
Deadmeat Chronicles: Moving on

Jun 20th, 2012
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  1. >You are a maroon unicorn fluffy and you are spying on the two legged monsters.
  2. >Your chest is pretty much healed from your burn.
  3. >You can still feel a small knot where the scar is.
  4. >You know you can’t hurt the two legged monsters.
  5. >But you have been watching and trying to figure out if they are weak.
  6. >Some have set out food to eat on a large cloth.
  7. >If they leave it unguarded you run out and poop on their food.
  8. >They are extremely angry when they come back, but not hurt.
  9. >You learn that they seem to get clumsier and dumber around members of the opposite sex.
  10. >You have experimented forcing the local strays to move stuff for you.
  11. >The males seem to run backwards around the females and you have been trying to trip them.
  12. >Today you are moving to the next step.
  13. >You have a letter spike you found in the garbage.
  14. >You have set up a stick along the trail and run off the strays you used.
  15. >You’ve noticed the two legged monsters pay attention to large groups.
  16. >You walk off the distance for hoe big you think the bodies are and set the spike up.
  17. >You start to trot away so you can watch from safety.
  18. >”Ok, now this makes no sense.”
  19. >You turn around and see the monster with brown fur is behind you holding the spike.
  20. >”You walked around looking for a place to put this. Why is that?”
  21. >Suddenly a runner trips and falls, “Fuck! Didn’t see that stick! Meant to do that ladies!”
  22. >Another jogger runs by, “Don’t worry ladies, the Chad never falls.”
  23. >The jogger gets up and continues to run.
  24. >The brown furred monster looks at you with its mouth open.
  25. >”Planning? Malicious planning at that? Fluffies aren’t supposed to do that.”
  26. >He is walking toward you and you start to back pedal.
  27. >”Why? You are meant to love humans…” It seems he realizes something, “You’re alone…”
  28. >He looks around, “Daddy wants to carry a happy fluffy and her smarty friend home!”
  29. >All sorts of strays run up to him, “Yay! Daddy take fwuffy!”, “Wan sketties!”, “Pway wif fwuffy!”, “Daddeh!”
  30. >You keep backing away slowly as he looks over the fluffies.
  31. >He kicks them away, “Where’s your friend?”
  32. >The hurt in your eyes gives it away.
  33. >The monster seems shocked, “Revenge? You are not supposed to feel that.”
  34. >”If that’s the case… You’re not supposed to exist.”
  35. >He stares at you as he pours out some food, “Come eat some food, you’re a special case.”
  36. >”Don’t worry, I’ve always been nice to you.”
  37. >His face is different. He seems to be focused on your moves.
  38. >You look at the food and back to him, other fluffies have started eating it.
  39. >”Come on, come eat, I know you’re hungry.”
  40. >The way he is talking makes you uneasy, you turn and run. “Stay way!”
  41. >You hear him running after you.
  42. >You turn and see he’s stopped, “Need my carrier. He might fight too much.”
  43. >He turns and runs back to the play area.
  44. >You have to hide, you run to a fallen limb and hide in its leaves.
  45. >You see a line of bushes nearby that is the edge of the park.
  46. >You are about to chance running to them.
  47. >You look back and the two legged monster is walking with the box he keep Thewum in.
  48. >He walks up to your old hidey hole bush and looks under it.
  49. >He knew about that!?
  50. >The limb suddenly flips away from you, “There is actually one hiding here.”
  51. >You look up and see a two legged monster holding a sack.
  52. >You hear other fluffies crying and complaining, the sack is moving with the bodies of fluffies inside.
  53. >You dash to the bushes.
  54. >”Whoa, you’re quick. I am definitely getting you.” He starts walking after you.
  55. >You make it to the bushes and see lots of fluffies hiding in them.
  56. >”New fwen? Wan pway?” You jump past them trying to get distance between you and the monster.
  57. >You hear the bushes behind you start to shake, “Come out you little bastard!”
  58. >Panic hits the fluffies, “Hewp! Munsta hewp!” they start running randomly.
  59. >”Ack! Munsta got fwuffy!”, “Fuck, not him! In the bag anyway.”
  60. >You run down the bush line, you stop not knowing what to do.
  61. >A carrier is set down beside you, “Where is he?”
  62. >From under the bush you see the brown furred monster is standing inches away.
  63. >You crawl as quietly as you can away from him.
  64. >You still hear fluffies being grabbed by the new monster.
  65. >You sneak out the other side of the bush and find yourself on the sidewalk.
  66. >You see an alley on the other side of the street.
  67. >You remember that you once hid there, maybe you can hide again.
  68. >You take a step and a car drives by hitting some fluffies in the street.
  69. >One gets ripped in half, one is flattened moving a few times before a puddle of blood forms around it.
  70. >You realize you can’t make it across.
  71. >Safety might as well be on another planet.
  72. >”Come out, come out where ever you are!” The new monster has come through the bushes onto the side walk.
  73. >You run back under, listening to the bushes shake and getting closer.
  74. >You look out into the park, the brown suited monster has poured out several piles of food.
  75. >It seems the fluffies who have eaten have decided it is nap time.
  76. >”I finally decide to get a specimen and he disappears!”
  77. >You see a tree nearby, you run to it keeping the trunk between you and your pursuers.
  78. >You notice a bush and run under it.
  79. >You see the pond and the boats, you remember how you can hide in them.
  80. >Just before you can sneak out a dog walks up and lays down beside the boats.
  81. >You won’t risk going near the woof woof monster.
  82. >You stomp in frustration, you have to escape.
  83. >You look out seeing the park entrance.
  84. >You decide you only have one chance, you have to make a run and get away from the park.
  85. >You take off running as fast as you can, there are few fluffies and no two legged monsters.
  86. >Nothing stands between you and the exit.
  87. >You don’t care about the danger, you are going to cross the road.
  88. >You are a few yards away and going to put the park way behind you.
  89. >*Fwump!*
  90. >Something covers you, some sort of mesh.
  91. >Something metal is drug across the ground tripping you.
  92. >You get tangled in some sort of net.
  93. >”Fishing nets are awesome, thought I was gonna lose you.”
  94. >The new monster opens his sack and dumps you in.
  95. >”Ow!”, “Unfh!”,”why hewt fwuffy!”, “Canna move!”, “Waaahhhh!!!”
  96. >You land on several other trapped fluffies.
  97. >The bag is closed, you are in the dark.
  98. >Every few minutes the bag opens and another fluffy is dropped on top of you.
  99. >After a while the bag opens and the contents are dumped into a large cage in a van.
  100. >There are several cages, you are in the top one.
  101. >”Oh noes, fwuffy feel poopie!” One of the freshly dumped fluffies say just before spraying shit.
  102. >From below you hear “Wha! No smeww pwtty!”, “Why fwuffy make bad poopies!”, “Bad fwuffy, yoo git sowwy stick!”
  103. >You look out the door and see the brown furred monster still looking around.
  104. >You start to yell but the door slams shut, “That’s enough for today.”
  105. >The van makes a sound and you start shaking.
  106. >You can tell your moving, you don’t know where you’re going.
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