

Jan 26th, 2015
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  1. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: So, I've never really seen you around 'til today but I'm impressed by how you carry yourself and can't help but notice that our interests align. It'd be cool if we could play sometime, but if you're not interested, that's fine too.
  2. [2015/01/26]Lucas Foster: I'm interested, certainly; how could I not be, cute little guy like you? Admittedly, I have been a tad bit inactive of late, so that'd be the reason behind our lack of meeting 'til now.
  3. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: Great! Now that that's out of the way, sucks about your inactivity, but stuff happens. I've been the same way until about a week ago, but hopefully we'll each find our reasons for becoming active again.
  4. [2015/01/26]Lucas Foster: Certainly; I typically just got swamped with work around this time of year, so that's why I've been relatively inactive. I should see a pickup relatively soon, however!
  5. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: Oh, that makes sense! I don't want to bore you with idle chatter, so I'll get straight to it. Would you prefer something with a bit of story and sex, or do you prefer just sexual scenes? Feel free to ask me anything, too!
  6. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent quietly settles back in after being ravaged by the chat or something.
  7. [2015/01/26]Lucas Foster got hit himself; his ass is still a little sore from the boot.
  8. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent bundles himself up under a few comforters, striped fur not enough for this level of cold!
  9. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: Did you get my questions, by the way?
  10. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: Hey, did you get my questions from earlier? I'm not sure if you're using the new chat or not so I just thought I'd ask.
  11. [2015/01/26]Lucas Foster: I fear I did not get any questions... F-chat fucked up real bad for me earlier, so I didn't get many posts.
  12. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: Oh, that makes sense! I don't want to bore you with idle chatter, so I'll get straight to it. Would you prefer something with a bit of story and sex, or do you prefer just sexual scenes? Feel free to ask me anything, too!
  13. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: Of course, we don't have to do anything now if you're busy, just wanted to get something going.
  14. [2015/01/26]Lucas Foster smiles softly. "Of course. Personally, when it comes to a long-term sort of deal, I strongly prefer story and sex. It gives it that extra weight that just simple, straight-to-the-point sex doesn't provide nearly as well."
  15. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent keeps himself nice and warm under a bundle of comforters; his striped fur not enough to stave off the cold. "Oh, so you'd like to play out somethin' long-term with little ol' me? I'm flatteted." Tay flashes his fellow tiger a flirty wink. "I'd like that. Story with lots of sensuality, steamy sex and some great banter. We could throw out some ideas and brainstorm together."
  16. [2015/01/26]Lucas Foster laughs softly. "Unless you've got some complaints to that, I'm more than happy to share an extended period of company with ya, sweetheart." Lucas replies with a flash of a grin, winking right back at the bundled-up, smaller tiger; Lucas himself had adapted to cold weather a long time ago, and in fact sat shirtless in the faint chill of the winter. "Mmhm, the best kind, if you were to ask me. Do you have any proposals for ideas, first?"
  17. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent mirrors Lucas' soft laughter, his easy-going nature rather infectious. Tay's green eyes rake over Foster's chest appreciatively once, twice, before he directs his gaze elsewhere, anywhere. "Absolutely none. You seem interesting enough." Argent shifts within his seat, occupying one of the sofa's corners rather than its entirety, leaving an open space beside him. "Well, Lucas seems rather open-ended, so that's exciting. Adaptable characters are great. Tay's meant for a bit of romance and mild orientation play with males, particularly him coming to terms with enjoying loving other men and their dicks. He's witty, charming and, in spite of a few bratty outbursts every now and again, he's rather level-headed. We could probably go with a clich� concept like childhood friends who grew apart due to their difference in age and pursuing differing interests, twist it around with a bit of unrequited crushing. Maybe they've fooled around but neither took it too seriously until they end up screwing around while drunk and Lucas finds out Tay's got a pretty nice cunt and things escalate from there? It's just a rough idea though, feel free to rag on it, add, edit, delete!"
  18. [2015/01/26]Lucas Foster leans forward and flosses his fingers together, about to open his mouth before noticing that he had been given an open space to occupy. Grinning, he wordlessly took the spot beside Tay, lounging next to the fellow feline with spread legs and arms draped on the back of the couch. "That's how I like him, and most of the characters I've ever made. Just a personality focus, and giving them an open-ended means of approach. Much easier than, say, making him a high school student, or some kind of warrior." He flashes a broad smile. "I think two witty, charming young tigers having a bit of screwing around with each other would be an excellent build-up. For whatever reason, I've always been a sucker for the clich� of two childhood friends meeting up or falling for one another." He rubs his chin with one hand, staring up at the ceiling. "The idea of unrequited affections is interesting; I take it Lucas would have it for Tay, since he's relatively adamant - at least at first - about his lack of interest in males?"
  19. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent throws some of the covers over Lucas, even if he seems to be faring well in the cold. A little kindness goes a long way. Knees tucked up against his chest, Tay turns slightly to face the other male with ease, donning a wide smile of his own. "Good! Clich�s aren't all bad anyhow." The smaller tiger's eyes follow suit with Foster's, glancing up at the ceiling to get a peek at whatever was up there. "Yeah, that'd be cool. Maybe Tay's had feelings for him, too, but them drifting apart is what causes him to be so adamant about his sexuality? It's an interesting take, I think."
  20. [2015/01/26]Lucas Foster hums as he snuggles underneath the courteously-given covers, and slinks closer against Tay. He sprawls gently against the smaller male, his thick, athletic arms wrapping about his midsection and chest and tugging Argent in to a warm cuddle beneath the covers. "They got popular for a reason." He chuckled lightly, then hummed softly. "That'd be interesting... when they were young, they developed strong feelings for each other... but when they drifted apart, Tay felt a bit more betrayed from Lucas leaving him. Of course, Lucas shared those feelings, but was too scared to share them before he left... not knowing Tay returned the emotions, and not wanting to alienate him. Lucas clings to the feelings, while Tay casts most of them away, leading to his stubborn approach to his sexuality." He mused.
  21. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent can't say the embrace is unwelcome: for some reason, Tay thought it'd be a good idea to bundle up naked, so the taller male's warmth seeps right into the fur of his back. Argent hums quietly while leaning against Lucas, content to see their chemistry was great. "That's true. You're a sharp one." Tay opines, rumbling low in his chest. "Yeah, Tay's young and brash so he handles his emotions rather poorly. He swears men off, but when Lucas comes back into his life, as do all the emotions associated with him. It'd be interesting to see them try to make room for each other in their new lives, things not always perfect but still worth fighting for, y'know? And I mean that in just a platonic sense, their romance being just another red thread of fate that keeps 'em together."
  22. [2015/01/26]Lucas Foster nods. "Trying to fit time to hang out together and catch up in to the schedules that they've established..." His fingers brush slowly along Tay's flank, combing through the orange fur. The bare back pressed against his nude torso caused a smile to form on Lucas' lips, pleased with the casual cuddle. "So while Lucas has a bit more mature, optimistic feelings on the matter, Tay is struggling with the return of his feeling for him versus the adamant stance he forged for himself. How would picture, by the by, them growing apart? Different cliques, interests, schools... perhaps Lucas moves?"
  23. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent slides his own fingers over Lucas', pleased to just be by the other's side for the time being. Call him crazy, but just laying against Lucas makes Tay feel secure - he doesn't need to rationalize it, just accepts the feeling for what it is. "I'm thinking different schools after primary, high school pulling them apart. From there, Tay got into modeling, doing his own thing and became super independent, whereas Lucas did his own thing. In spite of Tay's struggling with his feelings, I see him as being really sweet to Lucas when they're together, mainly because he can be himself while around him and doesn't have to take part in the cutthroat nature of his career."
  24. [2015/01/26]Lucas Foster nods. "I could definitely see Tay getting a bit... perhaps overwhelmed by the cutthroat nature of the fashion industry? Or at least having a distaste for it. That lets Lucas be something of an escape for him... sort of an emotional escape hatch, which would help their feelings for each other blossom yet more." He tilted his head to the side, while his fingers curled inwards to interlock with Argent's.
  25. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent smiles softly when their fingers entwine, craning his neck to give Lucas a peck on the lips. "Yeah, and then it becomes a bit of a dependency so he hangs out Lucas even when their relationship becomes questionable at best. Whenever they do have sex and begin to properly romance one another, however, I imagine the nature of their relationship and his feelings becomes clearer to Tay, so he'll stop being a huge jerk about it."
  26. [2015/01/26]Lucas Foster smiles back, and returns the kiss gently. "That sounds like a plan to me." He purrs, "Mmn... it might be a little interesting to have one night where they do get it out in the open, but under the influence of alcohol... so they both feel a little awkward about it the next day... of course, that's depending on how long you'd want to prolong the build-up to their relationship. I'm a fan of either one awkward, one serious, or just going straight to the serious. Perhaps after a particularly rough day for Tay."
  27. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent relaxes against Lucas, head resting against the other male's neck. "I'd actually love to try the awkward approach, I really appreciate humor in writing and it'd be pretty fuzzy, cute, I think. Of course, Tay'd fess up to what he said and defend that it's fine, since it's really how he feels about Lucas even if those feelings scare him." Tay reaches down and gives either of Foster's corded thighs a squeeze from outside his trousers.
  28. [2015/01/26]Lucas Foster nods. "That could, of course, lead to their actual getting-together. The fact that Tay fessed up to it would comfort Lucas, and he'd feel fine making sure that he understood that the feelings are reciprocated." He hummed softly, his hand sliding forward to rub and massage the smaller feline's belly.
  29. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent rumbles happily against Foster's chest, tempted to lay out flat on the sofa just to gauge the other's reaction. "Ah, so they'll have their cute little union after all. Of course, I'd throw in some drama after they get together, NPC some other characters who try to get in the way of their respective careers and newfound relationship."
  30. [2015/01/26]Lucas Foster nods. "Of course. Some drama to make it more interesting, and test their new-found bond with one another." He murmured in reply, his fingertips circling Argent's navel. "Perhaps an agent of his in the fashion industry, for one, tries to dissuade him from having a relationship with Lucas since it's not something they can market on tabloids."
  31. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent traces his fingers up and down the older feline's thighs, striped digits at his navel drawing a gentle purr from the slender little tiger. Sliding out of Foster's grasp, Tay lays out on his side of the sofa, legs parted slightly underneath the covers. Beckoning Lucas between his decidedly curvy thighs - for a male, anyway - Tay hopes the dripping from his netherlips remains unnoticed. "Yeah, Tay would probably shoot that down straight so the agent would have to take things into their own hands. Spread a few rumors, slander a few names, stir up some drama, the works."
  32. [2015/01/26]Lucas Foster nods. "Well. Anyway, I have food that I need to eat, so I shall return briefly!"
  33. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent waves him off! "Yes, yes, go eat."
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