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a guest
Sep 4th, 2013
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  1. john@BpMill:~/emc2-dev/linuxcnc$ ./update7i77
  2. move 7I77 W4 and W12 to right hand positions
  3. cycle 7I77 field power and 5V power and hit return
  5. updating 7I77 field I/O
  6. insmod: error inserting '/home/john/emc2-dev/rtlib/setsserial.ko': -1 Operation not permitted
  7. update7i77d.hal:4: exit value: 1
  8. update7i77d.hal:4: insmod failed, returned -1
  9. See the output of 'dmesg' for more information.
  10. ERROR: Module setsserial does not exist in /proc/modules
  11. <commandline>:0: exit value: 1
  12. <commandline>:0: rmmod failed, returned -1
  13. <commandline>:0: unloadrt failed
  14. updating 7i77 analog out
  15. insmod: error inserting '/home/john/emc2-dev/rtlib/setsserial.ko': -1 Operation not permitted
  16. update7i77a.hal:4: exit value: 1
  17. update7i77a.hal:4: insmod failed, returned -1
  18. See the output of 'dmesg' for more information.
  19. ERROR: Module setsserial does not exist in /proc/modules
  20. <commandline>:0: exit value: 1
  21. <commandline>:0: rmmod failed, returned -1
  22. <commandline>:0: unloadrt failed
  23. now move 7I77 W4 and W12 to the left hand positiona
  24. and cycle field power and 5V power
  25. john@BpMill:~/emc2-dev/linuxcnc$
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