
RevoX Chapter #177

Jan 20th, 2013
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  1. [World]AceOfHeart:coup de'tat is valid, its an eng word originated from french
  2. [Notice]Akfula successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  3. [World]Seth:coup d'état means a revolt of sorts
  4. [World]Soulweaver:it's where you conspire to go agaisn't someone no matter
  5. [World]Seth:yeah
  6. [World]Soulweaver:who's side yo** on
  7. [World]CP9Mihawk:damn u Ody D;
  8. [Notice]KidBOO successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  9. [World]Odysseus:I learned all my French through a combination of Dofus and u
  10. [World]Odysseus:and La Pucell Tactics.
  11. [World]Soulweaver:like for instance, all of trying to get luffy-kun removed
  12. [World]Soulweaver:for no good reason.
  13. [World]Odysseus:*runs to google*
  14. [World]CP9Mihawk:no
  15. [World]Soulweaver:La PUcell Tactics rocks!
  16. [World]CP9Mihawk:luffy kun is nice :D
  17. [World]CP9Mihawk:i dont want him to leave :P
  18. [World]Odysseus:Coup d'état: the sudden, illegal deposition of a government
  19. [World]Soulweaver:yes I was just giving an example CP9 lol
  20. [World]AceOfHeart:Les Miserable
  21. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Oh baby, you just made my heart skip a beat~
  22. [World]Odysseus:So it's a combination of a revolt/call to arms
  23. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I need to watch that movie, Ace. :O
  24. [Notice]Akfula successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  25. [World]Soulweaver:yeahe my version is easier to understand
  26. [World]Odysseus:lol, that was a really sinister example, Soul
  27. [World]Soulweaver:means the same thing
  28. [World]Soulweaver:well it originated from him
  29. [World]Soulweaver:why not use him as the example. He's in a position of power?
  30. [Notice]Charbroil just received a [SS] Caesar's Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  31. [Notice]Charbroil just received a [SS] Caesar's Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  32. [World]AceOfHeart:Yeah I like it but I think they cut off lots of things
  33. [Notice]Charbroil just received a [SS] Caesar's Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  34. [World]Odysseus:He has no power. He's a fig**ehead for the corporate masses!
  35. [World]Seth:Smoker, where art thou?
  36. [World]Soulweaver:right luffy?
  37. [Notice]Charbroil just received a [SS] Caesar's Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  38. [Notice]Charbroil just received a [SS] Caesar's Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  39. [World]CP9Mihawk:i thought that word meant an assasination attack on a countr
  40. [World]Soulweaver:same difference :D
  41. [Notice]Charbroil just received a [SS] Caesar's Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  42. [World]CP9Mihawk:country*
  43. [Notice]Charbroil just received a [SS] Caesar's Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  44. [World]Soulweaver:LOL it can be related
  45. [Notice]Charbroil just received a [SS] Caesar's Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  46. [World]Seth:V for Vendetta is a better movie
  47. [World]Imythedral:1
  48. [World]Imythedral:2
  49. [Notice]Charbroil just received a [SS] Caesar's Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  50. [World]Soulweaver:but it's not the only way
  51. [World]RicZ:SUPERRR
  52. [World]Seth:2
  53. [World]Odysseus:V for Vendetta is a beter comic
  54. [World]Soulweaver:NO JANGO!
  55. [Notice]bhebchx successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  56. [World]Odysseus:RicZ, don't take this personally, but I hate you sooooooo mu
  57. [World]Seth:I've only seen the movie
  58. [Notice]Charbroil just received a [SS] Caesar's Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  59. [World]KingKong::"
  60. [Notice]Kuwatabake successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  61. [World]KingKong::"}
  62. [World]Seth:I hate everyone that doesn't have B**gess
  63. [World]FastFlame:time to kick some @ss
  64. [World]Imythedral:Lily!
  65. [World]Odysseus:You've taken my dreams, and upgraded them to S Speed T_T
  66. [Notice]Akfula successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 30 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 60%!
  67. [World]Odysseus:Yeah. What Seth said.
  68. [World]KingKong:what good adv hunting for?
  69. [Notice]sempai successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  70. [World]night.s19:hi lrisviel:p
  71. [World]KingKong:guys?
  72. [World]Odysseus:Nothing really.
  73. [World]Odysseus:It used to be excellent, before the XP/Bounty scaling, but
  74. [World]night.s19:xaxax
  75. [World]Odysseus:now it just rewards a pathetically small amount of silver an
  76. [World]Odysseus:and bounty beasts
  77. [World]KingKong:for bounty only?
  78. [World]night.s19:this ac is for fun
  79. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Ythenogiveusvotingrewards
  80. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Ywenoget5famecards+5advancedcallups
  81. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:They're ripping us off even though we voted D:
  82. [World]Darknash:O.o
  83. [World]Darknash:i think they willg ive it to us if we win number 1
  84. [World]CP9Mihawk:how i can vote luffy
  85. [World]Odysseus:awwww :L
  86. [World]Seth:Luffy
  87. [World]Darknash:not b/c we voted
  88. [World]CP9Mihawk:can u send me the link plz
  89. [World]Seth:did you read the forums?
  90. [World]Seth:they still have until 24th of Jan
  91. [World]CP9Mihawk:Seth
  92. [World]CP9Mihawk:can u send me the link plz
  93. [World]Seth:they're still in schedule
  94. [World]CP9Mihawk:on skype
  95. [World]Seth:CP9, the even is over
  96. [World]Seth:it was on the main page
  97. [World]CP9Mihawk:ouch
  98. [Notice]【Paziek.s19】 upgraded 【Thunder God Boots】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  99. [World]Seth:it was from 1st Dec to 10th Jan
  100. [World]CP9Mihawk:O.o
  101. [World]CP9Mihawk:T_T
  102. [World]Odysseus:Luffy, Seth, I've decided to go foranother AB1.
  103. [World]XILyner:【Newbie Quilted Armor】
  104. [World]AceOfHeart:now we just wait for the reward
  105. [World]Seth:No, Ody
  106. [Notice]Felicitas successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  107. [World]Seth:just go straight for AB2
  108. [Notice]【Agam】 upgraded 【Sea God Armor】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  109. [World]Odysseus:I know I'll probably get Doc Eww or Robin
  110. [World]Alvord:Advanced or super convene?
  111. [World]AceOfHeart:yeah go for AB2
  112. [World]Odysseus:But, I must be united with Romance and Advent**e
  113. [World]Odysseus:The heart and soul of all men, and those of hono**!
  115. [World]RicZ:SUPERRRRR
  116. [Notice]Akfula successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  117. [World]AceOfHeart:what if u get perona next time? u will feel like quitting
  118. [World]Odysseus:No, because I want Perona
  119. [World]Odysseus:so I win either way.
  120. [World]Seth:I'm gonna start wasting gold again on AB from tomorrow
  121. [World]kilion:lol i love s21 there is no one barely who takes
  122. [Notice]Charbroil just received a [SS] Caesar's Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  123. [World]AceOfHeart:just have 1 solid AB2 then go back later
  124. [World]Seth:yeah, Ody
  125. [Notice]goldsword successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  126. [World]kilion:the advanced hunting, so i get to farm it xD
  127. [Notice]Charbroil just received a [SS] Caesar's Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  128. [World]Odysseus:You see, Ace. Perona is fantastic.
  129. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Dayum
  130. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I need to do AB rolls :O
  131. [Notice]Charbroil just received a [SS] Caesar's Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  132. [Notice]Charbroil just received a [SS] Caesar's Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  133. [World]Seth:Oh no! He's gone delirious
  134. [World]ruffyy:【Helmeppo】
  135. [Notice]Charbroil just received a [SS] Caesar's Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  136. [World]Odysseus:A little known fact about Perona-chwan, is that she complete
  137. [Notice]Charbroil just received a [SS] Caesar's Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  138. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Like 2-3 days until an AB
  139. [World]Odysseus:completely shuts down the ability to gain f**y for an entire
  140. [World]AceOfHeart:I know she's good but can't use her alone
  141. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:But I shall save for ab2. <.<
  142. [World]Odysseus:column for 2 t**ns, as awell as lowers their hit by 50%
  143. [Notice]Charbroil just received a [SS] Caesar's Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  144. [World]Odysseus:Also, she's my favo**ite female OP character, so running
  145. [World]Odysseus:around as her is also a win-win situation for me.
  146. [World]AceOfHeart:so? getting nami will change youR fate
  147. [Affiliation]Waza:WANTED rec active mam lvl 75+ east rank 10
  148. [World]Waza:WANTED rec active mam lvl 75+ east rank 10
  149. [World]Odysseus:Although, the fact that she's pre-timeskip is weird.
  150. [World]Darknash:lvl 97 and 5.6k fame T.T
  151. [World]Darknash:not going to get to 9.6k when i hit 100 lol
  152. [World]Odysseus:No. Because I won't get Nami.
  153. [Notice]Akfula successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  154. [World]Odysseus:I'll tell you right now that I get Sanji or Brook. Which is
  155. [World]Odysseus:fine, but them titties.
  156. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Darn, can't get past Alvida ;_;
  157. [World]Odysseus:Hmmm....Actually I should probably go for AB2.
  158. [World]AceOfHeart:then let's say u get doc Q
  159. [World]Odysseus:Nevermind then.
  160. [World]AceOfHeart:that's GG for arena
  161. [World]kilion:luffy
  162. [World]kilion:i made it to croc
  163. [World]Odysseus:Yeah, I know I'll get Doc Eqq/Robin. AB2 makes much more
  164. [World]Odysseus:sense now that we've talked about it
  165. [World]kilion:i'am at 6(10/10)
  166. [World]Odysseus:Damn! Nice wotrk Kill
  167. [World]AceOfHeart:I shouldn't have even try AB1, glad I got laffite
  168. [Notice]Akfula successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 30 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 60%!
  169. [World]Odysseus:Yeah, be thankful you didn't get a ticket to "Club Sadsack"
  170. [World]Odysseus:a.k.a. "Team BuRgress - why?!"
  171. [World]CP9Mihawk:nice kilion
  172. [World]CP9Mihawk:im at 5(2/10)
  173. [World]Levi:AB1 and 2 are so overpowered compared to reg. bar crews.
  174. [World]Odysseus:5(5/10)
  175. [World]Levi:Shit just got real.
  176. [World]Odysseus:5(5/10)
  177. [World]Levi:Shit just got real.
  178. [World]AceOfHeart:im at 6 (7/10)
  179. [World]Levi:6(6/10)
  180. [World]Odysseus:CP9, I have somethign to say to you. ARE YOU LISTENING?
  181. [World]CP9Mihawk:?
  182. [World]kilion:wow how come i made it so much f**ther than many guys who
  183. [World]kilion:are way better than me? -.-''
  184. [World]CP9Mihawk:listening to what?
  185. [World]AceOfHeart:mr3 so hard
  186. [Notice]Akfula successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 40 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 80%!
  187. [World]Odysseus:You're really annoying
  188. [World]CP9Mihawk:ok thnx :)
  189. [World]Seth:PVE =/= PVP
  190. [World]Odysseus:HOWEVER, I've decided to apologize to you for making fun of
  191. [World]Odysseus:you, and being rude. So. Sorry for that.
  192. [World]FelixD.:hahaahhaahhaha^^^^^
  193. [World]CP9Mihawk:I appreciate it ^^
  194. [World]Odysseus:But you're still really annoying.
  195. [World]kilion:someone beat me away from the hunting spot xD
  196. [World]4a-Lex:【Mihawk】
  197. [World]Manpaw:【Wapol】
  198. [World]CP9Mihawk:^^
  199. [World]Levi:Mi[Kaku]
  200. [World]Odysseus:Hmmmmmm. I guess it's time to replace Croc for Mihawk :L
  201. [World]kilion:maybe i should usse my healer xD
  202. [World]Levi:lol Congrats **w
  203. [World]Odysseus:Hmmmmmm. I guess it's time to replace Croc for Mihawk :L
  204. [World]kilion:maybe i should usse my healer xD
  205. [World]Levi:lol Congrats **w
  206. [Notice]wiu successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  207. [World]Seth:Croc > Mihawk
  208. [World]Odysseus:That's what I fig**ed too, but people keep gettign on my
  209. [World]kilion:oh, wow levi i beat u
  210. [World]AceOfHeart:my croc eats Mihawk for breakfast
  211. [World]Imythedral:damn this mission fights take 20 minutes
  212. [World]Odysseus:case about my Boa/Ace/Vivi/Croc team
  213. [Notice]nuwow successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  214. [World]Seth:You'll be worse off if you do that, Ody
  215. [World]Seth:screw them
  216. [World]AceOfHeart:imy u can skip by clicking backward button
  217. [World]kilion:my fights take 1 sec :3 each :3
  218. [World]AceOfHeart:then forward again to relog
  219. [World]WTFAIL:【Crocodile】
  220. [World]Odysseus:Seth. You were one of the people telling me to use Mihawk.
  221. [World]Seth:probably back when I was euphoric about getting him
  222. [World]Seth:not impressed by him, tbh
  223. [World]Valarian:should i use super convene for take vivi, croco and enel?
  224. [World]Seth:he's the first one to kick it when I get an AB2
  225. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:200k exp until 95 D:
  226. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Time to do chain attackz
  227. [World]Odysseus:See. He's not that great, unless you have a full physical te
  228. [World]Odysseus:Go Luffy!
  229. [World]AceOfHeart:he's a good physical tanker
  230. [World]Seth:yes
  231. [World]Valarian:should i use super convene for take vivi, croco and enel?
  232. [World]AceOfHeart:I neef him coz my prot is navi
  233. [World]Odysseus:Okay, I should probably finish this huge report that's due
  234. [World]Odysseus:tomorrow morning :o
  235. [Notice]Akfula successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  236. [Notice]Izzaat successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  237. [World]Odysseus:Super convene is a trap
  238. [World]AceOfHeart:killion u have skip button at what vip?
  239. [Notice]Izzaat successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  240. [World]Odysseus:6!
  241. [World]AceOfHeart:oh damn, then I prefer using the browser skip
  242. [Notice]Akfula successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  243. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:2,202 fame
  244. [Notice]Akfula successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 30 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 60%!
  245. [World]ruffyy:a
  246. [World]AceOfHeart:when u get 2k4 its very tempting to do AB1 again :))
  247. [World]kilion:allready luffy?
  248. [World]RicZ:tomorrow let's roll it again luf<3
  249. [Notice]Akfula successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 40 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 80%!
  250. [Notice]【GalD.Lef】 upgraded 【Thunder God Boots】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  251. [Notice]【SoGeKiNg】 upgraded 【Sea God Armor】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  252. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Yeah, already kilion
  253. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I got it fairly quickly this time
  254. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:This is like my 9th day? ^^
  255. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Tomorrow I'll have 2,400
  256. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:But I'll stop using gold and save for ab2 now xD
  257. [World]RicZ:roll it lease :D
  258. [World]kilion:nice
  259. [World]kilion:i got 400 in 2-3 days XD
  260. [World]kilion:lol, on my lvl 58 i have defended 10 times allready
  261. [World]Seth:AB fame goes for AB2, too, right?
  262. [World]kilion:snipers are OVERPOWERED!!
  263. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Yeah
  264. [World]kilion:yea seth it does
  265. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Seth, save up for ab2, don't bother with ab1
  266. [World]AceOfHeart:yes
  267. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Or you'll REALLY quit when you get Doc Q XD
  268. [World]ZoroBlade:【[A] Bronze Boots Shard】
  269. [Notice]iShine successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  270. [World]Seth:yeah, no need to tell me :D
  271. [World]RicZ:get another ab1 please :D
  272. [World]kilion:dont quit again seth XD
  273. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Darn, I can never get Mihawk over 1,220 str D:
  274. [Notice]Congrats to Akfula for successfully defending 30 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 30%!
  275. [World]AceOfHeart:mine stuck at 1217
  276. [World]AceOfHeart:seems like there's an invisible cap there
  277. [Notice]iShine successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  278. [Notice]Akfula successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  279. [World]TeoXIV:1222 here
  280. [Notice]【Faskomilo】 upgraded 【Wind God Boots】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  281. [Notice]【FalseGod】 upgraded 【Sea God Staff: Dragon Roar】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  282. [Notice]【FalseGod】 upgraded 【Wind God Helm】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  283. [Notice]【Luffy-kun.s19】 upgraded 【Wind God Sword: Blue Sky】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  284. [Notice]Izzaat successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  285. [Notice]wiu successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  286. [Notice]Akfula successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  287. [Notice]【G.Ace】 upgraded 【Thunder God Blade: Lightning】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  288. [World]RicZ:hey,when we hatch megalo. is he already have attk skill?
  289. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Yes
  290. [Notice]Izzaat successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  291. [World]kilion:yea he starts with that skill
  292. [World]RicZ:ah nice so i don't have to buy it for $20:D
  293. [Notice]Akfula successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  294. [World]kilion:u cant buy it anymore XD
  295. [World]Drowranger:türk varmı
  296. [World]CP9Mihawk:hey guyz
  297. [World]CP9Mihawk:my results for the final exams are online
  298. [World]CP9Mihawk:i will go check them
  299. [World]CP9Mihawk:wish me luck :D
  300. [World]RicZ:why can't? they still selinng it
  301. [World]Santoryuji:【Mihawk】
  302. [World]RicZ:nice def :D
  303. [Notice]TomoHawk successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  304. [Notice]night.s19 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  305. [Notice]Akfula successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 30 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 60%!
  306. [Notice]【4aKudz】 upgraded 【Thunder God Cloak】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  307. [Notice]【Smash】 upgraded 【Thunder God Book: Maxim】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  308. [World]batmanrobi:how do i get green stars stones?
  309. [World]Levi:Melt A rank/p**ple gear
  310. [World]Malphite:melt p**ple gears
  311. [World]BlackWhite:melting
  312. [World]Imythedral:weh
  313. [World]batmanrobi:k thanks
  314. [Notice]Akfula successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 40 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 80%!
  315. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Afk for an ho** doing chains XD
  316. [World]Kinemon:melting p**ple gear
  317. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Yeah, melting them.
  318. [World]Smash:sh**a or cabaji ?
  319. [Notice]Butaw just received a [SS] Shigure Shard! Congratulations!
  320. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Be back in 45-an ho**.
  321. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Sh**a
  322. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Reign[West] recruiting 65+ active/donating players.
  323. [World]ViciousGin:hey guys is it possible to get S or SS screw on low calls?
  324. [World]Shunamo:no
  325. [Notice]Koi successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  326. [World]Imythedral:Are you Vietnamese?
  327. [World]Levi:screw
  328. [World]DoFlamongO:just spend 1b silver
  329. [World]Kuwatabake:s-crew yes- i dont know about ss
  330. [World]ViciousGin:k thx
  331. [World]m0m0:yes
  332. [Notice]iShine successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  333. [World]Kuwatabake:whoops wrong chat :D
  334. [World]CP9Mihawk:Yessssssssss
  335. [World]m0m0:i have gotten 2 s crew on low.. mainly on 80bar tho
  336. [World]Imythedral:are you 1/8 chinese?
  337. [World]CP9Mihawk:my GPA is 2.62
  338. [Notice]【Bamboozle】 upgraded 【Thunder God Book: Maxim】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  339. [World]CP9Mihawk:xDD
  340. [Notice]gatetrek just received a [SS] Pirate's Hat Shard! Congratulations!
  341. [World]Imythedral:1
  342. [World]ViciousGin:im a jap actually
  343. [World]Imythedral:2
  344. [World]Imythedral:【Jango】
  345. [World]Levi:Levi!
  346. [World]Levi:Damn :(
  347. [World]CP9Mihawk:got A in corporate finance
  348. [World]AceOfHeart:fail
  349. [World]CP9Mihawk:B in web based
  350. [Notice]night successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  351. [Notice]Sandviper successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  352. [World]CP9Mihawk:C in both microeconomics and Accounting info system
  353. [World]CP9Mihawk:and C+ in investment analysis
  354. [World]CP9Mihawk:^^
  355. [World]AceOfHeart:ok and why are u bragging about uR study to strangers on a
  356. [Notice]Akfula successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  357. [World]AceOfHeart:web game?
  358. [Notice]Congrats to shinjie> for successfully defending 10 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 10%!
  359. [World]Imythedral:muhaha killed 1
  360. [World]BHOmb:【[B] Pirate's Armor】
  361. [World]BHOmb:woops -.-
  362. [World]Imythedral:1
  363. [World]Imythedral:2
  364. [World]Imythedral:ivel!
  365. [World]AceOfHeart:night guys
  366. [World]Imythedral:iveL D:
  367. [World]Imythedral:night
  368. [World]Imythedral:so if you say Levi's name backwards D:
  369. [World]Imythedral:omg you demon!
  370. [Notice]Akfula successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  371. [Notice]SergioRRG successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  372. [World]ImOP:whats the fastest way to train my crew?
  373. [World]Imythedral:nʞɐʞ ʎɯ ʞɔns <- demon language D:
  374. [Notice]Desazx successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  375. [World]Wonderwaru:if its a girl fûck her
  376. [World]Wonderwaru:if its a boy do a blôwjob
  377. [World]RicZ:fire them
  378. [World]Wonderwaru:gives 10 lvls :D
  379. [World]ImOP:ok :D
  380. [World]Imythedral:ɹǝʞɔns nʞɐʞ <- omg levi's language D:
  381. [Notice]Izzaat successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  382. [World]Asacol:train and use train pots
  383. [Notice]Izzaat successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  384. [Notice]Akfula successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  385. [World]ImOP:i ran out of trainig pots.
  386. [World]ImOP:i got croc and 2 days later vivi and enel. so i used all
  387. [World]ImOP:traiing pots on croc
  388. [Notice]night.s19 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  389. [Notice]ZEKZI successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  390. [Notice]Ordinary successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  391. [Notice]【nessiept】 upgraded 【Thunder God Book: Maxim】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  392. [Notice]ZoroBlade has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  393. [World]Levi:1...
  394. [Notice]Prasch has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  395. [World]Levi:2...
  396. [Notice]Prasch has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  397. [World]Levi:2...
  398. [World]Levi:【Kaku】
  399. [Notice]Smash has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  400. [Notice]Odysseus just received a [SS] Pirate's Armor Shard! Congratulations!
  401. [World]Odysseus:Man, I can't successfully plunder to save my life!
  402. [Notice]【Jwls】 upgraded 【Thunder God Book: Maxim】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  403. [Notice]【ViciousGin】 upgraded 【Thunder God Book: Maxim】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  404. [World]Levi:1...
  405. [World]Levi:2...
  406. [World]Levi:【Kaku】
  407. [World]Levi:Yay! :D
  408. [World]Odysseus:2...
  409. [World]Odysseus::D
  410. [Notice]【FossaKoda】 upgraded 【Thunder God Book: Maxim】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  411. [World]Izzaat:what the elite dungeon must perfect?
  412. [Notice]【ShinjiBro】 upgraded 【Wind God Boots】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  413. [World]EnjanG:a
  414. [Notice]【Cocaine】 upgraded 【Wind God Sword: Blue Sky】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  415. [World]Fay:all :D
  416. [Notice]【ShinjiBro】 upgraded 【Thunder God Book: Maxim】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  417. [World]Desazx:hell yeah.. :P
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