
Tide and his cock island day 465

Oct 27th, 2014
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  1. > luckily both systems are at least somewhat compatible so you all can choose whatever version of your character from either system as long as there's nothing breaking canon and your items are legit
  2. [17:57] * Aura raises a hoof
  3. [17:57] <High_Tide> mhmm?
  4. [17:57] <Aura> I don't have any weapon
  5. [17:58] <Aura> is it a problem?
  6. [17:58] <High_Tide> It's always potentially an issue, but that's more an in-character thing than out of character
  7. [17:58] <Booze_Hound> let me update sass
  8. [17:58] <Aura> ok
  9. [17:59] <High_Tide> So, like I said I'm not too interested in your stats because I'm trusting you all to keep track of that stuff
  10. [18:00] <Curious> yeah I havent updated slss in forever so think sass is best. its all just bonuses anyway
  11. [18:00] * Aura brandishes a cardboard tube she found in the inn. "I'm ready!"
  12. [18:01] <High_Tide> honestly, you could make it though the quest with unupdated characters probably
  13. [18:01] <High_Tide> either way
  14. [18:01] <High_Tide> just give me your inventories and I'll start us off
  15. [18:02] <Aura> Aura:Iventory:" ".
  16. [18:03] <Aura> [be gentle.. it.. it's my first quest..]
  17. [18:03] <Booze_Hound> screw it i'll use slss
  18. [18:04] <Flora> [give me a moment more mom is buggin me]
  19. [18:04] <Booze_Hound> Str 13 Hit Points 21 Will 1
  20. [18:04] <Booze_Hound> Dex 8 Fatigue Points 11 Perception -1
  21. [18:04] <Booze_Hound> Int 9 Melee Attack Bonus 8 Reaction 1.5
  22. [18:04] <Booze_Hound> Vit 11 Ranged Attack Bonus 3 Move 7
  23. [18:04] <Booze_Hound> Base Armor Class 17 Basic Lift 16.9
  24. [18:05] <Aura> [what I really wonder is how many moms does flora have?]
  25. [18:07] <Curious> Curious FZ 18/18 AC 18 (armor is +4). x1 four leaf clover, demon rabbit hat (excorcized), silk scarf, bandages, saddlebags, Spear, javelin x3, red charm necklace]
  26. [18:08] <High_Tide> I don't want to see stats, just inventory
  27. [18:09] * High_Tide rubs his chin, looking over Booze's sheet. "...really don't want to see stats."
  28. [18:09] <Booze_Hound> Scimitar d8, Chain mail armor +5ac, flaskX2 water, 1 day food rations
  29. [18:09] <Curious> rip four leaf clover #2. stolen by filthy gypsy goats
  30. [18:10] * Aura feels ridiculous in the middle of all these heavy geared ponies and picks up a stick from the ground, there's still a leave attached to it.
  31. [18:11] <Booze_Hound> if you want you can borrow my dagger
  32. [18:12] <Curious> or my spear. I forgot about the sabre
  33. [18:12] <Curious> or both!
  34. [18:12] <High_Tide> Well, as we wait for Flora,
  35. [18:13] <Flora> computer is shit
  36. [18:14] <Aura> "No thank you, I'm fine."" *Aura waves her stick with a fierce expression.
  37. [18:14] <Aura> maybe when we're actually ICing
  38. [18:14] <Flora> jar of glow moss, d8sword rope, 1 small dagger d6?, basic provisions 3 bandages, jar of fire leaf things, jars, rooul's fishing rod, George the rock
  39. [18:15] <High_Tide> Around town, word has travelled that High Tide and the Maritime Guild have been taking regular trips downriver to chart the area, looking for another town in hopes of working out a trade route. The boat has beem fairly successful and to celebrate, the guild is taking anyone interested downriver to explore the island not far from town.
  40. [18:17] <High_Tide> You all eventually start to gather around the docks while the guild is doing the finishing preparations for the trip, knowing fully well that the key to getting on this trip is to be the first group of people to arrive for the trip.
  41. [18:18] * Flora was talkin with Mr.Boss man while Star went away to go do something. She coughs and then takes a sip of her tea while her gear idly sits next to her
  42. [18:19] <Aura> [we don't go to the actual docks?]
  43. [18:20] * High_Tide stands by Flora already on the boat, talking to two pegasi; an energetic pink and orange mare, and a stern-looking white and gold stallion.
  44. [18:20] <High_Tide> [the boat is at the docks still]
  45. [18:20] <High_Tide> [you can all come into the scene at your leisure
  46. [18:22] * Flora wonders who stuck a stick up whitey's butt all day, he keeps giving people the stank eye but she elects to stay quiet
  47. [18:23] * Curious looks up towards the sun, checking to make sure shes not late "well as inconvienent as no clocks cant be late!" she chips as seh plods down the path, finally arriving on the riverfront with her bag of tricks and dismembering tools
  48. [18:23] == Strong_Metal [~Waveform@2604:6000:1401:e035:5067:a2ba:8281:8d69] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  49. [18:24] * Booze_Hound follows behind curi after dropping off ember
  50. [18:25] * High_Tide finishes talking with Flora to them and now might seem obvious to her now; Lite Brite the mare is tasked with flying downriver by herself to check out the island and report back, leaving the blandly named Greg flying solo with the crew to sail the ship with his pegasi-generated weather.
  51. [18:26] * Curious eyes up the ship from the shoreline as Booze catches up with her "and here I was hoping we'd have a centurii of ponies ready to row us up river. Sails are nice too. but its been a loooong time since I've been on a sailboat. and that wasnt in the river"
  52. [18:26] * Aura Arrives at the docks, last time she saw High_Tide he told her about his boat trips and she naturally wanted to join him as soon as possible. She feels thrilled about taking part to an adventure and also about spending more time with the charismatic captain of said boat. Nervous and impatient, Aura steps in direction of the small group crowding already.
  53. [18:30] <Booze_Hound> "wow nice boat"
  54. [18:31] * High_Tide turns away from good old Greg to spot three more ponies arriving, and he grins as he waves a hoof to usher them on over onto the boat. "Hey there!" Tide calls out, ushering some of his crew to come on over. Tide is wearing his usual piratey frock coat, and even brought out the old navy captain's hat for the occasion. "Today, we're going to do something we probably should have
  55. [18:31] * High_Tide done a long time ago; check out that island juuust downriver." Turning, Tide points down the river to the bit of land in the horizon.
  56. [18:33] <High_Tide> "Let's get a hurry on, everyone onboard and we might even be back home by tonight!" the captain says cheerily as his crewmember Lite Brite takes to the skies and flies off to the island.
  57. [18:33] == High_Tide has changed nick to Capn_High_Tide
  58. [18:33] <Booze_Hound> "sounds good"
  59. [18:33] <Booze_Hound> "ladies first"
  60. [18:33] * Curious slips into her armor with a light clanking as the metal brushes up against her quartz necklace before being distracted by tide calling out for their attentions "aw man Tides got a pirate hat? darn if I had known we were going to declare rank by hat size I wouldve bought that stovepipe from the guys outside the inn. How on earth a drunk makes a three foot tall top hat I'll never know"
  61. [18:33] * Flora watches Lite Brites ass as she flies away
  62. [18:33] * Curious feels all special and clambors on at Boozes behest
  63. [18:33] <Flora> "she got the buns"
  64. [18:34] <Capn_High_Tide>
  65. [18:37] * Flora stands up and puts her items in her bag before she boards the ship
  66. [18:37] * Aura moves on and gets into the boat, waving at tide as she passes bye "hello!" She tries to say as casually as she can despite a light smile. Tide's uniform makes him even more piratey than she usually does. Aura salutes the other ponies getting on baord too, after all, they'll maybe risk their lives together soon. She takes a deep breath as she stares towards the island, it looks
  67. [18:37] * Aura like some place she would have paid to get to in the former world.
  68. [18:39] * Booze_Hound follows the group up and looks over the side
  69. [18:39] * Capn_High_Tide signals to one of the crew who starts to untie the boat from the docks and gather with one other pony as they start to pull back up the anchor. Tide nods to the rest of the crew and they begin unfurling the sails as Greg hovers up to the air and stretches his wings, getting to work at whipping up a breeze. As the crew gets things go, Tide turns to Aura and offers her a smile.
  70. [18:39] * Capn_High_Tide "Hey, glad you could come!"
  71. [18:41] <Booze_Hound> "glad you invited us"
  72. [18:41] * Aura smiles and blushes slightly "It's like Booze_Hound said" as she rubs the back of her head, messing a bit more her red locks.
  73. [18:44] <Curious> "yeah, just nice to be aboard. boats werent really something I did fairly often. and definitely not here so anything new is a thrill to see, for me"
  74. [18:45] * Flora looks over the edge of the boat still being a functioning memeber of this quest
  75. [18:45] * Capn_High_Tide walks to the backend of the boat and gives a small stretch. He glances at the ponies lifting the anchor and calls out. "Hold it for a second!" Suddenly, he rushes towards the edge of the boat and hops off, landing on the docks and scampering towards his office while his crew looks as confused as everyone else.
  76. [18:46] == Star_ [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  77. [18:46] <Aura> "...Tide..?" utters Aura in a concerned way.
  78. [18:46] * Capn_High_Tide disappears into his office while the crew scratch their heads, nothing to do but wait until Tide returns to the boat, ready to leave as soon as Tide comes back.
  79. [18:47] <Capn_High_Tide> [ohai Star!]
  80. [18:47] <Star_> [Hi Tide!]
  81. [18:47] <Star_> [Hope I'm not too late!]
  82. [18:47] <Booze_Hound> "uhhh tide?"
  83. [18:47] <Capn_High_Tide> [well, I can fit in a 5th player because I'm not about to boot one of out replacements that took your spot]
  84. [18:48] <Curious> "welp tide jumped ship, whos the new captain?" she looks at the crew "come on, someones got a big hat in their pocket theyd just love to put on dont they?"
  85. [18:48] <Booze_Hound> "welp he's abandoned ship, i call captain"
  86. [18:48] <Star_> [Sorry...]
  87. [18:48] <Capn_High_Tide> [so if you want to come along you need to appear IC right now running to the docks to hop onto the boat, while you tell me your inventory. Use any system you want, SLSS or otherwise]
  88. [18:49] <Star_> [I'll use SLSS, and I'll explain my loadout]
  89. [18:50] <Capn_High_Tide> *"He's never done this before." Greg says gruffly, trying to hold his current steady. "He'll be right back, I bet!" one of the other crew says. "Nah, I like the earthie more!" calls out a unicorn.*
  90. [18:50] <Star_> "sonofabitchsonofabitchsonaofabitch..."
  91. [18:50] <Star_> "sonofabitchsonofabitchsonaofabitch..."
  92. [18:50] <Star_> "sonofabitchsonofabitchsonaofabitch..."
  93. [18:51] <Star_> "sonofabitchsonofabitchsonaofabitch!"
  94. [18:51] <Star_> "WAIT!"
  95. [18:51] <Capn_High_Tide> *Greg perks up, looking over to the docks. "Someone's coming.."
  96. [18:52] * Star_ is currently rushing full-speed to the ship he knows is taking off, carrying some things on his back. He just hopes he doesn't have to do that action movie boat jump...
  97. [18:52] * Capn_High_Tide walks out of his office, sneaking something into his coat pocket when he sees Star rush past him towards the docks, chasing after him to jump onto the boat too. "Hey Star! Sorry guys- we're good to go now! Jump Star, Jump!"
  98. [18:53] * Flora looks over the edge again and sees some shirt with a horse in it scampering up to the ship while her parents are callling her away to do some random bullshit that she doesn't want to do, I might have to go for like 15 minutes and im really sorry but i have to do something for them
  99. [18:53] <Flora> lazy ass step dad
  100. [18:53] <Star_> "dammitdammitdammitdammit!"
  101. [18:53] <Capn_High_Tide> [you'll probably be back before any action happens Flora]
  102. [18:54] * Star_ hops into the ship, landing on the side and wiggling his butt to shimmy over the ledge and onto the boat in a panting, heaving mess...
  103. [18:55] * Capn_High_Tide catches up with Star and leaps for the boat heroically, making the foot of distance between the docks and the boat. "Okay, let's go." Collectively rolling their eyes, the crew lifts the stone anchor. The boat is off!
  104. [18:55] * Star_ whiiiines in some type of response
  105. [18:58] * Aura giggles a bit "what was that for Capn_High_Tide?"
  106. [18:58] <Booze_Hound> "hey star made it"
  107. [18:59] * Aura greets Star_ too, wondering if they ever met before.
  108. [18:59] * Capn_High_Tide sits on Star's back as he catches his breath. "Just about forgot something that'll help me out in a pinch. I've been feeling a tad insecure ever since I had to retire by shield."
  109. [19:00] * Star_ and Aura have not met, and he frowns as he has made a bad first impressi--oof!...and now he's some type of chair for Tide. This mare is never gonna take him seriously ever. "Ohhh..."
  110. [19:02] * Capn_High_Tide pats Star's head, the two of them now even for Star introducing Tide to Misery. Even if they did end up as friends.
  111. [19:02] <Booze_Hound> *star is sad he can't add another one to his harem*
  112. [19:03] <Curious> "had to retire that big tower shield, tide? aw...forgot its name, but that thing blocked off those ghost coyotes or whatever" she wriggles her torso to finally set the armor in place, her hooves beginning to tighten the straps around herself to fit ti snugly against her stripy sides
  113. [19:03] * Star_ d-doesn't need anything more! He's h-happy!
  114. [19:03] <Capn_High_Tide> *Lamon is all the harem Star ever needs*
  115. [19:05] * Star_ smiles sheepishly up at Aura, a bit embarrassed she has to meet him like this. "Hey, um...have we met, miss?"
  116. [19:05] * Capn_High_Tide nods, sighing fondly. "I called it Duke, and yeah, it saved my life tons of times... the biggest being when we wound up in that owlbear's den. Can you believe owlbears are actually real?" Chuckling, Tide gets off of Star and heads to the back end of the ship to take the wheel. The boat had already almost reached the island by now!
  117. [19:06] * Aura smiles to Star_ 'I don't think so, I'm Aura, a friend of High Tide here, nice to meet you."
  118. [19:09] * Star_ raises up, not having Tide holding him down anymore. His saddlebags slide down his back, hitting the ground lightly as he extends a hoof. "Name's Star, pleasure's all mine. Sorry if I seem...out of sorts. I'm not usually like this, heh."
  119. [19:11] <Star_> "I had a bit of a journey last night and I didn't get much sleep...I'm just glad my body clock woke me up just in time to catch the boat before it took off."
  120. [19:13] <Capn_High_Tide> Speaking aboot the boot, a few of the crew gather and murmer near the front of the boat as if they can see something interesting
  121. [19:15] <Capn_High_Tide> While you chat, anyone interested in what they're talking about can go to the front of the boat and roll a perception check
  122. [19:16] * Curious is hella interested in eavesdropping. she has no boundaries
  123. [19:16] * Curious casually strolls along the sides of the boat, pretending to glance at the fish in the water as she makes her way over to the gathering of piratey crewmates near the bow. She flicks an ear around and tries to home in on their voices
  124. [19:17] <Curious> !roll 1d20-1
  125. [19:17] <GameServ> Curious rolled 1d20: 3 <Total: 3(-1) = 2>
  126. [19:17] <Aura> "Don't worry M. Star" she says as she shakes his hoof "oh, look, they might have see something!" Ara trots to the front of the boat and tries to see what's up.
  127. [19:17] <Aura> !roll d20
  128. [19:17] <GameServ> Syntax: XdY [ {-|+|*|/} Z ]
  129. [19:17] <Aura> !roll 1d20
  130. [19:17] <GameServ> Aura rolled 1d20: 7 <Total: 7>
  131. [19:17] <Capn_High_Tide> Curious cracks the code and makes a shocking discovery- the boat is made almost entirely of wood!
  132. [19:17] <Aura> [hur]
  133. [19:18] * Star_ tilts his head and follows Aura, wondering what she's looking at...
  134. [19:18] <Curious> "dear god, what monsters would do something like this? hundreds of trees, cut down in their prime!"
  135. [19:18] <Star_> !roll 1d20+4
  136. [19:18] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 9 <Total: 9(+4) = 13>
  137. [19:19] <Star_> [>Tide: This is a bucket.]
  138. [19:19] <Star_> [>Curious: Dear God...]
  139. [19:19] <Star_> [>Tide: There's more.]
  140. [19:19] <Star_> [>Curious: No...]
  141. [19:19] <Capn_High_Tide> Aura has a hard time figuring out what is so interesting about the island, but Star will notice there's an open channel on the island. One of the crew is pointing this out to Tide, and looks like they're gonna sail into it for a look.
  142. [19:20] * Star_ looks out to the channel of water, silently wondering if they could possibly fit inside...
  143. [19:22] * Aura just isn't tall enough, she shrugs, she'll know if there's something important anyways.
  144. [19:23] * Curious teleports bread for 3 days
  145. [19:23] <Capn_High_Tide> As the ship gets closer to what is marked as Lacuna Island on the fourcannon map, it is clear the boat will fit, it's actually a fairly big island! In fact, what everyone can now see is clear proof that this island is inhabited. To the left, there's a water mill. Further down the channel takes a left turn, and further ahead is an empty dock!
  146. [19:25] * Capn_High_Tide whistles impressed, carefully steering the ship while Greg kills the wind. "Oh wow- Maybe we're not alone here! Now'd be a good time to go over some things before we drop anchor, gather around guys!"
  147. [19:26] * Star_ flicks his ear and turns to Aura, tilting his head over to Tide. "Guess we should hear what the ol' windbag has to say for us, eh? Heh heh."
  148. [19:27] <Curious> "oh this is the island we were visiting? sunny mentioned this a little while ago when we went hiking near the swamps." she heads over to tide "whats the plan, stan?"
  149. [19:28] <Flora> [rawr!]
  150. [19:28] * Aura is a bit confused, she thought it'd be an untouched place, but it makes things even more interesting, it means 4cannons has neibourghs they didn't know of. She nods to Star_ and looks at Capn_High_Tide, waiting for instructions.
  151. [19:29] <Flora> [what did i miss?]
  152. [19:29] <Booze_Hound> "looks like a good picknick spot"
  153. [19:31] * Capn_High_Tide is paying attention to the steering of the ship, but talks as he does so. "Well, it looks like people live here, so if it means stealing from the folks here, then that means absolutely no looting, got it? That aside-" Tide glances to the five guests; Flora, Booze, Curi, Aura, and Star. "..If we do find goodies to take back home, remember that I have a hardworking crew to reward
  154. [19:31] * Capn_High_Tide as well, so don't lay dibs on anything until the trip is over and we're ready to leave. Got it?"
  155. [19:31] <Booze_Hound> "sounds good"
  156. [19:31] <Booze_Hound> "but if i find a trophy i'm keeping my kill"
  157. [19:32] <Curious> "alright but if theyre cannibals im not going to hold that promise"
  158. [19:32] <Flora> "hooray for no murder hoboing!"
  159. [19:32] <Aura> "Maybe we should check if that island is inhabited by ponies at all."
  160. [19:33] <Star_> "I'm getting something for Fizzy and Lemon first."
  161. [19:33] * Flora hopes it's lizard people
  162. [19:34] * Booze_Hound just hopes it isn't crab people\
  163. [19:34] <Capn_High_Tide> Seeing the speech is addressed to mostly the five guests, the crew breaks off to drop anchor and stop at the docks. "If there's no one friendly here then that's another story, but my it's my ship and my rules. Are we clear?"
  164. [19:34] <Curious> "oh! maybe theyre equestrians. it could be a tourist trap, for all we know" she holds a bag of bits closer to the inside of her armor
  165. [19:36] <Flora> "hey as long as we all come out safe, every thing s fine with me"
  166. [19:39] * Curious plods along after the other crewmates "have you guys been here before? you said this was a pretty nearby island. but...sounds like tide has no idea if these people are friendly or not"
  167. [19:40] <Flora> "i didn't even know we had a island down here... "
  168. [19:40] <Aura> "Don't worry Tide, I didn't come for the loot." she says smiling. Inhabited or not, this island smelled like adventure, there's no way she could not enjoy this very special day; her first trip outside of fourcannon.
  169. [19:40] * Capn_High_Tide nods, satisfied, and the ship is brought to a halt. One of the crew members shakes her head at Curious and turns her head when Tide speaks up. "Alright, the five of you guys are free to explore the island, I want to check out the mill."
  170. [19:41] <Capn_High_Tide> Greg cuts in, landing beside the docks. "I'll stay here. The island looks abandoned." Tide gives him a confused look, and the pegasus points to the docks. Docks, old and falling into disrepair, whomever lives here clearly hasn't had any need to maintain her docks in quite some while, so cobwebs litter the old place. The only notable features of the place include a doorless shed where
  171. [19:41] <Capn_High_Tide> a rowboat fit for three ponies is kept with oars. Pinned to the wall of the shack is a slip of paper.
  172. [19:42] * Star_ nods and looks at Aura. He wonders how long she's been here...she doesn't look jaded to this place yet.
  173. [19:44] * Flora slips on her liazrd armor just incase any spooky skeletons are around. She cracks her neck and takes a look around and takes a deep breath smelling the forest "do we have a specific time to leave? I don't want to miss the ride and get stranded. She spies the small shake and quirks her head a it "interesting..."
  174. [19:44] <Booze_Hound> "so...."
  175. [19:44] * Curious frowns a bit as she realizes the disrepair around the boat "huh....well I guess thats why we never heard about this place...nobody around to tell about it"
  176. [19:46] <Aura> "let's go explore!" to Star_ "after you M. Star" Aura kinda wishes she'd taken some kind of weapon just in case, but since the island looks abandonned, there shouldn't be any problem.
  177. [19:47] * Capn_High_Tide climbs off the boat and rubs his chin, frowning. He walks over to the slip of paper. "Don't worry- we won't leave until we're all back, besides- Lite Brite should have come back by now..."
  178. [19:48] * Star_ nods and fastens his saddlebags to his back. "Alright, then. If you'd like, you can stay with me. This isn't my first rodeo, heh." He hops off the boat and follows Tide a little. "Lite Brite? She was here before us?"
  179. [19:48] <Booze_Hound> "what do they look like, just in case we see them"
  180. [19:49] <Flora> "oh yea" she remembers dat ass "she should have gotten back by now actually... you think she's around or in trouble by any chance?"
  181. [19:49] * Capn_High_Tide shakes his head. "Yeah- I sent her to fly ahead and scout things out. I know she has a short attention span but..." he trails off, taking the paper off the docks' shack. "Hey, get a look at this, it's a map of the island." Tide says turning around to show everyone.
  182. [19:50] <Flora> [oh my god]
  183. [19:50] <Flora> [PINK CIRCLES]
  184. [19:50] <Booze_Hound> [we're at one?]
  185. [19:50] * Star_ looks at the map. "So are we at the...2?"
  186. [19:50] <Capn_High_Tide> [I only hope you all can forgive my shitty mapwork.]
  187. [19:51] <Flora> [you're fine]
  188. [19:51] * Capn_High_Tide nods. "Yeah.. two. It looks like that watermill must be number one."
  189. [19:52] * Flora scrutinizes said piece of paper "hmm... I wonder what could have made holes like that, I mean just look at them they seem to perfectly cut out and too large to be just 'natural'"
  190. [19:52] * Aura jumps on the shore, the sand is wet and a bit cold, as is the wind, it's hard to believe this place is actually very close to 4c, it has spelled holidays all over. "Alright M. Star, I'll stick with you"
  191. [19:53] * Capn_High_Tide shrugs and tucks the map away. "Well, what do you guys say about checking out the mill- or do you want to go up to the main island?"
  192. [19:54] <Booze_Hound> "the mill sounds like a good idea"
  193. [19:54] <Curious> "maybe they made the map in ms paint, flora" she chuckles and tries to figure out where we are "which ones the mill? that the 1? might want to hit it first if thats the case and then sweep back around to check the rest of the island"
  194. [19:56] <Flora> "flip a coin?"
  195. [19:56] <Flora> "heads island tails water mill"
  196. [19:56] * Capn_High_Tide nods and turns, walking up the docks to the beaten path of the island. He waves a hoof for anyone to follow. "Well, I'm not wasting anymore daylight!"
  197. [19:58] * Flora thinks about it a little, it's a pain in the butt to haul a sjip off the sand just to sail it back to another island and then back again, She shrugs her shoulders and follows Tide into oblivion
  198. [19:59] * Star_ chuckles and walks after Tide. "Alright, alright, I'm comin'! C'mon, Aura!"
  199. [19:59] <Aura> To Star_ "Let's go with the captain!" She skips after Tide.
  200. [19:59] <Aura> [hue]
  201. [20:00] * Booze_Hound follows taking curious along with him
  202. [20:01] <Curious> "waa" she yelps as Booze carries her off towards the mill "....yes im alive lets go" she shakes her head a bit to clear it of the lingering thoughts surrounding the abandoned area
  203. [20:02] <Capn_High_Tide> The group crosses a curved bridge designed so smaller boats can sail under. This humble building looks a tad cleaner than the docks, suggesting the island just has no visitors. It has a small water wheel on the North-Eastern alcove of the smaller island, catching the river's current and grinding wheat for the islands inhabitants. Inside contains all the components required for turning
  204. [20:02] <Capn_High_Tide> grain into flour, and has one barrel of processed flour and two barrels of unprocessed grain.
  205. [20:03] * Aura checks the flour
  206. [20:03] <Aura> "we should be able to tell if someone was here long ago or not looking at this"
  207. [20:03] * Flora wonders how old this stuff is and checks on the grinding product itself, seeing if it's fresh or not should tell if people are around and making food
  208. [20:04] == crystal_shine [~darm@] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  209. [20:04] == Aurora[mobile] [~androirc@2600:100c:b022:f58:39b3:ef67:3ad:591c] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  210. [20:04] * Star_ reaches into his shirt, pulling out the dagger he holds there. "On your guard, everyone..."
  211. [20:06] <Capn_High_Tide> The flour holds no hint of mold, and the mill still has specks of it- it's been recently used! Tide looks around curiously, his horn alight to keep the area well lit. "Well I'll be damned.. maybe a hermit is staying here?"
  212. [20:06] * Flora sticks her tongue in her cheek"... is everyone armed by any chance? I remember going to the last place i thought was abandoned only to nearly get eaten by a horde of the dead"
  213. [20:07] <Aura> "The dead don't use flour to cook brains, so don't worry" she says to Flora
  214. [20:07] <Star_> "I've got a dagger with me, and my sword's on my hip. If anyone doesn't have a weapon, I can give them this dagger."
  215. [20:08] <Curious> "somehow thats a little creepier than them just eating it raw. but hey what is it? the flours fresh, tide?" she cant help but scoop a small hoofful of the the flor, squishing it between her stompers with the glee she always experienced
  216. [20:08] * Flora makes this face at Aura "Speak not of what you don't know"
  217. [20:09] * Capn_High_Tide hums to himself and turns. "It's enough to last a small group of ponies for the winter, assuming they have other foods. Let's not mess with it, okay? Maybe we can meet the owners on the main island."
  218. [20:11] * Curious nods "yeah maybe a nearby settlement uses it? or could be a few holdouts in the town" she starts scouring the rest of the mill for signs of life
  219. [20:11] * Aura tilts her head on the side "huh..?...whatever.."
  220. [20:11] * Star_ nods and turns around to the mainland. "That sounds like a plan. We don't need to take it. I'm more interested in the fact that there are creatures here who can make food for themselves. Thought this place was abandoned."
  221. [20:12] <Aura> She was a bit puzzled by Flora but it was no big deal.
  222. [20:12] <Aura> "Maybe we should search for tools they use, it may help us to know what species they are?"
  223. [20:13] <Capn_High_Tide> The mill is simple and seems to only serve the one purpose- grinding flour. Tide wanders towards the door and glances back at the others. The only clue for what sort of species lives here is that the building feels a little cramped with all five ponies here, and the door seems fit for a pony.
  224. [20:14] <Booze_Hound> "huh well anyone want to head to the main island now?"
  225. [20:14] * Flora dismisses her thought with a small smirk and a shake of her head, she's new so she'll find out in time. She looks around the shake going to see if she could find the small piece of paper
  226. [20:14] * Star_ looks back at the flour...maybe if they took a, someone else made it, he shouldn't take it. "Yeah, let's get to the mainland..."
  227. [20:15] <Curious> "yeah, hopefully find more clues about this place other than 'people kinda live here'"
  228. [20:18] * Capn_High_Tide spots Flora looking around, and hands her the map, apologizing for taking it. He then goes with the others to the road to enter the island. One would quickly note that the island is covered by a thick forest making it impossible to see very far down the path. To their left on the path [East on the map] is another path fron the main one, leading down a rock path between two tall
  229. [20:18] * Capn_High_Tide cliffs.
  230. [20:18] <Curious> [that circle 3?]
  231. [20:19] <Capn_High_Tide> [yes[
  232. [20:20] <Flora> "oh this paper was the map" she stops for a second and reaches into her bag to write what the map looks like in her journal "Always good to have a copy of the map" she hands it back'
  233. [20:20] * Capn_High_Tide nods and takes it back, looking to the new splitoff. "Maybe there are some caves in here?"
  234. [20:22] <Capn_High_Tide> [Can I get a time check for everyone?]
  235. [20:22] <Star_> "Oh boy...caves, heh." With caves comes cave creatures, and he knows this.
  236. [20:22] <Star_> [7:22 PM]
  237. [20:23] * Booze_Hound follows behind curi after dropping off ember522
  238. [20:23] <Booze_Hound> [pffftttt up arrow, 5:22]
  239. [20:24] <Capn_High_Tide> [I'm pausing because my food is ready, when I get back I'll see if people want to keep going or pause it for now. We did start a couple hours late after all.]
  240. [20:24] <Flora> [830]
  241. [20:25] <Capn_High_Tide> [Be back soon]
  242. [20:25] <Star_> [Okay!]
  243. [20:27] <Aura> [as I said to tide, I'm already struggling to stay awake, so it's probably the end for me, but please do continue if you guys feel like it, I don't want you to stop just for me;]
  244. [20:28] <Curious> cool I need to do some homework]
  245. [20:28] <Star_> [Awwww, Aura!]
  246. [20:28] <Aura> [it's 1.30am here haha ^^"]
  247. [20:29] <Star_> [Heh, I guess I can excuse that then :3]
  248. [20:31] <Aura> [nini ponies and sorry. /me hugs tide]
  249. [20:32] <Star_> [G'night, Aura!]
  250. [20:36] == Sling_Swivel [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  251. [20:38] <Booze_Hound> night Aura
  252. [20:38] <Capn_High_Tide> [ALright, I'm back]
  253. [20:39] == Aurora[Spectator] has changed nick to Aurora
  254. [20:39] <Capn_High_Tide> [How is everyone feeling?]
  255. [20:39] <Flora> fghgfhjkgfdg
  256. [20:40] == Aurora[mobile] [~androirc@2600:100c:b022:f58:39b3:ef67:3ad:591c] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )]
  257. [20:41] <Curious> [shoot barely got started]
  258. [20:41] <Star_> [I'm feeling fine, Aura left :<]
  259. [20:43] <Booze_Hound> [doing well]
  260. [20:44] == Boris[Ronin] [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  261. [20:45] <Capn_High_Tide> [okay, so if everyone is good to go, I'll suggest we to slot Aura as an npc instead of pausing the adventure for now]
  262. [20:45] <Booze_Hound> [yep]
  263. [20:45] <Flora> [ye]
  264. [20:46] <Star_> [Yee]
  265. [20:47] <Capn_High_Tide> okay
  266. [20:47] == Weathervane [] has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Weatherv-))]
  267. [20:48] <Capn_High_Tide> Last we left off, the group is standing at a 3-way intersection, on the map it looks like the left turn leads to #3. Tide looks to the others expectantly, wanting to know if they want to czech it out.
  268. [20:48] == Curious [] has quit [*.net *.split]
  269. [20:48] == Dead_Reckoning [] has quit [*.net *.split]
  270. [20:48] == Boris[Sleeps] [] has quit [*.net *.split]
  271. [20:49] <Capn_High_Tide> [oh noooo]
  272. [20:49] <Booze_Hound> "i say we head to number three"
  273. [20:51] == Dead_Reckoning [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  274. [20:51] <Star_> "Sounds like a plan."
  275. [20:52] <Flora> "then 5 since it links to 3"
  276. [20:52] <Booze_Hound> "yep"
  277. [20:53] * Capn_High_Tide nods and turns, walking with the group out of the forest and what seems like a stony mesa walled off by tall cliffs. Boulders prevent the group from immediately seeing what's on the other end of the area, but everyone may roll perception!
  278. [20:54] == Curious [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  279. [20:54] * Star_ likes to know where he's going before he gets there, so yeah! He'll roll!
  280. [20:54] <Star_> !roll 1d20+4
  281. [20:54] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 16 <Total: 16(+4) = 20>
  282. [20:54] <Booze_Hound> !roll 1d20-1
  283. [20:54] <GameServ> Booze_Hound rolled 1d20: 8 <Total: 8(-1) = 7>
  284. [20:54] <Flora> !roll 1d20+1
  285. [20:54] <GameServ> Flora rolled 1d20: 5 <Total: 5(+1) = 6>
  286. [20:56] == Weathervane [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  287. [20:56] <Curious> [what miss, connection dropped]
  288. [20:57] <Booze_Hound> [roll perception]
  289. [20:57] <Star_> [We walked, suddenly rahcks]
  290. [20:57] <Curious> !roll 1d20-1
  291. [20:57] <GameServ> Curious rolled 1d20: 15 <Total: 15(-1) = 14>
  292. [20:58] <Capn_High_Tide> Booze and Flora come to a horrifying realization; the ground isn't all rocks... there's also lots of dirt!
  293. [20:58] <Booze_Hound> "very interdesting"
  294. [20:59] * Star_ blinks and listens....scritchy-scratch-a...
  295. [20:59] <Flora> "oh muh gerd! Dirt~"'
  296. [20:59] <Star_> "There's something over these rocks. Something alive and moving. Sounds like...chicken talons?"
  297. [21:00] * Flora grabs a stick and thumps the end on the ground "Arse chikun!"
  298. [21:00] <Flora> arise
  299. [21:01] * Curious twitches her ears and checks the treetops "huh....yeah. birds?"
  300. [21:01] * Capn_High_Tide is talking with a tired-looking Aura when he falls silent, looking over to Flora and Star. "...Chicken?" he asks quietly, looking a little pale.
  301. [21:02] <Capn_High_Tide> Tide opens his mouth to say something, then without warning two figures scuttle from around a big boulder, and can only be described as cockatrices! Roll initiative!
  302. [21:02] * Star_ nods and smiles. "Well, this place sounds like there are ponies living rather stable lives here. Flour in the mill's fresh, chickens scampering about every which way...everything's fi--" He looks up at the cockatrices. "...Welp."
  303. [21:02] <Booze_Hound> !roll 1d20+2
  304. [21:02] <GameServ> Booze_Hound rolled 1d20: 3 <Total: 3(+2) = 5>
  305. [21:02] <Booze_Hound> gonktheme.rnk
  306. [21:03] <Star_> !roll 1d20
  307. [21:03] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 9 <Total: 9>
  308. [21:03] <Flora> !roll 1d20
  309. [21:03] <GameServ> Flora rolled 1d20: 17 <Total: 17>
  310. [21:03] <Curious> !roll 1d20+2
  311. [21:03] <GameServ> Curious rolled 1d20: 14 <Total: 14(+2) = 16>
  312. [21:03] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d20
  313. [21:03] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d20: 14 <Total: 14>
  314. [21:03] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 2d20
  315. [21:03] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 2d20: 1 20 <Total: 21>
  316. [21:03] * Flora closes her eyes she wont be using them for this fight
  317. [21:04] * Curious averts her gaze "oh dammit...those arent chickens...well....kind of"
  318. [21:05] <Capn_High_Tide> [The initiative order is Cockatrice A, Flora, Curious, Tide, Star, Booze, Cockatrice B]
  319. [21:07] <Capn_High_Tide> The first cockatrice hisses angrilly, and flares its wings! Looking to the noisy mare with the stick, it glares at her! [If you use SLSS, roll a Will save, or the SASS equivalent, or just roll a d20.]
  320. [21:08] <Flora> !roll 1d20+1
  321. [21:08] <GameServ> Flora rolled 1d20: 20 <Total: 20(+1) = 21>
  322. [21:08] <Flora> suck on dat
  323. [21:09] <Curious> [flora is so strong and independant the cockatrice whimpers as the flutterstare kicks in]
  324. [21:10] <Capn_High_Tide> Well, whatever the cockatrice was trying to do clearly wasn't working- it's backfiring even! The critter looks very demoralised and it is now Flora's turn
  325. [21:13] * Flora goes to scoop up the creature, she has no need to fight. She pity's it some with its sad tired expressiondat animal taming yo
  326. [21:13] <Flora> [tell me if i should roll]
  327. [21:14] <Capn_High_Tide> [Well, I'll allow it for now but you'll be entirely preoccupied keeping it restrained]
  328. [21:14] <Capn_High_Tide> [Curious?]
  329. [21:14] <Flora> [ok]
  330. [21:16] * Curious grabs her spear and lunges towards the outlines of the cockatrices, still trying not to stare
  331. [21:17] == Orange_Burst [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  332. [21:18] <Capn_High_Tide> [roll for attack, add a -4 if you're actually closing your eyes]
  333. [21:19] <Curious> [was looking at the ground]
  334. [21:20] == Umbra_Electrum|mobile [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  335. [21:20] <Capn_High_Tide> [you can add a penalty if you like but you'll learn why it won't make a difference if it gets a chance to attack]
  336. [21:20] <Curious> !roll 1d20+4
  337. [21:20] <GameServ> Curious rolled 1d20: 17 <Total: 17(+4) = 21>
  338. [21:20] <Capn_High_Tide> [Hit!]
  339. [21:20] <Curious> !roll 1d8+3
  340. [21:20] <GameServ> Curious rolled 1d8: 7 <Total: 7(+3) = 10>
  341. [21:20] <Flora> wow
  342. [21:22] <Capn_High_Tide> [Either I shoul have made tougher monsters or actually paid attention to the players stats]
  343. [21:23] <Star_> [>mfw same thing for my quest]
  344. [21:23] <Flora> hue
  345. [21:23] <Capn_High_Tide> The second cockatrice squaks and is speared by Curious in a puff of chicken feathers, dying instantly. Slowly, there's a loud scrabbling of talons and two more birds round the corner!
  346. [21:23] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d20+5
  347. [21:23] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d20: 18 <Total: 18(+5) = 23>
  348. [21:24] * Curious feels the spear grab a touch of resistance before slicking through something solid "got 'im I think!"
  349. [21:24] * Capn_High_Tide shouts for everyone to look out as two more round the corner, and his horn lights up as an orange aura grabs one of the birds and forces it to the ground where it is held for now. Star's turn
  350. [21:24] <Flora> "well shit you killed it in one go" she says petting her chicken
  351. [21:27] * Star_ doesn't see any need to kill them when he doesn't have to, spying more rounding the corner and aiming his horn for a Stun Bolt!
  352. [21:28] <Curious> "how can we look out if theyre cockatriceseses!" she stares at the ground with her ears perched around to listen to teh scrawling of their little talons
  353. [21:28] <Star_> !roll 1d20+3
  354. [21:28] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 17 <Total: 17(+3) = 20>
  355. [21:28] <Capn_High_Tide> [Last I remember that's a success!]
  356. [21:28] <Star_> [Yeah, it's 15 or above I think
  357. [21:28] <Star_> ]
  358. [21:29] <Capn_High_Tide> [which one are you shooting by the way?]
  359. [21:29] <Star_> [But is it a timed paralysis? I have to roll some type of time before it wears off?]
  360. [21:29] <Booze_Hound> brb
  361. [21:30] <Star_> And I'm hitting #4. 1 is held by Flora, 2 is dead, 3 is held by you magically, and 4 was mine
  362. [21:30] <Star_> ]
  363. [21:30] <Capn_High_Tide> [It's nonlethal damage]
  364. [21:30] <Star_> !roll 1d4
  365. [21:30] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d4: 4 <Total: 4>
  366. [21:30] <Booze_Hound> back
  367. [21:30] <Flora> [neat]
  368. [21:31] <Capn_High_Tide> The 4th bird squawks in surprise and starts to stumble in a daze, a little disoriented but still standing. Booze's turn]
  369. [21:31] <Booze_Hound> [back]
  370. [21:34] <Booze_Hound> on #4
  371. [21:34] <Booze_Hound> !roll d20+4
  372. [21:34] <GameServ> Syntax: XdY [ {-|+|*|/} Z ]
  373. [21:34] <Booze_Hound> !roll 1d20+4
  374. [21:34] <GameServ> Booze_Hound rolled 1d20: 19 <Total: 19(+4) = 23>
  375. [21:35] <Capn_High_Tide> [thats a hit]
  376. [21:35] <Booze_Hound> !roll 1d8+3
  377. [21:35] <GameServ> Booze_Hound rolled 1d8: 2 <Total: 2(+3) = 5>
  378. [21:37] <Capn_High_Tide> The weapon connects with the cockatrice's center mass with a painful noise and it snaps out of its daze, hissing angrily. Darting towards Booze, it swings its claws aggressively while glaring at the Earthie- roll a will save
  379. [21:37] <Booze_Hound> [eyes were shut for the attack]
  380. [21:38] <Booze_Hound> [still roll?]
  381. [21:38] == Weathervane [] has quit [Ping timeout: 186 seconds]
  382. [21:38] * Flora eyes were closed
  383. [21:38] * Flora still rolled
  384. [21:39] <Booze_Hound> !roll 1d20+1
  385. [21:39] <GameServ> Booze_Hound rolled 1d20: 12 <Total: 12(+1) = 13>
  386. [21:39] == Aurora has changed nick to Aurora[DCUO]
  387. [21:39] <Capn_High_Tide> [Let me know ahead of time if your eyes were shut. Either way you make the save]
  388. [21:41] <Booze_Hound> [kk]
  389. [21:41] <Capn_High_Tide> Whatever the bird was trying, didn't work. The first bird looks confused and occasionally pecks at Flora [1 point of damage] but eventually it calms down. Maybe it's trained?
  390. [21:43] * Flora doesn't mind a little pecking no pain no gain, she doesn't look at the poultry item and rooks it slightly not pointing it in the direction of the dead birds "just relax buddy I don't plan or want to hurt you. You're safe with me"
  391. [21:44] <Flora> [holding el polo es my turn]
  392. [21:45] <Capn_High_Tide> Curious goes next! Before her is one cockatrice pinned by Tide's magic, and a second wounded and dazed one fighting Booze
  393. [21:45] <Capn_High_Tide> You may also roll a perception check
  394. [21:45] * Curious will take that per check then
  395. [21:45] <Curious> !roll 1d20-1
  396. [21:45] <GameServ> Curious rolled 1d20: 3 <Total: 3(-1) = 2>
  397. [21:46] * Curious is battle mode!
  398. [21:46] <Capn_High_Tide> Curious is not a perceptive pony
  399. [21:47] <Booze_Hound> [she didn't notice the ring i slipped into her drink]
  400. [21:47] * Curious spots Floras calm demeanor and the tiny cockatrice "oh uh...." she quickly truns her spear around and whacks the nearest pinned cockatrice with the blunt side, hoping to knock it unconscious
  401. [21:47] <Booze_Hound> [that was a fun proposal]
  402. [21:48] <Curious> [wow, that was rough champagne. think the waiter tried to water it down with an ice cube]
  403. [21:48] <Capn_High_Tide> [roll attack]
  404. [21:49] <Curious> !roll 1d20+6
  405. [21:49] <GameServ> Curious rolled 1d20: 6 <Total: 6(+6) = 12>
  406. [21:49] <Curious> [wasnt sure since it was pinned and all]
  407. [21:50] == Weathervane [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  408. [21:51] <Star_> [I believe Tide's next]
  409. [21:51] <Capn_High_Tide> [are you attacking the pinned one?]\
  410. [21:51] <Curious> hacks the nearest pinned cockatrice with the blunt side, hoping to knock it unconscious
  411. [21:51] <Curious> ]
  412. [21:51] <Curious> !roll 1d8+3
  413. [21:51] <GameServ> Curious rolled 1d8: 4 <Total: 4(+3) = 7>
  414. [21:51] <Curious> [just in case]
  415. [21:52] <Capn_High_Tide> [I'll go with the one attacking Booze]
  416. [21:53] <Capn_High_Tide> Curious' stick whacks the cockatrice attacking Booze, knocking it out cold. Looks like it won't get up for awhile
  417. [21:53] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d20+2
  418. [21:53] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d20: 2 <Total: 2(+2) = 4>
  419. [21:53] * Capn_High_Tide smiles and says "Nice work, now for the last-
  420. [21:53] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d6
  421. [21:53] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d6: 1 <Total: 1>
  422. [21:54] * Capn_High_Tide blinks, pausing for a second and shaking his head. "That was weird.." he says, not noticing three more cockatrices charging the ground, one of them much bigger than the others. He also doesn't notice the tip of his tail has stiffened.
  423. [21:55] <Capn_High_Tide> The cockatrice previously held by Tide is free, but can't act this turn. Star's go!
  424. [21:57] * Star_ growls as he spots 3 more enter the fray. "They just keep coming...Everybody get back! We aren't gonna win this!" He fires upwards into the sky, hoping a Starstorm will at least hinder the 3 new enemy's advances.
  425. [21:57] <Star_> !roll 1d20+3
  426. [21:57] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 10 <Total: 10(+3) = 13>
  427. [21:57] <Capn_High_Tide> [what does that do?]
  428. [21:58] <Star_> [Since I rolled 13, nothing. If 15 or over, deals (# of enemies)/6 dmg to all enemies targeted]
  429. [21:59] <Star_> *The beam flies into the sky and explodes, looking more like a light show than an attack...*
  430. [21:59] <Flora> "jesus christ were the fuck do these damn things keep coming from" she says starting to walk away from the fray. She holds her bird close and rifles through her bag, maybe George will have the answer he's smart
  431. [22:00] <Capn_High_Tide> Booze is up!
  432. [22:00] <Star_> [Wait, it's 6/(number of enemies)]
  433. [22:00] <Star_> [My bad]
  434. [22:00] <Capn_High_Tide> The cockatrices don't seem to be bothered all that much, and keep advancing!@
  435. [22:01] <Booze_Hound> what pnes are left?
  436. [22:01] <Booze_Hound> ones*
  437. [22:01] == Liven [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  438. [22:02] <Capn_High_Tide> Three normal sized cockatrices, and a big fourth
  439. [22:02] * Booze_Hound keeps his eyes closed and goes after the big one
  440. [22:02] <Flora> [shower time!]
  441. [22:02] <Booze_Hound> !roll 1d20+4
  442. [22:02] <GameServ> Booze_Hound rolled 1d20: 5 <Total: 5(+4) = 9>
  443. [22:03] <Capn_High_Tide> Booze's attack misses and the big angry one goes for his face!
  444. [22:03] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d20+4
  445. [22:03] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d20: 10 <Total: 10(+4) = 14>
  446. [22:03] <Booze_Hound> "not the face!"
  447. [22:03] * Booze_Hound is able to drop and roll out of the way
  448. [22:04] <Capn_High_Tide> A second cockatrice also attacks Booze, while the third attacks Tide and a fourth goes for Curious
  449. [22:04] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d20+4
  450. [22:04] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d20: 17 <Total: 17(+4) = 21>
  451. [22:04] <Capn_High_Tide> [hit on Booze]
  452. [22:04] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d20
  453. [22:04] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d20: 7 <Total: 7>
  454. [22:04] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d20
  455. [22:04] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d20: 3 <Total: 3>
  456. [22:04] <Capn_High_Tide> Luckily, the other two miss Tide and Curious
  457. [22:04] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d4
  458. [22:04] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d4: 4 <Total: 4>
  459. [22:04] <Booze_Hound> "this is just like zelda"
  460. [22:05] <Booze_Hound> 17/21
  461. [22:05] == Capn_High_Tide [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  462. [22:05] == Capn_High_Tide [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  463. [22:05] <Capn_High_Tide> [woops]
  464. [22:05] <Curious> [the cockatrice didnt miss, it just hit tides internet]
  465. [22:05] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d4
  466. [22:05] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d4: 3 <Total: 3>
  467. [22:05] <Capn_High_Tide> The cockatrice scratches Booze's face for 3 damage!
  468. [22:06] <Booze_Hound> 3 total?
  469. [22:06] <Capn_High_Tide> [yes]
  470. [22:06] <Booze_Hound> you rolled 4 before
  471. [22:06] <Capn_High_Tide> [I must have DC'ed before I saw that]
  472. [22:06] <Capn_High_Tide> [so you just take the 3 damage]
  473. [22:06] <Booze_Hound> 18/21 then
  474. [22:06] <Curious> [/me golf claps the sporty gm]
  475. [22:07] <Capn_High_Tide> In any case, Flora and the original cockatrice are still preoccupied, Curious' turn!
  476. [22:08] <Curious> "more!? hit the little ones first, then we gang the big one! and tide wheres your pirate crew, yargh!" she aims for the one that clapped Booze
  477. [22:08] <Curious> !roll 1d20
  478. [22:08] <GameServ> Curious rolled 1d20: 10 <Total: 10>
  479. [22:08] <Curious> [woops +6]
  480. [22:09] <Capn_High_Tide> Roll damage
  481. [22:10] <Curious> !roll 1d8+3
  482. [22:10] <GameServ> Curious rolled 1d8: 2 <Total: 2(+3) = 5>
  483. [22:10] == Mary_ONette[pink] [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  484. [22:11] * Capn_High_Tide nods and lights up his horn, firing a magic missile at the big cockatrice. "Yeah- Aura, go get help! Maybe Star's magic got their attention!
  485. [22:11] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d4
  486. [22:11] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d4: 3 <Total: 3>
  487. [22:11] <Capn_High_Tide> The magic and spear scratch at the big cockatrice but it's going hard! Star's turn!
  488. [22:12] * Star_ doesn't want that large cockatrice at full power! He aims another Stun Bolt at it, hoping he can disable it somehow!
  489. [22:12] <Star_> !roll 1d20+3
  490. [22:12] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 16 <Total: 16(+3) = 19>
  491. [22:13] <Star_> !roll 1d4
  492. [22:13] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d4: 3 <Total: 3>
  493. [22:13] <Capn_High_Tide> The big one squawks angrily, stumbling a little. Booze's turn!
  494. [22:14] <Booze_Hound> big one again
  495. [22:14] <Booze_Hound> !roll d20+4
  496. [22:14] <GameServ> Syntax: XdY [ {-|+|*|/} Z ]
  497. [22:14] <Booze_Hound> !roll 1d20+4
  498. [22:14] <GameServ> Booze_Hound rolled 1d20: 14 <Total: 14(+4) = 18>
  499. [22:14] <Capn_High_Tide> [hit]
  500. [22:14] <Booze_Hound> !roll 1d8+3
  501. [22:14] <GameServ> Booze_Hound rolled 1d8: 5 <Total: 5(+3) = 8>
  502. [22:14] * Booze_Hound feels his blade cleanly connect with the large mass
  503. [22:15] <Capn_High_Tide> The beast stumbles, but still has a little bit of fight in it as it keeps on Booze
  504. [22:15] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d20+4
  505. [22:15] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d20: 14 <Total: 14(+4) = 18>
  506. [22:15] <Curious> [oh my god I forgot my sword has +2 why am I not using it]
  507. [22:15] <Capn_High_Tide> [+2?]
  508. [22:15] <Booze_Hound> [hit]
  509. [22:15] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d6
  510. [22:15] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d6: 4 <Total: 4>
  511. [22:15] <Booze_Hound> 14/21 then
  512. [22:16] <Curious> [+2 damage when stabbing. but its w/e spear works for now]
  513. [22:16] <Capn_High_Tide> The beast slashes at Booze, while in order a cockatrice gazes at Tide, another at Star, and the third scratches at Curious
  514. [22:16] <Capn_High_Tide> [roll a will save Star]
  515. [22:16] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d20+2
  516. [22:16] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d20: 3 <Total: 3(+2) = 5>
  517. [22:16] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d4
  518. [22:16] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d4: 4 <Total: 4>
  519. [22:17] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d20
  520. [22:17] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d20: 12 <Total: 12>
  521. [22:17] <Star_> !roll 1d20+4
  522. [22:17] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 6 <Total: 6(+4) = 10>
  523. [22:17] <Capn_High_Tide> [Curious what's your AC?]
  524. [22:17] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d4
  525. [22:17] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d4: 1 <Total: 1>
  526. [22:17] <Curious> [18 should be]
  527. [22:18] * Capn_High_Tide cringes and stiffens, his hooves feeling heavy and most of his tail turning to stone. Star only takes 1 point of 'petrification damage' though.
  528. [22:18] <Capn_High_Tide> [Then Flora is okay. Your turn Curious!]
  529. [22:19] <Curious> "oh crap!" she sees the one staring at tide or star she cant tell which and goes to put its life out
  530. [22:19] <Curious> !roll 1d20
  531. [22:19] <GameServ> Curious rolled 1d20: 7 <Total: 7>
  532. [22:19] <Curious> +6 dammit]
  533. [22:20] <Capn_High_Tide> [hit]
  534. [22:22] <Curious> !roll 1d8+3
  535. [22:22] <GameServ> Curious rolled 1d8: 3 <Total: 3(+3) = 6>
  536. [22:22] <Curious> [I keep forgetting damage...]
  537. [22:22] <Star_> [Curious]
  538. [22:22] <Star_> [Your shit]
  539. [22:22] <Star_> [Get it together]
  540. [22:23] <Star_> [Heh]
  541. [22:23] <Capn_High_Tide> The creature squawks in pain and Tide rubs his head, firing a magic missile at the one Curious woundd
  542. [22:23] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d4
  543. [22:23] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d4: 3 <Total: 3>
  544. [22:23] <Flora> back
  545. [22:23] <Curious> [/me hits herself get it to together!]
  546. [22:23] <Capn_High_Tide> It stumbles backwards and looks almost done- Star's turn!
  547. [22:26] * Star_ rushes forward, getting his knife ready to gut the cockatrice everyone's aiming at!
  548. [22:26] <Star_> !roll 1d20+3
  549. [22:26] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 4 <Total: 4(+3) = 7>
  550. [22:26] <Capn_High_Tide> It apparently still has enough fight in it to dodge Star. Booze's turn!
  551. [22:27] <Booze_Hound> is the big one still fighting?
  552. [22:28] <Capn_High_Tide> pyes]
  553. [22:28] <Booze_Hound> [then that one]
  554. [22:28] <Booze_Hound> !roll 1d20+4
  555. [22:28] <GameServ> Booze_Hound rolled 1d20: 15 <Total: 15(+4) = 19>
  556. [22:28] <Booze_Hound> !roll 1d8+3
  557. [22:28] <GameServ> Booze_Hound rolled 1d8: 6 <Total: 6(+3) = 9>
  558. [22:29] <Capn_High_Tide> With one last attack, the big cockatrice is felled- almost immediately afterwards the three remaining critters fighting turn tail and start to flee towards the woods- the wounded one much slower than the others.
  559. [22:30] <Capn_High_Tide> [Encounter over!]
  560. [22:30] * Booze_Hound hears them squak and scurry finally able to open his eyes
  561. [22:31] * Flora is still holding her bird if it wants to go let it go
  562. [22:31] <Booze_Hound> "ok so curi can you patch me up?"
  563. [22:32] * Star_ looks at the tip of his tail, covered in rock. "...Hm..."
  564. [22:33] <Star_> "Is everybody okay?"
  565. [22:33] * Capn_High_Tide slumps into a sitting position and wipes his brow. He pauses when he feels how stiff his tail is and turns to see all of it is petrified. "Oh dear.." The cockatrice in Flora's grip sees the dead alpha and squaks in a panic, but eventually tires itself when it sees it has nowhere to go. Back on the forest trail the sound of conflict is easily heard, before Greg and Aura come into
  566. [22:33] * Capn_High_Tide view. Seems like they arrived just in time to catch the stragglers
  567. [22:35] * Curious pulls out a roll of bandages and looks for Boozes wounds "I know you keep saying toure the bullet sponge but that doesnt mean you need to make it true!" she notices the pirate crew getting here AFTER the fight is over, the louts. She bites the end of the roll and starts wrapping it around the small scrathes
  568. [22:35] <Star_> "So, it seems there are cockatrices here...This makes the island all the more morbid."
  569. [22:37] <Booze_Hound> "i hopw the natives are...all......right"
  570. [22:37] * Flora walks further into the woods away from the others and sets the cock free "told you I wasn't going to let you get hurt buddy." She offers it some bread as a parting girt before rejoining the others
  571. [22:37] <Booze_Hound> "tide"
  572. [22:37] <Booze_Hound> "your tail"
  573. [22:37] * Star_ looks around the group. "Alright, guys...seems we have a new mission here. It's gone from exploration to search-and-rescue, from the look of that flour that was untouched."
  574. [22:37] * Capn_High_Tide sighs and looks back to Greg, who is armed with a spear and a tunic. "Maybe you better come with us, Greg.." he says, trailing off when he hears Booze. He double-takes looking at his tail. "Gah!"
  575. [22:38] * Capn_High_Tide scrambles to his feet and nods. "Yeah- we better travel further up the island and figure out what's going on here."
  576. [22:40] * Flora inspects Tide's tale "yep that's rock" she has no clue what the cure is
  577. [22:40] <Booze_Hound> [well that could be used as a blunt weapon and possibly +ac]
  578. [22:41] * Star_ looks to Flora. "Why'd you let that cockatrice go? He could've been a big help to us..."
  579. [22:41] * Capn_High_Tide frowns and stumbles, the heavy tail almost throwing off his balance. "Well- let's get a move on, maybe there's someone who can help us!"
  580. [22:42] <Flora> "how so? you want a scared animal clawing and pecking at you slowly growing more and more upset as you kill its family? I dont think that would be wise"
  581. [22:43] <Star_> "I think that only a cockatrice can undo petrification by a cockatrice..."
  582. [22:45] <Booze_Hound> "now we don't know that"
  583. [22:45] <Booze_Hound> "i'm sure there is a spell"
  584. [22:45] * Star_ turns to Booze. "We do know that they *can*."
  585. [22:45] <Capn_High_Tide> Greg starts to look impatient and shoulders his spear. "I think we can get answers from whomever lives here."
  586. [22:45] <Curious> "oh shoot, yeah stars right.....well from what the show was anyway" she eyes Tides rock hard appendage~
  587. [22:45] <Star_> "Remember in the show? Fluttershy made one turn Twilight and herself back."
  588. [22:46] <Flora> "... uh... show logic maybe? I don't know it's in that bush over their"
  589. [22:46] * Capn_High_Tide wags his heavy tail back and forth, which is harder than it looks.
  590. [22:46] <Star_> "Well, can you please look for it?"
  591. [22:47] * Flora gows off to lok for bird npc me for a bit
  592. [22:48] <Capn_High_Tide> "Hey.. Flora, if the Isla- okay.." he watches Flora go, then looks to Aura and Greg. "You guys should go with her.. there might be more."
  593. [22:50] * Capn_High_Tide rubs his cheek and turns to the others remaining. "Let's keep going, then?"
  594. [22:50] * Booze_Hound is patched up and ready to go
  595. [22:50] <Booze_Hound> "where do you want me?"
  596. [22:50] <Star_> "Well, while they're looking for the bird, we need to focus on finding the statues of the ponies that were no doubt a victim to the cockatrices."
  597. [22:50] <Star_> "So yes, let's keep going."
  598. [22:51] * Capn_High_Tide nods and gets up, walking back onto the back, his tail dragging a small line in the dirt. "Let's move on, then!"
  599. [22:51] * Curious nods and heads down the road
  600. [22:54] * Booze_Hound follows
  601. [22:55] <Capn_High_Tide> With that, Tide, Booze, Curious, and Star head down the path where there is yet another split in the road. The forest to the left thins out to reveal the left turn leads to farmland that was recently harvested but is thick with patches of missed crop and tall grass. The right path continues into the deep woods and up the hill. Tide turns to look at the others expectantly.
  602. [22:55] <Booze_Hound> "we mighht be able to gnd someone at the farm"
  603. [22:56] * Star_ looks along the faces of the group. "Think we should split up? We can cover more ground..."
  604. [22:56] <Star_> "Tide and I can go over the hill, and Booze and Curious can go to the farm?"
  605. [22:57] * Capn_High_Tide shakes his head. "No way, I don't want to thin our group any more than we need to.."
  606. [22:58] <Star_> "I kinda figured. So where shall we go first?"
  607. [22:58] <Capn_High_Tide> "I like Booze's idea."
  608. [22:59] <Star_> "To the farm it is..."
  609. [22:59] <Curious> "farm sounds good. it looks like they were mid harvest before im guessing the cockatrices found them....though there might be even more going on..."
  610. [22:59] <Booze_Hound> "and a forest will be hard to navigate and a suprise chicken could pop out at us"
  611. [23:00] <Capn_High_Tide> This mesa on the island is above the water level and protected from outside winds by natural barriers of hill and trees so it is not visible off the island. These fields are mostly growing wheat for grain, but the occasional weed or two every little while mark how poorly maintained the land is.
  612. [23:02] * Star_ begins to look around the fields, hoping he doesn't run into any undesirables Pokemon style...
  613. [23:02] <Capn_High_Tide> The area is deathly silent, but luckily the group has a path that cuts clear through the fields. At the end of a field is a modest cabin, but two stories tall. There is a warm light coming from the outlines of the door.
  614. [23:03] <Capn_High_Tide> [roll perception Star]
  615. [23:04] <Curious> "good thing we dont have hoof with us, might throw a fit" she chuckles and keeps her eyes open "cabin up a head. check it out?" she starts heading towards it
  616. [23:05] * Capn_High_Tide is walking with Curious when he pauses, seeing Star look in the fields. "Hey- wait up!"
  617. [23:06] <Star_> !roll 1d20+4
  618. [23:06] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 6 <Total: 6(+4) = 10>
  619. [23:06] <Star_> [Sorry, bathroom]
  620. [23:07] <Capn_High_Tide> Booze and Curious can hear scuffling, and the sound of squaking as two cockatrices come running out of the tall grass at the two unicorns! Roll init!
  621. [23:07] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d20
  622. [23:07] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d20: 11 <Total: 11>
  623. [23:08] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 2d20
  624. [23:08] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 2d20: 2 17 <Total: 19>
  625. [23:08] <Star_> !roll 1d20
  626. [23:08] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 12 <Total: 12>
  627. [23:10] <Capn_High_Tide> [Curious and Booze can roll, but at a -2 penalty for not being in the field yet]
  628. [23:10] == Al_Dente|2 [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  629. [23:11] <Capn_High_Tide> [hrm, might as well go while we wait for them]
  630. [23:12] <Capn_High_Tide> The first cockatrice jumps Star, going for the face!
  631. [23:12] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d20
  632. [23:12] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d20: 14 <Total: 14>
  633. [23:12] == Al_Dente [] has quit [Ping timeout: 195 seconds]
  634. [23:12] <Capn_High_Tide> [does that hit?]
  635. [23:13] <Curious> !roll 1d20
  636. [23:13] <GameServ> Curious rolled 1d20: 16 <Total: 16>
  637. [23:14] <Star_> [Oh, yeah it does]
  638. [23:15] <Booze_Hound> [sorry cops had to ask some questions]
  639. [23:15] <Capn_High_Tide> [oh?]
  640. [23:15] <Capn_High_Tide> !roll 1d4
  641. [23:15] <GameServ> Capn_High_Tide rolled 1d4: 3 <Total: 3>
  642. [23:15] <Booze_Hound> [back]
  643. [23:16] <Star_> [10/14]
  644. [23:16] == Lemon_Drop [] has joined #FourCannonPnP
  645. [23:16] <Capn_High_Tide> The cockatrice scratches up Star's face and it's Curious' turn next!
  646. [23:16] <Booze_Hound> [what miss?]
  647. [23:16] <Curious> [pls tell me no more spokks creepin in your alleyway]
  648. [23:16] * Star_ reels back and holds his face, now bloody as three long scars trail along it. "Dammit!"
  649. [23:16] * Curious rushes over to tear the cock from stars face~
  650. [23:17] <Lemon_Drop> [kek]
  651. [23:17] * Curious will attempt to grab it and pin against the ground
  652. [23:17] <Curious> [pin as in immobilize, intend to try and free tides tail]
  653. [23:18] <Capn_High_Tide> [Roll for it]
  654. [23:18] <Curious> !roll 1d20
  655. [23:18] <GameServ> Curious rolled 1d20: 1 <Total: 1>
  656. [23:18] <Curious> [OH GOD]
  657. [23:19] <Orange_Burst> [CURI YOU DONE GOOF!!]
  658. [23:19] <Capn_High_Tide> Curious stumbles and gets disoriented by all this tall grass. Twirling and twisting, Curious stumbles out of sight and bonks her head on something
  659. [23:20] <Flora> [ok i need to go to slepp i have tests tomorrow]
  660. [23:20] * Star_ lights his horn, preparing to punish the cockatrice still stuck on his face with some point blank missiles!
  661. [23:20] <Star_> !roll 1d20+3
  662. [23:20] <GameServ> Star_ rolled 1d20: 4 <Total: 4(+3) = 7>
  663. [23:20] <Capn_High_Tide> [nini Flora, we'll talk later!]
  664. [23:20] <Capn_High_Tide> [remember to message me!]
  665. [23:20] <Star_> [Nini!]
  666. [23:21] <Flora> [thanks for the fun and make a log for me]
  667. [23:21] <Flora> [oh and im team meidc and paccifist until stuff hits the fan]
  668. [23:21] == Al_Dente|2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 186 seconds]
  669. [23:21] <Flora> [night
  670. [23:21] * Curious bonks rather brutally and falls flat on her back, dazed
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