
Basket Case

Dec 20th, 2013
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  1. >Day music is for people who don't know how to fish
  2. >You are Anonymous, and you're just strolling about, singing a song.
  3. >Ever since arriving here, there's been a song playing in the back of your mind, barely audible but you can't make out the tune or lyrics.
  4. >Honestly, music is the strangest shit you've come to learn of since coming here.
  5. >Stranger than a pony moving the sun or moon, stranger than a god of chaos, stranger than everything else. Hell, not even Pinkie.
  6. >How the fuck does music play out of thin fucking air?
  7. >At first you thought maybe there were ponies hiding with instruments in the bushes and shit just waiting to jump out at a moments notice to play a song.
  8. >You checked the bushes and trees in the park once, and finding no ponies hiding, you started to sing and music just started up.
  9. >You tried the same in a wide open field with absolutely nothing around for as far as you could see, and it still appeared.
  10. >You went so far as to go to the beach, rent a boat, travel to the middle of the fucking ocean with no land in sight, and mearly thought the lyrics to a song when the music kicked in.
  11. >You tried asking Twilight, and getting an unsuitable answer from her, you asked the Princesses who gave you the same answer: "It's the magic of song."
  12. >The music playing itself didn't bother you, just that it came out of fucking nowhere.
  13. >You even committed yourself for a week as the nonsensical nature of it driving to the limits of your sanity.
  14. >You did your best not to think of any music during your stent, but surprisingly an unexpected glint of wisdom was given to from an unlikely source: Screw Loose.
  15. >Occasionally out of boredom, during rec time you would talk or interact with your fellow nutter butters. During one such time with Screwy you were complaining about your problem, to which she gave an answer that really made you think.
  16. >She barked and started eating a dog biscuit.
  17. >For just a moment, you think you her that song get just a tad louder, but just as quickly fade back down.
  18. >Realizing this is your fate if you don't get the fuck over this, you mentally steel yourself into no longer giving a fuck, and just letting it go.
  19. >Why you didn't do that before, well, its simple.
  20. >You're retarded.
  21. >Which brings you back to the present.
  22. >Since you came in voluntarily, you just walked out , and started rummaging your memories for a song to sing.
  23. >
  24. >Walking through the streets singing, you fail to see all the ponies around your trembling in fear or just running for their lives.
  25. >When you finally finish, you notice Twilight and her friends, except RD, surrounding you.
  26. >Twilight is the first to speak, her voice tinted with regret and resignation, "Anon, we should've listened, I should've listened. Something was seriously bothering and we let it go this long. This is all my fault, if only I had acted sooner, it wouldn't have come to this."
  27. >The fuck is this pony talking about?
  28. "The fuck are you talking about?
  29. >AJ walks over to Twilight, laying a hoof on her shoulder, "Naw sugarcube, we're all at fault here. Didn't none of us see how much our friend were suffering. All we can do for him now is get him the help he needs before he hurts himself or somepony."
  30. >She lowers he stetson over her eyes as she looks to the ground.
  31. >Ok, now you're just getting freaked out. This place was already crazy enough without this kind of thing happening.
  32. "Can you guys tell me what the hell this is all about? You're starting to freak me out."
  33. >Fluttershy and Pinkie just hug each other as they cry their eyes out.
  34. >"Darling, we're terribly sorry about this, but its for your own good."
  35. "What's for my own go-"
  36. >You don't finish that question as a sharp blow from behind knocks you out.
  37. >Well, that probably answered where Rainbow was.
  38. >You come to several hours later, you find yourself in familiar padded room, only this time you're wearing a straitjacket.
  39. "The fuck is this shit."
  40. >"Anonymous, it has come to my attention that you have openly expressed intent and desire to cause harm to my little ponies. As a princess of Equestria, I feel I have failed you in your time of need, so I will do everything in my power to make sure your path to recovery is as swift and comfortable as possible."
  41. >That can only be one pony: Celestia. If she came all the way down here to see you locked up, you must've fucked up somewhere pretty bad.
  42. "Can someone just tell me what the fuck this is about?"
  43. >One of the doctors speak up, "Oh dear, it seems he's suffering from memory loss. This may be worse than we thought."
  44. >"Such a shame. Anonymous, I want you to know I will come visit personally to check up on you and your progress."
  45. "Seriously, what the fuck did I do?!"
  46. >"As you do not seem to remember, I shall tell you. Earlier today, you your witnessed expressing your intent to 'get ready to kill', and that the ponies around should be 'ready to die'."
  47. "A song?! I'm locked up for singing a fucking song?!"
  48. >"Anon, music is an expression of a pony's inner thoughts and feelings. Why else would you sing such a dreadful thing if that wasn't how you felt?"
  49. "I don't know? Maybe because its just a damn song and it doesn't mean anything?!"
  50. >Celestia starts saying something, but you can't hear her.
  51. >The music in the back of your mind starts getting louder and clearer, drowning everything else out.
  52. >
  53. >And now you can hear it.
  54. >Your vision blurrs and warps for a moment before going black.
  55. >When your vision clears, you see your friend Screw Loose in front of you, eating a dog biscuit.
  56. >After swallowing, she barks.
  57. >"Bark, Bark bark bark. Bark bark?" (Mmmmm, this biscuit is good. Yours?)
  58. >From behind you, Princess Celestia, Twilight, and some hospital staff are talking amongst each other.
  59. >"Poor thing, I guess he just couldn't handle the shock of a new world. It would've been nice to make a friend with someone from another world."
  60. >"Indeed, Twilight. The best we can do for him now is watch over him and hope he recovers."
  61. >You look into your hand, and the biscuit within it.
  62. >Quickly chowing down, you reply to Screwy,
  63. "Bark." (Delicious.)
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