
Endtown RPG Session #30.1 (M. Walker's Adventure)

Apr 4th, 2016
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  1. GM (GM): Hey!
  2. M. Walker: Got around to updating my avatar, the usual one's pretty old
  3. GM (GM): Noice!
  4. Okay, gotta handle something right away. I'll be back in 10 minutes
  5. M. Walker: k
  6. GM (GM): I'm back!
  7. M. Walker: Welcome back!
  8. GM (GM): Here is the doc!
  10. Ready?
  11. M. Walker: Yup!
  12. We begin!
  13. You have a choice! You may start 3 days prior to the band leaving or skip right to that!
  14. M. Walker: Eh, skip right to it
  15. GM (GM): Very well!
  16. Three days later! You have regen'd 30 hp and 15 mp.
  17. M. Walker: ( A tune I usually associate with her)
  18. GM (GM): That's cool!
  19. M. Walker stands at the front of the apartments, her duffel bag of arms by her side
  20. GM (GM): Here's what I associate with my character.
  21. Your cohorts will meet in front of the clock tower. Some drama thing.
  22. M. Walker arrives at the appointed hour at the foot of the clock tower, a sullen look on her muzzle
  23. You assess these guys.
  24. All large all male mutants. Tig, you've met, is a tiger. He to be wearing some dusty scale armor. After that is a large wolf, a large bat, and a man sized ant. Not beauty contest winners here.
  25. Tig: Walker!
  26. glad you made it!
  27. M. Walker blinks, pausing as she takes stock of her companions. Then cautiously approaches Tig. "Of course..."
  28. Tig: I'm already getting impatient.
  29. He produces a large knife and cuts his hand. He puffs up and says with some bravado
  30. Tig: We go out there, we'll be blood brothers... Er, and sister. We fight together we die together.
  31. M. Walker her eyes widen with his sudden self mutilation. Already she's having misgivings about this guy, hah
  32. He passes the knife off and each cut their hand... Yes, even the ant.
  33. The knife is finally passed to you.
  34. M. Walker: She stares at it a moment, a passing moment of conflict. Her husband's scream echoes in her head, and she lets the edge cut her paw.
  35. M. Walker visibly winces as she does she
  36. M. Walker: does so*
  37. you have contracted Dog pox.
  38. M. Walker: lol
  39. Sorry, no, joke!
  40. M. Walker: Oh dear, haha
  41. GM (GM): With that The group is set to leave.
  42. They chinwag for a bit and think they have 10 days worth of supplies.
  43. M. Walker: (Oh hey)
  45. GM (GM): Hey man!
  46. Everett Pillory: (I want to see how this unfolds)
  47. Are you set to leave?
  48. M. Walker: (Yup)
  49. M. Walker generally remains distant from the others, lost in thought as she keeps pace with the group
  50. you depart north headed to Alpha 7.
  51. about a day has passed before you encounter a group of foxes on dirt bikes.
  52. M. Walker looks back and forth between her compatriots, going, "...Friends of yours?"
  53. Tig: Nope.
  54. The foxes start.
  55. F1: Pahoihoi!
  56. M. Walker draws her rifle, distasteful of fighting fellow mutants, even ruffians like these, but...
  57. Tig: what do you want?
  58. Foxes: To get paid!
  59. It appears that the rest of your band is readying to fight. What do you do?!
  60. M. Walker cocks her rifle, and aims at the nearest of the band of foxes.
  61. GM (GM): Thank you for the new wave kick
  62. Roll intiative!
  63. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+35
  64. (97)+35= 132
  65. Oh wow
  66. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+35
  67. (8)+35= 43
  68. M. Walker: (And yup, that's a good track)
  69. GM (GM): Okay! You you vs the fox pack!
  70. First move!
  71. Before we begin I'd like to use the abbreviated damage!
  72. Everett Pillory: (So that's where all my good rolls went to... Kazen...)
  73. GM (GM): The foxes for example have a 5.45mm Random 35: 1d10+5(15). So their abb. damage is 15
  74. Also, The foxes are one dirt bikes so, little hit, we are going to have some vehicle combat!
  75. M. Walker: Ooo, ha
  76. GM (GM): Your move!
  77. M. Walker: (Also hey Clay)
  78. Clayton R.: (( Hello. I'm surprised too see a surprise session going. ))
  79. GM (GM): Everybody is here! Didn't think I'd get this response.
  80. Martin Baron: (( Hey, got back from class and saw a session going on. ))
  81. GM (GM):
  82. M. Walker: I'll spend an action aiming at F1, then my second firing at him
  83. GM (GM): +10 to hit along with your skill.
  84. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+70
  85. (82)+70= 152
  86. The first shot is fired and the first shot is true!
  87. GM (GM): What are you shooting?
  88. M. Walker: F1, the leader
  89. GM (GM): The gun I mean
  90. Damage.
  91. M. Walker: Oh!
  92. Clayton R.: (( To be honest, this all sort of weird to me doing these all separately, but I guess it makes since given the context of them. I don't know that I really have anything for Clayton to do though unless GM has something lined up for him. He's just sort of sullen right now with his injuries, and he's not really sure where to go. ))
  93. GM (GM): This is a big scale thing so let's do average damage.
  94. Martin Baron: (( You could tag along with me and Everett if you want ))
  95. M. Walker: .256 rifle
  96. Martin Baron: (( Also GM, want me to start taking log? ))
  97. GM (GM): .256 Mini-Ruger: 3d10+30(45)
  98. So 45 damage.
  99. M. Walker: k
  100. GM (GM): You catch him center mass and he clutches the wound!
  101. Also, you have a 5 in your weapon skill?
  102. M. Walker: No, 2, so it's +60
  103. GM (GM): Actually that would be +20
  104. M. Walker: Oohh
  105. GM (GM): Total.
  106. Okay. Weapon skills.
  107. Anyone see that series, Horatio hornblower?
  108. M. Walker: Thought it was 30 60 90 out of the three levels you could have
  109. And, nope
  110. GM (GM): Well that's skill rolls.
  111. M. Walker: Oh!
  112. GM (GM): Well, actually no.
  113. Anyway. +10 per skill.
  114. GM (GM): Skill rolls are a 30% margin like that.
  115. Either way it's a hit.
  116. M. Walker: Aahh okay
  117. GM (GM): F'ers turn!
  118. the group revs up their packs and move to circle!
  119. GM (GM): (Dirtbike speed at this point: 10 sq
  120. F3, F5 get daring and fire!
  121. F5, YOU!
  122. rolling 1d100+10-30
  123. (100)+10-30= 80
  124. Well shit!
  125. 15 damage normal, so it's 30 for the crit!
  126. M. Walker: Oooh boy
  127. GM (GM): This is another point: The F's are now moving at 30 mph. Attacks against them now suffer -30 as their attacks against you also sufffer -30
  128. F3 attacks Jack!
  129. rolling 1d100-20
  130. (85)-20= 65
  131. It hits and puffs his shell abit.
  132. Tig attacks 1 with a colt
  133. rolling 1d100+10
  134. (64)+10= 74
  135. GM (GM): He falls off his bike when the bullet slams!
  136. Phil takes aim the whole time
  137. +20 on f2
  138. Rad takes flight
  139. Clayton R.: (( Alright, put my schedule up on the forum post. I'm gonna go play Artorias of the Abyss and leave this running in the background in case anyone needs me. ))
  140. M. Walker takes a solid hit to her midsection, involuntarily yiping with pain
  141. GM (GM): Cool!
  142. Jack dodges
  143. rolling 1d100+20
  144. (11)+20= 31
  145. Yeah, hoping you have armor!
  146. Your turn!
  147. M. Walker: (Yup, 70 hp worth)
  148. I'm going to do the same F5, aim with one action, fire with the other
  149. rolling 1d100+30
  150. (94)+30= 124
  151. GM (GM): Well. -30 for the speed but still a hit!
  153. Damage!
  154. Yep, another bad wound!
  155. Foxes!
  156. F2, to Tig
  157. GM (GM): rolling 1d100-20
  158. (78)-20= 58
  159. hit
  160. 3 to Jack
  161. rolling 1d100-20
  162. (28)-20= 8
  163. Miss!
  164. F5 to Bat
  165. GM (GM): (-30 for vehicle, -10 for flying target
  166. rolling 1d100-40
  167. (37)-40= -3
  168. M. Walker: (Aahh)
  169. GM (GM): Super miss!
  170. Yeah, I guess I should be honest. This is a big combat test as well.
  171. No one takes fliers and dodges!
  172. F3 Advances and fires!
  173. Fires at you!
  174. M. Walker: No problem, Mana is basicaly a combat character anyway
  175. GM (GM): rolling 1d100-20
  176. (55)-20= 35
  177. Miss!
  178. Can't steady and drive!
  179. F4 is a crash person!
  180. He's gonna try to ram your butt!
  181. M. Walker: and not in a hot way either
  182. GM (GM): This is pilot test. He has bikes 1
  183. Thus, he needs 60 or better on a straight roll.
  184. rolling 1d100
  185. (19)= 19
  186. Nope!
  187. M. Walker: Nope, lol
  188. GM (GM): He falls off his bike!
  189. And takes.
  190. rolling 6d10
  191. (6+6+1+2+8+5)= 28
  192. 28 skidding along his face.
  193. M. Walker: Ouch, all that dust has to hurt grinding against your face like that
  194. GM (GM): Tig!
  195. He wastes no time and claws the dropped SOB.
  196. rolling 1d100 +30
  197. (56)+30= 86
  198. M. Walker: Oh man
  199. GM (GM): For 40 (abb. claw)+35 Str
  200. Err. Might wanna shield any young eyes for that.!
  201. Phil fires on f5
  202. M. Walker: Not a pleasant way to go
  203. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+30-30
  204. (39)+30-30= 39
  205. ZWIP!
  206. Rad flies and dodges
  207. rolling 1d100+25
  208. (97)+25= 122
  209. +10 for aero.
  210. Jack fires on 5
  211. GM (GM): ...wait.
  212. There we go.
  213. rolling 1d100-30
  214. (75)-30= 45
  215. Hit 45
  216. He drops.
  217. Your turn!
  218. GM (GM): (Jack actually has acid spray if he ever gets to use that.
  219. M. Walker aims at F2, then fires at him, as well.
  220. M. Walker: rolling 1d100
  221. (21)= 21
  222. Ah, not that time
  223. GM (GM): +20 for the skil but -30 speed.
  224. Zip
  225. Speed is a fortress!
  226. M. Walker: Seriously
  227. GM (GM): Was that for both actions?
  228. ((Cough cough do a spray!))
  229. M. Walker: (Oh, hah)
  230. And yeah
  231. GM (GM): For rifles it's +25 for 3 bullets, +65 for half clip, etc.
  232. Bonus goes to either damage or aim.
  233. M. Walker: Aaahh
  234. GM (GM): Fox glovers!
  235. Those that are left.
  236. F2 Yells to fall back!
  237. They gas it and are retreating west!
  238. Tig's turn!
  239. M. Walker breathes a small sigh of relief, in spite of the painful welt to her chest
  240. GM (GM): He pats off 3 rounds at f6!
  241. rolling 1d100+10-30
  242. (1)+10-30= -19
  243. Chamber jam.
  244. Get gets nothing!
  245. Phil yells, "Kill the s"
  246. He fires/
  247. GM (GM): rolling 1d100 -20
  248. (56)-20= 36
  249. rolling 1d100
  250. (48)= 48
  251. Jack fires off two aimed rounds
  252. rolling 1d100
  253. (57)= 57
  254. Rad is doesn't know what to do!
  255. And I screwed up their turn order
  256. GM (GM): Walker!
  257. You've got some Texas hardshots if you want!
  258. The foxes are in retreat
  259. M. Walker with a grimace, aims at F2 and squeezes off a three round burst
  260. GM (GM): Okay!
  261. Either +25 to your shot or to your damage
  262. So it would be +45 if you wanted.
  263. M. Walker: Shot, given the penalties involved
  264. GM (GM): Okay!
  265. +15 to hit all told
  266. I'll admit, this is abit from Rifts. But I think it makes sense.
  267. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+15
  268. (41)+15= 56
  269. GM (GM): Took me 1 1/2 hours but finally found the right tune for this bit:
  270. Hitsy!
  271. Endturn or continue?
  272. You fire off a burst, dispite his swerving f2 takes a hit!
  273. M. Walker lowers her rifle as she watches the round strike home. (Browser flub)
  274. GM (GM): You use comcast or century?
  275. It's like you have a fun throttle with your internet provider or something!
  276. M. Walker: (( Actually I'm using a laptop with a tempermental touch pad. Another fantastic new wave-y song with awesome animated accompaniment when you have the time: ))
  277. GM (GM): Cool!
  278. Endturn? (Foxes will leave flee after this turn.
  279. M. Walker: Yup, spent all my actions
  280. GM (GM): Kicking dust as they retreat, they try their best to get out of your range.
  281. +8 xp.
  282. You take
  283. rolling 2d10
  284. (10+4)= 14
  285. stress
  286. M. Walker: Yup
  287. Tig: That's what I'm talking about!
  288. Grab: those bikes and anything else they have.
  289. M. Walker pauses to watch the gang beat quick retreat, before joining the others pillaging
  290. The band walked away with 4 dirt bikes. 3 days supplies. and 4 .225mm Random model pistols.
  291. Martin Baron: (( Go pistol akimbo ))
  292. GM (GM): You get 1 days supples and a dirtbike.
  293. Tig says that they will now head East to Beta Theta.
  294. M. Walker joins Tig, replenishing the foodstuffs she had to spend getting here, and hopping on one of the bikes.
  295. Everett Pillory: (( WE WOO NOW! ))
  296. you head East for 5 days.
  297. Encounter!
  298. M. Walker is happy to have these bikes now, given the distance
  299. the party comes accross a beat up food truck.
  300. Tig waves the group to wave it down.
  301. M. Walker finds this rather suspicious, but hesitantly approaches anyway
  302. It opens it's window to show a dog and mantis in the back with a selection of bagged junk food and other junk.
  303. Dog: Uh, hello! How's it going?
  304. GM (GM): (Ah, right, you've all regend +50 and +25 mp
  305. It's been a week.
  306. Tig and Jack remain silent while the other two circle around the back.
  307. M. Walker comes to a stop beside the truck, not noticing the others circling around
  308. Tig: Traders? What do you have?
  309. The Traders say they deal in goods like candy... Meat. Information. Not much in hardware but they assure you the other stuff is worth much more.
  310. Dog: we have chew bones, salt, sugar, flour, fake milk, real milk, real-fake milk.
  311. Mantis: Anything you want!
  312. M. Walker looks around a bit at their truck and asks, "For what price?"
  313. Mantis: YOUR SOU--
  314. The dog cuts him off.
  315. Dog: we negoiate.
  316. M. Walker raises a wry eyebrow at him, but thi
  317. M. Walker but thinks nothing of
  318. Dog: We have actual fruit and seeds too.
  319. M. Walker: (LIke I said, temperamental touch pad, ha)
  320. GM (GM): ((These guys deal primarily in trade goods, edibles. You wouldn't think it but this stuff can go for abit and is sometimes banned in colonies (pg. 78 in the book.))
  321. He throws you a jawbreaker.
  322. Dog: here, freebie. $10 value.
  323. M. Walker catches it, blinking. "Oh, thanks...!"
  324. Jack: Hey! Hey! Gimme that Walker!
  325. Jack shoots you a look with his dark, emotionless eyes... very intensely!
  326. M. Walker clutches onto it, eyeing Jack annoyedly. But his imposing gaze stuns her, and she hesitantly gives it up. She isnt that big a fan of Jawbreakers anyway
  327. Jack smashing and grinds the candy in his manidibles. Before the shell is even off his mouth (parts) he spins to the traders and grabs the dog.
  328. M. Walker: (Oh dear, hah)
  329. The dog barely has to let out an 'UrK' before the Ant-man is screaming for all the candy he has.
  330. Jack: All of it! All of it now!
  331. M. Walker thinks, Candy is one thing, this' another, and steps up to stop Jack. "Jack, cut it out! We're not Raiders, right?"
  332. M. Walker is probably about to get a rude awakening
  333. Tig: Watch out Walker!
  334. Jack spins and sprays you with a liquid from his forehead!
  335. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+25
  336. (43)+25= 68
  337. 35 damage.
  338. M. Walker shrieks with surprise. "Aiieegh!!"
  339. GM (GM): rolling 1d10
  340. (2)= 2
  341. You'll take
  342. rolling 2d10
  343. (5+2)= 7
  344. 14 additional damage unless you wash the acid off!
  345. Tig: ...Hang back a sec walker.
  346. M. Walker frantically tries swiping it off, backing away from the others
  347. Tig: Insectoids love sugar. It's like pain killers, dope, and water on a hot day all in one for them.
  348. M. Walker: Yup
  349. Tig: he also has about 2 squirts left, dog.
  350. Mantis: Okay okay! *throws a brightly colored bag at the ant.
  351. The ant hisses and murders the bag with his pincers.
  352. Tig: Well, looks like we just made $600 for free!
  353. Phil: We found the driver boss. Doesn't look like anyone is around for miles.
  354. M. Walker rubs off the bile with the sand, sighing to herself. A cold shiver going up her spine as it starts to settle in what she got
  355. herself into.
  356. GM (GM): ((Only took her a week!))
  357. Rad looks over the truck, taking the mantis out.
  358. Rad: Hey, Walker! Come help me assess this stuff.
  359. GM (GM): Roll perception to take all this junk in.
  360. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+35
  361. (39)+35= 74
  362. GM (GM): You estimate that most of this stuff would probably go for about...50k. Maybe more.
  363. Driver: Let's be cool.
  364. M. Walker adds, "Okay, I'd say this is all around 50k." then she turns to the driver, looking forlorn. She whispers to
  365. M. Walker: the driver*, "Sorry about aIl this, I didn't...f...@#$%ing mean for this.."
  366. Tig looks to be thinking.
  367. The driver gives you a worried look as if to say he doesn't care, he just wants out of here!
  368. Tig looks over the food truck pulls out some packaged meat.
  369. He looks over the label and smiles. "Ah, plasma dextrose for flavoring." He rips open the package with his teeth and eats it.
  370. Tig: you probably don't know how good that tasted.
  371. Ha! This van probably isn't worth much but this junk can keep us in bullets for awhile!
  372. He waves to you and says, "People like this are selling the greater good for a few dollars. Take them out back and show them some justice Walker.
  373. The Wolf speaks up, need some help there Manasa? My aim has been off since that last run in. Need practice!
  374. M. Walker stares at Tig in disbelief. "Justice? I thought we were going after Topsiders, not holding up and murdering traders!" standing her ground.
  375. M. Walker: (Hoo boy)
  376. Tig: Justice doesn't stop at Topsiders. When we find them we will deal it out just the same.
  377. These people don't really care about that, do they? People have gone through hell for this stuff, needing this stuff, when they could have been out there doing damage.
  378. At this point the Driver shoots a very small whitsle.
  379. M. Walker winces, looking off to the side, then to the driver when he whistles
  380. He: nods his head to the back of the truck.
  381. Tig tells the others to start loading up. He glares at you to do something.
  382. GM (GM): ((Actions at this point are take them behind the truck, shoot them, come up with a cunning plan, or use your hulk strength to throw the van into the sun.))
  383. M. Walker glares back at Tig, then at the driver. She nods, and leads the driver to the back of the truck, having a suspicion
  384. the driver reaching into his breast pocket and produces three straws.
  385. Driver: Let us go. We can hide in the sand and you fire off afew shots.
  386. GM (GM): ((Heyo GWL))
  387. The Grand Wizard of LOVE: ((hello, saw the link and just wanted to drop in to see how things are))
  388. M. Walker whispers, grabbing her rifle "Right. They think I'm one of them."
  389. M. Walker whispers, "okay, get down."
  390. He complies
  391. Driver: what about my friends?
  392. GM (GM): Afk for a sec.
  393. M. Walker adds, "I've got smoke, I can confuse them."
  394. M. Walker handles the one old smoke grenade she kept from her old assignment. She wasn't sure what use it'd be against topsiders, but these guys...
  395. the driver nods. Whatever your plan is he'll follow along.
  396. GM (GM): The driver's plan is to bury himself in the sand and breath with a straw. Almost comical but he has lived topsdie this long.
  397. But he doesn't want his friends to die.
  398. What is your plan?
  399. M. Walker: Winging it really, had thought they had some sort of hidden trick in the back of the van
  400. GM (GM): Nope. The driver side door and gas intake are there thoug.
  401. Tig: WALKER! You done with that wimp yet?
  402. M. Walker raises her rifle to the side, and fires a shot into the emptiness. "Get under. Now."
  403. Tig: That's better. Two more coming to you!
  404. the dog and mantis are pushed around the corner.
  405. they are confused and very scared.
  406. M. Walker finds it fortunate they're trusting her like this. Until they're out of sight, Mana keeps a grim face for the facade.
  407. GM (GM): You have a trusting face.
  408. Matins: They've eaten 10k of our stuff." He shouts... Whisperingly.
  409. M. Walker fires off two more rounds into the air, and silently digs beside the driver with her heel. "Down, under the dust. Your driver's there too."
  410. The three pop the straws in their mouthes, shimmy under the truck, and bury themselves with dust. Their speed and precision would be impressive if this wasn't such a dangerous situation.
  411. GM (GM): rolling 3d100
  412. (53+88+15)= 156
  413. They all do if very well. They are masters at hiding.
  414. M. Walker as they're burying themselves, she adds, "Come out when I say. Not one second before."
  415. Comes around the corner.
  416. Tig: ...Wait, did you bury them?
  417. M. Walker nods. "Dont want Topsiders finding their bodies and tailing us."
  418. GM (GM): (Deception would take a persuasion roll.)
  419. M. Walker: ((Yeah))
  420. GM (GM): 1d100+mind bonus
  421. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+35
  422. (77)+35= 112
  423. GM (GM): I will be a puts and do my roll in secret--
  424. Well. Probably succeeded
  425. Tig: I'm just surprised you did it so quickly.
  426. Welp, we are almost done loading up. Think this truck is worth taking?
  427. M. Walker replies, "I had to bury a lot of bodies before and during the war. Yeah, could use the carrying capacity. Get everyone else and their bikes together, and we can lump it all together."
  428. GM (GM): You're going to move a truck that those people are buried under?!
  429. Welp!
  430. Sure!
  431. Alright.
  432. Tig: Alright.
  433. M. Walker: (No, just telling them stuff so they're in one place, ha)
  434. GM (GM): Ah, right.
  435. Tig: Also, one more thing.
  436. Tig pulls Jack from around the corner.
  437. Tig: What do we say?
  438. Jack: points his head down and says, "Er, yeah, sorry for spraying you, Manasa. I just-Just that sugar, you know?"
  439. GM (GM): ((You know, that does sound little werid.))
  440. M. Walker lets out a small sigh, adding. "Yeah, I understand..."
  441. Tig pushes the Ant back to the fore. He says, "Okay, who knows how to drive this thing."
  442. M. Walker: ((Ha, this probably wont go well, but here goes))
  443. GM (GM): Do it!
  444. M. Walker pulls out her one smoke grenade, draws a deep breath, and pulls the pin
  445. M. Walker shouts, "Now!" and tosses it over the truck, amongst her former comrades
  446. GM (GM): Good news! Smoke fills the air and your former comrades can see or shoot for crap.
  447. M. Walker starts pulling on he buried traders and tries her best to cram them in quickly
  448. GM (GM): Into the van?
  449. M. Walker: Yup
  450. GM (GM): They are in the van
  451. Are they supposed to gun it?
  452. M. Walker "Gun it! Go! Jumping in herself" (Yup)
  453. M. Walker: (Cant move my token)
  454. They jam at full speed.
  455. GM (GM): Luckily, they beat dirtbikes in speed and range despite the rig being a lemon.
  456. M. Walker: ( )
  457. GM (GM): That has happened alot in this campaign, actually.
  458. Anyway, mission over!
  459. XP
  460. 94xp
  461. Clayton R.: (( More than Walker bargained for I bet. ))
  462. GM (GM): Never trust a tiger!
  463. M. Walker: ((Hah, didn't expect that to happen))
  464. GM (GM): That's abit of a shock. I really tried to spell out that those guys were baddies.
  465. Clayton R.: (( Anyways, I tried drawing Clayton during the session, and while I'm not satisfied. I'm not entirely disappointed either... so, meh. ))
  466. M. Walker: ((I knew they were, but I couldnt really turn down a hook, ha))
  467. Martin Baron: (( Not bad. Needs more salami-face though. ))
  468. GM (GM): Yeah, I'd recommend making a bigger torso or more muscles.
  469. try to get away from that wirey look.
  470. But I'm really not an artist.
  471. Clayton R.: (( Yeah.. I really haven't drawn much in a really long time. I wasn't sure what to do with the face either. I tried looking up what skin grafts look like, and it's mostly a bunch of stiches. ))
  472. Everett Pillory: (( It will come back in time ))
  473. Martin Baron: (( Something like this: ))
  474. Clayton R.: (( No, that's ham. ))
  475. Martin Baron: (( You ass, have you no feelings? She has a rare genetic disease that makes her face swell and turn raw. ))
  476. GM (GM): ((
  477. Martin Baron: (( Words that kill ))
  478. GM (GM): (( I've tried drawing again as well. ))
  479. M. Walker: (( A scene from Manna's backstory for the fancomic I'm writing: ))
  480. GM (GM): (( It sucks, I rushed it but that's what the eraser is for.))
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