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MGS default settings

a guest
Sep 27th, 2015
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  1. *** DxWnd 2.03.37 log BEGIN: 27-09-2015 23:37:15 ***
  3. SethWnd: setting main win=2f053a hdc=e011ab5 pos=(0,0)-(0,0)
  4. keymapping[1](cliptoggle)=0
  5. keymapping[2](refresh)=0
  6. keymapping[3](logtoggle)=0
  7. keymapping[4](plocktoggle)=0
  8. keymapping[5](fpstoggle)=0
  9. keymapping[6](timefast)=0
  10. keymapping[7](timeslow)=0
  11. keymapping[8](timetoggle)=0
  12. keymapping[9](altf4)=73
  13. keymapping[10](printscreen)=0
  14. HookInit: path="mgsi.exe" module="" dxversion=Automatic pos=(50,50) size=(800,600) hWnd=2f053a(hdc=670123b6) dxw.hParentWnd=9c0572(hdc=cc011b4b) desktop=10010(hdc=650119cc)
  15. HookInit: dxw.hChildWnd=2f053a class="IME" text="Default IME" style=8c000000(WS_CLIPSIBLINGS+DISABLED+POPUP) exstyle=0(WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR)
  16. HookInit: dxw.hParentWnd=9c0572 class="Metal Gear Solid PC" text="Metal Gear Solid PC" style=84c80000(WS_BORDER+CAPTION+CLIPSIBLINGS+DLGFRAME+POPUP+SYSMENU) exstyle=100(WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE)
  17. HookInit: target window pos=(50,50) size=(800,600)
  18. Desktop Size (W x H)=(1920 x 1080)
  19. Color depth = 32 (color bits = 32)
  20. Pixel format = 1
  21. Color mask (RGBA)= (8,8,8,0)
  22. Color shift (RGBA)= (16,8,0,0)
  24. SethWnd: setting main win=9c0572 hdc=31012347 pos=(0,0)-(0,0)
  25. HookInit: skipped IME window. current hWnd=9c0572(hdc=1b0119e0) dxw.hParentWnd=0(hdc=d3012582)
  26. DumpImportTable: base=400000
  27. DumpImportTable: ENTRY timestamp=0 module=KERNEL32.DLL forwarderchain=0
  28. DumpImportTable: no PE OFTs - stripped module=KERNEL32.DLL
  29. addr=75d4dd10
  30. addr=75d47f70
  31. addr=75d48020
  32. addr=75d47ed0
  33. addr=75d47ca0
  34. addr=75d57660
  35. *** EOT ***
  36. DumpImportTable: ENTRY timestamp=0 module=ADVAPI32.dll forwarderchain=0
  37. DumpImportTable: no PE OFTs - stripped module=ADVAPI32.dll
  38. addr=75ba06e0
  39. *** EOT ***
  40. DumpImportTable: ENTRY timestamp=0 module=DDRAW.dll forwarderchain=0
  41. DumpImportTable: no PE OFTs - stripped module=DDRAW.dll
  42. addr=70740130
  43. *** EOT ***
  44. DumpImportTable: ENTRY timestamp=0 module=DINPUT.dll forwarderchain=0
  45. DumpImportTable: no PE OFTs - stripped module=DINPUT.dll
  46. addr=5c87c490
  47. *** EOT ***
  48. DumpImportTable: ENTRY timestamp=0 module=DSOUND.dll forwarderchain=0
  49. DumpImportTable: no PE OFTs - stripped module=DSOUND.dll
  50. addr=6aac6cc0
  51. *** EOT ***
  52. DumpImportTable: ENTRY timestamp=0 module=GDI32.dll forwarderchain=0
  53. DumpImportTable: no PE OFTs - stripped module=GDI32.dll
  54. addr=70710570
  55. *** EOT ***
  56. DumpImportTable: ENTRY timestamp=0 module=USER32.dll forwarderchain=0
  57. DumpImportTable: no PE OFTs - stripped module=USER32.dll
  58. addr=76d43f80
  59. *** EOT ***
  60. DumpImportTable: ENTRY timestamp=0 module=WINMM.dll forwarderchain=0
  61. DumpImportTable: no PE OFTs - stripped module=WINMM.dll
  62. addr=730939f0
  63. *** EOT ***
  64. HookInit: base hmodule=400000
  65. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function kernel32.dll:IsDebuggerPresent
  66. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function kernel32.dll:CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent
  67. IATPatch hook=GetProcAddress address=75d47f70->296aa70
  68. IATPatch hook=LoadLibraryA address=75d4dd10->2969e30
  69. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function kernel32.dll:LoadLibraryExA
  70. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function kernel32.dll:LoadLibraryW
  71. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function kernel32.dll:LoadLibraryExW
  72. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function kernel32.dll:GetDriveTypeA
  73. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function kernel32.dll:GetLogicalDrives
  74. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function kernel32.dll:GetTempFileNameA
  75. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function kernel32.dll:CreateProcessA
  76. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:UpdateWindow
  77. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:ChangeDisplaySettingsA
  78. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:ChangeDisplaySettingsExA
  79. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:ChangeDisplaySettingsW
  80. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:ChangeDisplaySettingsExW
  81. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:GetMonitorInfoA
  82. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:GetMonitorInfoW
  83. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:ShowCursor
  84. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:CreateDialogIndirectParamA
  85. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:CreateDialogParamA
  86. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:MoveWindow
  87. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:EnumDisplaySettingsA
  88. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:GetClipCursor
  89. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:ClipCursor
  90. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:DefWindowProcA
  91. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:DefWindowProcW
  92. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:CreateWindowExA
  93. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:CreateWindowExW
  94. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:RegisterClassExA
  95. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:RegisterClassA
  96. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:GetSystemMetrics
  97. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:GetDesktopWindow
  98. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:CloseWindow
  99. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:DestroyWindow
  100. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:SetSysColors
  101. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:SetCapture
  102. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:SetWindowLongA
  103. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:GetWindowLongA
  104. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:SetWindowLongW
  105. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:GetWindowLongW
  106. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:IsWindowVisible
  107. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:SystemParametersInfoA
  108. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:SystemParametersInfoW
  109. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:BringWindowToTop
  110. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:SetForegroundWindow
  111. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:ChildWindowFromPoint
  112. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:ChildWindowFromPointEx
  113. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:WindowFromPoint
  114. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:SetWindowsHookExA
  115. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:CreateDesktopA
  116. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:SwitchDesktop
  117. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:OpenDesktopA
  118. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:CloseDesktop
  119. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:GetDC
  120. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:GetDCEx
  121. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:GetWindowDC
  122. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:ReleaseDC
  123. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:BeginPaint
  124. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:EndPaint
  125. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:DialogBoxParamA
  126. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:FillRect
  127. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:ScreenToClient
  128. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:ClientToScreen
  129. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:GetClientRect
  130. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:GetWindowRect
  131. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:MapWindowPoints
  132. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:GetUpdateRgn
  133. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:GetCursorPos
  134. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:GetCursorInfo
  135. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:SetCursor
  136. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:SendMessageA
  137. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:SendMessageW
  138. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function user32.dll:SetCursorPos
  139. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function ole32.dll:CoCreateInstance
  140. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function ole32.dll:CoCreateInstanceEx
  141. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function winmm.dll:mciSendCommandA
  142. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function winmm.dll:mciSendCommandW
  143. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function winmm.dll:mciGetDeviceIDA
  144. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function winmm.dll:mciGetDeviceIDW
  145. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function winmm.dll:mciSendStringA
  146. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function winmm.dll:mciSendStringW
  147. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:GetDeviceCaps
  148. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:ScaleWindowExtEx
  149. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:SaveDC
  150. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:RestoreDC
  151. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:AnimatePalette
  152. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:CreatePalette
  153. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:SelectPalette
  154. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:RealizePalette
  155. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:GetSystemPaletteEntries
  156. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:SetSystemPaletteUse
  157. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:StretchDIBits
  158. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:SetPixelFormat
  159. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:GetPixelFormat
  160. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:ChoosePixelFormat
  161. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:DescribePixelFormat
  162. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:GetPaletteEntries
  163. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:GetSystemPaletteUse
  164. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:SetViewportOrgEx
  165. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:SetViewportExtEx
  166. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:GetViewportOrgEx
  167. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:GetWindowOrgEx
  168. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:SetWindowOrgEx
  169. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:GetCurrentPositionEx
  170. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:SetDIBitsToDevice
  171. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function gdi32.dll:GetRgnBox
  172. HookDirectDraw: SetAppCompatData(2,0) ret=1(unknown)
  173. HookDirectDraw version=0
  174. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function ddraw.dll:DirectDrawCreate
  175. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function ddraw.dll:DirectDrawCreateEx
  176. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function ddraw.dll:DirectDrawEnumerateA
  177. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function ddraw.dll:DirectDrawEnumerateExA
  178. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function ddraw.dll:DirectDrawCreateClipper
  179. HookDirect3D: module=400000 version=0
  180. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function d3d8.dll:Direct3DCreate8
  181. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function d3d9.dll:Direct3DCreate9
  182. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function d3d9.dll:Direct3DCreate9Ex
  183. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function d3d9.dll:CheckFullScreen
  184. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function d3d9.dll:DisableD3DSpy
  185. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function d3d10.dll:D3D10CreateDevice
  186. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function d3d10.dll:D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain
  187. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function d3d10.dll:CheckFullScreen
  188. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function d3d10_1.dll:D3D11CreateDevice
  189. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function d3d10_1.dll:D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain
  190. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function d3d11.dll:D3D10CreateDevice1
  191. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function d3d11.dll:D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain1
  192. HookAPI: module=400000 dll=d3dim.dll apiproc=0 apiname=Direct3DCreate hookproc=2968270
  193. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function d3dim.dll:Direct3DCreate
  194. HookAPI: module=400000 dll=d3dim.dll apiproc=0 apiname=Direct3DCreateDevice hookproc=2967930
  195. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function d3dim.dll:Direct3DCreateDevice
  196. HookAPI: module=400000 dll=d3dim700.dll apiproc=0 apiname=Direct3DCreate hookproc=2968270
  197. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function d3dim700.dll:Direct3DCreate
  198. HookAPI: module=400000 dll=d3dim700.dll apiproc=0 apiname=Direct3DCreateDevice hookproc=2967930
  199. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function d3dim700.dll:Direct3DCreateDevice
  200. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function ADVAPI32.dll:RegOpenKeyExA
  201. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function ADVAPI32.dll:RegCloseKey
  202. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function ADVAPI32.dll:RegQueryValueExA
  203. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function ADVAPI32.dll:RegCreateKeyA
  204. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function ADVAPI32.dll:RegCreateKeyExA
  205. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function ADVAPI32.dll:RegSetValueExA
  206. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function ADVAPI32.dll:RegFlushKey
  207. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function ADVAPI32.dll:RegEnumValueA
  208. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function MSVFW32.dll:ICGetDisplayFormat
  209. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function MSVFW32.dll:ICDrawBegin
  210. IATPatch: PE unreferenced function AVIFIL32.dll:AVIStreamGetFrameOpen
  211. HookDlls: base=400000
  212. Registered DLL FileName=KERNEL32.DLL
  213. HookDlls: system module KERNEL32.DLL at 75d30000
  214. Registered DLL FileName=ADVAPI32.dll
  215. HookDlls: system module ADVAPI32.dll at 75b80000
  216. Registered DLL FileName=DDRAW.dll
  217. HookDlls: system module DDRAW.dll at 6fed0000
  218. Registered DLL FileName=DINPUT.dll
  219. HookDlls: system module DINPUT.dll at 5c870000
  220. Registered DLL FileName=DSOUND.dll
  221. HookDlls: system module DSOUND.dll at 6aa80000
  222. Registered DLL FileName=GDI32.dll
  223. HookDlls: system module GDI32.dll at 752b0000
  224. Registered DLL FileName=USER32.dll
  225. HookDlls: system module USER32.dll at 76d10000
  226. Registered DLL FileName=WINMM.dll
  227. HookDlls: system module WINMM.dll at 73090000
  228. DXWND: Initial display mode WxH=(1920x1080) BitsPerPel=32
  229. DXWND: set screen size=(800,600)
  230. InitScreenParameters: RGBBitCount=32
  231. SetBltTransformations: color conversion EMULATED BPP 32->32
  232. set color transformation 32->32
  233. SetWindowLong: hwnd=9c0572 HOOK WindowProc=51c2d3->2956f70
  234. WindowProc: hwnd=9c0572 GOT FOCUS
  235. WindowProc: WM_ERASEBKGND(9b011ee5,0) - suppressed
  236. WindowProc: WM_ERASEBKGND(8f012399,0) - suppressed
  237. WindowProc: WM_ERASEBKGND(a00127f8,0) - suppressed
  238. WindowProc: WM_ERASEBKGND(8f012399,0) - suppressed
  239. WindowProc: WM_ERASEBKGND(a00127f8,0) - suppressed
  240. keymapping GOT=9
  241. WindowProc: hwnd=9c0572 LOST FOCUS
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