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May 4th, 2015
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  1. [01:13:17] Fzyx StarPuncher > nope its owers
  2. [01:21:57] Fzyx StarPuncher > its a nice station huh guys?
  3. [01:22:23] Unknown Emotions > <url=showinfo:1373//91535705>Fzyx StarPuncher</url> we fit in perfectly jsut like how we do with ur mother =]
  4. [01:22:25] Fzyx StarPuncher > welded on the arm things my self
  5. [01:22:47] Fzyx StarPuncher > like fucking corpses hmm?
  6. [01:22:55] Unknown Emotions > easier 2 warm
  7. [01:23:05] Unknown Emotions > little lotion and a heat pad
  8. [01:23:22] Fzyx StarPuncher > same thing you do to your fleshlight right?
  9. [01:23:44] Unknown Emotions > was that 2 be flashlight?
  10. [01:23:53] Fzyx StarPuncher > nope
  11. [01:24:14] Fzyx StarPuncher > flesh light you know the fake pussys
  12. [01:24:31] Fzyx StarPuncher > kinda like yall
  13. [01:24:36] Unknown Emotions > never heard of it i prefer the real thing
  14. [01:24:50] Unknown Emotions > u should step out of base
  15. [01:24:56] Unknown Emotions > talk smack with ur guns
  16. [01:25:15] Fzyx StarPuncher > all i got in here is a drake with 7 launchers
  17. [01:25:25] Unknown Emotions > "If you aren't dieing alot you ain't playing EVE right"
  18. [01:25:52] Fzyx StarPuncher > yeah dieing on a jew toon is for noodz dog
  19. [01:26:02] Fzyx StarPuncher > noobz* lol
  20. [01:26:15] Unknown Emotions > dieing is how u learn
  21. [01:26:49] Kula wise > A person who has never died in eve is a person who does not play eve
  22. [01:40:42] KlimachRus > oh fuck
  23. [01:40:50] KlimachRus > gf lol
  24. [01:42:59] Zzed Zepher > gf sir
  25. [01:44:37] Dredd Trald > <url=showinfo:18710>Centii A-Type Adaptive Nano Plating</url>
  26. [01:44:41] Dredd Trald > nice fiting
  27. [01:49:45] M1k3y Koontz > AAAHHHH LOL
  28. [01:49:49] M1k3y Koontz > WORTH IT
  29. [01:52:05] M1k3y Koontz > i'm to pretty to die twice!
  30. [01:54:08] M1k3y Koontz > booo
  31. [01:54:12] Steve-o SWD > o/
  32. [01:54:19] Banthi Usoko > cowards lol
  33. [01:54:23] Elisha Habah > No no no
  34. [01:54:25] Elisha Habah > Giant
  35. [01:54:26] Elisha Habah > Pussies.
  36. [01:54:36] M1k3y Koontz > we need a great funeral pyre
  37. [01:57:34] Banthi Usoko > lol
  38. [01:57:35] M1k3y Koontz > phreak, one of htem's a bit slutty
  39. [01:57:36] M1k3y Koontz > i forgot who
  40. [01:57:43] Scoobssavvy Ellecon > O/
  41. [01:58:08] M1k3y Koontz > thats the one
  42. [01:58:25] phreak42x > helllllo legs breast lips and ass
  43. [02:03:22] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : NK-7XO
  44. [02:05:05] Banthi Usoko > gf
  45. [02:05:14] Banthi Usoko > gudfites
  46. [02:05:18] Scoobssavvy Ellecon > :*
  47. [02:05:22] Scoobssavvy Ellecon > luv you
  48. [02:05:26] Steve-o SWD > gf o/
  49. [02:05:34] triplleboy > gf
  50. [02:05:35] Bathos Thorn > gf
  51. [02:05:35] Ulracs > gf
  52. [02:05:36] hollywood118921 > gf
  53. [02:05:36] DeLaney Erkkinen > gf
  54. [02:05:36] huntsman hobbit > gf
  55. [02:05:37] Sempii > gf
  56. [02:05:40] Nyoris > gf
  57. [02:05:41] Vinethkay > gf
  58. [02:05:41] Nostradoomass > gf
  59. [02:05:43] Umbriah Balfour > gf
  60. [02:05:45] Darth Plaguiss > gf
  61. [02:05:47] Zzed Zepher > Great fight thanks for the lessoon lol
  62. [02:05:47] Zekii > gf
  63. [02:05:47] Col Spinks > gf
  64. [02:05:51] Elisha Habah > gf
  65. [02:05:53] M1k3y Koontz > gf
  66. [02:05:54] Darth Plaguiss > Can you guys fuck off now? I just wanna go back to deployment :(
  67. [02:05:55] Ica'rus > Welcome back to NDQ
  68. [02:05:56] Wesley Antollare > gf
  69. [02:06:06] Elisha Habah > <url=showinfo:1373//90398341>Darth Plaguiss</url> means he wants to go back to jewing
  70. [02:06:07] Elisha Habah > he hates pvp
  71. [02:06:24] M1k3y Koontz > they deployed to fountain JUST to carebear
  72. [02:06:30] Elisha Habah > yep
  73. [02:06:34] M1k3y Koontz > baddies
  74. [02:06:36] M1k3y Koontz > lol
  75. [02:07:52] triplleboy > <url=showinfo:1377//90398341>Darth Plaguiss</url> Fuckoff
  76. [02:07:53] Bathos Thorn > <url=showinfo:1377//90398341>Darth Plaguiss</url> fuck off
  77. [02:07:53] Steve-o SWD > <url=showinfo:1377//90398341>Darth Plaguiss</url> FUCK OFF
  78. [02:07:54] Ulracs > <url=showinfo:1377//90398341>Darth Plaguiss</url> fuckoff
  79. [02:07:58] Sussi Pusy Lollipop > WTF
  80. [02:07:58] hollywood118921 > <url=showinfo:1377//90398341>Darth Plaguiss</url> fuck off
  81. [02:07:58] Nostradoomass > <url=showinfo:1373//90398341>Darth Plaguiss</url> fuck off
  82. [02:07:59] Vinethkay > <url=showinfo:1377//90398341>Darth Plaguiss</url> hahahhahahha
  83. [02:08:00] Speer > whoa, so angry
  84. [02:08:04] M1k3y Koontz > lol
  85. [02:08:06] Ica'rus > SO mad
  86. [02:08:06] triplleboy > lol
  87. [02:08:07] Dredd Valax > <url=showinfo:1377//90398341>Darth Plaguiss</url> fuck off haha, yall done, capin up time
  88. [02:08:10] Elisha Habah > yea
  89. [02:08:12] Elisha Habah > FUCK YOU DARTH
  90. [02:08:15] Col Spinks > <url=showinfo:1377//90398341>Darth Plaguiss</url> LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLZ so sad.
  91. [02:08:16] Will Arji > <url=showinfo:1373//90398341>Darth Plaguiss</url> fuck off
  92. [02:08:17] Nostradoomass > go do wht your going to do
  93. [02:08:22] Anarchy Rise > LOUD NOISES
  94. [02:08:23] Monscara Macato > ohhh gonna cry
  95. [02:08:27] Speer > BOW CHICKA BOW WOW
  96. [02:08:52] Anarchy Rise > IF YOU WANT NAGA GONE, SEND ISK TO ANARCHY RISE
  97. [02:08:58] M1k3y Koontz > <url=showinfo:12052//1018096391099>10MN Microwarpdrive I</url> thats just awful
  98. [02:08:59] Elisha Habah > FUCK ANARCHY
  99. [02:09:01] Elisha Habah > SEND IT TO ME
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