the others change. He has limited interests.-
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