
CiaxCecilia Side Session Canon

Nov 23rd, 2010
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  1. * [Rut]Cecilia hums as she walks down the hall towards Meliel's room.
  2. <Alataecia> [That following morning, Master is still asleep but Cia and Cecilia are awake first.. Cia could not sleep at all last night due to her discovery...]
  3. * Alataecia is out in the halls, she feels very...different... colder...
  4. <[Rut]Cecilia> Hm~ Hm~... Perhaps I should prepare something for Lord Meliel first... Ah?
  5. * [Rut]Cecilia spots Alataecia. She waves.
  6. * Alataecia passes by Cecilia without a second though... all Cecilia got was a ice cold glare.
  7. <Alataecia> [*Thought.]
  8. <[Rut]Cecilia> ....
  9. * [Rut]Cecilia shivers as the feeling washes over her. She turns after her.
  10. <[Rut]Cecilia> ... Alataecia?
  11. <Alataecia> ...What?
  12. * [Rut]Cecilia finds herself stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes widen in concern.
  13. <[Rut]Cecilia> Are... are you well? There's something wrong, I can tell...
  14. <Alataecia> ...really now?....
  15. * Alataecia doesn't show her face to Cecilia at all....
  16. <[Rut]Cecilia> No... please tell me.
  17. * [Rut]Cecilia 's worry begins to show quite clearly. She takes a step closer.
  18. <Alataecia> Cease your movement... DEMON..
  19. <[Rut]Cecilia> !
  20. * [Rut]Cecilia does exactly that.
  21. <[Rut]Cecilia> Wh... I...
  22. * [Rut]Cecilia finds herself unable to speak.
  23. <Alataecia> I've...heard about you...your seven sister...all of it..
  24. <[Rut]Cecilia> Ah... I see...
  25. <[Rut]Cecilia> I-I wanted to tell you. I did. But it was just... I was wrong. I'm sorry...
  26. <Alataecia> Your...LIES....deception...all of it..
  27. * [Rut]Cecilia 's hands rise to rest over her heart. She takes another step forward.
  28. <[Rut]Cecilia> I didn't mean to hurt anyone...
  29. <Alataecia> ....Filthy lies...
  30. <Alataecia> You've....been feeding from us... for sometime now...
  31. <[Rut]Cecilia> Alataecia...
  32. <Alataecia> You have no right to use my name.
  33. <[Rut]Cecilia> I'm... I'm so sorry... A-at first I was afraid you'd turn me away. And after that, everything was... it's was 'easier' to leave it. Please forgive me...
  34. * [Rut]Cecilia sinks to her knees.
  35. <[Rut]Cecilia> Please...
  36. <Alataecia> It NEVER was that easy...
  37. <Alataecia> ...
  38. <[Rut]Cecilia> B-but this is the real me! Everything that happened was real! I couldn't fake that, even if I desired it. I never hid myself from any of you, only 'what'...
  39. * Alataecia remains silent... perhaps this is a good time think of a legit answer..
  40. <[Rut]Cecilia> T-this castle was... I had nowhere else to turn to! I was scared... scared of being sent away...
  41. <Alataecia> DID I though...?
  42. <[Rut]Cecilia> N-no... you did not... everyone has been so kind...
  43. <Alataecia> ....its been threeGOD DAMNED Months and you told me NOTHING YET.. YOU TOLD THIS TO SOMEONE NEW TO THIS HOUSE
  44. <Alataecia> .....I don't even know you anymore...
  45. * [Rut]Cecilia 's tears start to stream.
  46. <[Rut]Cecilia> No! I-it was because she was new that I could tell her! Her story... it made me remember...
  47. <[Rut]Cecilia> I... I don't know what I'd do if you were to hate me...
  48. <Alataecia> NOW you know....
  49. * [Rut]Cecilia drops down on her hands, now. A pool rapidly forms beneath her burning eyes, mixing with stands of her long hair that touched the floor.
  50. <[Rut]Cecilia> ... no... Please, don't say that...
  51. <Alataecia> Your lies... trascend what I will ever DESPISE in a person...
  52. <[Rut]Cecilia> I was a... a coward and a fool. Please, please, pleas forgive me!...
  53. * [Rut]Cecilia rises partially, on one knee. She tries to get up and approach Alataecia.
  54. <[Rut]Cecilia> [=-= third "please" needs an e.]
  55. * Alataecia shifts out a dagger with lightening speed at Cecilia, it gleams a bright silver liquid coating as some of it falls to the back of her hand.. it literally eats through your hand to the floor, leaving the floor itself with just a small stain..
  56. <Alataecia> ..CEASE..
  57. <Alataecia> [Once the liquid passes through, your wound stays open... its not healing and by now you should felt an incredible amount of pain.]
  58. * [Rut]Cecilia gasps, crumpling back to the floor, cradling her hand, now with a clean, bloody hole through it.
  59. <[Rut]Cecilia> AAAaaaaaaa... aa... Ala... cia...
  60. <Alataecia> HURTS... doesn't it?
  61. <[Rut]Cecilia> Ala... Alatae... cia...
  62. <Alataecia> WHAT IN THE HELL IS IT NOW?
  63. * [Rut]Cecilia 's breath comes in uneven spurts. Sprawled on the ground, she futilely reaches towards her friend with her uninjured hand.
  64. <[Rut]Cecilia> ... don...
  65. <Alataecia> YOU WISH TO DIE SO EAGERLY?
  66. <[Rut]Cecilia> ...don't... te...
  67. * [Rut]Cecilia 's trembling further distorts her already; neigh-inaudible tone.
  68. <Alataecia> 4I SAID STOP.
  69. * Alataecia stabs her other hand, luckily missing all the tendons.
  70. <[Rut]Cecilia> Aa...
  71. * [Rut]Cecilia sputters. The liquid was more than just alchemical silver -- it was in her blood, now. Another trickle of red escapes her lips.
  72. * Alataecia kicks Cecilia to the side.
  73. * [Rut]Cecilia rolls limply. Her eyelids flutter as she continues to mouth something.
  74. <[Rut]Cecilia> ...ase... n't... ha...
  75. <Alataecia> GET UP
  76. * [Rut]Cecilia lays motionless.
  77. <Alataecia> ...DAMN IT..
  78. * Alataecia drags her across the floor a further room away from the others so they can't hear what Alataecia is about to torment Cecilia with..
  79. <[Rut]Cecilia> .....
  80. <[Rut]Cecilia> (Please... don't hate me...)
  81. <Alataecia> [Some hours later.. you wake up on a bed not yours tied down with various demon binding ropes, all of your arms and legs are tied down.]
  82. * [Rut]Cecilia 's eyes had never closed, but some of the dullness fades. Her body shakes as a few weak coughs clear some remaining blood from her windpipes.
  83. * [Rut]Cecilia groggily looks to one side through half-closed eyes, trying to see where she is.
  84. <Alataecia> [This seems to be an unused room... you don't recognize any of the furnishing.]
  85. <Alataecia> Why... good to see you awake again..
  86. <[Rut]Cecilia> ... hh... a...
  87. * [Rut]Cecilia looks at Alataecia. With slightly parted lips and near-lifeless eyes, she looks borderline comatose.
  88. <Alataecia> [Your hands are covered in bandages, you only feel a slight dull pain where she kicked you.]
  89. <[Rut]Cecilia> ... uuh... wha...
  90. * Alataecia sighs...
  91. <Alataecia> Cecilia.. why did you take such great lengths to hide it from you...
  92. <Alataecia> [*us.]
  93. * [Rut]Cecilia 's tongue lightly touches her lips. Her breathing stabilizes a bit.
  94. <[Rut]Cecilia> ... W... eak...
  95. * [Rut]Cecilia manages to swallow and wet her throat.
  96. * Alataecia sighs and wipes off the liquid from her large dagger.
  97. <[Rut]Cecilia> ... Because... I was weak...
  98. <Alataecia> ...why did you not tell me you needed to.. feed on our emotions to survive?
  99. <[Rut]Cecilia> I didn't... it was only runoff... I...
  100. <[Rut]Cecilia> I wouldn't hurt you.
  101. <Alataecia> did.
  102. <Alataecia> By not telling me what was wrong.
  103. * [Rut]Cecilia was silent for a moment.
  104. <[Rut]Cecilia> Yes... That's true...
  105. <[Rut]Cecilia> [=-= is silent*]
  106. <[Rut]Cecilia> Each... and every one of you...
  107. * [Rut]Cecilia 's face is expressionless, but tears begin to roll down her cheeks again.
  108. <Alataecia> ...
  109. <Alataecia> Your tears, they do not work on me...
  110. * [Rut]Cecilia manages... to smile?
  111. <[Rut]Cecilia> Ha...ha... I see that...
  112. <Alataecia> So... again...
  113. * Alataecia relax a bit...
  114. <Alataecia> What are you?...where are you from?
  115. <[Rut]Cecilia> My name is Cecilia... daughter of Asmodeus... Lord of Nessus... Prince of Lust...
  116. * [Rut]Cecilia further steadies her breath, finding a rhythm.
  117. <[Rut]Cecilia> My mother... Lilith... the first human to leave the garden...
  118. <[Rut]Cecilia> I-I am...
  119. * Alataecia nods.
  120. * [Rut]Cecilia swallows to wet her mouth again.
  121. <[Rut]Cecilia> ... the sixth... of the Seven Sisters... ascended lilin... succubi...
  122. <Alataecia> ..a Succubi huh...
  123. <Alataecia> That.. explains that earlier...
  124. * [Rut]Cecilia becomes short of breath and pauses, looking at Alataecia expectantly.
  125. <Alataecia> It... was.. too calm yesterday...
  126. <[Rut]Cecilia> ...
  127. * [Rut]Cecilia 's eyebrows raise a little. She doesn't know what Alataecia means.
  128. <Alataecia> You.. don't remember being with Master Meliel last night?
  129. <[Rut]Cecilia> Ah...
  130. * [Rut]Cecilia looks sorrowful.
  131. <[Rut]Cecilia> So... it did slip out...
  132. <[Rut]Cecilia> Feedback... alters free will... it is... something I try to avoid...
  133. <Alataecia> And then your fellatio with the fork and or spo---
  134. * Alataecia shuts her mouth on that note.
  135. * [Rut]Cecilia laughs, which quickly devolves into a coughing fit.
  136. <Alataecia> It's.. why I left the room immediately.
  137. <Alataecia> ...
  138. <[Rut]Cecilia> Yes... that, too.
  139. <[Rut]Cecilia> ...Well... not exactly... it's how I eat~.
  140. <Alataecia> It's in your blood as a succubi huh?...
  141. * [Rut]Cecilia seems to be able to smile her usual way, though she still seems quite weak from the poisoning.
  142. <[Rut]Cecilia> No... just me.
  143. <Alataecia> ...
  144. * Alataecia shakes her head..
  145. <Alataecia> So...about feeding off of emotions..
  146. <Alataecia> How does that work?.. from the...standard method your kind uses?..
  147. * [Rut]Cecilia tilts her head as far as the restraints will allow.
  148. <[Rut]Cecilia> Standard methods...?
  149. <Alataecia> Sex.
  150. <[Rut]Cecilia> No... any contact... visual, verbal... physical touch or proximity...
  151. <[Rut]Cecilia> More extreme forms... baleful siphoning... sensory theft... requires stronger forms of contact...
  152. <Alataecia> ...either way.. how does this.. work then?
  153. <Alataecia> You just simply.. "siphon" our emitting emotions from thin air?...
  154. * [Rut]Cecilia 's smile fades...
  155. <[Rut]Cecilia> ... Don't be alarmed, but... it is happening now...
  156. <Alataecia> ....
  157. * Alataecia readies a potion..
  158. <Alataecia> ...I will not afford the same mistake again..
  159. <[Rut]Cecilia> ...
  160. * [Rut]Cecilia only looks at Alataecia. She makes eye contact, but Alataecia feels no otherworldly forces at work. She merely waits...
  161. <Alataecia> ....if I should so feel.. anything being taken from me without my permission..
  162. <[Rut]Cecilia> ... for the best...
  163. * [Rut]Cecilia agrees.
  164. <Alataecia> ....
  165. * Alataecia sighs and walks over.
  166. <Alataecia>
  167. * Alataecia still has the potion in hand.
  168. * [Rut]Cecilia continues to watch Alataecia for a short while. Her eyes shut...
  169. * Alataecia opens the bottle...
  170. <Alataecia> [You can hear that top come off...]
  171. * [Rut]Cecilia doesn't move. She looks peaceful, but... "tired".
  172. <Alataecia> [You hear the sound of a bottle being chugged..]
  173. <[Rut]Cecilia> ...
  174. <Alataecia> ...blegh... needs more flavor.
  175. * Alataecia puts it back on the table with a clang.
  176. * [Rut]Cecilia doesn't stir. She really did fall asleep instantly.
  177. * Alataecia shakes Cecilia awake.
  178. <[Rut]Cecilia> Ngh...
  179. <Alataecia> I'm not done yet...
  180. * [Rut]Cecilia nods.
  181. <Alataecia> ...are you awake now?
  182. <[Rut]Cecilia> Yes...
  183. <Alataecia> are fine...with... taking
  184. <Alataecia> WIll this affect me in any way?
  185. <[Rut]Cecilia> No... I wouldn't have come if I were not sure...
  186. * Alataecia nods.
  187. <Alataecia> And how about... your other method?
  188. <[Rut]Cecilia> I can control it... There is no danger.
  189. <Alataecia> ..well..
  190. <Alataecia> It is you...after all..
  191. <Alataecia> but...if you need...that kind of energy..
  192. <Alataecia> Make sure to ask first..
  193. <[Rut]Cecilia> Hah...
  194. <Alataecia> Or ask me first.. should you call for it.
  195. <[Rut]Cecilia> I will remember...
  196. <Alataecia> I would not mind being the sole provider should it save the others trouble.
  197. <[Rut]Cecilia> T-that's...
  198. * [Rut]Cecilia has regained enough bloodflow to redden slightly.
  199. <[Rut]Cecilia> Ahaha... I-it's not like that... but thank you...
  200. <Alataecia> Though... on that note..
  201. * Alataecia looks at Cecilia.
  202. <[Rut]Cecilia> ?
  203. <Alataecia> I wonder how I bring out your succubi side..
  204. <[Rut]Cecilia> What??
  205. * Alataecia ponders on it and gets on top of Cecilia, straddling her.
  206. <[Rut]Cecilia> Ah...
  207. * Sublimia is now known as huh
  208. <Alataecia> I take it you'll transform when aroused enough..
  209. * Alataecia places one of her hands, resting on Cecilia's right breast.
  210. * [Rut]Cecilia 's weakened breathing rapidly grows stronger. Alataecia can feel Cecilia pushing up against her hand as her chest begins to rise and fall.
  211. <[Rut]Cecilia> Aah... t-that's not...
  212. * Alataecia squeezes it curiously...hmm..
  213. <Alataecia> Firm...but soft to the touch....
  214. <[Rut]Cecilia> Mmm! A...Ala...
  215. <Alataecia> ..yes?
  216. * [Rut]Cecilia looks up pleadingly, still heaving. -What- she's pleading for is not so easy to discern.
  217. <Alataecia>'ll have to speak up.
  218. * [Rut]Cecilia 's body squirms beneath Alataecia, pressuring up into her.
  219. * Alataecia lightly gasp..
  220. <Alataecia> haah.
  221. <Alataecia> C-cecilia.. s-speak...!...
  222. <[Rut]Cecilia> ... closer...
  223. * Alataecia comes closer...
  224. * [Rut]Cecilia 's face is now fully flushed. Alataecia can feel the warmth of her breath as she leans in. Cecilia licks her lips, parting them slightly, and gazes into Alataecia's eyes. There was little else to be said.
  225. <Alataecia> ....
  226. <Alataecia> [...and so... whatever happened that morning... stay there...]
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