
Yandere Asriel Chapter 8

Feb 27th, 2016
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  1. Wind blasted Frisks face, blowing and whirling, tossing him about in the middle of a vast void. The plain blue background stretched into eternity in all directions. This was the second time he'd ever used the Trick Sans taught him to teleport and it terrified him even more than the last time. Spinning and twirling, being buffeted by ferocious blasts of air Frisk felt like a doll being played with. He had to focus, that's what sans had told him. "you gotta focus on where you want to be, or who ya want to be with, kiddo" Sans voice reverberated through Frisk's skull, the memories surfacing through the torrent of freezing pain and terror.
  3. "whaddya mean kid? teleport? why'd you think a lazy bones like myself could do something so cool?" Winking at Frisk, Sans continued. "besides, even if I could do something as out of this world as that, why would I share it? seems important to keep something like that outta sight. something so powerful really can't be given out willy nily eh?" Frisk pouted, staring at the small skeleton standing in front of him, a permanent pearlescent grin plastered on his face. "Cmon, Sans" Frisk pleaded. "It's to help my bro. Sometimes he vanishes and I need to be able to get to him before he.. does.. something he'd regret." Sans eyes darkened. "oh? like what, kiddo? you're telling me that cute goat brother of yours would do something bad? I find that hard to believe." His face darkening, Frisk gulped. Sans always made him feel nervous. It seemed to Frisk that he hid a seething darkness behind his clownish personality much in the way Asriel had hidden his devil behind a smiling flowers face.
  5. "I.. can't really say for sure, but if you could only show me the basics, I'll take it from there. I'm a fast learner, honest!" Sans stared up at Frisk, his grin tightening somewhat, somehow. "look kiddo, you've been good to me. to us. me and paps and everyone else so i'll throw you a bone. but i'll need something in return from you." Turning, Sans faced the offices being built in the distance. They were to be The new Ambassadorial buildings that Frisk would run when he was older. "i'll get to the point, frisk." Feeling chills run up his back, Frisk gulped again. "Sure, Sans. Anything." Sans shrugged as he turned, eyeing Frisk up and down. "i need you to promise me something." Sans eyes shimmered in their sockets, Frisk felt sweat begin to grow on his forehead. "don't reset." His eyebrows shooting up, Frisk stared at the skeleton monster as the wind gently blew, fluttering his blue coat. "W-" Not giving Frisk a chance, Sans continued. "don't deny it kiddo. i finally figured out you were the anomaly. it took some time to convince myself but you're the only subject that makes sense."
  7. Frisk stared at the Skeleton, the wind whipping his bangs back and forth skewing his vision. "Sans. I'm not going to pretend anymore. You're right. I can.. or did.. Reset. A lot. I experienced meeting you and Paps so many times I lost count. We made it to the surface so many times and selfishly I.. reset. I wasn't satisfied with Releasing monsters from their tonsure. I wanted so badly to SAVE.. everyone and I sacrificed everyone's happiness over and over again to achieve it. I'm sorry." Sans sighed, the animosity dropping from his wide smiling face. "kiddo, I'm glad you could finally confide in me. i get the feeling that your resets were a bit more focused one something more specific than your tellin me. but that's fine. we all gotta keep some mystery about us. besides, that face your givin me? i can kinda already tell why you did what ya did." Sans appeared in front of Frisk, quicker than he could blink. "i'll show you one of my moves kiddo but it's not gonna be easy. just remember your promise to me will ya?" Frisk nodded, eagerly anticipating Sans's earth shattering revelations on the nature of the universe and how he tricks it into letting him slip between the cracks.
  9. Handing Frisk a small bit of paper, he held Frisks out held hand and closed it with his free one. "this is an image of my bro. right now he's at home, cleaning. you know a bit of magic, right?" Frisk nodded. "Toriel taught me a bit, but it's kinda hard to not go all out with it." Sans let go of Frisk's hand and stepped back. "that's good, kid. you'll need to focus really hard and let it all out for this. we're goin to breach the void together, ok? look at that picture of my bro and focus on it, hard. Imagine crossing a great vast emptiness to reach him until it starts to hurt." Sans placed one set of bony flanges on Frisks shoulder as the young ambassador began humming. Crunching his eyes shut, Frisk could feel energy bursting up deep from within. His soul felt like it was going to burst open there was so much energy pouring out, colouring the area in a heavy red glow. "that's it kiddo, keep it up." Sans gripped Frisk tighter, biting into his shoulder causing Frisk to gasp in pain. "ignore the pain, frisk. focus on my bro. his cool clothes, the white of his bones, everything about him. take it in and focus."
  11. Frisk could feel something creaking, slowly bulging forward in front of him. The world warped and twisted as something snapped inside of Frisk, propelling him forward into a howling hurricane of force and potential. Feeling Sans still gripping him, Frisk looked around as he was pushed around. He tried to talk, but wind would rush into his face when he tried. Air kept on pushing through Frisk's mouth, forcing him to close it. Frisk could hear Sans's voice, echo through the Torrential wind currents. " don't try to speak kiddo, you're not experienced enough yet. best not avoid the question on yer head though, heh. this is the in between. true nothingness. you kinda forced your way in so it's a bit busier than usual. gotta close your opening and it'll calm down. focus. on paps. the further you are from your entrance, the quicker it'll seal up." Focusing harder than before, Frisk imagined his good friend. His mannerisms, his Nyeh's, his goofy yet awesome clothes, his warm personality. His shrill voice. Slowly, the wind began to die down as Frisk felt pulled along almost like being hog tied by string.
  13. The deep blue began to give way to a muted white emptiness as the wind died down. Standing next to Frisk, Sans stood on nothing, his steps echoing into the void. "that's more like it kiddo. keep on following that string." Looking down Frisk noticed a long red line coming from his soul, extending outwards. "go on kid, give it a tug. you should be good from here. i'll meetcha at the other end." slipping into the void, Sans vanished. Frisk pulled the string slowly and tenderly, wincing as he did. Picking up speed he began to pull faster and faster until he was practically flying through the empty nothingness. Just in front of him was a small hole, the size of a thimble. His string lead directly to it and went through. Sans hadn't said anything about this. It was far too late to slow down, if that was even possible so Frisk did the only thing he could and pulled even harder, yanking the string attached to his pulsating soul.
  15. He braced himself as she pushed against the small hole, pressing and creaking against an invisible fabric. It grew the more Frisk leaned on it, his speed bending the air around him. Through the growing hole, he could hear Papyrus's voice. "SANS, WHAT IS THIS STRANGE HOLE IN THE LIVING ROOM? AND WHY IS IT GROWING?" "don't worry bout it bro, just stand clear. come stand next to me before you have an accident." Frisk could feel something inside him, tearing as he met this opposing force with everything he had. Suddenly, a whirring pop resounded, followed by a huge whooshing gust of wind as frisk fell out of the void and landed comfortably on the couch below him. The room before him was trashed, pictures and bits of paper fluttering around, tables overturned and the tv that was against the wall lay on the floor, smashed to bits. "SANS! LOOK! IT'S THE HUMAN!" Papyrus picked Frisk up off the couch and dusted him down. He was wearing an apron and some yellow merigolds, looking very serious at the bumped and bruised Frisk standing before him.
  17. "ARE YOU OK, HUMAN? HOW DID YOU GET STUCK IN SUCH A TINY HOLE? AND WHY HERE AT OUR HOUSE?" Sans stepped up to Frisk and patted him on the shoulder. "you did good, kiddo. nice landing." Frisk burst out laughing. "That was AMAZING, Sans! Can we go again?!" "nope, kid, that's the only lesson you're gettin from me. gotta keep some of my secrets." Grinning, the skeleton walked into the kitchen and vanished around the corner. "HUMAN, DID MY BROTHER SAY HE TAUGHT YOU SOMETHING? THAT SEEMS.. UN LIKE HIM." A sigh escaped Frisks lips as he sat down again. "Sorry Paps, he swore me to secrecy. Here, pass me a duster and an apron, I'll help you tidy up.
  19. A pulse echoed across the line fading off into the distance in front of Frisk, glowing weakly. Focusing, straining, he pulled with all his might and flew far and fast, shooting off into the nothingness. His hair, fluttering in the wind, Frisk didn't notice the opening until he passed through it. It wasn't tiny like Papyrus's had been but so large he hadn't noticed it. He tumbled as he hit concrete flooring, picking up more scratches and cuts. I really need to learn how to hit the ground running, he thought. Darkness surrounded Frisk. Even darker than the void had been. It seeped through Frisks skin, chilling him. Shivering, Frisk picked himself up and began trudging in the direction he thought his soul line was headed. Now that he wasn't in the in between he couldn't see it anymore.. but he could still feel it. Tugging on it mentally Frisk followed, one step after the other. The darkness encroaching around him, suffocating and binding. If he could see, Frisk was sure he'd see his breath.
  21. A noise up ahead let Frisk know he was headed in the right direction. Clattering and clanging, he could hear muffled curses as something large and tall stumbled about in the darkness, scrabbling against the walls hunting for something. Frisk sauntered up to the figure, sure that he couldn't be seen and leaned against the wall. Grunting as his arm hit something, the room lit up in a flash of bright light, blinding both Frisk and the tall creature. His eyes slowly adjusting to the bright glare, Frisk gasped as he saw the room before him. It was a middling size, with a concrete floor and a long wall surrounding on 4 sides. Covering the walls was what surprised Frisk. Long bits of paper and thousands of smaller ones. All pictures drawings and effects of Frisk himself. It was a shrine to him. Moulded statues in Frisk's likeness surrounded the room in bits, pieces of clothing he thought long lost were strewn over the floor in haphazard piles.
  23. The tall Goat monster simply stared at Frisk, his jaw nearly hitting the floor, arms limp at his sides, his big round eyes bulging outwards. "F-Frisk! W- what are you doing here?! How.. did you get here? This is.. uhh.. uhmm. Well you see, i-" Frisk walked up to his brother and silenced him with one finger placed on his maw. "I'm here for you Az. I'm glad your safe. We need to talk." Red fluid covered Asriels limbs, caking them up to his armpits where his striped shirt had been rolled up to. The dark ichorous fluid dripped off his long sharp claws, plastering the floor. "Yeah.. we really need to have a very long talk."
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