
Sunny Gardens: A Whole New Level of Awkward

Jul 14th, 2012
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  1. >You cannot believe you've been talked into this.
  2. >And why is she so damn quiet?
  3. >It's making you feel horribly awkward. You have your hands clenched on your lap.
  4. >And you're grimacing. It's like you're getting a shot or something.
  5. >”Relax, Lucy.”
  6. “I am relaxed!”
  7. >”You look like you're having teeth pulled.”
  8. “I can't believe I'm doing this...”
  9. >Sarah rolls her eyes and smiles a little.
  10. >”It's one breeding pair.”
  11. >You fold your arms and make a face, trying your best to imitate that look of hers.
  12. >She just grins at you and returns her eyes to the road ahead.
  13. >You're driving south to meet a low-volume alicorn breeder that's closing up shop.
  14. >With strays in such short supply, and nothing else to occupy your time, you've decided to try Sarah's idea.
  15. >Now you just hope you aren't going to regret it.
  16. “So, like, what's different about the alicorns? Besides the wings and horns at once, I mean.”
  17. >Sarah taps her fingers on the steering wheel. “They're a bit bigger. Supposedly smarter. They can't use magic, and they can't fly.”
  18. “That's not very much different.”
  19. >”They have better memories too. I've been told they freak out for a long time if you take away their babies.”
  20. >You blink and frown.
  21. “I think Tiffany would enjoy this more than I would...”
  22. >Sarah snorts a little and smiles. “I'm sure she would.”
  23. >You take off your cap and smooth back your un-dreadlocked hair.
  24. “Why am I going to be good at this again?”
  25. >”Because you've got the patience I lack. I don't do well with the merchandise when it complains.”
  26. “They're not merchandise, they're living things...”
  27. >You gulp a little as you see Sarah's annoyed look.
  28. >”We can have that argument again later.”
  29. >Ten silent minutes pass before you leave the interstate and emerge into a small town.
  30. >After a few turns, you find yourself in front of a nice brick one-story ranch-style house.
  31. “Home business?”
  32. >”Yeah, he only has a few pairs.”
  33. >You get out and follow her up the path to the front door. She rings the doorbell and puts on her Serious Business face.
  34. >”Hello, ladies,” an older man with glasses says, inviting you in.
  35. >In his carpeted living room, playing in front of the couch, are two alicorns.
  36. >One is a very soft pink color, with a steely grey mane and tail and blue eyes.
  37. >The other is electric blue with a yellow mane and tail, and orange eyes.
  38. >This is the one that comes over and tugs on your long skirt, wings spread with curiosity.
  39. >”Daddy, dis new fwiend wike say?”
  40. >”That's right, her name is Lucy. is Lucy, right?”
  41. “Yes, that's right.”
  42. >”Hi Wucy, fwuffy name is Wightnin'. Dis bes' fwiend eva, Bewwy!”
  43. >Berry waddles over and plops down, waving up at you.
  44. >”Hi Wucy!”
  45. “Wow, they know names...”
  46. >Sarah nods a little, searching around in her bag.
  47. >”You sure you don't want two whites? I still have a pair,” the man asks.
  48. >”I'm not paying you five thousand dollars for a test run, Walter.”
  49. >”Just asking,” he says, raising his hands.
  50. >” Wucy new mommy?” Lightning asks, looking between you and Sarah. Then he walks over to her. “Wha yo' name?”
  51. >She smiles down at him. “I'm Sarah. Lucy is my sister.”
  52. >Lightning wanders over and clings to Sarah's boots. “Owwies, funny weggies huwt...”
  53. >Berry can't find your legs under your skirt.
  54. >She comes to the obvious conclusion.
  55. >”Wucy no haf weggies!”
  56. “Sure I do!”
  57. >You lift your skirt just enough to show her your sandals.
  58. >”Dere weggies. Weggies hidin'!”
  59. >How adorable!
  60. >Sarah fishes out a stack of money and quickly counts it. “All right, fifteen hundred for the pair.”
  61. “Good lord...”
  62. >”Only one in every three hundred thousand fluffies is an alicorn. They're quite pricey.”
  63. >Sarah has a very slight smile on her face as she picks up Lightning.
  64. >You don't really listen to the conversation, you're watching Berry stack her blocks.
  65. >You're snapped out of it when Walter hands you a small binder.
  66. >”This is everything you should need to know about them.”
  67. >You open it and skim the writing inside.
  68. >Their favorite foods are listed, as are their favorite toys.
  69. >Also, it says not to separate them, as they get very sad when apart. They consider themselves a couple.
  70. >Wait, what? Alicorns pair bond?
  71. >”Ready to go, Lucy?”
  72. >”Bewwy miss daddy...”
  73. >She's hugging Walter's legs.
  74. >Lightning asks to be put down. He waddles over and gets a little blue bag.
  75. >After a few minutes, Berry waddles over to her blocks and puts them in a pink bag.
  76. >Walter has to close it for her, but she carries it like Lightning afterwards.
  77. >”Dis goo'bye baggie,” she frowns, speech muffled by the fabric handle.
  78. >Walter gives them each another hug, causing them to drop their bags for a moment.
  79. >”Be good for Lucy, okay?” he says.
  80. >”Be good fwuffies,” Berry sniffles.
  81. >”Are you sure they don't need to be in carriers?” Sarah asks.
  82. >”They'll be fine. If they need to do something, you'll know it.”
  83. >More goodbyes are exchanged, and you're out the door following Sarah.
  84. >Lightning and Berry waddle after you at top speed, carrying their little bags.
  85. “They have luggage. How much smarter are they than a regular fluffy?”
  86. >”Pretty smart.”
  87. >You set Berry into the back while Sarah puts Lightning in.
  88. >After you've pulled out of the driveway, you start reading the binder text more closely.
  89. >Berry likes to watch TV a lot. Lightning loves coloring books.
  90. >The more you read, the more awkward you start feeling.
  91. “Sarah, these are like little kids. I mean, even more so than regular fluffies.”
  92. >”Babeh hoomans?” Lightning asks, looking around.
  93. >”Well, they are supposed to be smarter.”
  94. “I think they're a lot am I supposed to explain to them that we're gonna, well, you know...”
  95. >”Wha' Wucy talkin' 'bout?” Berry asks.
  96. >You already know Sarah's answer before she says it, of course.
  97. >”Don't explain it to them, just do it.”
  98. “That's not fair.”
  99. >”Look, they've been bred before. They should know the drill. If anything, they should be a lot easier to deal with than my stock.”
  100. >”Make fun huggies...make babehs?” Lightning asks.
  101. >”That's right, make babies.”
  102. >”B-b-b-b-bu' babehs a'ways go 'way, wuv babehs...pwease no take babehs 'gain...”
  103. >Berry is sniffling hard. Lightning scoots over and hugs her tight.
  104. >You frown, but decide not to test Sarah any further.
  105. >You go back to reading the binder. The last few pages are litter information for the pair.
  106. >There's nothing unusual, at least when it comes to the descriptions of the litters themselves.
  107. >The notes about what happened after make your stomach twist.
  108. >”April 12: Berry gave birth to four, two males and two females,” the first entry says.
  109. >”Foals (purple, blue males, and orange, pink females) were all healthy.
  110. >”May 7: Berry's foals sold off. Berry attempted first to chase the buyer, then jump in his car.”
  111. >”When she failed to get her babies back, attempted to drown herself in her water bowl.”
  112. >You almost drop the binder when you read that.
  113. “Sarah, she tried to kill herself when...”
  114. >”No kiww!” both alicorns gasp.
  115. >Damn it, you have to be even more careful around them than normal fluffies.
  116. >”No one is going to kill you,” Sarah groans, rolling her eyes.
  117. >Berry gulps loudly. ”Nice hoomans, pwease no huwt fwuffy fwiends...”
  118. >”Do you still have that stun gun?”
  119. “Um...yes, I think so. Why?”
  120. >She glances over at you knowingly.
  121. >You have never reset a fluffy pony before, even when you probably should have.
  122. >It bothers you, the idea that a living creature can be so easily programmed.
  123. >Berry sniffles behind you, the noise muffled by Lightning's fluff.
  124. >”Miss kiww...”
  125. >You may not have a choice, if you're going to go through with this.
  126. >So much for no regrets.
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