
Guys just accept handjobs

Nov 23rd, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: ((PJS!))
  2. Covet: [I imagine his shirt won't be on for very long]
  3. Tsaaq: ((I mean, he won't be complaining.))
  4. Covet: [Pfft not even a little bit]
  5. Covet: Thorn was in the kitchen, he'd gotten into the fridge to grab a few bites of the strawberry cheesecake ice cream he'd gotten for Quinn, last night. Just standing there with the freezer door open, with the pint carton in one hand and a spoon in the other.
  6. Covet: [Okay but really...there's 2 fucking ovens.. but NO GOD DAMN FRIDGE IN HERE...why does that bother me?]
  7. Tsaaq: ((CAUSE WE NEED TO EAT.))
  8. Tsaaq: Penelope got out of her uber and went into the sorority house, glad to see Bea wasn't around again. She enjoyed avoiding her lest she ruin her entire existence. She closed the door behind her and saw Thorn in the kitchen. "Honestly, you couldn't wait for me to eat dinner?" She sighed as she shashayed towards the kitchen island then put her hands down flat on the surface. Penelope leaned forward making her cleavage more visible bro.
  9. Covet: "Nope, I went straight for dessert. Or rather... Quinn's dessert. Either way." He said with a shrug then looked at her, then at her clevage. "Well you look rather sweet today don't you." He said with a grin, as he tossed the pint back into the freezer and the spoon into sink. "But now that you're here, I'm ready for the main course." Thorn added with a wink.
  10. Tsaaq: "Oh Thorny." She playfully rolled her eyes. She stood up straight and went to walk around the kitchen island to stand in front of him. "I always look sweet." She swayed with her arms behind her back. "And you eat dinner incorrectly if you just had dessert but I'm your main course." She snickered. "You look like you've been laying about like a lump." She poked his shoulder.
  11. Covet: "It all comes out the same anyways, why worry about what order it goes down in?" He said with a smirk, "Or maybe I'm just doubling up on dessert tonight?" Thorn said, then grabbed her finger as she poked him, "Yeah, a little. But I've been studying so not an unproductive lump."
  12. Tsaaq: Her lips formed a smile and she playfully snatched her finger away. "I suppose I can always commend you for being productive." She said. "You know. Eating too much sweets can give you a tummy ache." She said in a sultry tone as she rose an eyebrow at him.
  13. Covet: " That's not exactly what I was thinking was going to be aching after eating you, but that'd be terribly vulgar of me to say." He said with another casual shrug, then gave a laugh at his own dirty comment. " I appologize. I know how to act better, I swear.
  14. Tsaaq: Penelope's face went red as she put her hands over her mouth. "Thorn!" She gasped and went to push his shoulder gently. "You're making me all flustered." She waved her hand near her face in an attempt to cool off.
  15. Covet: "Good, It's nice to see it's you for a change." He said leaning over as he shoved her. "Fanning yourself like that is useless, you know...." Thorn told her with mischevious smirk.
  16. Tsaaq: She pouted her large lips. "It is?" She asked him. She exhaled and hoped that her face wouldn't be so flushed. "What exactly do you have planned for me?" Penelope asked skeptically, going back to her sultry voice.
  17. Covet: Thorn chuckled and walked closer to her, putting his hands at her waist as he stepped closer to leaning in towards her face, as he walked her back against the counter, "It is, at least it is, if I don't let you cool off." He looked back for a second, "That would assume that Ive thought about this all day... Planning..Pfft." He rolled his eyes, "That being said, you did mention I had a raincheck for last weeks Topless tuesday...I could still cash it in."
  18. Tsaaq: Her nose grazed his as she stared up at him. "It sounds like at the very least it's been in the back of your mind." She whispered breathily. "Well, is it as simple as that? Take off my clothes? Or is there a specific request?" Penelope asked him. Her eyes glancing behind him at the windows of the kitchen. Though nobody was around she was apprehensive. Her hand went to her alabaster shoulder then to the left strap of her dress, beginning to slowly pull it down.
  19. Smokeless: [give me a sec then i will post in]
  20. Covet: "Oh of course. I'm only male after all." He said before his lips pressed against hers as she whispered. He pulled back and noticed she'd pulled down the strap of her dress, then glanced back at her, "You brazen little minx. What would your roomates think of me if they came in seeing me with you, in a compromising position like this" He asked her then leaned his head down to kiss her collar bone and shoulder, letting that beard scruff rub gently against her porcelain skin, while his hand moved down her thigh, until he was able to gently hold her thigh just under the hem of her dress.
  21. Covet: [NP!]
  22. Tsaaq: ((yeah tyt!))
  23. Smokeless: Bea pulled her keys from her pocket as she had walked home today mostly for the exercise. She stepped up on the porch using the side door that was to her room. She tried not to use the front door unless she really needed to. She slid her shoes off and set them beside her door. she streched her arms out and pulled her phne out looking down at her text messages. She tilted her head tapping her fingers on the phone. She opened the door to room which happen to be the door in the dining room. she jogged down the hall and stopped mid jog and her eyes widen and she jsut kept jogging heading to the bathroom and shutting the door locking it so she could do her business.
  24. Tsaaq: She "I don't know... Probably not much of me." She whispered. "But I've always had a golden tongue so I could easily explain myself with some manipulation and flattery." She smirked. Letting out a sigh as she felt his mouth move from her neck and travelling lower. She gasped a little at his feel of his hand. She yelped and heard the sound of footsteps and hurried whipped her head around, not seeing Bea. But she knew it couldn't have been Quinn. She went to look back up to Thorn. "Was that who I think it was?"
  25. Covet: "Golden huh? Better than a silver?" Thorn said raising his eyebrows in a mock impressed look. He turned his head when she yelped, sliding his hand back from under her dress trying to see who it was that'd ran buy, " Probably, She's the only one downstairs right?" He said then looked at Penelope to pull her strap back up her shoulder.
  26. Smokeless: Bea finished up in the bathrrom and washed her hands. She slipped out of the bathroom and made her way out staring at her phone making her way back to her room quickly hoping she didn't get stopped on the way.
  27. Tsaaq: Penelope fanned herself once more and put her hand on her hip as she stood up straight. "Yes." She sighed. This time she didn't turn her head when she heard the footsteps. "I've never had this problem. Nobody has ever dared to imply that I was... Loose." Penelope told him softly as if her being sensitive to something could only be kept secret. "Then again. Everyone knew who I was already and knew better." Her jaw set.
  28. Covet: "People are assholes who base what they see, on what they've watched or read about. It's a shitty part of our society and pop age culture. Completely biased and often times hypocritical. It's utter bullshit." Thorn said loudly, "Not to mention they're usually too caught up on themselves, and their own image looking flawless when compared to anyone else. Sad really." Thorn said as he wrapped an arm around Penny's shoulders, and lifted up her chin with a finger, "But you, you know who you are, and the type of woman you aren't. Everyone else can fuck off."
  29. Smokeless: Beandidnt pay mind to the two and she just went to her room. she sat down on her bed and left her door slightly cracked so she could get some heat in her room. she leaned against her headboard of her bed and turned her tv up all the way up.
  30. Tsaaq: She inhaled deeply and a confident smille masked her visage. "You're right." Penelope said. Gritting her teeth while she grinned. She pursed her lips and pulled his face down to hers and gave him a tongue filled passionte kiss. She hummed into his mouth before pulling away and putting her hands on her hips and stomping loudly towards Bea's room then loudly opening both of Bea's doors. "Oh Bea Bea." She sang before looking to the girl on her bed. "Thorny will be spending the night. And will continue to. Indefinitely without question. So if an old bat who's vagina needs to be dusted has a problem with how that makes Kappa Nu looks then maybe she should be a little more concerned with our lack of pledges. Don't you think?" Penelope rose one of her shoulders into a half shrug as she bat her eyelashes. Still smiling and speaking in' a sweet tone.
  31. Smokeless: Bea turned her head and had an unamused look on her face as she looked at Penelope."You are telling me why? I tol you I didn't care if he stayed here. Who sleep with is your business not mine. She should be makinga visit soon though. The longer he stays here the more visits we will get and then she reports to the Dean. I really one hundred percent don't give a shit if he stays here. I ahve no problem with Thorn or you. To be honest I rather him stay here then we dont have to worry aboutthose frat jerks doing pantie raids they like to do." she shrugged and went back to looking at her phone. She was in a rather annoyed mood today. Obviously something happen.
  32. Smokeless: [i think quinns room is the room with its own bathroom and has the only bathroom in the house othe then the one i jsut made]
  33. Smokeless: [i take that back i found the other one]
  34. Covet: Thorn was a little taken back as she kissed him, but happily obliged kissing her back. Then watched her as she walked off stomping over to Bea's room. He stood around the corner listening to the conversation amused as she stormed the gates. He'd heard the comment about him being the house guard, "Wait wait wait...You can't expect me to do shit. If anything I'd just watch them do it and make sure they didn't steal anything else. I'm not a freelance bodyguard here." He said pipping up to give his own imput.
  35. Covet: [Shower is still sticking out of the wall in the hallway though downstairs.]
  36. Smokeless: [thank you ill fix it in a moment]
  37. Tsaaq: "That's the other thing." Penelope let out a giggle. "I'm not sleeping with him. So cease your mewling at once." She rose her index finger to Bea. "Futhermore. I don't quite care for the den mother. And I'm sure it's betwixt the three of us to decide who our den mother is. So I'm going to be recruiting somebody a little more... Mature and flexible. Like our current den mother's diapers." She continued to smile. "If you do care, which you should. Because you're president. Unless you want me to take over?" Penelope offered. "You seem quite vexed. Constantly. I'll gladly take over." She smirked. "Then we'll vote out our fuddy duddy den mother. I'm sure Quinn will agree. Out with the old. In with the new. That's two against one." She shook her head. "Correct. That won't be neccessary. Besides. You'd be so lucky to have some one actually touching your panties." Penelope snickered then tossed her red hair over her shoulder, turning on her heel and switching her hips as she began to walk out of Beas room. "Great chat."
  38. Smokeless: Bea shrugged some."We don't get to choose our den mother for one and two you are resting your breath because there is no president over the sorority house im student government president that is something very different. As for sleeping sleeping means laying in the same bed with I never said you were boning him. I really don't thin youare that type of girl to be honest. You don't strike me as such." she looked down at her phone as she spoke."I've had my panties stolen every year actually which is rather frusrating when you ahe to go to class pantie less." she waved her hand as if to wave penelope way."Yeah yeah nice chit chat princess." she looked at thron and rolled her eyes."If they know there is a guy staying here they wont come here becuase well no one wants to grab boxers on a pnatie raid are you two done. I'm really not in the mood for well ...nevermind" she rolled her eyes going back to her phone and mumbled something."Arschlocher...
  39. Tsaaq: ((You know that's not how sororities work right x.x))
  40. Smokeless: [well there is a reason behind it right now. Right now because its all new they were assigned a dean mother. ]
  41. Smokeless: [Den sorry but it can change]
  42. Covet: [And... Bea already introduced herself to Penelope and Thorn as the Sorority President too....the first time he met her XD]
  43. Smokeless: [no she introduced her self as the student president and gave penelope a sorority borchure.]
  44. Smokeless: [she was giving students tours and introduced herself as the student president asked if their name was on her list and gave a brochure to penelope to join]
  45. Tsaaq: ((But there's usually a president of the sorority.))
  46. Covet: [^ Usually it's a senior or upperclassmen]
  47. Smokeless: [yeah there is no president right now]
  48. Covet: [oh okay. Posting]
  49. Smokeless: [i left it that way because i wanted to do votes]
  50. Covet: Thorn cackled, "You really think me being here, that my boxers are going to scare dudes from coming in to get everyone else's panties? They'll just leave mine behind. You act like fifty percent of the dudes don't actively grab eachother in the locker room for shits and giggles. They aren't afraid of another dudes drawers. as for your own panties.. It's college Honey Bee. You'd be surprised as to how many girls did wear their panties to class." Thorn said, his chuckle dying off as he wandered off to follow Penelope. He threw and arm around her "Don't worry. I'll just take all yours and Quinn's panties and keep them safe with me. Nobody pantie raids the boy dorms."
  51. Tsaaq: She scoffed. "You could always just buy more." She whispered to herself as she went towards the stairs, stopping when Thorn came up behind her. "Oh joy." She rolled her eyes with a chuckle. "I need my panties for my sleep wear. Remember?" She shimmied her shoulders as she smirked. "Now... Did you want to finish what we started?" She asked with her eyebrow raised.
  52. Smokeless: Bea rolled her eyes."just fuck off please both of you already." she got up and slammed her door shut locking it. She really wasn't in the mood for it. she turned her tv on turning beyonce on full blast letting it thump through the house.
  53. Covet: "Fiiiiine. I'll let you keep the ones that go with your outfits and keep the rest of them." Thorn said as he looked back at her, " Yes, I'm still waiting to cash in this Rain check." He told her then reached up under her skirt to goose her as they headed up the stairs.
  54. Tsaaq: Penelope squealed then glanced back at him. "Where do you want to do this? And what exactly are we doing?" She carefully went up the stairs while walking backwards. Smirking down at him as she held onto the banister.
  55. Covet: "Let's go back to the privacy of your 'budoir' I believe you called it. That way we can at least have privacy." He told her as he took a couple of steps up pressing her torso into his shoulder as he picked her up and took the rest of the stairs with her over his shoulder and walked down the hallway towards her room.
  56. Smokeless: [imma go for a bit cause bea dont need to be here for that lol ]
  57. Tsaaq: "That seems like a fine idea." She smiled. Penelope squealed again and started to snicker uncontrollable as he carried her to her room. "You animal." She laughed as she kicked her feet.
  58. Covet: "Rawr!" Thorn called out with a laugh as he stepped in and closed the door behind him, tossing her to her bed. He stood over her, pressing his knees against the edge of the bed, and went back to kissing on her neck and color bone pulling her strap down again with her teeth.
  59. Tsaaq: She squeaked. Her body bounced off the bed when he threw her and she remained on her back. "You're such a brute." Penelope released a bubbly giggle as she went to look up at him. "Do you want to turn off the lights?" She asked him in a more serious voice, still not sure of what was to happen next.
  60. Covet: "No, If I turn out the lights I won't get to see anything now would I? After all you saw my bare chest, in the light." He told her as he moved to the other side to pull the other strap down her shoulder. His lips moved to hers as he kissed her again while his hands continued to upll the top of her dress down. He had his eyes closed as he moved his kisses along her jaw then down her chest right between her breasts, still having yet to actually see them, but was clearly enjoying himself all the same.
  61. Tsaaq: Penelope inhaled deeply and nodded. "Affirmative." She whispered as she looked down at him. Her chest rose a fell slowly as his kisses travelled down her body. She pressed her lips together a moment and put her hand on his head as she let out a pleasure filled sigh.
  62. Covet: Thorn couldn't help but smirk as she held on to his head. He brought his hands up to cup both her boobs, pressing them to the side of his face to let his beard scruff rub against them as he pulled his head up to give each soft globe a sweet kiss, before he finally opened his eyes to get a peek of what was before his face. "You still with me Penny?" He asked softly and low letting his voice rumble slowly.
  63. Tsaaq: Her eyes closed as she shivered. "Oh my." Penelope whispered under her breath. "Hmm?" She opened her eyes and glanced at her breasts as well then over to him. "Of course I am. You're just peering at my breasts and touching them." She said with a smirk.
  64. Covet: He chuckled as he watched her slowly focus in on him, "Okay, just checking." He said, "Just let me know when I've cashed my raincheck." Thorn added while his hands went about groping and massaging her breasts with one hand, then leaned up to kiss her while his other hand slid up her skirt to hold onto her hip, gently pressing himself against her as he made out with her.
  65. Tsaaq: She inhaled sharply and closed her eyes once more. Her breaths becoming shallow with each touch of his hands on her form. "Well... Have you gotten a good eyeful?" She asked him flirtaciously as she pulled her large lips away from him.
  66. Covet: "If I say no are you going to put them away anyways?" He asked her with a lusty smirk, "I just need to know when or where you want me to stop." He told her moving back to her neck to give her soft bites and gentle sucks that wouldn't leave a mark for more than a few minutes.
  67. Tsaaq: Penelope glanced down at her breasts and blushed at the sight of her hardening nipples. "How far are you trying to go?" She asked him cautiously. "Because... I like this but I'm not ready to go all the way. Still." She sighed. "I know how frustrating this must be."
  68. Covet: "Stop." Thorn said pushing his finger to her lips, "It's nothing I can't beat out into some tissues later. And.. When you are finally ready, it just means it will be worth the wait. Got it?" He told her looking at her, "I will keep my hands and lips on the parts of you I get to see right now. "
  69. Tsaaq: A surprised expression graced her face. She nodded her head and moved his finger from her lips and started to bat her eyelashes at him. "I can touch you down there if you'd like?" Penelope asked him, going to pull his shirt off. "You can do things above the belt for now. Since you've already seen these." She licked her lips as she went to squeeze her breastsesess.
  70. Covet: "If you would like to, I wouldn't stop you." He told her then moved his hand from underneath her skirt, then placed it over her hands on her cheast, watching her face intently as he squeezed gently while his fingertips held onto her nipples, firmly but not pinching. He totally had quite the raging erection at this point.
  71. Tsaaq: ((Oh Thorn.))
  72. Covet: [HAHAH]
  73. Tsaaq: Penelope smiled and shut her eyes once more. She went to grab his peen through his pants so she could tease him a bit before putting her hand into his pj bottoms to give a grand handy j, unless you want to actually play that out then we can.
  74. Covet: [XD I'm good with either or, I'm not going to bed for a bit. So unless you are I've got time for whatever lol]
  75. Tsaaq: ((Oh yeah lets do that I think it'll be funny.))
  76. Tsaaq: ((Cause apparently guys don't like handjobs all that much.))
  77. Tsaaq: ((But Penelope is so much of a lady she can't bring herself to be DTF yet xD))
  78. Covet: [HAHAHA Okay. I hear they're kind of like... one of those things... where when it comes to handjobs it's just easier to do yourself.. XD]
  79. Covet: [So it'll be good]
  80. Tsaaq: ((That's what I was told as well lmao.))
  81. Covet: Thorn smirked and moved his mouth to one of her breasts, kissing it softly, before he let his teeth drag over them, his hips rocking against her hand as she teased him. He let out a warm breath over her nipple, as her hand slipped beneath his Pj's
  82. Tsaaq: Penelope sat up to get a better grip on his DICK. Her hand slowly beginning to rub it up and down as she looked him over. "Do you like this?" She asked. Really convinced that she was doing some shit that was hawt.
  83. Covet: "Hmm? He gave a nod of his head, before he wrapped his lips around her nipple and sucked. He wasn't going to just give in and tell her that yes, it felt good, because one this was a first time thing between them and because he'd give her a little bit. He was going to focus more on pleasing her than worry about himself for the time being.
  84. Tsaaq: She let out another sigh as she started to moan quietly in his ear. Penelope was more of a breather than a screamer. Her hand moved a little faster. She retracted her hand for only a moment and licked her hand so that there would at least be some lubrication. Even though she's Penelope and spit was gross even her own. But it wasn't like Thorn was gonna tell right? RIGHT?'
  85. Covet: Thorn looked up at her and smirked, as she licked her hand, giving a soft chuckle as she did that then, closed his eyes again and gave more of a groan, nodding his head, "That's even better," He said between his teeth again, listening to her breathing, which was kind of hot for him being an EMT and all, nothing quite like sexual breaths.
  86. Covet: [Nah, Their secret ;) ]
  87. Tsaaq: ((xD))
  88. Tsaaq: ((Yeah secreat spit handjobs lmaoo.))
  89. Tsaaq: "Oh. Good." She gasped for him. Her hand playing with his balls, guys like that or something, then bringing her salvia moistened hand to his shaft once more. She kept stroking, closing her eyes. "Hmmm." Penelope bit the inside of her cheek to stifle her noises.
  90. Covet: Thorn was going to get her to actually make a noise if it's the last thing he did tonight. He bit her nipple a little harder, grabbing the other breast tighter as he rocked his hips against her hand again. He was trying to get in to what wshe was doing, but it was just.. not quite the same.
  91. Tsaaq: Penelope's mouth hung open as his teeth sunk into her nipple but no sound escaped. She just hummed longingly and started to rub his peen faster, really thinking she was doing something, poor thing.
  92. Covet: Thorn gave a bit of a groan as she moved faster. He pulled his head back and gave her a look furrowing his brows then returned his mouth down to her breast again sucking and using his tongue to tease her back, while his other hand massaged and rubbed the other, pressing his fingertips into her supple flesh. He finally had to let go and reach down to hold onto her hand, gripping it harder, but moving just a touch slower.
  93. Tsaaq: She smirked and opened her eyes. "Thorny." Penelope had murmured softly before moaning a tad. She really didn't want to be heard but I guess this asshole is getting what he wanted. "Do you want me to make you climax or something?" She asked innocently. Since now he was doing the fucking word by grabbing her wrist.
  94. Covet: He chuckled and eased up with his mouth pulling away to talk, "If you're up to the task." He said but didn't exactly move his hand either, continuing with his own as he went back to sucking on her breast. "Mmm, more force, less speed. I'll get there."
  95. Tsaaq: Penelope narrowed her eyes at him. "What? You don't think I can?" She asked before whining and squeezing her eyes shut to stop herself from moaning. "Like this?" She asked, gripping tighter and rubbing his privates with more intensity but not as fast as she was before. Her eyes pried open to gauge his satisfaction level.
  96. Covet: "Yes, there you go..." He said as he pulled away with a more enjoyable sound around her breast. " just like that..." He told her actually feeling it now, letting his hand go as he held onto her hip letting his hips rock against her hand. His mouth sucking harder while teasing her with his tongue, her sounds actually helping him get closer.
  97. Tsaaq: Her respired loudly as her aroused breathing eased into pleasure filled panting. She stared Thorn in his face a moment then glanced down as she continued to stroke but moreso firmly than quickly.. She hadn't quite eyeballed his member. She'd just been feeling around down there. Her forehead beginning to slick with sweat from his stimulation.
  98. Covet: His own breathing getitng more ragged and heavy with grunts as he closed his eyes. His peen twitching and starting to throb in her hand as he felt himself getting closer, the more that she panted.Thorn tensed up as he released her nipple and leaned his head, back, "Penny... I need you... to... just... unless you want a mess all over your h-hand.. " He said with another groan.
  99. Tsaaq: She felt her face become warm when he called her Penny in that voice. She looked at him a moment before decided. "Usually I wouldn't let there be a mess... But it's fine if you do-" She paused. "Tonight I mean." She finally answered.
  100. Covet: Thorn looked over at her, and pulled her head in for another kiss, keeping his hand at the back of her head, holding her tightly, messing up her hair. He grunted against her lips breathing hard as he tensed up entirely next to her releasing, it wasn't nearly as climactic if he'd done it himself , but an orgasm was an orgasm.
  101. Tsaaq: ((HEY!))
  102. Covet: [XD]
  103. Tsaaq: Penelope squeaked when to crashed his mouth in hers. Her lip parting so their tongues could prod at each other and her hand feeling his warm seed release onto it. She pulled her hand from the front of his pants and pressed her lips together a moment then licked the baby gravy from her fingers with a confident and seductive glance. "I suppose next time I can do something... A little more accomodating. If you're willing?" She suggested.
  104. Covet: Thorn rolled to his back and panted heavy, looking over at her as he narrowed his gaze seeing her licking her fingers clean. He smirked and mumbled a soft, "Good Girl." Taking another couple of breaths, he raised his eyebrows, " Next time huh, I can probably be willing. Maybe." He said with a smirk annd a dazed look that guys get after getting off.
  105. Tsaaq: She pursed her lips at him and went to fix her hair with her not cum hand. "Hmph." She put her nose up in the air. "Of course I'm a good girl." She said hurriedly before retreating from the bed and covering her breasts once more as she went over to her mirror. "Maybe?" She repeated. "I'll be sure to remember that reply." She went to stare at her hand then pouted grabbing some tissue to wipe off whatever was left over. She sighed and opened her closet to go through her robes. "Well... You're already dressed for bed. I unfortunately am not." She said.
  106. Covet: Snickering, he nodded his head, "You never have to worry about me, not being willing." He said putting his hands up behind his head, propping it up, "Should I close my eyes while you change?, Give you a little privacy?" He asked her, still watching her.
  107. Tsaaq: "You've already seen the top half..." She trailed off then pressed her lips against each other. "But yes. Only for a moment." Penelope pulled down the top part of her dress as she faced away from him. Of course she didn't notice that in the mirror he could probably look at the titties in secret. "Are they closed?" She asked.
  108. Covet: Taking one hand from under his head, he covered his eyes, then peaked through them to see her reflection in the mirror, "Mhhm. I can't see a thing." He said lying like the dog he is. He only watched briefly before he closed his fingers and waited until she said the coast was clear.
  109. Tsaaq: ((Smfh A SCOUNDREL.))
  110. Covet: [LMAO]
  111. Tsaaq: Penelope slipped out of her dress and panties and put on a short night gown that barely passed her hips. "Yes. So lay down so we can cuddle." She demanded as she took her hair out of it's lovely style anyways to get into bed with him. Penelope went quiet as she ran her fingers up and down his abs. Looking fairly drowsy. She peeked at her bare chest a moment while waiting for him to settle into bed. "You've possible made my nipples more pink in hue because of your mouth." She fake complained.
  112. Covet: Thorn saw what she was wearing and was just happy that he'd already gotten off, otherwise tonight would be a long hard night. He looked over at her and smirked, "You say that like it's a bad thing. They look cute." He told her before draping an arm around her feeling sleepy now.
  113. Tsaaq: "Well... Thank you." Penelope curled up into him and closed her eyes and fell the fuck asleep cause Thorn was comfortable and his spunk had sleeping drugs in it I guess?
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