
Slic3r fill.t build failure

Apr 7th, 2013
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  1. perl Build.PL
  2. All prerequisites satisfied
  3. t/angles.t ........... ok
  4. t/arcs.t ............. ok
  5. t/clean_polylines.t .. ok
  6. t/clipper.t .......... ok
  7. t/collinear.t ........ ok
  8. t/combineinfill.t .... ok
  9. t/custom_gcode.t ..... ok
  10. t/dynamic.t .......... skipped: variable-width paths are currently disabled
  11. t/fill.t ............. 1/9
  12. # Failed test 'one continuous path'
  13. # at t/fill.t line 41.
  14. # got: '21'
  15. # expected: '1'
  16. t/fill.t ............. 9/9 # Looks like you failed 1 test of 9.
  17. t/fill.t ............. Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
  18. Failed 1/9 subtests
  19. t/gcode.t ............ ok
  20. t/geometry.t ......... ok
  21. t/layers.t ........... ok
  22. t/loops.t ............ ok
  23. t/polyclip.t ......... ok
  24. t/retraction.t ....... ok
  25. t/serialize.t ........ ok
  26. t/shells.t ........... ok
  27. t/slice.t ............ ok
  28. t/support.t .......... ok
  29. t/vibrationlimit.t ... ok
  31. Test Summary Report
  32. -------------------
  33. t/fill.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 9 Failed: 1)
  34. Failed test: 3
  35. Non-zero exit status: 1
  36. Files=20, Tests=177, 49 wallclock secs ( 0.11 usr 0.04 sys + 53.53 cusr 0.79 csys = 54.47 CPU)
  37. Result: FAIL
  38. Failed 1/20 test programs. 1/177 subtests failed.
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