

Jun 16th, 2012
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  2. >run fluffy milk factory in your garage
  3. >fluff ponies themselves are mostly worthless
  4. >only rare colourings can be sold for a profit
  5. >but the mares create a lot of milk when pregnant
  6. >fluffy foals need a lot of nutrients to allow the part of the fluffy brain that controls linguistics to develop
  7. >this is what causes the dams to swell to such large sizes
  9. >you enter your garage, and the smell of fluffy shit assaults your nostrils
  10. >you may have been running this milking operation a long time, but you still aren't used to that smell
  11. >you flick on the light switch, and are greeted by a familiar sight
  12. >long rows of small metal wire cages stretch along the garage walls, each with a fluffy pony inside
  13. >the fluffy ponies are suspended from the roof of their cages by string or wire
  14. >milking and feeding tubes extend down from the roof and into the cages
  15. >the milking tubes, unsurprisingly, are attached to the mares teats
  16. >a steady trickle of the white gold is carried skywards into the metal tubes overhead, it's final destination a large industrial fridge
  17. >the feeding tubes carry high nutrient watery mush down the throats of the mares 3 times a day
  18. >it's no doubt disgusting - not that the mares care anymore
  19. >the ones who have feeding tubes attached to them have vacant looks on their eyes
  20. >they have been broken
  21. >the ones who haven't are quick to make you aware of this fact
  22. >"please…please wet mumma fwuffy go…" "meanie fings take miwk…need milk for babies" "miwky peace hurt…" their strained voices manage to force pleads between sobs
  23. >the cages that house unbroken fluffies have red tags attached to them
  24. >unbroken fluffies don't take the feeding tubes well, most try to choke themselves
  25. >either because they can foresee no escape is possible, or simply because the food is so foul
  26. >you learnt that lesson early on in your career
  28. >you make your rounds of the cages
  29. >set underneath each cage is a metal tray
  30. >most only contain a some goopy droppings
  31. >some of the mares have foaled in the night, dead and barely living foals float around in the fecal matter
  32. >the mares who have foaled get their cages pinned with a yellow tag, marking them for re-fertilization
  33. >the trays contents get dumped into compost bin all the same
  34. >the unbroken fluffies are spoon-fed fluffy chow and leftovers - they complain profusely but a strong whack to the nose quells any thoughts of being able to retaliate
  35. >the fact that they can't move helps too
  36. >you reach the last of the mares, she had a collar when you found her in the herd, babbling about "daddah"
  37. >you've been nice to her the last few days to help with the breaking
  38. >"Hello fluffy, have you found a good hiding spot?
  39. >"Hewwo mistah! Jiwwy fin' weawy good hidey pwace! Wook!"
  40. >the fluffball closes her eyes tight
  41. >"Hello? Fluffy? Where have you gone? I can't find you…" you play along, all part of the plan
  42. >"SUPWISE, I HEWE!" the pony chirps up as she opens her eyes
  43. >"Wow! That really is a good hiding spot! I'm sure your daddy will love his surprise - intact, i think i hear him coming now! You better hide quick."
  44. >The mare obliges and shuts her eyes tightly - "Jiwwy no come out of hide pwace till daddah hewe!"
  45. >You cut off a piece of duct tape from a roll in your pocket, and lightly place it over the mare's eyes, before petting it down under the guise of petting her head
  46. >You walk over to the door, open and close it, and then make plod your feet down heavily
  47. >hoping the mare doesn't remember how her previous owner sounded too well, you put on your most generic sounding voice and utter...
  49. >Be fluffy pony
  50. >You aren't very good at remembering things, but you remember you had a daddah
  51. >the man who rescued you from the mean fluffies said your daddah is coming soon so you're hiding so that you can surprise daddy!
  52. >"Jilly? I've come to take you home! Where are you my darling?"
  53. >"SUPWISE DADDAH!" you shout!
  54. >…somethings wrong! you can't see daddy?
  55. >oh, you must still be hiding
  56. >you try to remember how you stopped hiding before
  57. >ah, you remember, you just opened your looky things!
  58. >"SUPWISE DADDAH!" you shout again, this time you're sure you get out of the hidey place
  59. >but…but you still can't see daddy! What's going on? You must be stuck!
  60. >"Daddah hewp! Jiwwy stuck in hidey place! Wan see yuu! Wan see!"
  61. >"Jilly, are you here?" Daddy calls out to you again, it's good to hear his voice, but he sounds worried
  62. >"Daddah Jiwwy stuck! P'ease hewp!" you're sure daddy will help you, he must not have heard you the first time
  63. >"Hmm, Jilly must not be here, i guess i'll just get a new fluffy instead."
  64. >"w…what? NUUUUU! DADDAH COME BACK!" you shout out to daddy
  65. >You're right here! Why can't he see you?
  66. >"Oh well, i didn't really love Jilly anyway. Guess i'll leave"
  67. >Daddy…daddy didn't love you?
  69. >you hear him walking away…he never loved you…
  70. >never loved you…
  71. >never loved…
  73. >You finish your charade, and walk back to Jilly, removing her duct tape blind fold
  74. >no yelp of pain, so far so good
  75. >a quick lift of her eyelids confirms that you've been succesful
  76. >they are unfocused, tears stream from her eyes in an endless torrent of pure misery
  77. >she is broken, and has retreated utterly inside her own mind
  78. >some would call what you'd do cruel, say that you could just use a taser to turn them mindless
  79. >they're completely correct, ofcourse
  80. >you fit your new milk-mare with her feeding tube, she'll be ready to be milked in about a week
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