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- Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
- '
- '
- 'Created By Marvinn (HF)
- 'Need Any help feel free to mail/pm me (
- 'Please give propper credits!
- '11/5/2011 22:30 (Dutch/Netherlands)
- '
- '
- Public Class CypherxButton
- Inherits Control
- Sub New()
- Font = New Font("Arial", 8)
- ForeColor = Color.White
- End Sub
- Private Enum State
- MouseDown
- MouseEnter
- MouseLeft
- End Enum
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseLeave(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
- MouseState = State.MouseLeft
- Invalidate()
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseEnter(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
- MouseState = State.MouseEnter
- Invalidate()
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseClick(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
- MouseState = State.MouseLeft
- Invalidate()
- MyBase.OnMouseClick(e)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseUp(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
- Invalidate()
- End Sub
- Dim MouseState As State = State.MouseLeft
- Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
- Using b As New Bitmap(Width, Height)
- Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(b)
- Dim OuterR As New Rectangle(0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1)
- Dim InnerR As New Rectangle(1, 1, Width - 3, Height - 3)
- Dim UpHalf As New Rectangle(2, 2, Width - 3, (Height - 1) / 2)
- Dim DownHalf As New Rectangle(2, (Height - 1) / 2, Width - 3, (Height - 1) / 2)
- Select Case MouseState
- Case State.MouseLeft
- Draw.Gradient(g, Color.FromArgb(88, 79, 72), Color.FromArgb(76, 69, 61), UpHalf)
- Draw.Gradient(g, Color.FromArgb(56, 46, 36), Color.FromArgb(66, 56, 46), DownHalf)
- g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, OuterR)
- g.DrawRectangle(New Pen(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(75, 66, 60))), InnerR)
- ForeColor = Color.White
- Case State.MouseEnter
- Draw.Gradient(g, Color.FromArgb(234, 236, 241), Color.FromArgb(215, 219, 225), UpHalf)
- Draw.Gradient(g, Color.FromArgb(189, 193, 198), Color.FromArgb(195, 198, 201), DownHalf)
- ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(23, 32, 37)
- End Select
- Dim S As SizeF = g.MeasureString(Text, Font)
- g.DrawString(Text, Font, New SolidBrush(ForeColor), CInt(Width / 2 - S.Width / 2), CInt(Height / 2 - S.Height / 2))
- e.Graphics.DrawImage(b.Clone, 0, 0)
- End Using
- End Using
- MyBase.OnPaint(e)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnPaintBackground(ByVal pevent As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
- End Sub
- End Class
- Public Class CypherxTheme
- Inherits Control
- Dim Bgimagee As Bitmap
- Protected Overrides Sub OnHandleCreated(ByVal e As EventArgs)
- Dock = DockStyle.Fill
- Bgimagee = CreateBg()
- If TypeOf Parent Is Form Then
- With DirectCast(Parent, Form)
- .FormBorderStyle = 0
- .BackColor = Color.FromArgb(25, 18, 12)
- .ForeColor = Color.White
- .Font = New Font("Arial", 8)
- _Icon = .Icon
- .Text = Text
- DoubleBuffered = True
- .BackgroundImage = Bgimagee
- BackgroundImage = Bgimagee
- End With
- End If
- MyBase.OnHandleCreated(e)
- End Sub
- Dim Balk As New Rectangle(4, 4, Width - 8, 27)
- Function CreateBg() As Bitmap
- Using b As New Bitmap(Width, Height)
- Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(b)
- Dim P1 As Color = Color.FromArgb(29, 25, 22)
- Dim P2 As Color = Color.FromArgb(35, 31, 28)
- For y As Integer = 0 To Height Step 4
- For x As Integer = 3 To Width Step 4
- g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(P1), New Rectangle(x, y, 1, 1))
- g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(P2), New Rectangle(x, y + 1, 1, 1))
- Try
- g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(P1), New Rectangle(x + 2, y + 2, 1, 1))
- g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(P2), New Rectangle(x + 2, y + 3, 1, 1))
- Catch
- End Try
- Next
- Next
- Return b.Clone
- End Using
- End Using
- End Function
- Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
- Using b As New Bitmap(Width, Height)
- Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(b)
- g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(25, 18, 12)), New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height))
- Dim P1 As Color = Color.FromArgb(29, 25, 22)
- Dim P2 As Color = Color.FromArgb(35, 31, 28)
- If Not Bgimagee.Equals(Nothing) Then
- g.DrawImage(Bgimagee, 0, 0)
- End If
- g.DrawRectangle(New Pen(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(15, 10, 5))), New Rectangle(0, 0, Width - 2, Height - 1))
- g.DrawRectangle(New Pen(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(55, 45, 35))), New Rectangle(1, 1, Width - 3, Height - 3))
- g.DrawRectangle(New Pen(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(75, 70, 65)), 2), New Rectangle(3, 3, Width - 6, Height - 6))
- Dim BovenHelftBalk As New Rectangle(4, 4, Width - 8, CInt(27 / 2))
- Dim OnderHelftBalk As New Rectangle(4, CInt(27 / 2) + 2, Width - 8, CInt(27 / 2))
- g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(200, Color.FromArgb(75, 70, 65))), BovenHelftBalk)
- g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(230, P2)), OnderHelftBalk)
- g.DrawImage(ResizeIcon, New Rectangle(10, 10, 16, 16))
- Dim S = g.MeasureString(Text, Font)
- g.DrawString(Text, New Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Bold), New SolidBrush(ForeColor), 36, 10)
- Dim MinimizeRec As New Rectangle(Width - 32, 16, 9, 5)
- If Minibox Then
- Select Case EnteredMinimize
- Case True
- g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, MinimizeRec)
- g.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, Color.Black), 1), MinimizeRec)
- Case False
- g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, Color.White)), MinimizeRec)
- g.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(150, Color.Black), 1), MinimizeRec)
- End Select
- End If
- Select Case EntredClose
- Case True
- g.DrawString("x", New Font("Arial", 13, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.White, Width - 20, 5)
- Case False
- g.DrawString("x", New Font("Arial", 13, FontStyle.Bold), New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, Color.White)), Width - 20, 5)
- End Select
- e.Graphics.DrawImage(b, 0, 0)
- End Using
- End Using
- MyBase.OnPaint(e)
- End Sub
- Dim EnteredMinimize As Boolean = False
- Dim EntredClose As Boolean = False
- Function ResizeIcon() As Bitmap
- Dim TempIcon As Icon = Icon
- Dim TempBitmap As Bitmap = New Bitmap(32, 32)
- Dim BitmapGraphic As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(TempBitmap)
- Dim XPos, YPos As Integer
- XPos = (TempBitmap.Width - TempIcon.Width) \ 2
- YPos = (TempBitmap.Height - TempIcon.Height) \ 2
- BitmapGraphic.DrawIcon(TempIcon, New Rectangle(XPos, YPos, TempIcon.Width, TempIcon.Height))
- Return TempBitmap
- End Function
- Dim _Icon As Icon
- Public Property Icon As Icon
- Get
- Return _Icon
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Icon)
- _Icon = value
- If TypeOf Parent Is Form Then
- With DirectCast(Parent, Form)
- .Icon = value
- _Icon = value
- Invalidate()
- End With
- End If
- End Set
- End Property
- Dim FadingOut As Boolean = True
- ' <summary>
- ' This boolean indicates the use of the Fade Out Effect on close
- ' </summary>
- Public Property UseFadeOut As Boolean
- Get
- Return FadingOut
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
- FadingOut = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Dim Minibox As Boolean = True
- Public Property MinimizeBox As Boolean
- Get
- Return Minibox
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
- Minibox = value
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- #Region " Global Variables "
- Dim Point As New Point()
- Dim X, Y As Integer
- #End Region
- #Region " GUI "
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseMove(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
- Dim Last As Boolean = EnteredMinimize
- Dim MinimizeRec As New Rectangle(Width - 32, 16, 9, 5)
- If MinimizeRec.Contains(e.Location) Then
- EnteredMinimize = True
- Else
- EnteredMinimize = False
- End If
- If Not Last = EnteredMinimize Then
- Invalidate()
- End If
- Last = EntredClose
- Dim CloseRec As New Rectangle(Width - 20, 5, 16, 16)
- If CloseRec.Contains(e.Location) Then
- EntredClose = True
- Else
- EntredClose = False
- End If
- If Not Last = EntredClose Then
- Invalidate()
- End If
- If TypeOf Parent Is Form Then
- With DirectCast(Parent, Form)
- If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left And e.Location.X < Width And e.Location.Y < Balk.Height Then
- Point = Control.MousePosition
- Point.X = Point.X - (X)
- Point.Y = Point.Y - (Y)
- .Location = Point
- End If
- End With
- End If
- MyBase.OnMouseMove(e)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
- If TypeOf Parent Is Form Then
- With DirectCast(Parent, Form)
- X = Control.MousePosition.X - .Location.X
- Y = Control.MousePosition.Y - .Location.Y
- End With
- End If
- Dim MinimizeRec As New Rectangle(Width - 32, 16, 9, 5)
- If MinimizeRec.Contains(e.Location) Then
- If TypeOf Parent Is Form Then
- With DirectCast(Parent, Form)
- .WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized
- End With
- End If
- End If
- Dim CloseRec As New Rectangle(Width - 20, 5, 16, 16)
- If CloseRec.Contains(e.Location) Then
- If TypeOf Parent Is Form Then
- With DirectCast(Parent, Form)
- If FadingOut Then FadeOut()
- .Close()
- End With
- End If
- End If
- MyBase.OnMouseDown(e)
- End Sub
- #End Region
- Function FadeOut()
- If TypeOf Parent Is Form Then
- With DirectCast(Parent, Form)
- For i As Double = 1 To 0.0 Step -0.1
- .Opacity = i
- Threading.Thread.Sleep(50)
- Next
- End With
- End If
- Return True
- End Function
- End Class
- Public Class CypherxLabel
- Inherits Label
- Sub New()
- Font = New Font("Arial", 8)
- ForeColor = Color.White
- BackColor = Color.Transparent
- End Sub
- End Class
- Public Class CyperxProgressbar
- Inherits Control
- Sub New()
- Font = New Font("Arial", 8)
- ForeColor = Color.White
- End Sub
- Dim _UseColor As Boolean = False
- Public Property Colorize As Boolean
- Get
- Return _UseColor
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
- _UseColor = value
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Dim Perc As Double = 0
- Public ReadOnly Property Percentage As Double
- Get
- Return Perc
- End Get
- End Property
- Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
- Using b As New Bitmap(Width, Height)
- Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(b)
- Dim WholeR As New Rectangle(0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1)
- Draw.Gradient(g, _Lightcolor, _DarkColor, WholeR)
- g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, WholeR)
- Dim OneProcent As Double = Maximum / 100
- Dim ProgressProcent As Integer = _Progress / OneProcent
- Console.WriteLine(ProgressProcent)
- Dim ProgressRec As New Rectangle(2, 2, CInt((Width - 4) * (ProgressProcent * 0.01)), Height - 4)
- Perc = _Progress / (Maximum / 100)
- Select Case _UseColor
- Case False
- g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, Color.Black)), ProgressRec)
- Case True
- Dim Drawcolor As Color = Color.FromArgb(150, 255 - 2 * ProgressProcent, (1.7 * ProgressProcent), 0)
- g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(50, Drawcolor)), ProgressRec)
- End Select
- If Showt Then g.DrawString(Text, Font, New SolidBrush(ForeColor), New Point(3, 4))
- e.Graphics.DrawImage(b, 0, 0)
- End Using
- End Using
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnPaintBackground(ByVal pevent As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
- End Sub
- #Region " Properties "
- Dim Showt As Boolean = True
- Public Property ShowText As Boolean
- Get
- Return Showt
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
- Showt = value
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _Maximum As Double = 100
- Public Property Maximum() As Double
- Get
- Return _Maximum
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Double)
- _Maximum = value
- value = _Current / value * 100
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _Current As Double
- Public Property Current() As Double
- Get
- Return _Current
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Double)
- _Current = value
- value = value / _Maximum * 100
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Private _Progress As Integer
- Public Property Value() As Double
- Get
- Return _Progress
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Double)
- If value < 0 Then value = 0 Else If value > Maximum Then value = Maximum
- _Progress = CInt(value)
- _Current = value * 0.01 * _Maximum
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Public Property DarkColor As Color
- Get
- Return _DarkColor
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Color)
- _DarkColor = value
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Public Property Lightcolor() As Color
- Get
- Return _Lightcolor
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Color)
- _Lightcolor = value
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- #End Region
- #Region " Colors "
- Dim _Lightcolor As Color = Color.FromArgb(65, 55, 45)
- Dim _DarkColor = Color.FromArgb(75, 70, 65)
- #End Region
- End Class
- Public Class CyperxTextbox
- Inherits Control
- Dim Stroke As Color = Color.FromArgb(80, 71, 62)
- Dim Bg As Color = Color.FromArgb(67, 60, 53)
- Dim tbox As TextBox
- Sub New()
- Me.Text = ""
- tbox = Nothing
- tbox = New TextBox
- tbox.Text = Text
- tbox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
- tbox.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(25, 18, 12)
- tbox.Location = New Point(3, 4)
- tbox.Width = Width - 7
- tbox.Font = Font
- tbox.UseSystemPasswordChar = Pwbox
- tbox.ForeColor = Color.White
- Me.Controls.Add(tbox)
- AddHandler tbox.TextChanged, Sub() TextChange()
- End Sub
- Dim Pwbox As Boolean = False
- Dim DrawRounded As Boolean = True
- Public Property Rounded As Boolean
- Get
- Return DrawRounded
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
- DrawRounded = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Public Property UseSystemPasswordChar As Boolean
- Get
- Return Pwbox
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
- Pwbox = value
- tbox = Nothing
- tbox = New TextBox
- tbox.Text = Text
- tbox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
- tbox.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(25, 18, 12)
- tbox.Location = New Point(3, 4)
- tbox.Width = Width - 7
- tbox.Font = Font
- tbox.UseSystemPasswordChar = Pwbox
- tbox.ForeColor = Color.White
- Me.Controls.Add(tbox)
- AddHandler tbox.TextChanged, Sub() TextChange()
- End Set
- End Property
- Protected Overrides Sub OnHandleCreated(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
- tbox = New TextBox
- tbox.Text = Text
- tbox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
- tbox.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(25, 18, 12)
- tbox.Location = New Point(3, 4)
- tbox.Width = Width - 7
- tbox.Font = Font
- tbox.UseSystemPasswordChar = Pwbox
- tbox.ForeColor = Color.White
- Me.Controls.Add(tbox)
- AddHandler tbox.TextChanged, Sub() TextChange()
- MyBase.OnHandleCreated(e)
- End Sub
- Private Sub TextChange()
- Me.Text = tbox.Text
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
- Using b As New Bitmap(Width, Height)
- Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(b)
- g.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(25, 18, 12)), New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height))
- If DrawRounded Then
- Dim Outline As GraphicsPath = Draw.RoundedRectangle(0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1, 10, 1)
- g.DrawPath(New Pen(Stroke), Outline)
- Else
- Dim rec As New Rectangle(0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1)
- g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(25, 18, 12)), rec)
- g.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Stroke), rec)
- End If
- e.Graphics.DrawImage(b, 0, 0)
- End Using
- End Using
- MyBase.OnPaint(e)
- End Sub
- End Class
- Public Class CypherxGroupBox
- Inherits Panel
- Dim Stroke As Color = Color.FromArgb(80, 71, 62)
- Sub New()
- BackColor = Color.Transparent
- End Sub
- Dim _t As String = ""
- Public Property Header As String
- Get
- Return _t
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- _t = value
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
- Using b As New Bitmap(Width, Height)
- Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(b)
- Dim M As SizeF = g.MeasureString(_t, font)
- Dim Outline As GraphicsPath = Draw.RoundedRectangle(0, M.Height / 2, Width - 1, Height - 1, 10, 1)
- g.Clear(BackColor)
- g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(25, 18, 12)), New Rectangle(0, M.Height / 2, Width - 1, Height - 1))
- g.DrawPath(New Pen(Stroke), Outline)
- g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(25, 18, 12)), New Rectangle(10, (M.Height / 2) - 2, M.Width + 10, M.Height))
- g.DrawString(_t, Font, New SolidBrush(Stroke), 12, 2)
- e.Graphics.DrawImage(b, 0, 0)
- End Using
- End Using
- MyBase.OnPaint(e)
- End Sub
- End Class
- Public Class CyperxSeperator
- Inherits Control
- Sub New()
- If TypeOf Parent Is CypherxTheme Then
- With DirectCast(Parent, CypherxTheme)
- BackgroundImage = .BackgroundImage
- End With
- End If
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnPaintBackground(ByVal pevent As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
- Using b As New Bitmap(Width, Height)
- Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(b)
- g.Clear(BackColor)
- Dim P1 As Color = Color.FromArgb(29, 25, 22)
- Dim P2 As Color = Color.FromArgb(80, 71, 62)
- g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(25, 18, 12)), New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height))
- If D Then Draw.BackGround(Width, Height, g)
- Dim GRec As New Rectangle(0, Height / 2, Width / 5, 2)
- Using GBrush As LinearGradientBrush = New LinearGradientBrush(grec, Color.Transparent, P2, LinearGradientMode.Horizontal)
- g.FillRectangle(GBrush, GRec)
- End Using
- g.DrawLine(New Pen(P2, 2), New Point(GRec.Width, GRec.Y + 1), New Point(Width - GRec.Width + 1, GRec.Y + 1))
- GRec = New Rectangle(Width - (Width / 5), Height / 2, Width / 5, 2)
- Using GBrush As LinearGradientBrush = New LinearGradientBrush(GRec, P2, Color.Transparent, LinearGradientMode.Horizontal)
- g.FillRectangle(GBrush, GRec)
- End Using
- e.Graphics.DrawImage(b, 0, 0)
- End Using
- End Using
- MyBase.OnPaint(e)
- End Sub
- Dim D As Boolean = True
- Public Property DrawPatern As Boolean
- Get
- Return D
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
- D = value
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- End Class
- Public Class CyperxComboBox
- Inherits Control
- Sub New()
- Font = New Font("Arial", 8)
- ForeColor = Color.White
- MinimumSize = New Size(130, 23)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnHandleCreated(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
- If _Items.Length < 0 Then _Items = New String() {Text}
- MyBase.OnHandleCreated(e)
- End Sub
- Private Enum State
- MouseDown = 0
- MouseEnter = 1
- MouseLeft = 2
- Wait = 3
- End Enum
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseLeave(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
- If Not MouseState = State.Wait Then
- MouseState = State.MouseLeft
- Invalidate()
- End If
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseEnter(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
- If Not MouseState = State.Wait Then
- MouseState = State.MouseEnter
- Invalidate()
- End If
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseUp(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
- If Not MouseState = State.Wait Then
- MouseState = State.MouseEnter
- Invalidate()
- End If
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
- MouseState = State.Wait
- Dim ShowPopup As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf ShowAndWait)
- ShowPopup.Start()
- Invalidate()
- MyBase.OnMouseDown(e)
- End Sub
- Sub ShowAndWait()
- Dim pop As New Popup(_Items)
- pop.Location = New Point(Location.X, Location.Y + Height + 2)
- Invoke(New AddX(AddressOf AddControl), pop)
- pop.WaitForInput()
- MouseState = State.MouseLeft
- If Not pop.SelectedItem = "" Then
- Invoke(New UpdateTextD(AddressOf UpdateText), pop.SelectedItem)
- Else
- Invoke(New UpdateTextD(AddressOf UpdateText), Text)
- End If
- End Sub
- Delegate Sub UpdateTextD(ByVal text As String)
- Sub UpdateText(ByVal text As String)
- Me.Text = text
- Invalidate()
- End Sub
- Delegate Sub AddX(ByVal control As Control)
- Sub AddControl(ByVal control As Control)
- Parent.Controls.Add(control)
- End Sub
- Dim _Items() As String
- Public Property Items As String()
- Get
- Return _Items
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String())
- _Items = value
- Text = value(0)
- Invalidate()
- End Set
- End Property
- Dim MouseState As State = State.MouseLeft
- Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
- Using b As New Bitmap(Width, Height)
- Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(b)
- Dim OuterR As New Rectangle(0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1)
- Dim InnerR As New Rectangle(1, 1, Width - 3, Height - 3)
- Dim UpHalf As New Rectangle(2, 2, Width - 3, (Height - 1) / 2)
- Dim DownHalf As New Rectangle(2, (Height - 1) / 2, Width - 3, (Height - 1) / 2)
- Select Case MouseState
- Case State.MouseLeft
- Draw.Gradient(g, Color.FromArgb(88, 79, 72), Color.FromArgb(76, 69, 61), UpHalf)
- Draw.Gradient(g, Color.FromArgb(56, 46, 36), Color.FromArgb(66, 56, 46), DownHalf)
- g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, OuterR)
- g.DrawRectangle(New Pen(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(75, 66, 60))), InnerR)
- ForeColor = Color.White
- Case State.MouseEnter
- ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(23, 32, 37)
- Draw.Gradient(g, Color.FromArgb(234, 236, 241), Color.FromArgb(215, 219, 225), UpHalf)
- Draw.Gradient(g, Color.FromArgb(189, 193, 198), Color.FromArgb(195, 198, 201), DownHalf)
- Case State.Wait
- ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(23, 32, 37)
- Draw.Gradient(g, Color.FromArgb(234, 236, 241), Color.FromArgb(215, 219, 225), UpHalf)
- Draw.Gradient(g, Color.FromArgb(189, 193, 198), Color.FromArgb(195, 198, 201), DownHalf)
- End Select
- Dim UpRec As New Rectangle(Width - 18, 2, 1, 5)
- Draw.Gradient(g, Color.Transparent, Color.FromArgb(25, 18, 12), UpRec)
- g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(28, 18, 12), 1), New Point(Width - 18, 7), New Point(Width - 18, Height - 7))
- Draw.Gradient(g, Color.FromArgb(28, 18, 12), Color.Transparent, New Rectangle(Width - 18, Height - 7, 1, 5))
- g.DrawLine(New Pen(Brushes.White, 2), New Point(Width - 15, 9), New Point(Width - 10, 14))
- g.DrawLine(New Pen(Brushes.White, 2), New Point(Width - 5, 9), New Point(Width - 10, 14))
- Dim S As SizeF = g.MeasureString(Text, Font)
- g.DrawString(Text, Font, New SolidBrush(ForeColor), 5, CInt(Height / 2 - S.Height / 2))
- e.Graphics.DrawImage(b.Clone, 0, 0)
- End Using
- End Using
- MyBase.OnPaint(e)
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnPaintBackground(ByVal pevent As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
- End Sub
- End Class
- Public Class Popup
- Inherits Control
- Dim _items() As String
- Dim ListOfRec As New List(Of Rectangle)
- Sub New(ByVal items As String())
- DoubleBuffered = True
- _items = items
- FixWidth()
- FixList()
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnHandleCreated(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
- Console.WriteLine(TopLevelControl.TopLevelControl)
- BringToFront()
- MyBase.OnHandleCreated(e)
- End Sub
- Dim MyMousedown As Boolean = False
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
- MyMousedown = True
- Invalidate()
- _item = Temp_item
- Console.WriteLine("Item: " & SelectedItem)
- Input = True
- Me.Hide()
- MyBase.OnMouseDown(e)
- End Sub
- Sub FixWidth()
- Dim G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(New Bitmap(1, 1))
- Dim LongestWidth As Integer = 0
- For Each Str As String In _items
- If G.MeasureString(Str, Font).Width > LongestWidth Then
- LongestWidth = G.MeasureString(Str, Font).Width
- End If
- Next
- If LongestWidth < 85 Then
- Width = 95
- Else
- Me.Width = LongestWidth + 9
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub FixList()
- Dim MyHeight = 23 * _items.Length - 1
- Dim AantalRecs As Integer = MyHeight / 23
- ListOfRec.Add(New Rectangle(2, 3, Width - 5, 23))
- For i As Integer = 1 To AantalRecs
- Dim rec As New Rectangle(2, 23 * i, Width - 5, 23)
- ListOfRec.Add(rec)
- Next
- Me.Height = MyHeight + 5
- Invalidate()
- End Sub
- Dim SelectedReg As New Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0)
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseMove(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
- Dim Oldrec As Rectangle = SelectedReg
- For Each rec As Rectangle In ListOfRec
- If rec.Contains(e.Location) Then
- SelectedReg = rec
- End If
- Next
- If Not Oldrec = SelectedReg Then
- Invalidate()
- End If
- MyBase.OnMouseMove(e)
- End Sub
- Dim Input As Boolean = False
- Public Sub WaitForInput()
- Do While Input = False
- Threading.Thread.Sleep(1)
- Loop
- End Sub
- Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseLeave(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
- SelectedReg = New Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0)
- Me.Visible = False
- Input = True
- MyBase.OnMouseLeave(e)
- End Sub
- Dim _item As String = ""
- Public Property SelectedItem As String
- Get
- Return _item
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- _item = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Dim Temp_item As String = ""
- Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
- Using b As New Bitmap(Width, Height)
- Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(b)
- Dim Fullrec As New Rectangle(0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1)
- g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(20, 13, 6)), Fullrec)
- g.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(16, 11, 5)), Fullrec)
- g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(177, 177, 179)), SelectedReg)
- g.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(51, 51, 50)), SelectedReg)
- If SelectedReg.Contains(New Point(5, 5)) Then
- g.DrawString(_items(0), Font, New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(20, 13, 6)), 5, 6)
- Console.WriteLine("Selected item " & _items(0))
- Temp_item = _items(0)
- Else
- g.DrawString(_items(0), Font, Brushes.White, 5, 6)
- End If
- For I As Integer = 1 To _items.Length - 1
- If SelectedReg.Contains(New Point(5, I * 23 + 5)) Then
- g.DrawString(_items(I), Font, New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(20, 13, 6)), 5, I * 23 + 5)
- Console.WriteLine("Selected item: " & _items(I))
- Temp_item = _items(I)
- Else
- g.DrawString(_items(I), Font, Brushes.White, 5, I * 23 + 5)
- End If
- Next
- e.Graphics.DrawImage(b, 0, 0)
- End Using
- End Using
- MyBase.OnPaint(e)
- End Sub
- End Class
- '
- '
- 'Created By Aeonhack
- '
- '
- Public Class Draw
- Shared Sub Gradient(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer)
- Dim R As New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- Using T As New LinearGradientBrush(R, c1, c2, LinearGradientMode.Vertical)
- g.FillRectangle(T, R)
- End Using
- End Sub
- Shared Sub Gradient(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal r As Rectangle)
- Using T As New LinearGradientBrush(R, c1, c2, LinearGradientMode.Vertical)
- g.FillRectangle(T, R)
- End Using
- End Sub
- Shared Sub Blend(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal c3 As Color, ByVal c As Single, ByVal d As Integer, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer)
- Dim v As New ColorBlend(3)
- V.Colors = New Color() {c1, c2, c3}
- V.Positions = New Single() {0, c, 1}
- Dim R As New Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- Using T As New LinearGradientBrush(R, c1, c1, CType(d, LinearGradientMode))
- T.InterpolationColors = v : g.FillRectangle(T, R)
- End Using
- End Sub
- Shared Function RoundedRectangle(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal cornerwidth As Integer, ByVal PenWidth As Integer) As GraphicsPath
- Dim p As New GraphicsPath
- p.StartFigure()
- p.AddArc(New Rectangle(x, y, cornerwidth, cornerwidth), 180, 90)
- p.AddLine(cornerwidth, y, width - cornerwidth - PenWidth, y)
- p.AddArc(New Rectangle(width - cornerwidth - PenWidth, y, cornerwidth, cornerwidth), -90, 90)
- p.AddLine(width - PenWidth, cornerwidth, width - PenWidth, height - cornerwidth - PenWidth)
- p.AddArc(New Rectangle(width - cornerwidth - PenWidth, height - cornerwidth - PenWidth, cornerwidth, cornerwidth), 0, 90)
- p.AddLine(width - cornerwidth - PenWidth, height - PenWidth, cornerwidth, height - PenWidth)
- p.AddArc(New Rectangle(x, height - cornerwidth - PenWidth, cornerwidth, cornerwidth), 90, 90)
- p.CloseFigure()
- Return p
- End Function
- Shared Sub BackGround(ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal G As Graphics)
- Dim P1 As Color = Color.FromArgb(29, 25, 22)
- Dim P2 As Color = Color.FromArgb(35, 31, 28)
- For y As Integer = 0 To height Step 4
- For x As Integer = 0 To width Step 4
- G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(P1), New Rectangle(x, y, 1, 1))
- G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(P2), New Rectangle(x, y + 1, 1, 1))
- Try
- G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(P1), New Rectangle(x + 2, y + 2, 1, 1))
- G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(P2), New Rectangle(x + 2, y + 3, 1, 1))
- Catch
- End Try
- Next
- Next
- End Sub
- End Class
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