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Oct 4th, 2013
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  1. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): <html style="width: 100%; height: 100%">
  3. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): <head>
  4. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
  5. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): <title>Google Maps V3 API Sample</title>
  6. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
  7. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): </head>
  8. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): <body style="font-family: Arial; border: 0 none; width: 100%; height: 100%;margin:0;padding:0">
  9. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): <div id="map-canvas" style="width: 100%; height: 100%"></div>
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  11. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): <script type="text/javascript">
  12. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): function initialize() {
  13. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): var mapDiv = document.getElementById('map-canvas');
  14. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): var map = new google.maps.Map(mapDiv, {
  15. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): center: new google.maps.LatLng(0, -180),
  16. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): zoom: 15, //nota...dovresti trovare un modo per zoomare a seconda della distanza percorsa(almeno secondo me)
  17. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
  18. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): });
  19. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): //Settiamo il centro della mappa leggendo i parametri dall'elemento centrale
  20. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(,));
  21. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): var path = [new google.maps.LatLng(40.6188296712935,14.94515547528863),new google.maps.LatLng(40.618842830881476,14.945213729515672),];
  22. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): var line = new google.maps.Polyline({
  23. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): path: path,
  24. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): strokeColor: '#ff0000',
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  27. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): });
  28. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): line.setMap(map);
  29. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206):
  30. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): var startIm = '';
  31. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): var stopIm = '';
  32. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): var startMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
  33. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): map: map,
  34. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): position: new google.maps.LatLng(40.6188296712935, 14.94515547528863),
  35. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): icon: startIm,
  36. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): flat: true,
  37. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): draggable: false
  38. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): });
  39. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206):
  40. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): var stopMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
  41. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): map: map,
  42. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): position: new google.maps.LatLng(40.618842830881476, 14.945213729515672),
  43. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): icon: stopIm,
  44. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): flat: true,
  45. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): draggable: false
  46. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): });
  47. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206):
  48. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): }
  49. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
  50. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): </script>
  51. 10-04 15:59:43.851: I/RESPONSE:(31206): </html>
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