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- ' ***********************************************************************
- ' Author : Elektro
- ' Modified : 14-February-2015
- ' ***********************************************************************
- ' <copyright file="FileDirSearcher.vb" company="Elektro Studios">
- ' Copyright (c) Elektro Studios. All rights reserved.
- ' </copyright>
- ' ***********************************************************************
- #Region " Usage Examples "
- 'Dim files As List(Of FileInfo) = FileDirSearcher.GetFiles("C:\Windows\System32", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList
- 'Dim files As List(Of String) = FileDirSearcher.GetFilePaths("C:\Windows\System32", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList
- 'Dim dirs As List(Of DirectoryInfo) = FileDirSearcher.GetDirs("C:\Windows\System32", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList
- 'Dim dirs As List(Of String) = FileDirSearcher.GetDirPaths("C:\Windows\System32", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList
- 'Dim files As IEnumerable(Of FileInfo) = FileDirSearcher.GetFiles(dirPath:="C:\Windows\System32",
- ' searchOption:=SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly,
- ' fileNamePatterns:={"*"},
- ' fileExtPatterns:={"*.dll", "*.exe"},
- ' ignoreCase:=True,
- ' throwOnError:=True)
- 'Dim dirs As IEnumerable(Of DirectoryInfo) = FileDirSearcher.GetDirs(dirPath:="C:\Windows\System32",
- ' searchOption:=SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly,
- ' dirPathPatterns:={"*"},
- ' dirNamePatterns:={"*Microsoft*"},
- ' ignoreCase:=True,
- ' throwOnError:=True)
- #End Region
- #Region " Option Statements "
- Option Explicit On
- Option Strict On
- Option Infer Off
- #End Region
- #Region " Imports "
- Imports System.IO
- Imports System.Collections.Concurrent
- Imports System.Threading.Tasks
- #End Region
- #Region " File Dir Searcher "
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Searchs for files and directories.
- ''' </summary>
- Public NotInheritable Class FileDirSearcher
- #Region " Public Methods "
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets the files those matches the criteria inside the specified directory and/or sub-directories.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="dirPath">The root directory path to search for files.</param>
- ''' <param name="searchOption">The searching mode.</param>
- ''' <param name="fileNamePatterns">The file name pattern(s) to match.</param>
- ''' <param name="fileExtPatterns">The file extension pattern(s) to match.</param>
- ''' <param name="ignoreCase">If <c>True</c>, ignores the comparing case of <paramref name="fileNamePatterns"/> and <paramref name="fileExtPatterns"/> patterns.</param>
- ''' <param name="throwOnError">Determines whether exceptions will be thrown, like access denied to file or directory.</param>
- ''' <returns>An <see cref="IEnumerable(Of FileInfo)"/> instance containing the files information.</returns>
- ''' <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">dirPath or searchOption</exception>
- Public Shared Function GetFiles(ByVal dirPath As String,
- ByVal searchOption As SearchOption,
- Optional ByVal fileNamePatterns As IEnumerable(Of String) = Nothing,
- Optional ByVal fileExtPatterns As IEnumerable(Of String) = Nothing,
- Optional ByVal ignoreCase As Boolean = True,
- Optional ByVal throwOnError As Boolean = False) As IEnumerable(Of FileInfo)
- ' Analyze and fix path problems.
- ' eg. 'C:' -> 'C:\'
- AnalyzePath(dirPath)
- If Not Directory.Exists(dirPath) Then
- Throw New ArgumentException(String.Format("Directory doesn't exists: '{0}'", dirPath), "dirPath")
- ElseIf (searchOption <> searchOption.TopDirectoryOnly) AndAlso (searchOption <> searchOption.AllDirectories) Then
- Throw New ArgumentException(String.Format("Value of '{0}' is not valid enumeration value.", CStr(searchOption)), "searchOption")
- Else ' Get and return the files.
- Dim queue As New ConcurrentQueue(Of FileInfo)
- CollectFiles(queue, dirPath, searchOption, fileNamePatterns, fileExtPatterns, ignoreCase, throwOnError)
- Return queue.AsEnumerable
- End If
- End Function
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets the filepaths those matches the criteria inside the specified directory and/or sub-directories.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="dirPath">The root directory path to search for files.</param>
- ''' <param name="searchOption">The searching mode.</param>
- ''' <param name="fileNamePatterns">The file name pattern(s) to match.</param>
- ''' <param name="fileExtPatterns">The file extension pattern(s) to match.</param>
- ''' <param name="ignoreCase">If <c>True</c>, ignores the comparing case of <paramref name="fileNamePatterns"/> and <paramref name="fileExtPatterns"/> patterns.</param>
- ''' <param name="throwOnError">Determines whether exceptions will be thrown, like access denied to file or directory.</param>
- ''' <returns>An <see cref="IEnumerable(Of String)"/> instance containing the filepaths.</returns>
- ''' <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">dirPath or searchOption</exception>
- Public Shared Function GetFilePaths(ByVal dirPath As String,
- ByVal searchOption As SearchOption,
- Optional ByVal fileNamePatterns As IEnumerable(Of String) = Nothing,
- Optional ByVal fileExtPatterns As IEnumerable(Of String) = Nothing,
- Optional ByVal ignoreCase As Boolean = True,
- Optional ByVal throwOnError As Boolean = False) As IEnumerable(Of String)
- ' Analyze and fix path problems.
- ' eg. 'C:' -> 'C:\'
- AnalyzePath(dirPath)
- If Not Directory.Exists(dirPath) Then
- Throw New ArgumentException(String.Format("Directory doesn't exists: '{0}'", dirPath), "dirPath")
- ElseIf (searchOption <> searchOption.TopDirectoryOnly) AndAlso (searchOption <> searchOption.AllDirectories) Then
- Throw New ArgumentException(String.Format("Value of '{0}' is not valid enumeration value.", CStr(searchOption)), "searchOption")
- Else ' Get and return the filepaths.
- Dim queue As New ConcurrentQueue(Of String)
- CollectFilePaths(queue, dirPath, searchOption, fileNamePatterns, fileExtPatterns, ignoreCase, throwOnError)
- Return queue.AsEnumerable
- End If
- End Function
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets the directories those matches the criteria inside the specified directory and/or sub-directories.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="dirPath">The root directory path to search for directories.</param>
- ''' <param name="searchOption">The searching mode.</param>
- ''' <param name="dirPathPatterns">The directory path pattern(s) to match.</param>
- ''' <param name="dirNamePatterns">The directory name pattern(s) to match.</param>
- ''' <param name="ignoreCase">If <c>True</c>, ignores the comparing case of <paramref name="dirPathPatterns"/> and <paramref name="dirNamePatterns"/> patterns.</param>
- ''' <param name="throwOnError">Determines whether exceptions will be thrown, like access denied to directory.</param>
- ''' <returns>An <see cref="IEnumerable(Of DirectoryInfo)"/> instance containing the dirrectories information.</returns>
- ''' <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">dirPath or searchOption</exception>
- Public Shared Function GetDirs(ByVal dirPath As String,
- ByVal searchOption As SearchOption,
- Optional ByVal dirPathPatterns As IEnumerable(Of String) = Nothing,
- Optional ByVal dirNamePatterns As IEnumerable(Of String) = Nothing,
- Optional ByVal ignoreCase As Boolean = True,
- Optional ByVal throwOnError As Boolean = False) As IEnumerable(Of DirectoryInfo)
- ' Analyze and fix path problems.
- ' eg. 'C:' -> 'C:\'
- AnalyzePath(dirPath)
- If Not Directory.Exists(dirPath) Then
- Throw New ArgumentException(String.Format("Directory doesn't exists: '{0}'", dirPath), "dirPath")
- ElseIf (searchOption <> searchOption.TopDirectoryOnly) AndAlso (searchOption <> searchOption.AllDirectories) Then
- Throw New ArgumentException(String.Format("Value of '{0}' is not valid enumeration value.", CStr(searchOption)), "searchOption")
- Else ' Get and return the files.
- Dim queue As New ConcurrentQueue(Of DirectoryInfo)
- CollectDirs(queue, dirPath, searchOption, dirPathPatterns, dirNamePatterns, ignoreCase, throwOnError)
- Return queue.AsEnumerable
- End If
- End Function
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets the filepaths those matches the criteria inside the specified directory and/or sub-directories.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="dirPath">The root directory path to search for directories.</param>
- ''' <param name="searchOption">The searching mode.</param>
- ''' <param name="dirPathPatterns">The directory path pattern(s) to match.</param>
- ''' <param name="dirNamePatterns">The directory name pattern(s) to match.</param>
- ''' <param name="ignoreCase">If <c>True</c>, ignores the comparing case of <paramref name="dirPathPatterns"/> and <paramref name="dirNamePatterns"/> patterns.</param>
- ''' <param name="throwOnError">Determines whether exceptions will be thrown, like access denied to directory.</param>
- ''' <returns>An <see cref="IEnumerable(Of String)"/> instance containing the directory paths.</returns>
- ''' <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">dirPath or searchOption</exception>
- Public Shared Function GetDirPaths(ByVal dirPath As String,
- ByVal searchOption As SearchOption,
- Optional ByVal dirPathPatterns As IEnumerable(Of String) = Nothing,
- Optional ByVal dirNamePatterns As IEnumerable(Of String) = Nothing,
- Optional ByVal ignoreCase As Boolean = True,
- Optional ByVal throwOnError As Boolean = False) As IEnumerable(Of String)
- ' Analyze and fix path problems.
- ' eg. 'C:' -> 'C:\'
- AnalyzePath(dirPath)
- If Not Directory.Exists(dirPath) Then
- Throw New ArgumentException(String.Format("Directory doesn't exists: '{0}'", dirPath), "dirPath")
- ElseIf (searchOption <> searchOption.TopDirectoryOnly) AndAlso (searchOption <> searchOption.AllDirectories) Then
- Throw New ArgumentException(String.Format("Value of '{0}' is not valid enumeration value.", CStr(searchOption)), "searchOption")
- Else ' Get and return the filepaths.
- Dim queue As New ConcurrentQueue(Of String)
- CollectDirPaths(queue, dirPath, searchOption, dirPathPatterns, dirNamePatterns, ignoreCase, throwOnError)
- Return queue.AsEnumerable
- End If
- End Function
- #End Region
- #Region " Private Methods "
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Analyzes a directory path and perform specific changes on it.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="dirPath">The directory path.</param>
- ''' <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">dirPath;Value is null, empty, or white-spaced.</exception>
- Private Shared Sub AnalyzePath(ByRef dirPath As String)
- If String.IsNullOrEmpty(dirPath) OrElse String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dirPath) Then
- Throw New ArgumentNullException("dirPath", "Value is null, empty, or white-spaced.")
- Else
- ' Trim unwanted characters.
- dirPath = dirPath.TrimStart({" "c}).TrimEnd({" "c})
- If Path.IsPathRooted(dirPath) Then
- ' The root paths contained on the returned FileInfo objects will start with the same string-case as this root path.
- ' So just for a little visual improvement, I'll treat this root path as a Drive-Letter and I convert it to UpperCase.
- dirPath = Char.ToUpper(dirPath.First) & dirPath.Substring(1)
- End If
- If Not dirPath.EndsWith("\"c) Then
- ' Possibly its a drive letter without backslash ('C:') or else just a normal path without backslash ('C\Dir').
- ' In any case, fix the ending backslash.
- dirPath = dirPath.Insert(dirPath.Length, "\"c)
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Collects the files those matches the criteria inside the specified directory and/or sub-directories.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="queue">The <see cref="ConcurrentQueue(Of FileInfo)"/> instance to enqueue new files.</param>
- ''' <param name="dirPath">The root directory path to search for files.</param>
- ''' <param name="searchOption">The searching mode.</param>
- ''' <param name="fileNamePatterns">The file name pattern(s) to match.</param>
- ''' <param name="fileExtPatterns">The file extension pattern(s) to match.</param>
- ''' <param name="ignoreCase">If <c>True</c>, ignores the comparing case of <paramref name="fileNamePatterns"/> and <paramref name="fileExtPatterns"/> patterns.</param>
- ''' <param name="throwOnError">Determines whether exceptions will be thrown, like access denied to file or directory.</param>
- Private Shared Sub CollectFiles(ByVal queue As ConcurrentQueue(Of FileInfo),
- ByVal dirPath As String,
- ByVal searchOption As SearchOption,
- ByVal fileNamePatterns As IEnumerable(Of String),
- ByVal fileExtPatterns As IEnumerable(Of String),
- ByVal ignoreCase As Boolean,
- ByVal throwOnError As Boolean)
- ' Initialize a DirectoryInfo.
- Dim dirInfo As DirectoryInfo = Nothing
- ' Initialize a FileInfo collection.
- Dim fileInfoCol As IEnumerable(Of FileInfo) = Nothing
- Try ' Set up a new DirectoryInfo instance using the passed directory path.
- dirInfo = New DirectoryInfo(dirPath)
- Catch ex As ArgumentNullException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As ArgumentException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As Security.SecurityException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As PathTooLongException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- End Try
- Try ' Get the top files of the current directory.
- If fileExtPatterns IsNot Nothing Then
- ' Decrease time execution by searching for files that has extension.
- fileInfoCol = dirInfo.GetFiles("*.*", searchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
- Else
- ' Search for all files.
- fileInfoCol = dirInfo.GetFiles("*", searchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
- End If
- Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As DirectoryNotFoundException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As Exception
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- End Try
- ' If the fileInfoCol collection is not empty then...
- If fileInfoCol IsNot Nothing Then
- ' Iterate the files.
- For Each fInfo As FileInfo In fileInfoCol
- ' Flag to determine whether a filename pattern is matched.
- Dim flagNamePattern As Boolean = False
- ' Flag to determine whether a file extension pattern is matched.
- Dim flagExtPattern As Boolean = False
- ' If filename patterns collection is not empty then...
- If fileNamePatterns IsNot Nothing Then
- ' Iterate the filename pattern(s).
- For Each fileNamePattern As String In fileNamePatterns
- ' Match the filename pattern on the current filename.
- ' Supress consecuent conditionals if pattern its an asterisk.
- If fileNamePattern.Equals("*", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
- flagNamePattern = True ' Activate the filename flag.
- Exit For
- ElseIf ignoreCase Then ' Compare filename with ignoring case rules.
- If fInfo.Name.ToLower Like fileNamePattern.ToLower Then
- flagNamePattern = True ' Activate the filename flag.
- Exit For
- End If
- Else ' Compare filename without ignoring case rules.
- If fInfo.Name Like fileNamePattern Then
- flagNamePattern = True ' Activate the filename flag.
- Exit For
- End If
- End If ' ignoreCase
- Next fileNamePattern
- Else ' filename patterns collection is empty.
- flagNamePattern = True ' Activate the filename flag.
- End If ' fileNamePatterns IsNot Nothing
- ' If file extension patterns collection is not empty then...
- If fileExtPatterns IsNot Nothing Then
- ' Iterate the file extension pattern(s).
- For Each fileExtPattern As String In fileExtPatterns
- ' Match the file extension pattern on the current file extension.
- ' Supress consecuent conditionals if pattern its an asterisk.
- If fileExtPattern.Equals("*", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
- flagExtPattern = True ' Activate the file extension flag.
- Exit For
- ElseIf ignoreCase Then ' Compare filename with ignoring case rules.
- If fInfo.Extension.ToLower Like fileExtPattern.ToLower Then
- flagExtPattern = True ' Activate the file extension flag.
- Exit For
- End If
- Else ' Compare filename without ignoring case rules.
- If fInfo.Extension Like fileExtPattern Then
- flagExtPattern = True ' Activate the file extension flag.
- Exit For
- End If
- End If
- Next fileExtPattern
- Else ' file extension patterns collection is empty.
- flagExtPattern = True ' Activate the file extension flag.
- End If ' fileExtPatterns IsNot Nothing
- ' If fileName and also fileExtension patterns are matched then...
- If flagNamePattern AndAlso flagExtPattern Then
- queue.Enqueue(fInfo) ' Enqueue this FileInfo object.
- End If
- Next fInfo
- End If ' fileInfoCol IsNot Nothing
- ' If searchOption is recursive then...
- If searchOption = searchOption.AllDirectories Then
- Try
- ' Try next iterations.
- Task.WaitAll(dirInfo.GetDirectories.
- Select(Function(dir As DirectoryInfo)
- Return Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub()
- CollectFiles(queue,
- dir.FullName, searchOption.AllDirectories,
- fileNamePatterns, fileExtPatterns,
- ignoreCase, throwOnError)
- End Sub)
- End Function).ToArray)
- Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As DirectoryNotFoundException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As Exception
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- End Try
- End If ' searchOption = searchOption.AllDirectories
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Collects the filepaths those matches the criteria inside the specified directory and/or sub-directories.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="queue">The <see cref="ConcurrentQueue(Of String)"/> instance to enqueue new filepaths.</param>
- ''' <param name="dirPath">The root directory path to search for files.</param>
- ''' <param name="searchOption">The searching mode.</param>
- ''' <param name="fileNamePatterns">The file name pattern(s) to match.</param>
- ''' <param name="fileExtPatterns">The file extension pattern(s) to match.</param>
- ''' <param name="ignoreCase">If <c>True</c>, ignores the comparing case of <paramref name="fileNamePatterns"/> and <paramref name="fileExtPatterns"/> patterns.</param>
- ''' <param name="throwOnError">Determines whether exceptions will be thrown, like access denied to file or directory.</param>
- Private Shared Sub CollectFilePaths(ByVal queue As ConcurrentQueue(Of String),
- ByVal dirPath As String,
- ByVal searchOption As SearchOption,
- ByVal fileNamePatterns As IEnumerable(Of String),
- ByVal fileExtPatterns As IEnumerable(Of String),
- ByVal ignoreCase As Boolean,
- ByVal throwOnError As Boolean)
- ' Initialize a filepath collection.
- Dim filePathCol As IEnumerable(Of String) = Nothing
- Try ' Get the top files of the current directory.
- If fileExtPatterns IsNot Nothing Then
- ' Decrease time execution by searching for files that has extension.
- filePathCol = Directory.GetFiles(dirPath, "*.*", searchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
- Else
- ' Search for all files.
- filePathCol = Directory.GetFiles(dirPath, "*", searchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
- End If
- Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As DirectoryNotFoundException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As Exception
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- End Try
- ' If the filepath collection is not empty then...
- If filePathCol IsNot Nothing Then
- ' Iterate the filepaths.
- For Each filePath As String In filePathCol
- ' Flag to determine whether a filename pattern is matched.
- Dim flagNamePattern As Boolean = False
- ' Flag to determine whether a file extension pattern is matched.
- Dim flagExtPattern As Boolean = False
- ' If filename patterns collection is not empty then...
- If fileNamePatterns IsNot Nothing Then
- ' Iterate the filename pattern(s).
- For Each fileNamePattern As String In fileNamePatterns
- ' Match the filename pattern on the current filename.
- ' Supress consecuent conditionals if pattern its an asterisk.
- If fileNamePattern.Equals("*", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
- flagNamePattern = True ' Activate the filename flag.
- Exit For
- ElseIf ignoreCase Then ' Compare filename with ignoring case rules.
- If Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath).ToLower Like fileNamePattern.ToLower Then
- flagNamePattern = True ' Activate the filename flag.
- Exit For
- End If
- Else ' Compare filename without ignoring case rules.
- If Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath) Like fileNamePattern Then
- flagNamePattern = True ' Activate the filename flag.
- Exit For
- End If
- End If ' ignoreCase
- Next fileNamePattern
- Else ' filename patterns collection is empty.
- flagNamePattern = True ' Activate the filename flag.
- End If ' fileNamePatterns IsNot Nothing
- ' If file extension patterns collection is not empty then...
- If fileExtPatterns IsNot Nothing Then
- ' Iterate the file extension pattern(s).
- For Each fileExtPattern As String In fileExtPatterns
- ' Match the file extension pattern on the current file extension.
- ' Supress consecuent conditionals if pattern its an asterisk.
- If fileExtPattern.Equals("*", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
- flagExtPattern = True ' Activate the file extension flag.
- Exit For
- ElseIf ignoreCase Then ' Compare filename with ignoring case rules.
- If Path.GetExtension(filePath).ToLower Like fileExtPattern.ToLower Then
- flagExtPattern = True ' Activate the file extension flag.
- Exit For
- End If
- Else ' Compare filename without ignoring case rules.
- If Path.GetExtension(filePath) Like fileExtPattern Then
- flagExtPattern = True ' Activate the file extension flag.
- Exit For
- End If
- End If
- Next fileExtPattern
- Else ' file extension patterns collection is empty.
- flagExtPattern = True ' Activate the file extension flag.
- End If ' fileExtPatterns IsNot Nothing
- ' If fileName and also fileExtension patterns are matched then...
- If flagNamePattern AndAlso flagExtPattern Then
- queue.Enqueue(filePath) ' Enqueue this filepath.
- End If
- Next filePath
- End If ' filePathCol IsNot Nothing
- ' If searchOption is recursive then...
- If searchOption = searchOption.AllDirectories Then
- Try
- ' Try next iterations.
- Task.WaitAll(New DirectoryInfo(dirPath).GetDirectories.
- Select(Function(dir As DirectoryInfo)
- Return Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub()
- CollectFilePaths(queue,
- dir.FullName, searchOption.AllDirectories,
- fileNamePatterns, fileExtPatterns,
- ignoreCase, throwOnError)
- End Sub)
- End Function).ToArray)
- Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As DirectoryNotFoundException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As Exception
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- End Try
- End If ' searchOption = searchOption.AllDirectories
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Collects the directories those matches the criteria inside the specified directory and/or sub-directories.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="queue">The <see cref="ConcurrentQueue(Of DirectoryInfo)"/> instance to enqueue new directories.</param>
- ''' <param name="dirPath">The root directory path to search for directories.</param>
- ''' <param name="searchOption">The searching mode.</param>
- ''' <param name="dirPathPatterns">The directory path pattern(s) to match.</param>
- ''' <param name="dirNamePatterns">The directory name pattern(s) to match.</param>
- ''' <param name="ignoreCase">If <c>True</c>, ignores the comparing case of <paramref name="dirPathPatterns"/> and <paramref name="dirNamePatterns"/> patterns.</param>
- ''' <param name="throwOnError">Determines whether exceptions will be thrown, like access denied to directory.</param>
- Private Shared Sub CollectDirs(ByVal queue As ConcurrentQueue(Of DirectoryInfo),
- ByVal dirPath As String,
- ByVal searchOption As SearchOption,
- ByVal dirPathPatterns As IEnumerable(Of String),
- ByVal dirNamePatterns As IEnumerable(Of String),
- ByVal ignoreCase As Boolean,
- ByVal throwOnError As Boolean)
- ' Initialize a DirectoryInfo.
- Dim dirInfo As DirectoryInfo = Nothing
- ' Initialize a DirectoryInfo collection.
- Dim dirInfoCol As IEnumerable(Of DirectoryInfo) = Nothing
- Try ' Set up a new DirectoryInfo instance using the passed directory path.
- dirInfo = New DirectoryInfo(dirPath)
- Catch ex As ArgumentNullException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As ArgumentException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As Security.SecurityException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As PathTooLongException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- End Try
- Try ' Get the top directories of the current directory.
- dirInfoCol = dirInfo.GetDirectories("*", searchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
- Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As DirectoryNotFoundException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As Exception
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- End Try
- ' If the fileInfoCol collection is not empty then...
- If dirInfoCol IsNot Nothing Then
- ' Iterate the files.
- For Each dir As DirectoryInfo In dirInfoCol
- ' Flag to determine whether a directory path pattern is matched.
- Dim flagPathPattern As Boolean = False
- ' Flag to determine whether a directory name pattern is matched.
- Dim flagNamePattern As Boolean = False
- ' If directory path patterns collection is not empty then...
- If dirPathPatterns IsNot Nothing Then
- ' Iterate the directory path pattern(s).
- For Each dirpathPattern As String In dirPathPatterns
- ' Match the directory path pattern on the current filename.
- ' Supress consecuent conditionals if pattern its an asterisk.
- If dirpathPattern.Equals("*", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
- flagPathPattern = True ' Activate the directory path flag.
- Exit For
- ElseIf ignoreCase Then ' Compare directory path with ignoring case rules.
- If dir.FullName.ToLower Like dirpathPattern.ToLower Then
- flagPathPattern = True ' Activate the directory path flag.
- Exit For
- End If
- Else ' Compare directory path without ignoring case rules.
- If dir.FullName Like dirpathPattern Then
- flagPathPattern = True ' Activate the directory path flag.
- Exit For
- End If
- End If ' ignoreCase
- Next dirpathPattern
- Else ' directory path patterns collection is empty.
- flagPathPattern = True ' Activate the directory path flag.
- End If ' dirpathPatterns IsNot Nothing
- ' If directory name patterns collection is not empty then...
- If dirNamePatterns IsNot Nothing Then
- ' Iterate the directory name pattern(s).
- For Each dirNamePattern As String In dirNamePatterns
- ' Match the directory name pattern on the current filename.
- ' Supress consecuent conditionals if pattern its an asterisk.
- If dirNamePattern.Equals("*", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
- flagNamePattern = True ' Activate the directory name flag.
- Exit For
- ElseIf ignoreCase Then ' Compare directory name with ignoring case rules.
- If dir.Name.ToLower Like dirNamePattern.ToLower Then
- flagNamePattern = True ' Activate the directory name flag.
- Exit For
- End If
- Else ' Compare directory name without ignoring case rules.
- If dir.Name Like dirNamePattern Then
- flagNamePattern = True ' Activate the directory name flag.
- Exit For
- End If
- End If ' ignoreCase
- Next dirNamePattern
- Else ' directory name patterns collection is empty.
- flagNamePattern = True ' Activate the filename flag.
- End If ' dirNamePatterns IsNot Nothing
- ' If directory path and also directory name patterns are matched then...
- If flagPathPattern AndAlso flagNamePattern Then
- queue.Enqueue(dir) ' Enqueue this DirectoryInfo object.
- End If
- Next dir
- End If ' dirInfoCol IsNot Nothing
- ' If searchOption is recursive then...
- If searchOption = searchOption.AllDirectories Then
- Try
- ' Try next iterations.
- Task.WaitAll(dirInfo.GetDirectories.
- Select(Function(dir As DirectoryInfo)
- Return Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub()
- CollectDirs(queue,
- dir.FullName, searchOption.AllDirectories,
- dirPathPatterns, dirNamePatterns,
- ignoreCase, throwOnError)
- End Sub)
- End Function).ToArray)
- Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As DirectoryNotFoundException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As Exception
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- End Try
- End If ' searchOption = searchOption.AllDirectories
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Collects the directory paths those matches the criteria inside the specified directory and/or sub-directories.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="queue">The <see cref="ConcurrentQueue(Of String)"/> instance to enqueue new directory paths.</param>
- ''' <param name="dirPath">The root directory path to search for directories.</param>
- ''' <param name="searchOption">The searching mode.</param>
- ''' <param name="dirPathPatterns">The directory path pattern(s) to match.</param>
- ''' <param name="dirNamePatterns">The directory name pattern(s) to match.</param>
- ''' <param name="ignoreCase">If <c>True</c>, ignores the comparing case of <paramref name="dirPathPatterns"/> and <paramref name="dirNamePatterns"/> patterns.</param>
- ''' <param name="throwOnError">Determines whether exceptions will be thrown, like access denied to directory.</param>
- Private Shared Sub CollectDirPaths(ByVal queue As ConcurrentQueue(Of String),
- ByVal dirPath As String,
- ByVal searchOption As SearchOption,
- ByVal dirPathPatterns As IEnumerable(Of String),
- ByVal dirNamePatterns As IEnumerable(Of String),
- ByVal ignoreCase As Boolean,
- ByVal throwOnError As Boolean)
- ' Initialize a directory paths collection.
- Dim dirPathCol As IEnumerable(Of String) = Nothing
- Try ' Get the top directories of the current directory.
- dirPathCol = Directory.GetDirectories(dirPath, "*", searchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
- Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As DirectoryNotFoundException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As Exception
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- End Try
- ' If the fileInfoCol collection is not empty then...
- If dirPathCol IsNot Nothing Then
- ' Iterate the files.
- For Each dir As String In dirPathCol
- ' Flag to determine whether a directory path pattern is matched.
- Dim flagPathPattern As Boolean = False
- ' Flag to determine whether a directory name pattern is matched.
- Dim flagNamePattern As Boolean = False
- ' If directory path patterns collection is not empty then...
- If dirPathPatterns IsNot Nothing Then
- ' Iterate the directory path pattern(s).
- For Each dirpathPattern As String In dirPathPatterns
- ' Match the directory path pattern on the current filename.
- ' Supress consecuent conditionals if pattern its an asterisk.
- If dirpathPattern.Equals("*", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
- flagPathPattern = True ' Activate the directory path flag.
- Exit For
- ElseIf ignoreCase Then ' Compare directory path with ignoring case rules.
- If dir.ToLower Like dirpathPattern.ToLower Then
- flagPathPattern = True ' Activate the directory path flag.
- Exit For
- End If
- Else ' Compare directory path without ignoring case rules.
- If dir Like dirpathPattern Then
- flagPathPattern = True ' Activate the directory path flag.
- Exit For
- End If
- End If ' ignoreCase
- Next dirpathPattern
- Else ' directory path patterns collection is empty.
- flagPathPattern = True ' Activate the directory path flag.
- End If ' dirpathPatterns IsNot Nothing
- ' If directory name patterns collection is not empty then...
- If dirNamePatterns IsNot Nothing Then
- ' Iterate the directory name pattern(s).
- For Each dirNamePattern As String In dirNamePatterns
- ' Match the directory name pattern on the current filename.
- ' Supress consecuent conditionals if pattern its an asterisk.
- If dirNamePattern.Equals("*", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
- flagNamePattern = True ' Activate the directory name flag.
- Exit For
- ElseIf ignoreCase Then ' Compare directory name with ignoring case rules.
- If Path.GetFileName(dir).ToLower Like dirNamePattern.ToLower Then
- flagNamePattern = True ' Activate the directory name flag.
- Exit For
- End If
- Else ' Compare directory name without ignoring case rules.
- If Path.GetFileName(dir) Like dirNamePattern Then
- flagNamePattern = True ' Activate the directory name flag.
- Exit For
- End If
- End If ' ignoreCase
- Next dirNamePattern
- Else ' directory name patterns collection is empty.
- flagNamePattern = True ' Activate the filename flag.
- End If ' dirNamePatterns IsNot Nothing
- ' If directory path and also directory name patterns are matched then...
- If flagPathPattern AndAlso flagNamePattern Then
- queue.Enqueue(dir) ' Enqueue this directory path.
- End If
- Next dir
- End If ' dirPathCol IsNot Nothing
- ' If searchOption is recursive then...
- If searchOption = searchOption.AllDirectories Then
- Try
- ' Try next iterations.
- Task.WaitAll(New DirectoryInfo(dirPath).GetDirectories.
- Select(Function(dir As DirectoryInfo)
- Return Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub()
- CollectDirPaths(queue,
- dir.FullName, searchOption.AllDirectories,
- dirPathPatterns, dirNamePatterns,
- ignoreCase, throwOnError)
- End Sub)
- End Function).ToArray)
- Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As DirectoryNotFoundException
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- Catch ex As Exception
- If throwOnError Then
- Throw
- End If
- End Try
- End If ' searchOption = searchOption.AllDirectories
- End Sub
- #End Region
- End Class
- #End Region
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