
I don't even...

Feb 27th, 2014
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  1. >Day disgusting in Equestria
  2. >You are Anon
  3. >And gosh darnit you feel happy today
  4. >The sun shines apon your face and you greet the day with a smile
  5. >You jump out of bed and skip to the bathroom
  6. >You shower with rainbows and happiness
  7. >You skip down the stairs after you get dressed and have a bowl of Cheery O's
  8. >The name makes you feel warm inside as you crunch them up and swallow
  9. >There's a knock on the door
  10. I wonder who that could be?
  11. >You skip over to the door
  12. >You open it and see Fluttershy
  13. >You give her a big smile
  14. >She gives it back
  15. >"Oh m-my someone's happy today..."
  16. Oh yes! I'm the happiest guy in the world!
  17. >You pick Fluttershy up and run outside
  18. >You spin with her and gaze into her beautiful teal eyes as you fall on the grass
  19. >You both laugh for a while
  20. >Then it gets quiet and you both stare into each others eyes
  21. >She leans in
  22. >You do too
  23. >Your lips meet with a passionate kiss
  25. >Day happiness in Equestria
  26. >You wake up in cold sweat and run to the bathroom
  27. >You flip up the toilet seat and throw up all in the toilet
  28. >You look down and see Fluttershy's face covered in vomit
  29. >"Is vomit your fetish?"
  30. >You stare at her for a second
  31. >She licks her lips
  32. >Your face becomes devoid of emotion
  33. >You stand up and walk out of there
  34. >You go into your room and she follows
  35. >"S-so is that a yes?"
  36. >You open your balcony door and step outside
  37. >She stands inside
  38. >You turn around
  39. >She still has throw up on her face
  40. >She licks it again
  41. >You turn back around and stand on the rail
  42. >You dive off
  44. >Day scary in Equestria
  45. >You wake up with your heart racing and run outside
  46. What the fuck is happening?!
  47. >You see Fluttershy but smaller and poofy
  48. >Aw that thing is cute
  49. >You pick her up
  50. >She's so fucking cute
  51. >You bring her inside and snuggle the fuck out of her
  52. Who's a cute wittle thing? You are!
  53. >You boop her nose and she makes a scrunchy face
  54. >Then you feel a sudden tingly pain in your arm
  55. >And then it feels like an elephant is sitting on your chest
  56. >You can't breath
  57. >You die from a heart attack
  59. >Day cute in Equestria
  60. >You wake up slowly
  61. >You look at your hands
  62. I need to stop this madness...
  63. >There is a knock at the door
  64. >You walk downstairs and open the door
  65. >"Hey Anon is sex your fetish?"
  66. >You stare blankly at her
  67. >Then you grab her and throw her inside
  68. >She hits her head against the wall and struggles to stand as you grab a knife from the kitchen
  69. >She looks up and sees you with a knife staring back at her
  70. >"Is cutting you-"
  71. >You silence her with a quick stab to the head
  72. >She drops dead instantly
  73. >Suddenly the world fades away
  74. >You are typing words on a laptop in notepad
  75. What the fuck?
  76. >Is this your life?
  77. >Yes
  78. >And it's a hell of a lot better than
  79. >Fucking Fluttershy
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