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Jun 30th, 2016
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  1. I was on the FORP server for about 3 hours, and I really have to say I'm dissapointed. Not only was I banned wrongfully, but literally NOTHING happened. We sat in base the ENTIRE time and did nothing. In my first 10 minutes after getting trained, I ran outside the base, was about there exploring for about 30 minutes, but then I was stopped by an admin and was told I wasn't allowed to roleplay as a wastelander. At first I'll admit I did try to argue with him, telling him I wasn't affecting anyone else's experience, but eventually I realized he was staff and probably knew what he was talking about more than me. I will admit there was a sign telling my not to go out, so that was 100% my fault and I did deserve a warn for it (which I never got btw). So I'm in base, I make a few new friends (Squire Brown and Squire David) and we were just standing in the debrief area chatting, when a BSF member comes up and just starts harassing us, calling us dumb squires, randomly stunsticking us, etc. I think it was safe to say he went a tiny bit power hungry (his name was Bub, or Buba, or something), or maybe was just having a bad day. He kept stunsticking me, and I told him to stop. He kept going, so I shot him once with my laser pistol, and he arrests me. I complain to an admin (Dorp), and all the admin does is tell him "just stop stunsticking people without a reason and stick by the gate". So my friends and I head to the medbay, and since we're bored and there was nothing to do, we kinda made it our fort. We spawned no props at all (even though at the time, we had NO IDEA it was against the rules, because there isn't even a rules list on this server). The BSF and higher ranks kept kinda bugging us, coming in and being all disruptive, so we move to the Paladin barracks. Everything is going fine, we had the little radio on, just sitting around talking, and the BSF charge in and kill ALL of us. I was then told the Paladin barracks was KOS, which mind you, there was WAS NO SIGN TELLING US NOT GO IN. The only sign posted was "Paladin Barracks" and since there were no paladins on, we assumed no one would care. We then move to the Patrol Barracks (which I was told was the squire barracks) and the BSF would not leave us alone. There was nothing else for them to do besides annoy us I guess. I then say "Fuck it" and spawn props blocking the windows and doors so we could stop being interupted. They manage to get the props out of the way, and barge in and kill all of us for NO REASON AT ALL. I get taken to an admin sit, and am gagged and muted, unable to defend myself. I relog so I can get ungagged and clear up what happened, and am taken back to the sit. I then try to defend myself, but they gag and mute me again. They then yelling at me for spawning props (which again, I did not know was against the rules, because there isn't a damn rules list!). They then decide to finally humor me, and let me defend my case by ungagging me. I tell them that I didn't know prop spawning was against the rules, and I was just trying to keep the BSF out to avoid getting randomly stunsticked over and over, and constantly interupted mid sentence. They responded by saying "well, you don't have a psygun, so it's obvious you shouldn't be spawning props" (side note, if you have such an issue with props, DISABLE THEM). I tried to tell them how stupid that reasoning is, but they wouldn't listen. I asked them what I did wrong, and they told me that I had left the base (referring to earlier) and spawned props. Instead of giving me 2 warnings for that (leaving the base and spawning props), I'm banned for one week for "reason".
  3. I think the server could potentially be good with better staff and more to do (and less abusive BSF of course). I really wouldn't consider coming back until then though. Also, please make an official rules list somewhere, there's no way for us to know what we can and cannot do.
  5. Staff involved:
  7. Jimbo (the less agressive one, who sounded like he was just having a shitty day)
  9. Dorp (Super agressive, non reasonable, kept muting me while I was trying to defend my case, and the one who banned me)
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