
What Friends Are For (ch1)

Apr 28th, 2018
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  3. Surprised to see me in this fandom? I was too but yes my heart was stolen by our lovely little Violet and then twice as hard by Luculia. I had a couple ideas I wanted to write for them, not much, a bit dramatic I know but listen... they are adorable and I need more than just one hug between them from canon.
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own Violet Evergarden.
  7. ------------
  9. What Friends Are For
  11. Chapter 1.
  14. The town is doused in after-evening colors; the droning orange of the streetlights, the homey yellow of shop lanterns, the brown shadows of everything quieting down for the night.
  16. As Violet makes her rounds in delivering some last-minute letters, she hardly takes note of the scenery, for it's as it always has been. She'd gotten quite used to it all many weeks ago.
  18. Or perhaps it would more accurate to say it is the kind of scenery that didn't require getting used to in the first place. It is simply an environment she is existing in for the time being, therefore she is able to assess when something is out of the ordinary.
  20. The streets with the most activity at this hour of the night smell of alcohol and smoke, and when she draws inevitably nearer to those areas the air is congested also with the sounds of laughing, shouting men.
  22. The sounds aren't unfamiliar to her. She'd heard nothing but the sounds of men back in the times of the war. She'd been constantly surrounded by them, friend or foe, and she had long-since gotten used the their voices and mannerisms. One more so than all the others.
  24. But her thoughts are dissuaded from traveling back to the Major tonight. Instead, they are led to a newer face, one she recognizes even in the dimly-lit shadows.
  26. The long criss-cross-patterned skirt and cozy long-sleeved blouse may be common attire for the women of this town, but no other sports such lavishly beautiful chestnut-colored hair.
  28. It is the sway of her tresses down her back, along with her familiar attire and the overall shape of her form, that allows Violet to recognize Luculia instantly, even before glimpsing the contours of her face in profile as she turns briefly to one side and continues down the street.
  30. As far as Violet knows it is common protocol and courtesy to give a proper greeting to someone you are familiar with, even if it is only in-passing and there is no shared or designated destination intended.
  32. Having finished delivering her final letter and knowing that greeting Luculia will not hinder her work, Violet allows herself to turn down the street a few paces behind her. She refrains from calling out just yet, as the noises of the men are far too loud to be heard over.
  34. Violet follows her past one of the establishments, taking note of how Luculia has quickened her pace significantly.
  36. It is then when three men come staggering out of a nearby alleyway, chortling in a stupor as they block Luculia's path. Violet tenses at the sight of the evident ambush, quickly hiding herself behind a stack of crates. Having avoided danger herself, she peers around the corner of the crate to glimpse the figures in front of her.
  38. Luculia's petite frame shrinks beneath the wide swaying shadows of the men. They all laugh and grunt, throwing their arms out to block her path whenever she tries to go around them.
  40. "E-Excuse me."
  42. Violet can sense the tremors in Luculia's voice like water rings on the surface of a pond. From her voice alone Violet can tell just how terrified she is.
  44. While fear isn't something Violet herself has ever been too familiar with, she isn't incapable when it comes to sensing it in others, especially someone she has been previously acquainted with. She watches as Luculia tries again to go around the men, but they prevent her from slipping by.
  46. "Hey, what's the rush? Beautiful night, don't'cha think?" They laugh. Luculia turns and tries to evade them, but they circle her, closing off all means of escape.
  48. Violet had witnessed a scene like this before in the wintery mountains of war, a pack of wolves surrounding a lone hare. She'd seen for herself how that story had ended.
  50. Luculia yelps as the men close in on her, their larger bodies blocking out her smaller frame almost entirely.
  52. "Say, you're that bastard's sister, ain't'cha?"
  54. "Yer damn right she is! And she's quite the looker."
  56. "Hey, you know how much trouble your dumbass brother caused us?"
  58. "Owes us a bit a money too."
  60. Luculia stumbles back. Violet holds her position. If Luculia can produce the money necessary to repay the debt, the men will leave her. To Violet's knowledge that is how things work.
  62. But Luculia shakes her head.
  64. "I don't have any money at the moment. B-But I-"
  66. "Aw that's too bad," one man cuts her off. "But y'know I think in yer case we can make an exception for another kind of payment. Wouldn't you say, lads?"
  68. "Sounds good to me. I'd say if she repays us until sunrise, huh? How about three hours apiece? That should just about make up for all the trouble your no-good brother caused us."
  70. They move in closer, and Violet realizes they are not adhering to the typical rules of repaying a debt. Rather than waiting to collect payment at a later date, they intend to take it in another form. A form which Luculia is unwilling to offer.
  72. "P-Please... don't..."
  74. Luculia tries to run for the nearest opening. But they all lunge at once. One grabs her by the hair, one by the arm, and one by the shoulder. She cries out, a shrill shriek that's quickly silenced by a hard heavy palm.
  76. Violet watches as the wolves tear into the rabbit while it's still alive, still screaming.
  78. That had been a scene of necessity, of survival. But this is unnatural and unacceptable.
  80. The laughing men drag Luculia toward the alleyway, restraining her arms, unfazed by the feeble kicks she aims at their shins.
  82. Violet has seen enough. She darts forward, faster than any shadow in the night, swifter than any predator, and three times more cunning. She grabs the nearest man from behind and rams her elbow into his spine, feeling the muscles contort and pop against the hard metal. He wails and buckles like a hunted animal, his weight crashing onto the stone sidewalk.
  84. As the other two are alerted to the onslaught they try to raise their arms to counter. But Violet is like a skilled mechanic in the face of two towering machines. She hits every weak spot, every pressure point flawlessly and with force – the temples, the groins, the backs of the knees. In only seconds the two other men are beside the third on the ground, nothing but a limp moaning pile reeking of booze.
  86. As Violet straightens her posture she turns away from her fallen adversaries to seek out her companion. Luculia is pressed back agains the brick wall, still resembling cornered rabbit. Tears have welled up and spilled over down her cheeks, dripping consistently now down onto her skirt. Violet watches the fear in her forest-green eyes transform into something else. Relief.
  88. "V-Violet..." It is somehow both a question and a statement, as though she is shocked by Violet's presence, and yet somehow also not surprised. Her hands have been pressed tightly to her chest all this while in a defensive manner, as an animal protects its stomach and most vulnerable areas.
  90. But now Luculia reaches out, leaving her chest and throat unguarded in the utmost display of trust. She reaches for Violet with a whimper, but her legs collapse beneath her. Violet swiftly lunges in to steady her, catching her by the undersides of her forearms before gently guiding her down the rest of the way.
  92. "Luculia... are you all right?" Violet settles down into a kneeling position in front of her. Luculia continues to weep, her tears now dripping down onto Violet's lap as well.
  94. "Violet... Violet..." She throws herself forward in a movement that is graceful, desperate, and tragic all at once. Her arms find their way around Violet's shoulders, pulling herself as close as possible as she buries her face in Violet's shoulder. She stifles the sounds of her sobs as best she can, hiccuping almost painfully.
  96. Violet doesn't move for a moment. She has seen men weep before and she has seen women weep as well. It had always stirred something inside of her to witness another person's grief.
  98. But this time it's worse. Whatever stirs inside of her stirs more strongly than it's ever stirred before. She can only assume that it is because it is Luculia who is crying this time.
  100. Violet knows it is customary for the person in her position to reciprocate the embrace, though it is a very delicate matter. Applying too much force could result in causing more pain, but not applying enough could transmit the feeling that not enough support is being offered.
  102. Therefore she does her best to assess how much she should give back based on what Luculia is giving her. Her arms are wrapped rather firmly around Violet's shoulders, and had she not been shaking so excessively she probably would have held even more securely. Her fingers are clinging into the fabrics, curling into fists that are tight with fear and relief.
  104. Slowly, Violet raises her arms and does her best to return the contact. She folds her arms around Luculia's sides, under her raised shoulders and around her shuddering back.
  106. Even with the barrier present with her arms sporting metal in the place of flesh, Violet can still gather vital information. She can feel Luculia trembling, as though her body is being ruptured by its own earthquake. She shakes from her very core, from the inside out, and some of it manifests in tears. Cracks of her voice slip out in between shallow breaths.
  108. When Luculia hugs herself closer, Violet feels something she's never felt before. Luculia's pulse is pounding fervently through her chest, so strongly that Violet can sense it more accurately than her own. She's never felt anything like this before, such intimate workings of another person's body. It puzzles and concerns her.
  110. As Luculia continues to sob, Violet moves one hand up to her shoulder, coaxing.
  112. "Luculia, are you all right? Your heart is beating much too hard."
  114. Luculia simply hugs herself closer, refusing to show her face.
  116. "I'm okay... I'm okay now... thank you, Violet..."
  118. "Gratitude is not necessary."
  120. Violet continues to hold onto her, doing her best to return the embrace with equal force. Her sturdier arms provide security for Luculia's shaking form, and she finds when she moves herself closer Luculia seems to tremble less and less.
  122. Violet keeps a sharp eye on the unconscious men several yards away, just to be certain they won't reawaken and cause more problems. After a time, she eventually rests her chin on Luculia's shoulder, drawn naturally to the warmth of her body.
  124. Gradually, the shaking stops and Luculia's pulse begins to slow. It makes Violet feel better too.
  126. Violet doesn't let go or ease back yet, but rather waits until Luculia has taken a steadying breath and straightened herself up a bit. As she eases back, Violet does the same. Luculia still has tears in her eyes, but there is a smile on her lips now. She wipes her face and sniffles while Violet keeps her hands on Luculia's sides, unsure of what to do next.
  128. "Are you all right?" She can only think to ask again.
  130. Luculia nods slowly. "Yes... thanks to you. I was so scared..."
  132. Violet feels a slight pang go through her chest. She doesn't like it when her comrades express fear.
  134. "I'll make sure they won't hurt you again."
  136. "N-No! It's all right. I don't think they will. I don't plan to walk through here this late anymore anyway."
  138. Violet looks her over again. Unsatisfied, she shakes her head.
  140. "That isn't how it should be. You should not have to be inconvenienced about where you walk because of others."
  142. "That's just how it is, isn't it? It's fine."
  144. Violet still can't accept the answer, but she sees no other options other than to respect Luculia's wishes.
  146. "Can you stand?" Balancing her palms beneath Luculia's arms, Violet stands and brings her to her feet. Luculia sways a little, her legs still weak from the fright of it all, and Violet is quick to lean in to provide support.
  148. "Go slowly."
  150. "Thank you..." Luculia doesn't hesitate to hold onto her again, and Violet returns the contact.
  152. "Were you on your way home?"
  154. "Yes... I just got a little caught up and before I knew it it was this late already... Why are you out at this time, Violet?"
  156. "Deliveries." Her voice is soft for Luculia, but her eyes turn hard when they pass over the men on the ground. "I want to notify someone about this."
  158. "R-Really, Violet, it's okay-"
  160. "It isn't. Please come with me." The last thing she wants is to force Luculia to do something she'd rather not, or else she'd be as awful as those men. So Violet waits, pleading with her eyes, determined to do something for her companion's sake. Eventually Luculia dips her head.
  162. "All right."
  164. Violet nods back. She moves her hand from the small of Luculia's back to hold her hand instead, keeping her enhanced grip light around the soft flesh fingers. She goes slowly, accounting for Luculia's condition as she leads her away from her offenders and toward the nearest open establishment.
  166. As it turns out, they needn't even go inside, as a man Violet recognizes as the owner has recently stepped outside. She goes to him, making sure to keep Luculia behind herself, instinctively using her own body as a shield to protect an injured comrade.
  168. "There are several men," she tells the owner. "Who have behaved inexcusably after leaving your establishment. Please see to it they are dealt with accordingly." She waits until he gives assured confirmation.
  170. With this, Violet dips her head and leads Luculia down the sidewalk, away from the more rambunctious area. Luculia stays close beside her.
  172. Still connected by the hands, the two girls walk the streets of the sleeping town where the light posts shine a little brighter. There is moonlight now as well, further heightening the ability to see. Nonetheless Violet continues to be aware of Luculia's condition and pace, ensuring she is maintaining a matching stride and adjusting accordingly.
  174. Violet has only been to Luculia's place of residence once before, but she's mapped the town in her mind well enough by now to know exactly how to get there.
  176. Luculia remains quiet as they walk, and Violet is uncertain if it is due to a sense of security or lingering unease. Without warning, Violet halts and turns to her, tilting her head slightly to one side.
  178. "Are you all right?" It's the third time she's had to ask, because from ghostwriting letters she knows by now that people are not always forthcoming with their words. Even if Luculia says she is all right, Violet isn't finding it easy to believe her for some reason.
  180. Luculia seems to be surprised by the question, as a small gasp slips from her lips.
  182. "Yes... I..."
  184. But then the tears resurface. Violet watches Luculia lift her free hand to conceal her face, and the hand Violet has ahold of begins to fluctuate with its grip. Luculia's fingers curl in and release unsteadily, and hiccups of her voice softly bubble through the night air.
  186. Comfort is not one of Violet's strong points, as it was never a quality that she had particularly been able or required to hone. However, she finds herself wanting to give that comfort, to provide solace for Luculia. So she moves close again and puts her arm around Luculia's shoulders, bringing her near.
  188. "You said you were fine. Was that not the truth?"
  190. Luculia whimpers, hugging back softly.
  192. "Maybe..."
  194. She says nothing more, and Violet doesn't pry. But by her assessment of the position of the moon, it is rather late in the hours, and she deems it best to bring Luculia back to her place of residence as quickly as possible.
  196. She stays close as she leads her along the streets, until the shops become houses and apartments. Luculia's sobs quiet down with the assistance of Violet's constant presence and grip on her hand.
  198. When at last they reach the designated building, Violet brings them to a pause. She glances to Luculia, who seems to be wiping the last of her tears. A smile has reappeared on her lips. Violet remains puzzled by the display and she feels compelled to ask again.
  200. "Luculia, are you-"
  202. "I'm fine, Violet. I mean it this time." Luculia presents her with a splendid smile, one Violet is accustomed to seeing her show. It makes her chest feel warm.
  204. "You're certain you are uninjured?"
  206. "Yes. Now that I'm back home where my brother is, I'll be fine. I felt very at-ease coming back knowing you were with me."
  208. "At-ease?"
  210. "Not like in the military sense. What I mean is, after what happened, walking back with you made me feel so safe." Luculia reaches out to grab Violet's other hand, now cradling them both in her own. "Thank you for saving me, Violet."
  212. Violet observes her mannerisms, the way she holds her hands with such care and delicacy. Only now is Violet inclined to believe her words.
  214. "As stated previously, an expression of gratitude is not necessary."
  216. "I know. But I feel like I want to say it anyway. Not just for tonight, but I want you to know I'm thankful to have you as my friend, Violet."
  218. "Friend...?"
  220. "Of course! Aren't we?" There's a flash across her green eyes, as if she might lose her smile depending on the response.
  222. But Violet doesn't answer in the affirmative because she feels she has to. She does so because she wants to, and because she feels it is true.
  224. "Yes."
  226. And once more Luculia's smile seems to light up the night even more strongly than the moon does. She gives a little trill of joy and throws her arms around Violet once again.
  228. "I'm so lucky to have a friend like you, Violet."
  230. Violet returns the embrace carefully, though her thoughts are quickly distracted by Luculia's words. No one, not even the Major, had ever expressed that being acquainted with her was a form of luck. The connotations of serendipity were typically positive ones, and considering Violet's previous line of work there was little positivity to be found.
  232. This positivity, this joy, is something she is only beginning to experience now.
  234. By the time Luculia eases herself back, Violet discovers she'd wanted the contact to last a little longer.
  236. "Well," Luculia says. "I should probably get inside to check on my brother. Thank you again, Violet. I'll see you soon."
  238. "See you soon."
  240. "And I don't want to be the only one relying on you. If you ever need anything, you can come to me too, okay? That's what friends are for."
  242. That word again. Friends. Violet feels a smile of her own coming on.
  244. "Roger."
  246. With a giggle, Luculia turns and enters her residence. She leaves an air of lightness behind, a lightness that Violet can only accurately attribute to the sensation of a gentle breeze through springtime flowers.
  248. Violet draws in a deep breath and smiles.
  250. ----------
  252. A/N: I love the formal/sophisticated writing style for Violet. It was so much fun for me to use, and I'm always a sucker for the one character being physically stronger than the other and being afraid of her own strength (in this case Violet's robotic arms).
  254. I have one more little fic to make this a two-shot, so I'll post that soon! Hope you enjoyed this self-indulgent little thing.
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