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Oct 15th, 2014
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  1. [S 10420292 8978870 10/13/14-16:10:41:668 904] migratepv hdisk27 hdisk19
  2. [S 4850126 10420292 10/13/14-16:10:41:697 getlvodm.c 2102] getlvodm -j hdisk27
  3. [E 4850126 0:001 getlvodm.c 2368] getlvodm: exited with rc=0
  4. [S 4850130 10420292 10/13/14-16:10:42:291 getlvodm.c 2102] getlvodm -p hdisk27
  5. [E 4850130 0:001 getlvodm.c 2368] getlvodm: exited with rc=0
  6. [S 12452084 10420292 10/13/14-16:10:42:295 putlvodm.c 1372] putlvodm -k 000da9510000d90000000146beda0e06 -X 0
  7. [E 12452084 0:001 putlvodm.c 1181] putlvodm: exited with rc=0
  8. [S 12452086 10420292 10/13/14-16:10:42:301 getlvodm.c 2102] getlvodm -p hdisk19
  9. [E 12452086 0:001 getlvodm.c 2368] getlvodm: exited with rc=0
  10. [S 9175314 10420292 10/13/14-16:10:42:305 getlvodm.c 2102] getlvodm -j hdisk19
  11. [E 9175314 0:001 getlvodm.c 2368] getlvodm: exited with rc=0
  12. [S 9175332 14876914 10/13/14-16:10:44:977 getlvodm.c 2102] getlvodm -c 000da9510000d90000000146beda0e06.1
  13. [E 9175332 0:002 getlvodm.c 2368] getlvodm: exited with rc=0
  14. [S 9175334 10420292 10/13/14-16:10:44:984 getlvodm.c 2102] getlvodm -c 000da9510000d90000000146beda0e06.1
  15. [E 9175334 0:003 getlvodm.c 2368] getlvodm: exited with rc=0
  16. [S 8847796 10420292 10/13/14-16:10:50:181 getlvodm.c 2102] getlvodm -c 000da9510000d90000000146beda0e06.1
  17. [E 8847796 0:003 getlvodm.c 2368] getlvodm: exited with rc=0
  18. [S 11796616 10682430 10/13/14-16:10:50:207 allocp.c 1412] allocp -i 000da9510000d90000000146beda0e06.1 -t x -u 1024 -e m -a m
  19. [2 11796616 0:481 mapread.c 1087] map_read: Either no free pp's or no info available for this disk
  20. [2 11796616 0:481 mapread.c 1087] map_read: Either no free pp's or no info available for this disk
  21. [2 11796616 0:481 mapread.c 1087] map_read: Either no free pp's or no info available for this disk
  22. [2 11796616 0:481 mapread.c 1087] map_read: Either no free pp's or no info available for this disk
  23. [2 11796616 0:481 mapread.c 1087] map_read: Either no free pp's or no info available for this disk
  24. [2 11796616 0:481 mapread.c 1087] map_read: Either no free pp's or no info available for this disk
  25. [3 11796616 0:969 allocp.c 1226] get_pv_mirror_pool: LV not using mirror pools.
  26. [E 11796616 0:974 allocp.c 1545] allocp: exited with rc=0
  27. [S 8388736 10420292 10/13/14-16:10:52:025 getlvodm.c 2102] getlvodm -a 000da9510000d90000000146beda0e06.1
  28. [E 8388736 0:001 getlvodm.c 2368] getlvodm: exited with rc=0
  29. [S 14811366 8978870 10/13/14-16:11:36:129 lspv.c 175] lspv hdisk19
  30. [S 12976304 11862024 10/13/14-16:18:17:219 lspv.c 175] lspv hdisk27
  31. [S 10158136 10420292 10/14/14-03:07:49:904 putlvodm.c 1372] putlvodm -K 000da9510000d90000000146beda0e06 -X 0
  32. [E 10158136 0:018 putlvodm.c 1250] putlvodm: exited with rc=0
  33. [E 10420292 39428:399 22] migratepv: exited with rc=1
  34. [E 10420292 39428:437 22] migratepv: exited with rc=1
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