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Mar 28th, 2015
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  3. I woke up from a nightmare. The only thing that I could remember from the dream was sharks. I was a lifeguard. Breakfast tasted funny, sort of metallic but I figured it was the spoon. I got in my car and drove to the beach. I looked at my gas meter and it was low so I got some gas. The gas station was quiet, a little too quiet. I pumped the gas into my car and got on my way. It was a very moody day and the sky was gray so I thought no one would be at the beach. I was wrong. The beach was packed and there was nearly no space to move but everyone else seemed to be enjoying it. I made my way to the lifeguard tower after 6 minutes of traveling through the horrible mob of beachgoers.
  4. I kept an eye on the shore for any sharks or people drowning. So far nothing happened and it was like a normal day. Then I started to have a headache, I didn't think much about it until my vision and hearing completely stopped. I could not move and then it all suddenly came back. I wasn't controlling my body and couldn't move or make a sound but gained my sense of feel and hearing. My body pushed through the crowd and then the body opened it's mouth and it's eyes turned green. A demonic, distorted, and inhuman voice came out. "HORSNK JORSNK VORSNK KNK KNK KNK KNK" and it's head did a 360° turn and snapped off and my neck was a fountain of blood and various tubes hung out of the decapitated head and it chomped people's legs with it's new fangs.
  5. My body continued to walk into the water. When it got deep enough, my body sank and somehow would not float up and I drowned to death. When I had cereal for breakfast this morning, it was actually a cursed liquid containing an evil spirit who has been contained in a bottle for thousands of years. In the year BC 4528 in an unknown city, a man slew a demon and bottled it's essence into a purple bottle. 4533 years later, a women who found the old house poured the strange liquid down the sink and it mixed into the resevoir because the sink was very old and I drank it.
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