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Treat for Two

a guest
Feb 21st, 2015
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  1. With arms crossed, Anon sighed, nothing but darkness in every direction. “Pinkie, can I open my eyes yet?” As he spoke, he could feel himself swinging back and forth, the only thing keeping him suspended in the air being a large set of teeth just behind his head hanging onto his shirt.
  3. “Nuh uh! Is a supise!” The excitable pink pony spoke through her teeth, her warm breath washing over the tiny human as she did so. The action sent a small shiver down his spine, again reminded of just how insignificant he was compared to these ponies. Yet, despite the ridiculous size difference, he'd somehow managed to hit it off with most of the inhabitants of the strange world, most notably one with a pink coat and a large mess of curly pink hair. Pinkie Pie, the very one bouncing along down the road and holding the human by his shirt, a smile on her face as she moved along.
  5. He couldn't help smiling, having grown fond of her antics over the time he'd spent in this world. Looking back towards her despite his still closed eyes, he waved a hand. “Do I at least get a hint? Where are we going anyway?”
  7. She hummed for a moment, his entire body vibrating for the same brief moment thanks to the action. “Suar Cu Corner. An, is a treat.” She said, at least divulging that little nugget of information. It didn't matter though, they were almost there anyway. Turning around and bumping the doors open with her rear, she made her way up the stairs and out of the store, straight towards her room. The place was closed for the day, Mr. and Mrs. Cake having taken the kids out for a day in the park, meaning Pinkie had the place all to herself for the day.
  9. Setting the small human down on the table she'd set up, she took a breath before looking around him. A few bowls of various confections and sweets sat alongside him on the table, all ready for what she had in mind. “Ok, you can open your eyes now!”
  11. He did so, his vision being nothing by the massive pink pony who'd brought him here. Lifting his hands in mock surprise, he chuckled. “Hooray, it's you! You're the surprise!”
  13. Pinkie giggled, ending with a little snort before shaking her head. “No you little silly. The surprise hasn't started yet. Take off your pants.” She spoke without a moment's hesitation, setting her chin down on the table in front of him.
  15. He could just slightly feel the wind rush around him as she breathed thanks to the close proximity, though his mind was on other things now. “M-My what? Pants? Um... alright then.” So her surprise was more clothes from Rarity then? It wasn't the first time she'd asked him to try on cutesy outfits for her, she'd just never been so excited about it. Slipping his jeans off and setting them aside, he raised his arms a moment before letting them fall back to his side. “Ok, they're off.”
  17. A grin showed on her face, more mischievous than her usual brand of joy. “No no.” Scooting her head closer, she lightly pocked his groin with her muzzle before pulling back. “Those ones too. We're gonna try something fun today.”
  19. Anon's face went beat red, a wave rushing through him after the poke. He swore she sniffed when she poked him too, a wave of cold air rushing over his quickly growing boner. “A-Alright. What'll I have to-”
  21. “Nothing, nothing on your part this time, it'll be all me.” She told him, nodding as she lifted her head again. He noted as he slipped his boxers off that there was something else in her expression. She was happy of course, but then she always was from what he could tell. Besides that though, there was a hunger in her eyes. It was obvious she was excited about whatever she had planned. Not just an excitement to do whatever it was, but in doing it for him.
  23. They'd been together for upwards of a year now, and they'd tried a couple of activities. Most notably, they attempted something they liked to call 'Cave Diving'. Truly an unmatched experience for both of them, but it came with some problems. Suffice to say, getting in was the easy part. Getting out provided difficulties. But in each of these new ideas they tried, she always seemed more concerned about his pleasure in the end rather than her's, and it was something he really found amazing about her.
  25. Taking a breath, he tossed his boxers onto his pants, his fully erect penis exposed before her. “And that's it. So, what now? This is your surprise after all.” He smiled lightly, waving a hand. Her was nervous, and he imagined any vigorous activities with his marefriend would leave him nervous for a long time. Just something he'd have to get used to. Still though, he was excited too, only now noticing the bowls of... something. They were a bit big for him to see over, but there were various sweet smells in the air all around him. What could she be planning?
  27. “Oooo, perfect.” Leaning her head down, she giggled again. “So cute.” Seeing him redden and look away for a moment, she lightly pecked the top of his head. “I meant you, not that, silly.” Reaching a hoof around behind him, she scooped up her exposed little boyfriend, letting him hover over one of the bowls, in particular one full of what looked like marshmallow fluff. “So, any idea what the surprise is yet?”
  29. Looking down at the bowl bellow him, having decided a long time ago not to question how he was being held, he gulped. “Not really... We're having a naked picnic?” He tried, a sheepish smile as he took a shot in the dark. Why would she need him pantsless around bowls of sweets? He got his answer though as he felt the world rush by, his lower half suddenly growing much cooler as a shiver went up his spine. This sort of feeling would come and go as he found himself being dipped into the marshmallow fluff, his lower half being generously coated in the sweet stuff. Everything immediately clicked into place, his now hidden erection growing as hard as it could get.
  31. “We're gonna combine two of my favorite things in the world together!” Pinkie said, lifting him away from the bowl. The shape of his legs were barely visible under the dessert topping, making her lick her lips. “Super sweet sweets, and you.” Looking over the choices she'd given herself, she started adding a few more things. Reaching into one bowl, she produced a few chocolate chips, placing those sporadically onto the marshmallow. Next was a drizzle of caramel, followed by another drizzle of chocolate syrup. Looking him over, his entire lower half now a delectable dessert treat, she smiled. “Hope you're ready, we're both about to get our treat.”
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