
A day full of surprises.

Jul 27th, 2014
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  1. >You take a deep breath while looking up into the blue sky.
  2. >Your horn glows and the curtains open.
  3. >You slowly walk towards the middle of the stage, and you see one chair on which a stuffed ursa mayor was sitting.
  4. >Looking down, you take another deep breath.
  5. “Fillies and gentlecolts ...”
  6. >You stand there staring at the stuffed toy.
  7. ‘Stupid introduction I have no idea what to say.’
  8. “Anyways let´s skip the boring part of the introduction.”
  9. >Your horn lights up and you levitate water from behind the curtains.
  10. >The water formed a ball that was about as big as you.
  11. “The only thing that you have to know is my name.”
  12. >You parted the water ball into six smaller balls.
  13. >You slowly formed the water into letters.
  14. >It took you one minute to fully write your name but it was done.
  15. “I am the Great and Powerful TRIXIE.”
  16. >Your horn glows brighter and little fireworks started to explode around your name.
  17. ‘Just a bit faster and this will be perfect.’
  18. >The fireworks stop and the water formed a big ball again.
  20. >You felt pretty confident now that the “show” was running and you didn´t mess up the beginning.
  21. >The water formed a bird and you levitated it around the garden.
  22. >You illuminated the bird and it flew back above you.
  23. >The bird parts into many small water drops and they start to fly around.
  24. >You start to charge your horn and sweat was running down your face.
  25. >You make yourself ready to shoot your spell at the water drops when you suddenly heard an explosion.
  26. >Energy suddenly floods your body and your flanks feel hot.
  27. >Unable to hold it you shoot the spell at the water drops.
  28. >The water drops got hit by the spell and they start to glow in all kinds of colours.
  29. >Your horn stops glowing and the water splashed onto the ground.
  30. “Wow this is amazing.”
  31. >You were looking up into the sky and you could see a rainbow coloured wave spreading over the whole sky.
  32. >It didn´t take long for it to disappear.
  33. ‘What was that? I have to ask mom.’
  34. >You rub your flank.
  35. ‘Why did my flanks feel hot?’
  36. >You look back at your right flank and you saw a cutie mark.
  37. “W…What? A…a cutie mark?”
  38. >You jump down from the stage and you run behind it.
  39. ‘Mom won´t believe me what happened.’
  40. >You run towards your house with an enormous grin on your face.
  41. >You reach the back door and open it.
  42. >You run through the room towards the stairs.
  43. >You nearly slip when you ran up the stairs.
  44. >Reaching the upper floor you turn to your left and open the door.
  45. “Mom, mom, I finally got my cutie mark.”
  46. >She didn´t say anything and you walk towards the bed where she was lying.
  47. “Mom?”
  48. >Her body was grey and her eyes were closed.
  49. “Mom wake up.”
  50. >You took her right front hoof that wasn´t under the blanket.
  51. “Mom I…I finally got it. Please wake up, you promised that we´ll go and eat ice cream together once I get my cutie mark.”
  52. >Tears start to run down your face and you remember what the doctor said “Don´t worry she is just sleeping, there is no need to cry as long as her cutie mark is still there.”
  53. >Your horn glows and you pull the blanket from her.
  54. >you look at the place where her cutie mark should be, but the only thing you can see is grey fur.
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