

Feb 18th, 2016
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  1. [18:01] Robin (After going to the hair salon, Robin and Mary decide to go shopping a bit before heading back to the apartment. Their first stop is a clothing store.)
  2. [18:04] Robin As robin enters the store she looks around and instantly looks lost, "I never was good at buying my own clothes."
  3. [18:05] Mary "Well, uh, the question is , what do we want , summer clothes or something else?" She asks slightly lost as she looks around
  4. [18:09] Robin "I usually just go with whats comfortable. It is May, though, so Summer clothes I guess?"
  5. [18:11] Robin starts to wander about looking for the right area to search.
  6. [18:15] Robin approaches some sun dresses and starts to look through them.
  7. [18:16] Mary "Well we are in a hot zone, well hot for Europe at least..." She shrugs and walks on "Maybe something formalish also ? I think they have school uniforms and so on here in the UK
  8. [18:19] Robin "I was never really into formal, unless jeans and a t-shirt count as formal." she tosses the dresses back on the rack dissatisfied with most of the color choices.
  9. [18:19] Mary looks around and then raises a yellow long summerdress that would go down to her ankles "what about that one for me ?"
  10. [18:22] Robin "It looks nice, a summer dress goes with your new haircut."
  11. [18:24] Mary nods a bit unsure "And it itsn't to short"
  12. [18:25] Robin looks at her trying to see if she is joking, "no, if it were any longer you might trip over it."
  13. [18:25] Mary "No I mean that I am not a fan of those that are too revealing even if it is a long one ...
  14. [18:28] Robin "Oh, I think it's fine. But I don't know whats too far for you. You could try it on, maybe you could tell if you got to see yourself in it?"
  15. [18:30] Robin "I haven't owned to many clothes outside of the METI basic stuff in a while, kinda killed any fashion sense I used to have."
  16. [18:33] Mary "Well , maybe something in monochrome , or something that goes with the hair?"
  17. [18:35] Robin "Do you think I'd look good in red?" she holds out a knee length bright red sun dress.
  18. [18:39] Mary looks at her "I think it could work yes, the main thing is just that it should not clash with the other red "
  19. [18:40] Robin "oh," she holds out the dress and looks at it again, "there are reds that don't match?"
  20. [18:43] Mary "Well," She takes 2 different reds and lays them next to each other "See how they are, kind of harmonic, but , here this red isn't?`"
  21. [18:44] Robin "oh, hmm." she stares at them for a little while, "I /think/ I get it."
  22. [18:47] Robin tries her hand at picking another red dress that works with the red in her hair and eyes. "how about this one?"
  23. [18:51] Mary "I think it looks good? At least for me but I am no clothing expert"
  24. [18:52] Robin "I guess I'll try it," she folds the dress over her arm.
  25. [18:54] Mary nods and after a moment takes the yelow one as she searches for the cabin
  26. [18:56] Robin helps Mary search, it doesn't take them too long to find.
  27. [18:58] Mary then vanishes into the cabin, before she emerges and well, the dress is now clearly quite form fitting " I think.. a size larger mide be better"
  28. [18:58] Mary might
  29. [18:59] Robin "For me, its about being comfy. If you don't like how it feels, move to the next one."
  30. [19:01] Mary "Likewise, but well it seems I put on a bit of weight again as I was here ."
  31. [19:04] Robin "If it bothers you you could go running with John and Kasra."
  32. [19:05] Mary shakes her head "Not enough to do that"
  33. [19:06] Robin "heh, fair enough."
  34. [19:07] Mary "I might do some aerobic but well I am still healthy."
  35. [19:09] Robin "Oh no, I didn't mean anything by it," she gets a little flush with shame, "I was just suggesting."
  36. [19:11] Mary "Well uh, aerobic is the .. I think In thing to do.. "
  37. [19:11] Mary "And its okay I know you did not mean anything bad with it "
  38. [19:13] Robin "oh good," she sighs, "I guess its my turn" she holds up the red dress.
  39. [19:17] Mary nods and smiles at her
  40. [19:18] Robin takes the dress into a dressing room and emerges with it on, "I don't know. I never though I looked good in a dress."
  41. [19:22] Robin thought*
  42. [19:23] Robin does a twirl, she looks fine in the dress, but you can see her uncertainty.
  43. [19:26] Mary "It looks good on you " She nods and smiles
  44. [19:26] Mary "A bit different but it works with you "
  45. [19:29] Robin "Really?" she looks at herself in a mirror, "well then, I guess I'll get it."
  46. [19:30] Mary "Even if you else look also like you are a bit, punk..?"
  47. [19:32] Robin "I guess, I'm not entirely familiar with punk."
  48. [19:34] Robin heads back into the dressing room, "I'd rather wear my old clothes for now though."
  49. [19:37] Robin re-emerges with her old clothes on. Holding the dress in her arms.
  50. [19:39] Mary likewise took the moment to change back, and is now looking around and then takes a PJ set an puts it in her arms "Well these look servicable and cheap enough"
  51. [19:42] Robin looks nervous, playing with her hands and looking at the floor, "hey, Mary?"
  52. [19:48] Mary "Yes Robin?"
  53. [19:48] Mary looks fairly calm
  54. [19:51] Robin "We... I, I'm sorry. I never visited you in the hospital, and I should have."
  55. [19:53] Mary "Hey it is okay , things happend and I am sure that the other said that I was okay. And well you had the terror of the fight to deal with .."
  56. [19:57] Robin "I didn't know if you wanted visitors, and I was kind of scared that something really bad happened."
  57. [19:58] Robin "You're sure its okay?"
  58. [19:59] Mary "Hey I am... Even if I might use that as a argument why you have to carry the dirty wash or it is your turn to clean the kitchen and not mine "
  59. [20:01] Robin "alright," her shoulders relax, she looks relieved.
  60. [20:07] Robin "should we pay for these clothes and move on, or did you want to keep looking?"
  61. [20:09] Mary leans closer and gives her a hug and the ruffles her hair "See not so bad and I won't bite your head of"
  62. [20:13] Robin returns the hug "Thanks."
  63. [20:15] Mary "And I don't have anything else that I need here right now
  64. [20:23] Robin (After paying for the clothes they chose, Mary and Robin moved on to another store. This time one for home decor.)
  65. [20:24] Robin "I only want to pick up a few things here. It shouldn't take too long."
  66. [20:29] Robin goes to a store employee and asks where the candles are. Then she heads over to where they are.
  67. [20:29] =-= WolfLikesSwords is now known as Pale_Wolf
  68. [20:29] Mary "What do you want to buy, just some candles? And well it makes sense to try to make the rooms more personal , its why I made sure to get my books out.
  69. [20:31] Robin "Candles and maybe a little strongbox, or chest, to secure stuff in."
  70. [20:34] Mary "Maybe a bit of a personal note like a rug or so?"
  71. [20:36] Robin "Part of me wants to, part of me doesn't."
  72. [20:36] Robin "Maybe if it was just right."
  73. [20:38] Mary "hmh? What do you mean with that?"
  74. [20:41] Robin "I don't know. Like, I have to really like it."
  75. [20:44] Mary nods "Flowers? bright stuff?"
  76. [20:47] Robin "no, not much of a flower person," she says in between picking up and smelling a candle, "maybe something that reminds me of the pond at the park."
  77. [20:51] Mary looks around and then presents her a green ceramic frog and a glass dragonfly "something like that?"
  78. [20:55] Robin "Maybe the dragonfly. He's kinda cute."
  79. [20:56] Mary "Well I would have said she is a girl"
  80. [20:57] Robin takes a few candles, some labeled spring rain, and others labeled ocean waves.
  81. [20:59] Robin "Ok, she's pretty cute. The little wings."
  82. [21:00] Mary is collecting some glass ornaments that seems to be multifaced dice that is hanging in a silver holstery and a small green rug with neon green cherys
  83. [21:00] Mary "Well yeah"
  84. [21:04] Robin "oh cool you are getting some things too. Now I don't feel like I dragged you here."
  85. [21:07] Robin goes to search for a footlocker or strongbox.
  86. [21:08] Mary "Well, uh.. how do you want to transport them? Or do they do deliverys?"
  87. [21:10] Robin "I was going to put all the things I buy in the footlocker and carry that home."
  88. [21:10] Robin "I'd have to check if they did deliveries."
  89. [21:11] Mary "Isn't one of these kinda...heavy for a girl?"
  90. [21:13] Robin "It might get a bit heavy, but I think I can do it."
  91. [21:17] Robin tries to lift the footlocker with everything set in it, after struggling a bit she decides it is to awkward and to heavy to lift.
  92. [21:18] Robin "okay you're right, it's kinda heavy."
  93. [21:20] Robin "Ok hang on, I'll go ask if they can deliver it. Do you want me to ask them to deliver some stuff for you too?"
  94. [21:27] Robin goes off to ask an employee. After after a few minutes she comes back, "yeah they'll deliver stuff to our apartment."
  95. [21:29] Mary "Well that is good, and you are sure that you did not hurt yourself there. that looked kind of painfull there.."
  96. [21:30] Robin "Yeah," she stretches her back, "but I'm not going to try again."
  97. [21:32] Robin "I'll just carry the smaller stuff home."
  98. [21:33] Mary "Well my things exept for the rug are small enough for me to carry them comfortable there."
  99. [21:34] Robin "Okay cool," she picks up all the stuff from inside the footlocker, "I think we are good to go then."
  100. [21:37] Robin takes her things to the checkout and gets it paid for, along with having the footlocker sent to the apartment.
  101. [21:40] Mary follows her carying her small bounty with her.
  102. [21:43] Robin "Alright, is there anywhere else you wanted to go?"
  103. [21:43] Mary "Nothing at the top of my head"
  104. [21:44] Robin "Then should we head home?"
  105. [21:57] Mary "Uh yeah"
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