
Pokemaids XII

Nov 17th, 2010
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  1. [21:56:26] <[Owen]Marina> VOICEOVER: Is there anything you would ever want to be but the very best? I THINK NOT!
  2. [21:56:34] <[Owen]Marina> VOICEOVER: We join our intrepid band of misfits as they travel the not-exactly-dusty road to Mount Moon, so as to have adventures for fun and profit!
  3. [21:59:16] * Sara` is walking, rather than teleporting, for once.
  4. [22:01:11] * [Owen]Marina struts along like a boss for a while, then hangs back as she notices "The New Girl". All she knows about the new girl is that she is new and is electric.
  5. [22:02:40] * [par]Mara is walking along with a smile. She almost feels too easy without gear to push
  6. [22:03:47] * [Zem]Aleurna is marching like she wants nothing more than to get to her destination.
  7. [22:03:58] * [Zem]Aleurna notices Marina hanging back.
  8. [22:04:03] <[Zem]Aleurna> "Did you wish to speak with me?"
  9. [22:04:32] * [Owen]Marina nods and tilts her head just so. Sunglasses-sparkle!
  10. [22:04:57] <[Owen]Marina> "So... you're the new girl."
  11. [22:05:23] <[Zem]Aleurna> Yes, I am Aleurna, mistress of electricity!
  12. [22:05:29] * [Zem]Aleurna sparkles in the sunlight as she says this.
  13. [22:05:33] <[Zem]Aleurna> And you are...?
  14. [22:06:51] <[Owen]Marina> "Marina. All-purpose getting-shit-done-er."
  15. [22:07:03] * [Owen]Marina grins.
  16. [22:07:24] <[par]Mara> "Baus iz great at gittin done."
  17. [22:07:59] <[Owen]Marina> "What's your excuse?"
  18. [22:08:12] * [Owen]Marina directs this question at the "mistress".
  19. [22:10:42] <[Zem]Aleurna> "I'm here because of Kirakin."
  20. [22:11:07] <[Zem]Aleurna> "She's my second cousin."
  21. [22:11:56] * [Owen]Marina looks at Aleurna, and then back at Kirarin, and back again. She takes off her sunglasses to get a better look. Not much change.
  22. [22:12:27] <[Owen]Marina> "...VERY second, I guess."
  23. [22:13:20] <[Owen]Marina> "Didn't think she had anyone anymore, actually. Told me she was an orphan or something like that?"
  24. [22:13:41] <[Zem]Aleurna> "Yeah, it takes all kinds. But because of my mixed ancestry, I was judged 'ineligible' for leadership in my pride. So I decided to make my own path!"
  25. [22:14:32] * [Owen]Marina snaps her fingers and does that cool little "shwing" thing with both her hands.
  26. [22:14:45] <[Owen]Marina> "That's what I'm talkin' about!"
  27. [22:14:50] * [par]Mara stares vacantly at the two
  28. [22:15:11] * [Owen]Marina pats Aleurna on the back.
  29. [22:15:18] <[Owen]Marina> "Welcome to the team!"
  30. [22:15:49] <[Zem]Aleurna> "Thank you kindly. Now, might I ask why we are headed to Mount Moon?"
  31. [22:16:08] <[par]Mara> "Cuz tha baus sed so!"
  32. [22:16:10] * [par]Mara smiles
  33. [22:16:25] <[Zem]Aleurna> "Ah, I understand now."
  34. [22:16:34] * [Owen]Marina smiles back as she returns her sunglasses to her face. Bright sun is bright, after all!
  35. [22:16:58] <[Owen]Marina> "Stop callin' me boss, girl, dang."
  36. [22:17:21] <[Owen]Marina> "I'm just like, hey, let's do this, and you're all like, okay! Or, whatever!"
  37. [22:17:57] <[par]Mara> "Well uh, wot do yah want me to call yah, baus?"
  38. [22:18:24] * [Owen]Marina thinks about that.
  39. [22:18:58] <[Owen]Marina> "How 'bout cousin? Yeah, that's right, none of us are all that far apart, are we?"
  40. [22:19:32] <[Owen]Marina> "Or, you know, Marina. That too."
  41. [22:20:31] <[par]Mara> "Okay, Baus Cuz."
  42. [22:20:44] <[Zem]Aleurna> "Speaking of cousins, Kirakin has been avoiding me. Should we come upon a battle, our unity would shatter like a branch trod upon by a Regi!"
  43. [22:23:38] <[par]Mara> "Dun worry, Ilah git any critters ha pester uz."
  44. [22:25:55] <[Owen]Marina> "And I'll get the one she doesn't!"
  45. [22:26:27] <[Owen]Marina> "But that's not what we're trying to do! Pokemon aren't our enemy, right? Right!"
  46. [22:27:08] <[Owen]Marina> "Aaaaanyways, umm, oh yeah, Sara lady!"
  47. [22:27:16] * [Owen]Marina waves Sara-lady over.
  48. [22:29:01] * Sara` walks over.
  49. [22:29:39] <[Owen]Marina> "All right, so, the plan! You're smart, you'll want ta' hear it too!"
  50. [22:30:33] <Sara`> What's this?
  51. [22:31:30] * [Owen]Marina motions with her hands emphatically.
  52. [22:31:52] <[Owen]Marina> "So basically, SOMEONE--not gonna say who!--thinks that eating fish is getting boring."
  53. [22:32:41] <[Owen]Marina> "Meaning supposedly they want human food, meaning supposedly we need money."
  54. [22:32:51] <[Owen]Marina> "Which, we ain't got."
  55. [22:33:04] <[Owen]Marina> "Follow so far?"
  56. [22:33:23] <[Zem]Aleurna> "Money?"
  57. [22:33:39] * [Owen]Marina cocks an eyebrow.
  58. [22:33:58] <[Owen]Marina> "Money?"
  59. [22:34:07] * [Owen]Marina nods.
  60. [22:34:09] <[Owen]Marina> "Money."
  61. [22:34:28] * Sara` frowns a slight bit.
  62. [22:34:36] <Sara`> Yes, I understand.
  63. [22:34:48] * [Owen]Marina frowns at the frown.
  64. [22:35:16] <[Owen]Marina> "Turn that frown the other-way round, young lady! I've got the master plan!"
  65. [22:35:33] <[par]Mara> "Oh well ah thar's food tha iznt human food tha izn't fish. Izn't fish human food anyway?"
  66. [22:35:35] * [Owen]Marina points up to the sky.
  67. [22:35:41] <[Owen]Marina> "THE MOON!"
  68. [22:35:56] * [Owen]Marina strikes a dramatic pose!
  69. [22:36:06] <[Zem]Aleurna> "Won't humans eat just about anything?"
  70. [22:36:26] * [Owen]Marina 's pose is wasted on the young.
  71. [22:36:53] * Sara` looks a bit confused, but her frown melts away with Marina's wackiness.
  72. [22:37:26] * [Owen]Marina gives up on the pose but keeps the attitude. Tough crowd...
  73. [22:37:40] * [par]Mara is confused
  74. [22:38:07] <[Owen]Marina> "It's simple! Moon Stones! They're super rare and humans always want them! But they're hard to get because caves are dangerous!"
  75. [22:38:15] * [Owen]Marina thumbs to her torso.
  76. [22:38:20] <[Owen]Marina> "But not for us!"
  77. [22:39:00] <[Owen]Marina> "Get the rocks, get paid! Collectors won't care if we're not human, yeah? Yeah!"
  78. [22:39:24] <[Owen]Marina> "Simple!"
  79. [22:39:36] * [Owen]Marina claps her hands. Simple!
  80. [22:39:37] <[par]Mara> "How do we sell tha stones?"
  81. [22:39:48] <[Zem]Aleurna> "That is a simple plan! But what if they decide to just take the stones from us?"
  82. [22:40:14] * [Owen]Marina deadpans.
  83. [22:40:28] <[Owen]Marina> "I'd like to see 'em try~"
  84. [22:40:32] * [Owen]Marina flexes!
  85. [22:41:09] <Sara`> This plan doesn't sound bad...
  86. [22:41:26] <[par]Mara> "How will they know we want money fer em? And then how we trade tha money fer food?"
  87. [22:41:41] * Sara` . o O ( ... better than pandering to the few still-prejudiced who will allow us to take a job, too. )
  88. [22:41:53] <[Owen]Marina> "Don't worry! Sara's the smartest of smart ladies! She can write and everything!"
  89. [22:42:28] <[Owen]Marina> "Ahh, what's it humans say again... money talks! Yeah!"
  90. [22:42:42] <[par]Mara> "Wow, miz Sara kin read?"
  91. [22:44:03] * [Owen]Marina nods affirmatively.
  92. [22:45:11] * Sara` nods.
  93. [22:45:22] <Sara`> I pick up whatever books I can find...
  94. [22:46:07] <[Owen]Marina> "So, great plan or what?"
  95. [22:46:29] * [Owen]Marina rubs her palms together. She is the best of plan-makers!
  96. [22:47:01] <[par]Mara> "Tha's reallah impressive miz Sara."
  97. [22:48:44] <Sara`> It's not too impressive...
  98. [22:48:58] * [Owen]Marina sighs.
  99. [22:49:27] <[par]Mara> "Yer tha first crittah I've eva met tha culd read."
  100. [22:49:34] <[Owen]Marina> "Oh ye of the little faith... have more of it! You're Psychic, yeah? That means you know in the future that it'll work!"
  101. [22:50:12] <[Zem]Aleurna> "I agree! Though we will undoubtedly face many dangers, we will doubtless prevail!"
  102. [22:50:37] <[Owen]Marina> "And now, I'ma gonna go scout out ahead and stuff so no trainers try an' catch us!"
  103. [22:50:46] <[Owen]Marina> "Pshooosh!"
  104. [22:50:56] * [Owen]Marina positions herself backwards and uses her water cannons sort of like rockets to pshooosh away.
  105. [22:50:58] * Sara` states, after Marina rushes off:
  106. [22:51:08] <Sara`> My future-sight is not perfect...
  107. [22:51:56] <[par]Mara> "Well yer reallah smart miz Sara so you culd figure out what'll happin anywayz."
  108. [22:52:56] <Sara`> Smarts doesn't have anything to do with it.
  109. [22:53:07] <Sara`> I could try teaching you how to read...?
  110. [22:53:15] <[par]Mara> "Reallah?"
  111. [22:53:26] * [par]Mara seems in disbelief that she could learn
  112. [22:53:42] <Sara`> If you can speak, you can learn to read.
  113. [22:55:26] <[Zem]Aleurna> "I would like to learn how to read. That would undoubtedly be useful."
  114. [22:55:48] * Sara` smiles.
  115. [22:55:54] <Sara`> I'd be glad to have another student!
  116. [22:55:59] <[par]Mara> "Sum people say I'm no good at speakan. But i think I'm roight okay at it."
  117. [22:58:36] <Sara`> Actually...
  118. [22:59:02] * Sara` gets one of her books. It's fairly thick.
  119. [23:01:40] * [BNS]Komacho is sleeping off the side under a tree. She looks peaceful.
  120. [23:02:00] <Sara`> Would you like to try right now?
  121. [23:02:11] * Sara` takes soft steps towards the tree.
  122. [23:02:19] * [par]Mara nods
  123. [23:02:22] <[par]Mara> "Surah."
  124. [23:04:50] * Sara` sits down a short distance from Komacho, and opens to the beginning of the book.
  125. [23:06:35] * [par]Mara waddles over and plops down
  126. [23:07:20] <Sara`> So.
  127. [23:07:44] * Sara` points to an "a" on the page.
  128. [23:08:25] <Sara`> This is one of twenty-four letters humans use.
  129. [23:08:31] <Sara`> this one's called...
  130. [23:08:50] <[par]Mara> "Twentah fer? Tha sounds confuzin."
  131. [23:09:04] * Sara` shakes her head.
  132. [23:09:13] <Sara`> that's just over how many fingers and toes you have.
  133. [23:09:54] <Sara`> Humans call it:
  134. [23:10:09] <Sara`> "a- Aaaa."
  135. [23:10:34] * Sara` speaks a bit awkwardly, unable to speak human syllables well.
  136. [23:10:43] <Sara`> Do you understand?
  137. [23:10:56] * [par]Mara looks at her six fingers and six toes in confusion
  138. [23:11:10] <[par]Mara> "Uh... AAAAAAAAAA. I think I got it."
  139. [23:12:00] * [Zem]Aleurna tries it as well.
  140. [23:12:01] <Sara`> See? It's not so hard.
  141. [23:12:10] <[Zem]Aleurna> "Aaaarrr?"
  142. [23:12:11] <[par]Mara> "Surah iznt."
  143. [23:12:30] * [BNS]Komacho is slowly awoken by the activity
  144. [23:12:34] <[BNS]Komacho>
  145. [23:12:44] <[Zem]Aleurna> "I don't think that's quite right."
  146. [23:12:50] * [BNS]Komacho yawns and sits up, stretching lanquidly
  147. [23:13:24] * Sara` looks at Aleurna.
  148. [23:13:37] <Sara`> The first part was right, but the last was another letter.
  149. [23:13:48] * Sara` then addresses Komacho.
  150. [23:13:57] <Sara`> Good morning, Komacho.
  151. [23:15:28] <[par]Mara> "Hi miz Komacho."
  152. [23:15:29] * [par]Mara smiles
  153. [23:15:32] <[Zem]Aleurna> "Aaaaaa?"
  154. [23:15:51] * MissD is munching on a nice fruit she got from the top of that BIG TREE.
  155. [23:16:05] <[BNS]Komacho> Yaaawwwwnn... mornin~
  156. [23:16:19] * [BNS]Komacho is usually very lethargic when she wakes up from her naps
  157. [23:16:38] <Sara`> Right, Aleurna.
  158. [23:16:47] * [par]Mara pats Komacho on the head
  159. [23:16:57] <[par]Mara> "Rise an shine miz Komacho!"
  160. [23:19:35] * MissD doesn't truly need to sleep as has been up thinking about something.
  161. [23:19:37] * [BNS]Komacho sits sleepily as she works towards waking up fully
  162. [23:19:40] <[Zem]Aleurna> "So, whenever I see that... letter... it's an aaaa sound?
  163. [23:20:02] * [par]Mara tries to pull Komacho to her feet
  164. [23:20:19] <[par]Mara> "Com on miz, befer baus gitz tha water on ya!"
  165. [23:21:22] <Sara`> Right again.
  166. [23:21:44] * Sara` scans the page, pointing to another letter, "b".
  167. [23:22:02] * Sara` glances at Mara before continuing.
  168. [23:22:14] <Sara`> Komacho will get up on her own.
  169. [23:24:08] <[par]Mara> "Al'ight, bu iz her fault if she gitz tha watah."
  170. [23:24:14] * [par]Mara walks back over and plops down
  171. [23:25:02] <[BNS]Komacho> Eeeeh? Water...?
  172. [23:25:10] * [BNS]Komacho is very confused
  173. [23:25:37] <Sara`> It's nothing. Marina shouldn't shoot you.
  174. [23:25:50] * Sara` returns to her lesson, but gets the feeling Komacho will rise soon enough.
  175. [23:26:11] <Sara`> This symbol is a different letter, the second of this human alphabet.
  176. [23:26:13] * MissD floats over to Komacho..hmmm~
  177. [23:26:41] <Sara`> ... I haven't been able to speak it.
  178. [23:27:12] <[Zem]Aleurna> "That'll make it hard for us to learn, then!"
  179. [23:28:35] * [BNS]Komacho rubs her eyes and stands up, stretching again
  180. [23:29:09] <Sara`> Maybe if we pass by a town we'll have the chance to hear it...
  181. [23:30:17] * Sara` ponders... o O ( I wonder if I could get one of those little translators, or something...? ) She sighs.
  182. [23:30:37] <[par]Mara> "Tha's wierd. Why wuldnt ya be able to speak it?"
  183. [23:33:11] <Sara`> I just... can't. I think it has something to do with different bodies, or something.
  184. [23:34:06] <[Zem]Aleurna> "Yeah. So what's this book about?"
  185. [23:34:52] <Sara`> This book? Uh...
  186. [23:37:36] <[par]Mara> "It mus be sum reallah smart stuff."
  187. [23:37:54] * Sara` hesitates a little.
  188. [23:37:57] <Sara`> ... well, it's just about a couple.
  189. [23:38:00] <Sara`> That's all.
  190. [23:39:54] <[par]Mara> "A couple of wut?"
  191. [23:40:55] <Sara`> Uh, a couple of people. Humans, in particular.
  192. [23:41:37] * [BNS]Komacho looks over at MissD
  193. [23:41:46] <[BNS]Komacho> Oh... hi.
  194. [23:41:53] * MissD waves.
  195. [23:42:00] <MissD> Hii~ And good morning~
  196. [23:42:11] <[Zem]Aleurna> "How are you doing today?"
  197. [23:42:25] * Sara` takes MissD's arrival with welcome.
  198. [23:42:28] <Sara`> Good morning, MissD.
  199. [23:42:33] <[BNS]Komacho> Me? Tired~
  200. [23:42:40] * [BNS]Komacho yawns again
  201. [23:42:52] * [BNS]Komacho suddenly hears her tummy rumble
  202. [23:42:57] <[BNS]Komacho> ...and hungry.
  203. [23:42:58] <MissD> Ooh.. Sara!~
  204. [23:43:03] <[par]Mara> "Wut do tha humans do?"
  205. [23:43:16] * MissD grins upon seeing her favorite psychic girl~
  206. [23:43:51] * Sara` can't avoid Mara's questions...
  207. [23:44:34] <Sara`> ... Talk, and go to restaurants to eat dinner, and stuff.
  208. [23:46:23] <[par]Mara> "Oh, so like they always do. Though that doznt sound werth putin in a book."
  209. [23:46:52] <MissD> Oh if you girls are wondering how to interact with a human I can tell~
  210. [23:47:07] <[Zem]Aleurna> Yeah. That seems rather boring.
  211. [23:47:24] <Sara`> It's... uh, a little more complex than that, but enough about this book.
  212. [23:47:31] * Sara` closes it and puts it away.
  213. [23:49:20] <Sara`> What were you saying, MissD...?
  214. [23:50:27] * [par]Mara frowns
  215. [23:50:32] <[par]Mara> "Alroight..."
  216. [23:51:02] <[BNS]Komacho> Nnn... so hungry...
  217. [23:51:08] * [BNS]Komacho holds her stomach
  218. [23:51:19] * [BNS]Komacho sits down and rolls on her side
  219. [23:51:55] <[Zem]Aleurna> "So how long did it take you to learn to read?"
  220. [23:51:58] <MissD> Well...
  221. [23:52:02] * MissD grins while saying this.
  222. [23:52:12] <MissD> I've been around humans pretty much my whole existence so I can tell you things too~
  223. [23:55:20] <[Zem]Aleurna> "You hunger? Then we should hunt!"
  224. [23:55:31] * Sara` notices MissD's tone, and shifts topic yet again.
  225. [23:55:38] <Sara`> That would be a good idea.
  226. [23:55:47] <[BNS]Komacho> Hunt~?
  227. [23:56:07] * [BNS]Komacho grabs her sharpened fishin' stick
  228. [23:57:22] * MissD sighs at Sara...and whispers to her..
  229. [23:57:28] <MissD> 14 You know.. its not that you silly~..
  230. [23:57:44] <[par]Mara> "Food!"
  231. [23:58:04] * [par]Mara charges into a berry tree and smashes it with her head. The tree is uprooted and falls over
  232. [23:59:16] * [BNS]Komacho hurries over to the nearby river and spears a few fish
  233. [23:59:42] * Sara` ignores MissD's comment, already embarassed enough by the most recent book she's picked up. o O ( ... It's... /something/ to read... )
  234. [00:01:04] <Sara`> ... Impressive headbutt.
  235. [00:01:25] <[Zem]Aleurna> "Wow, you're good at that! Should I try catching something as well?"
  236. [00:01:41] <[BNS]Komacho> ...?
  237. [00:01:43] <[BNS]Komacho> Sure!
  238. [00:01:50] * [BNS]Komacho hands Aleurna the stick
  239. [00:02:19] * [par]Mara seems to have knocked herself out with the impact
  240. [00:02:19] <[BNS]Komacho> Now... the trick is, you need to aim where they're /going/ to be, not where they /are/.
  241. [00:02:39] <[Zem]Aleurna> "I was going to see if there were any land animals, since that's where I have the most experience."
  242. [00:02:41] <MissD> Hey Sara~ One more thing~
  243. [00:02:41] * [Zem]Aleurna sniffs the air.
  244. [00:02:52] * Sara` , focusing, rips off lesser limbs using her telekinesis and piles them nearby.
  245. [00:02:57] <Sara`> huh?
  246. [00:03:01] <[Zem]Aleurna> "But I'll give this a try."
  247. [00:03:03] <[BNS]Komacho> ...oh?
  248. [00:03:23] * [Zem]Aleurna aims... and stabs!
  249. [00:04:35] <MissD> If you want really know more about humans just ask~
  250. [00:08:25] <[BNS]Komacho> ...did you get it?
  251. [00:08:25] * [BNS]Komacho looks over curiously
  252. [00:08:25] <Sara`> Sure...
  253. [00:08:25] * [Zem]Aleurna pulls out the spear, with a salmon flailing feebly on it.
  254. [00:08:25] * Sara` doesn't fully get MissD's point, but goes ahead anyway.
  255. [00:08:28] * Sara` then turns her attention to the pile of wood, and pulls out two stones from a pack.
  256. [00:09:14] * [BNS]Komacho claps happily
  257. [00:09:26] <[BNS]Komacho> Wow, you got it on your first try! I didn't even do that!
  258. [00:09:41] <[BNS]Komacho> I used to just throw big rocks in the water and collect the fish when they were stunned!
  259. [00:09:46] * [BNS]Komacho grins
  260. [00:11:12] <[Zem]Aleurna> "I could do something similar."
  261. [00:11:29] * [Zem]Aleurna fires a small bolt of lightning into the water, then pulls out another fish.
  262. [00:11:38] <[BNS]Komacho> ...woooow.
  263. [00:11:50] * [BNS]Komacho is impressed!
  264. [00:12:01] <[BNS]Komacho> I can kinda do something like that!
  265. [00:12:42] <[Zem]Aleurna> "I also have a small degree of fire and ice powers, but my lightning is the strongest, as is fitting!"
  266. [00:13:06] * [BNS]Komacho picks up a fish that she's already skewered on a stick. She holds it above her head, looks directly at it, then pinches her fingers in front of her mouth and uses Flamethrower to (over)cook the fish
  267. [00:13:23] * [BNS]Komacho grins as she shows the fish to Aleurna
  268. [00:13:31] * Sara` strikes the stones together for sparks, and lights a small bonfire.
  269. [00:13:52] <[Zem]Aleurna> "Impressive."
  270. [00:14:27] * [BNS]Komacho takes a bite of the fish, unconcerned with its charcoal-like nature as usual
  271. [00:14:31] * MissD just loafs around.
  272. [00:15:27] * [Zem]Aleurna tries cooking her fish by blowing fire through her clenched teeth.
  273. [00:20:06] * [BNS]Komacho sees Aleurna trying to one-up her again and tries to think of something else impressive that she can do...
  274. [00:20:40] * [BNS]Komacho sees a boulder nearby and gets an idea
  275. [00:22:10] * [BNS]Komacho walks over the boulder and begins to focus...
  276. [00:26:08] <[Zem]Aleurna> "What are you doing, I wonder?"
  277. [00:27:51] * [BNS]Komacho proceeds to deliver a series of Karate Chops that cut and chisel the boulder into 4 separate convenient seats which she then proceeds to place around the campfire
  278. [00:29:08] <[Zem]Aleurna> "That's well-done! I certainly don't have that much finesse!"
  279. [00:29:46] * [BNS]Komacho grins and gives a thumbs up
  280. [00:32:22] * Sara` , idle, opens a different book and reads it.
  281. [00:32:50] * [Zem]Aleurna has finished off her fish.
  282. [00:37:34] * [BNS]Komacho brings the other fish over to the bonfire and puts them over with the berries
  283. [00:38:53] <[Zem]Aleurna> "So, what kinds of things do you like to do in your spare time?"
  284. [00:40:13] <[BNS]Komacho> I train... exercise... eat... nap~
  285. [00:42:10] * [BNS]Komacho starts to prepare the fish like Sara taught her, using her sharp stick to gut the fish, then taking the berries and smashing them up in a bowl, adding the fish and letting it marinate
  286. [00:43:44] <[Zem]Aleurna> "What are you doing? Does adding berries to fish make it better?"
  287. [00:44:24] <[BNS]Komacho> Mmhmm! Sara taught me! When you do this, the fish tastes like berries AND fish!
  288. [00:44:31] * [BNS]Komacho grins
  289. [00:44:55] <[Zem]Aleurna> "Wow. I never thought of that."
  290. [00:45:16] <[BNS]Komacho> I know! Sara's really smart!
  291. [00:51:22] <[Zem]Aleurna> "Yeah. I think learning to read would be interesting."
  292. [Log incomplete, but it was just some more fluff with those two.]
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