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PPSSPP settings

a guest
Jan 17th, 2017
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  1. [General]
  2. FirstRun = False
  3. RunCount = 261
  4. Enable Logging = True
  5. AutoRun = True
  6. Browse = False
  7. IgnoreBadMemAccess = True
  8. CurrentDirectory = D:/Other Games/PSP/[Games]/
  9. ShowDebuggerOnLoad = False
  10. CheckForNewVersion = True
  11. Language = en_US
  12. NumWorkerThreads = 4
  13. EnableAutoLoad = False
  14. EnableCheats = True
  15. ScreenshotsAsPNG = False
  16. StateSlot = 0
  17. RewindFlipFrequency = 0
  18. GridView1 = True
  19. GridView2 = True
  20. GridView3 = False
  21. ReportingHost = default
  22. AutoSaveSymbolMap = False
  23. TopMost = False
  24. WindowX = 10
  25. WindowY = 0
  26. WindowWidth = 1456
  27. WindowHeight = 874
  28. PauseOnLostFocus = False
  29. ForceLagSync = False
  30. PauseWhenMinimized = False
  31. DumpDecryptedEboots = False
  32. CwCheatRefreshRate = 77
  33. CacheFullIsoInRam = False
  34. ComboMode = 0
  35. InternalScreenRotation = 1
  36. UseFFV1 = False
  37. DumpFrames = False
  38. DumpAudio = False
  39. RemoteISOPort = 0
  40. MemStickInserted = False
  41. [CPU]
  42. Jit = True
  43. SeparateCPUThread = True
  44. AtomicAudioLocks = False
  45. SeparateIOThread = True
  46. FastMemoryAccess = True
  47. CPUSpeed = 0
  48. FuncReplacements = True
  49. IOTimingMethod = 1
  50. SetRoundingMode = True
  51. ForceFlushToZero = False
  52. SeparateSASThread = True
  53. CPUCore = 1
  54. [Graphics]
  55. ShowFPSCounter = 3
  56. RenderingMode = 1
  57. SoftwareRendering = False
  58. HardwareTransform = True
  59. SoftwareSkinning = True
  60. TextureFiltering = 3
  61. InternalResolution = 4
  62. FrameSkip = 0
  63. AutoFrameSkip = False
  64. FrameRate = 240
  65. FrameSkipUnthrottle = False
  66. ForceMaxEmulatedFPS = 60
  67. AnisotropyLevel = 4
  68. VertexCache = False
  69. TextureBackoffCache = True
  70. TextureSecondaryCache = True
  71. FullScreen = False
  72. PartialStretch = False
  73. StretchToDisplay = False
  74. SmallDisplay = False
  75. ImmersiveMode = False
  76. TrueColor = True
  77. MipMap = True
  78. TexScalingLevel = 5
  79. TexScalingType = 0
  80. TexDeposterize = False
  81. VSyncInterval = False
  82. DisableStencilTest = True
  83. AlwaysDepthWrite = False
  84. TimerHack = False
  85. LowQualitySplineBezier = False
  86. PostShader = FXAA
  87. AndroidHwScale = 1
  88. AlphaMaskHack = False
  89. SplineBezierQuality = 2
  90. MemBlockTransferGPU = True
  91. DisableSlowFramebufEffects = False
  92. EnableCardboard = False
  93. CardboardScreenSize = 50
  94. CardboardXShift = 0
  95. CardboardYShift = 0
  96. GPUBackend = 0
  97. BufferFiltering = 1
  98. DepthRangeHack = False
  99. BloomHack = 0
  100. FragmentTestCache = True
  101. HighQualityDepth = 1
  102. SmallDisplayZoomType = 2
  103. SmallDisplayOffsetX = 0.500000
  104. SmallDisplayOffsetY = 0.500000
  105. SmallDisplayZoomLevel = 3.000000
  106. SmallDisplayZoom = 0
  107. SmallDisplayCustomZoom = 8.000000
  108. ReplaceTextures = True
  109. SaveNewTextures = False
  110. [Sound]
  111. Enable = True
  112. VolumeBGM = 7
  113. VolumeSFX = 7
  114. LowLatency = True
  115. AudioLatency = 1
  116. SoundSpeedHack = False
  117. AudioBackend = 0
  118. AudioResampler = True
  119. GlobalVolume = 10
  120. [Control]
  121. HapticFeedback = True
  122. ShowTouchCross = True
  123. ShowTouchCircle = True
  124. ShowTouchSquare = True
  125. ShowTouchTriangle = True
  126. ShowTouchStart = True
  127. ShowTouchSelect = True
  128. ShowTouchLTrigger = True
  129. ShowTouchRTrigger = True
  130. ShowAnalogStick = True
  131. ShowTouchDpad = True
  132. ShowTouchUnthrottle = True
  133. IgnoreWindowsKey = True
  134. ShowTouchControls = False
  135. DisableDpadDiagonals = False
  136. TouchButtonStyle = 1
  137. TouchButtonOpacity = 65
  138. ActionButtonSpacing2 = 1.000000
  139. ActionButtonCenterX = 0.875000
  140. ActionButtonCenterY = 0.779412
  141. ActionButtonScale = 1.150000
  142. DPadX = 0.148958
  143. DPadY = 0.470588
  144. DPadScale = 1.150000
  145. DPadSpacing = 1.000000
  146. StartKeyX = 0.637500
  147. StartKeyY = 0.873162
  148. StartKeyScale = 1.150000
  149. SelectKeyX = 0.500000
  150. SelectKeyY = 0.873162
  151. SelectKeyScale = 1.150000
  152. UnthrottleKeyX = 0.361458
  153. UnthrottleKeyY = 0.873162
  154. UnthrottleKeyScale = 1.150000
  155. LKeyX = 0.083333
  156. LKeyY = 0.084559
  157. LKeyScale = 1.150000
  158. RKeyX = 0.928125
  159. RKeyY = 0.084559
  160. RKeyScale = 1.150000
  161. AnalogStickX = 0.148958
  162. AnalogStickY = 0.830882
  163. AnalogStickScale = 1.150000
  164. ShowTouchPause = True
  165. AnalogLimiterDeadzone = 0.600000
  166. ShowComboKey0 = False
  167. ShowComboKey1 = False
  168. ShowComboKey2 = False
  169. ShowComboKey3 = False
  170. ShowComboKey4 = False
  171. ComboKey0Mapping = 0
  172. ComboKey1Mapping = 0
  173. ComboKey2Mapping = 0
  174. ComboKey3Mapping = 0
  175. ComboKey4Mapping = 0
  176. GamepadOnlyFocused = False
  177. TouchButtonHideSeconds = 20
  178. AutoCenterTouchAnalog = False
  179. fcombo0X = 0.572025
  180. fcombo0Y = 0.500000
  181. comboKeyScale0 = 1.150000
  182. fcombo1X = 0.632046
  183. fcombo1Y = 0.500000
  184. comboKeyScale1 = 1.150000
  185. fcombo2X = 0.692067
  186. fcombo2Y = 0.500000
  187. comboKeyScale2 = 1.150000
  188. fcombo3X = 0.572025
  189. fcombo3Y = 0.332689
  190. comboKeyScale3 = 1.150000
  191. fcombo4X = 0.632046
  192. fcombo4Y = 0.332689
  193. comboKeyScale4 = 1.150000
  194. DInputAnalogDeadzone = 0.100000
  195. DInputAnalogInverseMode = 0
  196. DInputAnalogInverseDeadzone = 0.000000
  197. DInputAnalogSensitivity = 1.000000
  198. XInputAnalogDeadzone = 0.240000
  199. XInputAnalogInverseMode = 0
  200. XInputAnalogInverseDeadzone = 0.000000
  201. XInputAnalogSensitivity = 1.000000
  202. [Network]
  203. EnableWlan = True
  204. EnableAdhocServer = True
  205. [SystemParam]
  206. PSPModel = 0
  207. PSPFirmwareVersion = 150
  208. NickName = PPSSPP
  209. proAdhocServer =
  210. MacAddress = 01:02:03:04:05:06
  211. Language = 1
  212. TimeFormat = 1
  213. DateFormat = 1
  214. TimeZone = 0
  215. DayLightSavings = False
  216. ButtonPreference = 1
  217. LockParentalLevel = 0
  218. WlanAdhocChannel = 0
  219. BypassOSKWithKeyboard = False
  220. WlanPowerSave = False
  221. EncryptSave = True
  222. PortOffset = 0
  223. [Debugger]
  224. DisasmWindowX = 480
  225. DisasmWindowY = 289
  226. DisasmWindowW = 781
  227. DisasmWindowH = 708
  228. GEWindowX = 782
  229. GEWindowY = 286
  230. GEWindowW = 776
  231. GEWindowH = 694
  232. ConsoleWindowX = 509
  233. ConsoleWindowY = 358
  234. FontWidth = 8
  235. FontHeight = 12
  236. DisplayStatusBar = True
  237. ShowBottomTabTitles = True
  238. ShowDeveloperMenu = False
  239. SkipDeadbeefFilling = False
  240. FuncHashMap = False
  241. [SpeedHacks]
  242. PrescaleUV = True
  243. DisableAlphaTest = True
  244. PrescaleUVCoords = True
  245. [JIT]
  246. [Upgrade]
  247. UpgradeMessage =
  248. UpgradeVersion = 1.2.0
  249. DismissedVersion =
  250. [Recent]
  251. MaxRecent = 30
  252. FileName0 = D:/Downloads/Ace Combat X - Skies of Deception (U).iso
  253. FileName1 = D:/Other Games/PSP/[Games]/Ace Combat X2 Joint Assault JP/klown-acx2.iso
  254. FileName2 = D:/Other Games/PSP/[Games]/Intial.D.Street.stage.PSP/Intial.D.Street.stage.PSP.iso
  255. FileName3 = D:/Other Games/PSP/[Games]/Dissidia 012 Duodecim Final Fantasy [EUR].iso
  256. FileName4 = D:/Other Games/PSP/[Games]/Socom Fireteam Bravo 2/[PSP].Socom.US.Navy Seals.Fireteam Bravo.2.[FATAL].cso
  257. FileName5 = D:/Other Games/PSP/[Games]/0-tk6.iso
  258. FileName6 = D:/Other Games/PSP/[Games]/Metal.Gear.Solid.Peace.Walker.EUR.PSP-EVO.iso
  259. [PinnedPaths]
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