
Ultima Split Form

Jun 13th, 2016
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  1. Key: Fash
  2. Character: Ultima
  3. Application for: Split Form
  5. Ultima was tired of fighting shadows and playing pretend with his sword slaying invisible demons. He wanted to hit something real, but he didn't want to hurt anything per-say, at least if it wasn't needed. He was a bit of a brute and Arvonas was a little too soft for him to really practice on and get any good training in. He always felt bad after beating him, as if karma was going to get him back one day. Ultima feared karma, knowing full well that all things bad had something bad coming to them and vice-versa. With that said he started beating on rocks and trees, seeing how hard he could swing his blade, but still no satisfaction came from something that couldn't fight back. He wanted a solid partner, someone who could take a beating and dish one out, at least like he could.
  7. He got to thinking about how he could achieve this perfect sparring partner. How could he find someone just like him? He wasn't about to wait around for another Demi god to show up and begin sparring with them, he had tried that already and it didn't workout as well as he hoped. Play fighting was great but lacked substance, he began thinking of how Meran made fruits out of his own ki, how everyone apparently had an energy flow. If he could make a flow of energy take a solid shape like a rock it would be a start.
  9. Using his ki and some divine magic he started creating a sort of flow in front of him. As the mass of energy came to be from his finger tips he focused the divine magic he controlled and tried to force the ki to transform into a rock. With a little luck and some intuition he successfully created a small rock on the ground. He picked it up and tossed it away, only a little pleased with how it turned out. To his surprise when the rock hit the surface of checkpoint it exploded like a blast of ki and left a tiny crater where it hit. Ultima let out a giggle and thought about what it would be like to hit someone that did that on impact. It would probably hurt a lot he thought, which was something he was now going to try and avoid.
  11. For days he tried forming his ki into different objects, working his way up from rocks to flowers, to small saplings to bushes. Nothing was really giving him the hope that he was really looking for. He needed something with more life in it, something that could move as if it had a mind of its own. After much frustration he sighed and began thinking about his own body. Its curves and edges, how it moved, how the flow in his body swooshed like a current. With great focus and determination he begins shaping his ki into a bubbling humanoid mass. Using some divine magic he created a sort of thick skin around it to contain all the energy. He had to focus on how his own energy circulated, how it formed into his muscles, his breathing. Or did he? Could it just be a mass like everything else he was making? Could he make it so it moved after he made it solid?
  13. With that thought in mind he begins only worrying about getting the energy stable, forming it finally into a shape much like his own. He worked on its hair, clothing, and finally got to its movements. He made the ki work off him like a memory, making it shadow his every move, but since it was a copy everything was mirrored. When he swung outside to in from the right, it did so from the left. The swords met in the middle and this gave Ultima an form of glee that could only be compared to that of a human child's first memorable Christmas. He sparred with his copy for a bit but when he finally landed a strike upon its body he was struck by a large explosion flinging him back several feet and leaving his face in the dirt.
  15. Ultima spit a few bits of dirt on the ground and let out an "Ugh...", he wasn't sure what he did wrong but now he needed rest so that he could figure it out once he was in better condition. A day or two passed and Ultima was back at it again, creating ki in his own image, forcing it to move as he moved, getting it to go at higher velocities and extremes to test out how durable it was. As he began to grow more confident in his ability to keep it stable he had a spar with it once more, finding that only after a long period of time and plenty of exchanges that the split form would finally disappear instead of exploding violently. Ultima felt like he had accomplished something great, fore now he could spar and practice his sword techniques without the aid of someone else and didn't have to feel bad about hurting them either.
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