

Nov 10th, 2012
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  1. 12:22 AM → JuriSuzuki joined (5ad9ec01@gateway/web/qwebirc/
  2. 12:22 AM <Inawordyes> Lot was Abraham's nephew. The story of Sodom and Gamorrah being destroyed
  3. 12:22 AM <Inawordyes> Where the term "Sodomize" comes from
  4. 12:22 AM <JuriSuzuki> Hi everybody. i'm back from the party!
  5. 12:22 AM <BlueLionheart> Hi.
  6. 12:22 AM <Inawordyes> heyo
  7. 12:23 AM <JuriSuzuki> I...feel so good.....teeheee....
  8. 12:23 AM <Inawordyes> but anyways, you were saying BlueHighwind?
  9. 12:24 AM <Inawordyes> that's cool
  10. 12:25 AM <Tidus357> Hi Juri
  11. 12:25 AM <Yuanchosaan> Hullo, Juri.
  12. 12:25 AM <JuriSuzuki> HIIII Guys!
  13. 12:25 AM <Armageddon11> Hey Juri
  14. 12:25 AM <Yuanchosaan> Vitor: God tells Lot and his wife not to look back upon Sodom; she does and gets turned into a pillar of salt.
  15. 12:26 AM <Armageddon11> Oh god my little pony flashback
  16. 12:26 AM <Tidus357> Juri: Ever heard of Dead Space
  17. 12:26 AM <Armageddon11> dammit juri
  18. 12:26 AM <BlueHighwind> ironically Sodom and Gorahha are considered by modern religious nuts to be symbols of homosexuality's evil and God's hatred
  19. 12:26 AM <Inawordyes> I probably know who you are Juri, but I don't recognize your nick
  20. 12:26 AM <Vitor> Ah
  21. 12:26 AM <BlueHighwind> when in the very chapter Lot's daughters rape him and have kids with him
  22. 12:26 AM <JuriSuzuki> guys.....i think i had a tinie tiny bit too much to drink...
  23. 12:26 AM <Tidus357> Yuan: That happened to my mother once, driving back from Vegas
  24. 12:26 AM <Vitor> I'm not familiar with bible stuff.
  25. 12:26 AM <Vitor> I thought it might have been shortened from something
  26. 12:26 AM <BlueHighwind> this is something that the Religious Right do not have a problem with
  27. 12:26 AM <Tidus357> But instead of a piller of salt, she turned into a telephone pole
  28. 12:26 AM <BlueHighwind> and prefer not to talk about
  29. 12:26 AM <Tidus357> *ba dum crash*
  30. 12:26 AM <JuriSuzuki> i feel so...awesome....and tired from dancing!
  31. 12:27 AM <Tidus357> ... Juri, what?
  32. 12:27 AM <JuriSuzuki> I went to a party. It was my friends birthday.
  33. 12:27 AM <Armageddon11>
  34. 12:27 AM — DrakeyC needs something to play
  35. 12:28 AM <Inawordyes> You could play AC3 Drake
  36. 12:28 AM <Inawordyes> It's fun
  37. 12:28 AM <DrakeyC> What?
  38. 12:28 AM <JuriSuzuki> And yesh Tidus. I have heard of dead space.
  39. 12:28 AM <BlueLionheart> Juri, you should go lay down.
  40. 12:28 AM <Inawordyes> DrakeyC: Assassin's Creed III
  41. 12:28 AM <JuriSuzuki> .........maybe i should.......
  42. 12:28 AM <DrakeyC> Don't have a PS3, not interesting, noty buying a new game
  43. 12:28 AM <Inawordyes> It's on 360
  44. 12:28 AM <Tidus357> Juri: I'm playing DS2 now
  46. 12:28 AM <DrakeyC> Never buying one of those period
  47. 12:28 AM <RPGblade0|VX>
  48. 12:28 AM <RPGblade0|VX> :'''''''D
  49. 12:29 AM <JuriSuzuki> Ooooooo what is it like?
  50. 12:29 AM <Inawordyes> oh, so you're a Wii/PS2 guy?
  51. 12:29 AM <RPGblade0|VX> I HAVE HAPPINESS
  52. 12:29 AM <JuriSuzuki> I'm filled with happiness and joy and cake!
  53. 12:29 AM <Inawordyes> The cake is a lie
  54. 12:29 AM <Inawordyes> sorry
  55. 12:29 AM <JuriSuzuki> The cake tasted awesome! It has a little metal ball on it that i can eat!
  56. 12:29 AM — RPGblade0|VX is crying tears of happiness.
  57. 12:30 AM <Inawordyes> o.O
  58. 12:30 AM <RPGblade0|VX> I litterally just shed a tear.
  59. 12:30 AM <JuriSuzuki> The little metal ball tastes nice. Hard to bite though...
  60. 12:30 AM <Vitor> Why are you eating metal?
  61. 12:30 AM <Jimcloud> .... um
  62. 12:30 AM <cooky560> why am I here at midnight? :P
  63. 12:30 AM <Tidus357> ... wut
  64. 12:31 AM <JuriSuzuki> It was a ball that looked like metal.
  65. 12:31 AM <RPGblade0|VX> You're eating metal?
  66. 12:31 AM <JuriSuzuki> but it was a sweet!
  67. 12:31 AM <JuriSuzuki> Teehee
  68. 12:31 AM <Vitor> So it wasn't a metal ball.
  69. 12:31 AM <JuriSuzuki> It just looked like metal XD
  70. 12:31 AM <Tidus357> .-.
  71. 12:31 AM <Tidus357> Juri, that could
  72. 12:32 AM <Tidus357> have been a big misunderstanding
  73. 12:32 AM <Inawordyes> Juri, I think you may be intoxicated
  74. 12:32 AM <JuriSuzuki> *goes right up to Tidus* .....How so?
  75. 12:32 AM <BlueHighwind> TEEDUS
  76. 12:32 AM <BlueHighwind> O_o
  77. 12:32 AM <JuriSuzuki> I'm not drunk! I'm tipsy.
  78. 12:33 AM <Inawordyes> I didn't say you were either, I said "intoxicated"
  79. 12:33 AM DrakeyC → Drake|7Kingdoms2
  80. 12:33 AM <JuriSuzuki> ......i think i am. But no worries! My head is throbbing.
  81. 12:33 AM <Tidus357> BH: Wu\at?
  82. 12:33 AM <Vitor> Man, intoxication.
  83. 12:34 AM <Vitor> I refuse to have that happen to me
  84. 12:34 AM <JuriSuzuki> As long as you control the amount. You will be hey okay!
  85. 12:34 AM <JuriSuzuki> Like me!
  86. 12:34 AM <Inawordyes> I've never drank, and I doubt I will after I turn 21
  87. 12:34 AM <Inawordyes> Then again, that's 5 years from now
  88. 12:34 AM <Vitor> I never drank, and I'm 25
  89. 12:35 AM <JuriSuzuki> i didn't drink a lot...compared to some people at the party.....
  90. 12:36 AM <Vitor> Well I'm not gonna chastise people for it.
  91. 12:36 AM <Vitor> Unless they're being really stupid about it
  92. 12:36 AM <JuriSuzuki> Now i is eating cake!
  93. 12:36 AM <Vitor> But I'd rather not touch the stuff
  94. 12:37 AM <Drake|7Kingdoms2>
  95. 12:37 AM <JuriSuzuki> Its not all that good as people portray it to be.
  96. 12:37 AM <Drake|7Kingdoms2> VOTE OR DIE, MOTHER%$!# , MOTHER%$!#, VOTE OR DIE!
  97. 12:38 AM <BlueHighwind> #MOTHER%#$#@#
  98. 12:38 AM <JuriSuzuki> I'll...I'll....I'll vote!
  99. 12:38 AM <BlueHighwind> I refuse
  100. 12:38 AM <BlueHighwind> in Australia, you literally vote for die
  101. 12:38 AM <BlueHighwind> if you don't vote they turn you into Bloomin' Onions
  102. 12:38 AM <BlueHighwind> and you are very delicious
  103. 12:38 AM <JuriSuzuki> I hate onions!
  104. 12:38 AM <JuriSuzuki> they are the one food i absolutely dispise!
  105. 12:38 AM <BlueHighwind> obviously you haven't eaten a Bloomin' Onions yet
  106. 12:39 AM <Jimcloud> BH: Is this a "SOYLENT GREEN IS PEEOOOOOOPLE" moment?
  107. 12:39 AM <JuriSuzuki> did i spell dispise right? Teehee...
  108. 12:39 AM <Jimcloud> also spoilers, soylent green is people
  109. 12:39 AM <Jimcloud> despise
  110. 12:39 AM Lash|BF3 → Meme_Arrows
  111. 12:39 AM <JuriSuzuki> Ooooooooh i knew that....
  112. 12:40 AM <JuriSuzuki> I was testing your spelling skills!
  113. 12:40 AM <BlueHighwind> I make sure to have a Soylent Green is People moment at least once a night
  114. 12:40 AM <RPGblade0|VX> Hm...
  115. 12:40 AM <BlueHighwind> humans are such a pliable resource
  116. 12:40 AM <RPGblade0|VX> I wonder what's for dinner...
  117. 12:40 AM RPGblade0|VX → Dinnerblade0
  118. 12:40 AM <BlueHighwind> you know how George Washington Carver came up with 600 uses for the peanut plant?
  119. 12:40 AM <BlueHighwind> well, I'll do the same thing for canabalism
  120. 12:40 AM <Vitor> Haven't heard that one in years
  121. 12:40 AM — Jimcloud gets out her fava beans and chianti?
  122. 12:41 AM <JuriSuzuki> i wonder what people taste like?
  123. 12:41 AM <Yuanchosaan> Jimcloud: *gasp* And Snape killed Dumbledore and Rosebud was the sled.
  124. 12:41 AM <Jimcloud> XD
  125. 12:42 AM ⇐ Armageddon11 quit ( Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  126. 12:42 AM <Jimcloud> you could be topical and mention that Aeris dies
  127. 12:42 AM <Jimcloud> which she does
  128. 12:42 AM <Jimcloud> by the way
  129. 12:42 AM <Jimcloud> dies
  130. 12:42 AM <Jimcloud> Aeris
  131. 12:42 AM <Jimcloud> spoilers
  132. 12:42 AM <BlueHighwind> people taste like people
  133. 12:42 AM <BlueHighwind> it really depends what kind of diet they had
  134. 12:42 AM <cooky560> are there people out there still who don't know Aeris dies? :P
  135. 12:42 AM <BlueHighwind> you know the saying: "you are what you eat?"
  136. 12:43 AM <JuriSuzuki> I'm gonna bite myself....
  137. 12:43 AM <Yuanchosaan> My anatomy prac is always between 12-2.
  138. 12:43 AM <BlueHighwind> I make sure that every person I cook is fed a diet of nothing but bacon for six weeks
  139. 12:43 AM <Jimcloud> cooky: That's the joke
  140. 12:43 AM <BlueHighwind> only the best for my customers
  141. 12:43 AM <Yuanchosaan> If I don't eat lunch early, I feel hungry while messing about with the dead bodies. :|
  142. 12:43 AM ⇐ BlueHighwind quit (9f5bb056@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit: Page closed
  143. 12:43 AM <Yuanchosaan> It is a bad thing.
  144. 12:43 AM <Jimcloud> ....
  145. 12:43 AM <JuriSuzuki> hurts too much...
  146. 12:43 AM <cooky560> BH nothing but bacon for 6 weeks is not good, bacon is awesome but it doesn't contain everything
  147. 12:43 AM <Yuanchosaan> Some of the preservatives make people feel hungry.
  148. 12:43 AM → Tabbeh joined (
  149. 12:43 AM <Inawordyes> TABBEH
  150. 12:44 AM <JuriSuzuki> Tabbeh! Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
  151. 12:44 AM <Yuanchosaan> Hullo Tabbs.
  152. 12:44 AM <BlueLionheart> Hi Tabbeh.
  153. 12:44 AM <Tidus357> Tabbs!
  154. 12:44 AM <Tidus357> Hi.
  155. 12:44 AM — Tidus357 pats Tabbs
  156. 12:44 AM <Tabbeh> In a word, hi.
  158. 12:44 AM <Tabbeh> Or Hullo.
  159. 12:45 AM <Tidus357> Hullo is Yuan's. You can't use it
  160. 12:45 AM <Tabbeh> Or just hi, I guess?
  161. 12:45 AM <JuriSuzuki> How was Tabbeh? Teehee....
  162. 12:45 AM <Tidus357> Well, you can, but...
  163. 12:45 AM <Otherarrow> Yuan and Jim: Aerith killed Rosebud and Snape was the sled?!
  164. 12:45 AM — Tabbeh climbs onto Tidus's head.
  165. 12:45 AM <Tidus357> Sorry Tabbs, Juri is drunk
  166. 12:45 AM <Tabbeh> Protect me, earth monkey.
  167. 12:45 AM <Tidus357> Hehe, that tickles
  168. 12:45 AM <Otherarrow> Hullo Tabbeh.
  169. 12:45 AM <Yuanchosaan> I use "hullo" because it more accurately represents my pronunciation.
  170. 12:45 AM <JuriSuzuki> I'm not drunk....I'm tipsy!
  171. 12:46 AM <Tidus357> Drunk.
  172. 12:46 AM <BlueLionheart> Aww, Tabbeh can climb on people.
  173. 12:46 AM <Tabbeh> HAY OH-AY
  174. 12:46 AM — Tabbeh stays on Tidus's head.
  175. 12:46 AM <JuriSuzuki> Tpisy!
  176. 12:46 AM <Otherarrow> ...Great, now I am investigating how I say hello.
  177. 12:46 AM <Tidus357> ...
  178. 12:46 AM — Tidus357 walks around with a cat for hair
  179. 12:46 AM <JuriSuzuki> .....That proves....nothing.
  180. 12:46 AM <Otherarrow> It's a kind a "heloo!"
  181. 12:46 AM <Tabbeh> tipsyGnostalgic?
  182. 12:47 AM <JuriSuzuki> I'm not dunk!
  183. 12:47 AM <JuriSuzuki> I'm tipsy!
  184. 12:47 AM — BlueLionheart stares at Tidus's Tabbeh hair.
  185. 12:47 AM <Tabbeh> Niether em Iiiiiiii lmoa
  186. 12:47 AM ⇐ Inawordyes quit (a6983f5d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit: Page closed
  187. 12:47 AM <JuriSuzuki> Hooray!
  188. 12:48 AM <Jimcloud> That is a very insistent terminology you have
  189. 12:48 AM <cooky560> shouldn't be drinking on iRC
  190. 12:48 AM <JuriSuzuki> ......I feel good. But my voice is sore from singing.
  191. 12:49 AM <Jimcloud> if you've been singing, regardless of actual blood-alcohol levels, you are drunk
  192. 12:50 AM <JuriSuzuki> I could be singing 'cause i'm happy.
  193. 12:50 AM → Catuse joined (~Hairballs@unaffiliated/catuse)
  194. 12:50 AM <JuriSuzuki> Oh oh! And i did gangnam style!
  195. 12:50 AM <Catuse> he;;p
  196. 12:50 AM <Catuse> *hello
  197. 12:50 AM <Jimcloud> hi Cat
  198. 12:50 AM <Jimcloud> ....
  199. 12:50 AM <Tidus357> Hey Cat
  200. 12:50 AM — Tabbeh smacks Tidus's forehead with a paw.
  201. 12:50 AM <JuriSuzuki> HIIIIII CAT!
  202. 12:50 AM <Tabbeh> EARTH MONKEY. PROTECT ME.
  203. 12:50 AM <Jimcloud> .... but you are just tipsy, mkay
  204. 12:50 AM <Catuse> >>>>
  205. 12:50 AM <Catuse> <<<<
  206. 12:51 AM <BlueLionheart> Hi.
  207. 12:51 AM — Tidus357 protects Tabbeh
  208. 12:51 AM <JuriSuzuki> Okay!
  209. 12:51 AM — Tabbeh stays seated on Tidus's head.
  210. 12:51 AM <JuriSuzuki> am i allowed to stroke Tabbeh?
  211. 12:51 AM <Yuanchosaan> [11:49:17] <Jimcloud> if you've been singing, regardless of actual blood-alcohol levels, you are drunk <-- What, you don't randomly break into song with your friends?
  212. 12:51 AM <Tabbeh> Hands away from my butt. ._.
  213. 12:52 AM <Jimcloud> Yuan: That's my mother
  214. 12:52 AM <JuriSuzuki> Please? I have some self-control!
  215. 12:52 AM <Jimcloud> also that would imply I have real life friends
  216. 12:52 AM <Jimcloud> I do not
  217. 12:52 AM <JuriSuzuki> I'll be your friend!
  218. 12:52 AM — Tabbeh stares.
  219. 12:52 AM <Vitor> Yuan, what do we look like, a Disney movie?
  220. 12:52 AM <Jimcloud> I appreciate that
  221. 12:52 AM <JuriSuzuki> :)
  222. 12:53 AM <Tabbeh> ._.
  223. 12:53 AM <Catuse> Juri, don't you live in England or something?
  224. 12:53 AM <BlueLionheart> I will be, too.
  225. 12:53 AM <Catuse> a little ways from Florida.
  226. 12:53 AM — BlueLionheart pets Tabbeh.
  227. 12:53 AM — Tabbeh is petted.
  228. 12:53 AM <JuriSuzuki> I live in england,
  229. 12:53 AM <JuriSuzuki> *pets Tabbeh's head*
  230. 12:53 AM — Tabbeh is petted again.
  231. 12:53 AM <Otherarrow> I came back.
  232. 12:54 AM <Otherarrow> Hello friends!
  233. 12:54 AM <BlueLionheart> Hi.
  234. 12:54 AM <Vitor> Heya, kupo
  235. 12:54 AM <JuriSuzuki> HIIIIIIII OA
  236. 12:54 AM — Tidus357 slaps Juri
  237. 12:54 AM <Tidus357> That's from Tabbeh.
  238. 12:54 AM <JuriSuzuki> O.O
  239. 12:54 AM — Tidus357 pats Juri
  240. 12:54 AM <Tidus357> Sorry
  241. 12:54 AM <Jimcloud> Yuan: In addition to both of the above, there was an implicit "regardless of actual blood-alcohol levels, if you've drank anything alcoholic and you've been singing then you are drunk"
  242. 12:54 AM <JuriSuzuki> Don't touch me!
  243. 12:54 AM <JuriSuzuki> *slaps Tidua*
  244. 12:54 AM <Tidus357> ._.
  245. 12:54 AM <JuriSuzuki> ......
  246. 12:54 AM <Tidus357> You
  247. 12:54 AM <Tidus357> Are
  248. 12:54 AM <Tidus357> Drunk
  249. 12:54 AM <JuriSuzuki> I am not!
  250. 12:55 AM — cooky560 gives JuriSuzuki a pint of water
  251. 12:55 AM — Tabbeh clings to Tidus's head.
  252. 12:55 AM <Tidus357> Now, excuse me while I download Toy Story 2 for PS1
  253. 12:55 AM <Catuse> does chanting count?
  254. 12:55 AM <JuriSuzuki> *drinks water*
  255. 12:55 AM <Jimcloud> no
  256. 12:55 AM <Jimcloud> that's more of an occultist thing
  257. 12:55 AM <Tidus357> CHUG
  258. 12:55 AM <Tidus357> CHUG
  259. 12:55 AM <Tidus357> CHUG
  260. 12:55 AM <Catuse> okay then
  261. 12:55 AM <Tidus357> That means you're drunk... Right?
  262. 12:55 AM — Catuse chants One Winged Angel for no apparent reason
  263. 12:55 AM — cooky560 gives JuriSuzuki another pint
  264. 12:55 AM <Tidus357> Or about to get drunk
  265. 12:56 AM <JuriSuzuki> I'm n ot drunk!
  266. 12:56 AM <JuriSuzuki> *drinks more water*
  267. 12:56 AM <Jimcloud> Tidus: The chugging is ubiquitous at frat parties, yes
  268. 12:56 AM <cooky560> I wouldn't chant one winged angel at a frat party :P
  269. 12:56 AM <Tidus357> :P
  270. 12:56 AM <Tidus357> Jim: Been to many frat parties?
  271. 12:56 AM <Tidus357> :P
  272. 12:56 AM <Jimcloud> Tidus: Too many
  273. 12:57 AM <JuriSuzuki> Ohhhh why didn't i sing THAT at the party.
  274. 12:57 AM <Jimcloud> I count 0 as too many
  275. 12:57 AM <Jimcloud> I would prefer to have gone to a negative number of frat parties
  276. 12:57 AM → Armageddon11 joined (5609e7ee@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
  277. 12:57 AM <Jimcloud> hi Arma
  278. 12:57 AM <Tidus357> :P
  279. 12:57 AM <Tidus357> Hai
  280. 12:57 AM <Catuse> how is that possible?
  281. 12:57 AM <JuriSuzuki> Hi Arma!
  282. 12:57 AM — cooky560 is out of water
  283. 12:57 AM <Jimcloud> Just so you know, Juri is not-drunk
  284. 12:57 AM <Catuse> next thing you're going to do is go to 3-2i frat parties
  285. 12:57 AM <Catuse> hi Pocky
  286. 12:57 AM <Jimcloud> Cat: I don't know
  287. 12:57 AM <JuriSuzuki> Thank you. Amra please tell Tidus that i'm not drunk.
  288. 12:58 AM <Armageddon11> I would but you spelled my name wrong.
  289. 12:58 AM <Tidus357> You are drunk. He is not "Amra"
  290. 12:58 AM <Tidus357> ^
  291. 12:58 AM <Catuse> "Looking for advice on how to best carry about a community discussion? Join us next week for a webinar to learn tips & tools you can use to improve discussions on your wiki - Register now!"
  292. 12:58 AM <Tidus357> ^
  293. 12:58 AM <Armageddon11> So I currently have no reason to believe you.
  294. 12:58 AM <Tidus357> I got that
  295. 12:58 AM <JuriSuzuki> .........I was testing your....urm.....quick thinking!
  296. 12:58 AM <Tidus357> >_>
  297. 12:58 AM <JuriSuzuki> And you passed!
  298. 12:59 AM <Catuse> Wikia, corny advice is generally useful but people who are not drunk (and thus have gone to 3-2i frat parties) will always turn it down.
  299. 12:59 AM <Tidus357> That's 20 bucks for being drunk in a public place and 400 for the insult
  300. 12:59 AM <cooky560> Webinar lol, oh dear
  301. 12:59 AM <cooky560> stupid buzzwords
  302. 12:59 AM <JuriSuzuki> NO!
  303. 12:59 AM — Tabbeh stays on Tidus's head.
  304. 12:59 AM — Jimcloud hands Tidus the breathalyzer
  305. 1:00 AM <Tidus357> Now, blow into this like you're at a frat party, plz
  306. 1:00 AM <JuriSuzuki> *blows into breathalyzer*
  307. 1:00 AM — Tidus357 shoves the breathalyzer in Juri's face
  308. 1:00 AM <cooky560> 400 comes up on the screen
  309. 1:00 AM <Tidus357> You've turned the crystals orange. What'd you eat? Italian?
  310. 1:00 AM <Tidus357> Alright, get in the car
  311. 1:00 AM <JuriSuzuki> That's good right?
  312. 1:00 AM <Tidus357> Watch your he-*bang*
  313. 1:00 AM <cooky560> well anything above 100 is over the limit
  314. 1:01 AM <Tidus357> Never mind >_>
  315. 1:01 AM <Yuanchosaan> Weird, why does my tray icon not flash when I am pinged anymore? ._.
  316. 1:01 AM <JuriSuzuki> ..........Teehee...
  317. 1:01 AM <Yuanchosaan> Or am I just not noticing it.
  318. 1:01 AM <Yuanchosaan> Jimcloud: Ping me in five seconds, please.
  319. 1:01 AM — Tidus357 drives off in a police car
  320. 1:01 AM <JuriSuzuki> Tidus.....
  321. 1:01 AM <Tidus357> What?
  322. 1:01 AM <Jimcloud> Yuanchosaan
  323. 1:01 AM <cooky560> tidus can drive at his age? wow
  324. 1:01 AM <Tidus357> Whaaaat?
  325. 1:01 AM <JuriSuzuki> I love you!
  326. 1:01 AM <Tidus357> Oyeah
  327. 1:01 AM <Yuanchosaan> Huh, it worked that time.
  328. 1:01 AM <Tidus357> My father taught me to drive
  329. 1:01 AM <Tidus357> He's an ex-cop
  330. 1:01 AM <cooky560> mIRC is fairly buy Vuan
  331. 1:01 AM <Tidus357> Juri, shut up
  332. 1:01 AM <cooky560> *buggy Yuanchosaan
  333. 1:02 AM <JuriSuzuki> But i do!
  334. 1:02 AM <Tidus357> I have enough guys in love with me at the moment
  335. 1:02 AM <Catuse> You all are drunk -_-
  336. 1:02 AM <Tidus357> Whatver.
  337. 1:02 AM <Yuanchosaan> I'm using KVirc, actually.
  338. 1:02 AM <JuriSuzuki> teehee
  339. 1:02 AM <Jimcloud> like Griff, Tidus?
  340. 1:02 AM <Tidus357> Cat: I never drink on the job
  341. 1:02 AM <Tidus357> And Hexed
  342. 1:02 AM <cooky560> my IRC client uses Growl for pings
  343. 1:02 AM <Tidus357> :3
  344. 1:02 AM <cooky560> very neat
  345. 1:02 AM <Jimcloud> naw I'm kidding Griff is totes straight don't let him hear I said that
  346. 1:02 AM <Yuanchosaan> Tidus, you're too young to drink. ._.
  347. 1:02 AM <Tidus357> Exactly. ._.
  348. 1:02 AM <JuriSuzuki> can i sit up front?
  349. 1:02 AM <cooky560> he's too young to be a cop :P
  350. 1:02 AM <Tidus357> No.
  351. 1:02 AM <Tidus357> ^Nah
  352. 1:02 AM — Tabbeh poots on Tidus's head.
  353. 1:03 AM <JuriSuzuki> ........
  354. 1:03 AM <Tidus357> I'm the most awesome c-
  355. 1:03 AM <Tabbeh> :>
  356. 1:03 AM <BlueLionheart> Tabbeh!
  357. 1:03 AM — Tidus357 shoots Tabbeh with revolver
  358. 1:03 AM <cooky560> remember your rights JuriSuzuki :P
  359. 1:03 AM <Tidus357> Taste that, bitch
  360. 1:03 AM — Tabbeh is shot.
  361. 1:03 AM <Tabbeh> HALP
  362. 1:03 AM <Tabbeh> POLICE BRUTALITY
  363. 1:03 AM — Tidus357 chucks Tabbs out the window
  364. 1:03 AM <JuriSuzuki> rights....rights....rights....
  365. 1:03 AM — BlueLionheart casts Curaga on Tabbeh.
  366. 1:03 AM — Tabbeh is defenestrated
  367. 1:03 AM <Yuanchosaan> Jimcloud, Vitor: A life without randomly breaking into Disney songs is a sad one. :p
  368. 1:03 AM <Catuse> lefts...lefts....lefts...
  369. 1:03 AM <Jimcloud> Yuan: Oh, no, I do that
  370. 1:03 AM — Tidus357 locks Juri in a cell
  371. 1:03 AM <Jimcloud> just against my will
  372. 1:03 AM <cooky560> you sure you can drive Tidus357 your road position is dreadful
  373. 1:03 AM <Jimcloud> THE SONGS MAKE ME
  374. 1:03 AM <Tidus357> HAKUNA MATATA
  375. 1:04 AM <Jimcloud> ....
  376. 1:04 AM — BlueLionheart puts Tabbeh on her lap.
  377. 1:04 AM — Jimcloud axes Tidus
  378. 1:04 AM <Tidus357> WHAT A WONDERFUL PHRASE
  379. 1:04 AM <JuriSuzuki> You can't keep me here!
  380. 1:04 AM <Jimcloud> it means no wo---ARGH
  381. 1:04 AM <Tidus357> Watch me.
  382. 1:04 AM <Jimcloud> TIDUS
  383. 1:04 AM <Jimcloud> WHY
  384. 1:04 AM <Jimcloud> WHYYYYYY
  385. 1:04 AM — Tabbeh is now on BL's lap apparently, after having been shot and defenestrated.
  386. 1:04 AM <JuriSuzuki> Don't make me summon!
  387. 1:04 AM <Yuanchosaan> Though I think the last time I did that was actually old Chinese pop songs at 8am in the library. >_>
  388. 1:04 AM <cooky560> actually juri he can until you sober up
  389. 1:04 AM <Tidus357> FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS
  390. 1:04 AM <cooky560> then he has to charge you
  391. 1:04 AM <Tidus357> HAKUNA AMATA
  392. 1:04 AM <Tidus357> er
  393. 1:04 AM <Tidus357> MATATA
  394. 1:04 AM <Jimcloud> um
  395. 1:04 AM <Tabbeh> AMAMAHAKUMANATA
  396. 1:04 AM <Tidus357> I was always a bad singer ._.
  397. 1:04 AM <Jimcloud> you forgot "it's a problem free philosophy"
  398. 1:04 AM <JuriSuzuki> You can't sing!
  399. 1:05 AM <JuriSuzuki> I can sing!
  400. 1:05 AM <Tidus357> ^Duh
  401. 1:05 AM <Tidus357> I'm a cop
  402. 1:05 AM <Tidus357> I shoot things
  403. 1:05 AM <Tidus357> And chase things
  404. 1:05 AM <JuriSuzuki> Can i leave now?
  405. 1:05 AM <Tidus357> And interrogate things
  406. 1:05 AM <Tidus357> No/
  407. 1:05 AM <Tidus357> .
  408. 1:05 AM <Tidus357> Now, if you'll excuse me...
  409. 1:05 AM <cooky560> whats he charged with
  410. 1:05 AM — Tidus357 goes to make coffee
  411. 1:05 AM <JuriSuzuki> oh come on! I can say my ABCs without fail!
  412. 1:05 AM <cooky560> since you need a reason to hold someone
  413. 1:05 AM <Catuse> well, this place no longer makes sense
  414. 1:05 AM <Tidus357> Drunk and disorderly in a public area
  415. 1:05 AM → Hexedmagica joined (
  416. 1:06 AM <cooky560> and he scored 400
  417. 1:06 AM <cooky560> not looking good
  418. 1:06 AM <Tidus357> Sexxedy~
  419. 1:06 AM <JuriSuzuki> Hex help me!
  420. 1:06 AM <Jimcloud> hi
  421. 1:06 AM <JuriSuzuki> Please!
  422. 1:06 AM <Tidus357> Don't, he's drunk
  423. 1:06 AM <Catuse> I'm gonna go eat dinner and see if you all have come out of your drunkenness when I get back
  424. 1:06 AM <Hexedmagica> ?
  425. 1:06 AM ⇐ Catuse quit (~Hairballs@unaffiliated/catuse) Quit: We fight, get beat, rise and fight again!
  426. 1:06 AM <Hexedmagica> i just woke up
  427. 1:06 AM <JuriSuzuki> I'm not drunk!
  428. 1:06 AM <Hexedmagica> -.-
  429. 1:06 AM <JuriSuzuki> I'm tipsy!
  430. 1:06 AM — cooky560 needs cofffee
  431. 1:06 AM <cooky560> JuriSuzuki 400 is a bit more than TIspy :P
  432. 1:06 AM <Armageddon11> MITUNA MATATA
  433. 1:06 AM <cooky560> above 50 is over the limit for driving
  434. 1:07 AM <JuriSuzuki> ........
  435. 1:07 AM <Jimcloud> ARMAAAAAAAAA
  436. 1:07 AM <JuriSuzuki> *bangs on bars!*
  437. 1:07 AM <JuriSuzuki> I know people in high places idus!
  438. 1:08 AM <Armageddon11> Oh no, I have startled the witch
  439. 1:08 AM <Tidus357> Who?
  440. 1:08 AM <Armageddon11> wait does our session have a witch yet did I just ruin the reference what
  441. 1:08 AM <Yuanchosaan> I need to kick people for being drunk and disorderly?
  442. 1:08 AM — Tidus357 smokes a cigar
  443. 1:08 AM — Jimcloud is not even close to being that skinny
  444. 1:08 AM <Tidus357> Yuan: Go ahead
  445. 1:08 AM <Tidus357> But he kicked himself, got it
  446. 1:08 AM <Jimcloud> not to mention that zombified
  447. 1:08 AM <Tidus357> ?
  448. 1:08 AM <Hexedmagica> Armageddon11: I don't know?
  449. 1:09 AM <Jimcloud> I know what they say but florida is actually not the source of a zombie apocalypse
  450. 1:09 AM <Jimcloud> honest
  451. 1:09 AM <Yuanchosaan> JuriSuzuki: Are you actually drunk or just being silly?
  452. 1:10 AM <Tidus357> Well, I now have it on record that Juri loves me
  453. 1:10 AM <Tidus357> :3
  454. 1:10 AM → BlueHighwind joined (9f5bb056@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
  455. 1:10 AM <BlueHighwind> yo
  456. 1:10 AM <BlueLionheart> Hi BlueHighwind!
  457. 1:10 AM <BlueHighwind> I've been banished to the upstairs
  458. 1:10 AM <Yuanchosaan> Hi Blue.
  459. 1:10 AM <BlueHighwind> doing spotlights
  460. 1:10 AM <Tidus357> [12:01:17] <JuriSuzuki> Tidus.....
  461. 1:10 AM <Tidus357> [12:01:22] <Tidus357> What?
  462. 1:10 AM <Tidus357> [12:01:23] <Jimcloud> Yuanchosaan
  463. 1:10 AM <Tidus357> [12:01:25] <Tidus357> Whaaaat?
  464. 1:10 AM <Tidus357> [12:01:26] <cooky560> tidus can drive at his age? wow
  465. 1:10 AM <Tidus357> [12:01:30] <JuriSuzuki> I love you!
  466. 1:10 AM <BlueHighwind> there are three spots in this whole show
  467. 1:10 AM → JuriSuzuki_ joined (5ad9ec01@gateway/web/qwebirc/
  468. 1:10 AM <BlueHighwind> so 90% of the time I'm doing nothing
  469. 1:11 AM — BlueLionheart hugs.
  470. 1:11 AM <Tidus357> ._.
  471. 1:11 AM <BlueHighwind> so I'm being ultra unprofessional and talking to you fine people now
  472. 1:11 AM <BlueHighwind> hi Blue
  473. 1:11 AM <JuriSuzuki_> I have returned!
  474. 1:11 AM <Jimcloud> XD
  475. 1:11 AM <JuriSuzuki_> Teehee
  476. 1:11 AM ⇐ JuriSuzuki quit (5ad9ec01@gateway/web/qwebirc/ Ping timeout: 246 seconds
  477. 1:11 AM <JuriSuzuki_> ?
  478. 1:11 AM <Yuanchosaan> JuriSuzuki_: Are you actually drunk or just being silly?
  479. 1:11 AM — BlueHighwind is durnk
  480. 1:12 AM <BlueHighwind> and typing in the blackness
  481. 1:12 AM <BlueHighwind> I also got some kind of grease on my kakhi pants and I R upset
  482. 1:12 AM <JuriSuzuki_> I...actually am. I went to a party....and before i knew it...i felt....diffewrent.
  483. 1:12 AM <BlueHighwind> I at least have my phone off
  484. 1:12 AM <cooky560> Yuanchosaan he failed the breath test
  485. 1:12 AM <BlueHighwind> its only 8 PM, what a weird party
  486. 1:12 AM — Tabbeh curls up.
  487. 1:12 AM <JuriSuzuki_> Its midnight here.
  488. 1:12 AM <BlueLionheart> :)
  489. 1:12 AM <Jimcloud> BH: He's in England so it's like midnight
  490. 1:12 AM <Yuanchosaan> JuriSuzuki_: You might like to consider going to sleep and not the IRC, at the moment. :p
  491. 1:12 AM <BlueHighwind> usually I'm not drunk until 1 AM
  492. 1:13 AM <BlueHighwind> oh, I love drunk IRC
  493. 1:13 AM <BlueHighwind> haven't you tried it yet?
  494. 1:13 AM <BlueHighwind> I think I married BlueLionheart once that way
  495. 1:13 AM <JuriSuzuki_> I am perfectly fine. I just wanted to talk to you asll since you all put a smile on my face.
  496. 1:13 AM <Jimcloud> I think he did
  497. 1:13 AM <BlueHighwind> you guys put a simile on mine
  498. 1:13 AM <Tidus357> No way
  499. 1:13 AM <Tidus357> BL married me
  500. 1:13 AM <Tidus357> As she was princess of the white moon
  501. 1:14 AM <Tidus357> >_>
  502. 1:14 AM <JuriSuzuki_> When was this?!
  503. 1:14 AM <Tidus357> Ages ago
  504. 1:14 AM <BlueHighwind> I don't remember that either
  505. 1:14 AM <Tidus357> You weren;t here Juri
  506. 1:14 AM <JuriSuzuki_> .........
  507. 1:14 AM <Tidus357> BH: You were TOO drunk
  508. 1:14 AM <BlueHighwind> if there's a White Moon, doesn't that imply others?
  509. 1:14 AM <Yuanchosaan> I suppose I can't kick you, given you're about as coherent as some users are normally.
  510. 1:14 AM <BlueLionheart> ^_^
  511. 1:14 AM <BlueHighwind> is there a Black Moon
  512. 1:14 AM → Catuse joined (~Hairballs@unaffiliated/catuse)
  513. 1:14 AM <Jimcloud> hi Cat
  514. 1:14 AM <Tidus357> But, well, now I'm king and BL is queen
  515. 1:14 AM <Catuse> back
  516. 1:14 AM <JuriSuzuki_> thank you.
  517. 1:14 AM <Tidus357> Hi Cat
  518. 1:14 AM <Armageddon11> Hi Kitkat
  519. 1:14 AM <Catuse> why is Tidus king?
  520. 1:14 AM <JuriSuzuki_> Hello Cta.
  521. 1:14 AM <BlueHighwind> well, now that Tidus is moving in on BL, I guess I'll just have to get jealous and steal her
  522. 1:14 AM <Tidus357> Cuz I married a princess
  523. 1:14 AM <Yuanchosaan> Question: can any of you access this video?
  524. 1:15 AM <Tidus357> BL
  525. 1:15 AM <Tidus357> BH: Back off
  526. 1:15 AM — BlueHighwind captures BlueLionheart and locks him up in the Black Moon
  527. 1:15 AM <Yuanchosaan> I would not advise actually watching this video.
  528. 1:15 AM <BlueHighwind> YOU SHALL BE MY QUEEN
  529. 1:15 AM <Tidus357> Nooooooooooooooo
  530. 1:15 AM <Catuse> Yuanchosaan: No.
  531. 1:15 AM <BlueHighwind> LADY OF THE DOOMED AND DAMNED
  532. 1:15 AM <JuriSuzuki_> no
  533. 1:15 AM — Tidus357 sues BH for being racist
  534. 1:15 AM <BlueLionheart> Oh, my...
  535. 1:15 AM <Catuse> However, when I realized what it was about, I didn't actually try very hard >_>
  536. 1:15 AM <Yuanchosaan> Ah, drat.
  537. 1:15 AM <Yuanchosaan> I was going to link it to Mango, since he wanted to see it.
  538. 1:15 AM <Armageddon11> You guys consider just asking which one of you she prefers?
  539. 1:15 AM <Tidus357> ... Great idea
  540. 1:15 AM <Tidus357> BL?
  541. 1:15 AM <JuriSuzuki_> Yeah!
  542. 1:16 AM — Tidus357 is going to win
  543. 1:16 AM <Jimcloud> ouch, Arma, way to put her on the spot
  544. 1:16 AM <Catuse> no cows
  545. 1:16 AM <JuriSuzuki_> Make the choice!
  546. 1:16 AM <Catuse> I'd just roll if I were her
  547. 1:16 AM — Tidus357 slaps Juri
  548. 1:16 AM <Tidus357> Quiet
  549. 1:16 AM <Tidus357> Ohhhhh BL?
  550. 1:16 AM <JuriSuzuki_> Stop hitting me!
  551. 1:16 AM <BlueLionheart> Uhh...I couldn't choose between you both.
  552. 1:16 AM <BlueHighwind> BlueLionheart, who shall have you?
  553. 1:16 AM <Tidus357> I didn't hit you
  554. 1:16 AM <Yuanchosaan> Jimcloud: Would you prefer if it were you? :p
  555. 1:16 AM <BlueHighwind> Tidus or Me?
  556. 1:16 AM <Tidus357> I slapped you
  557. 1:17 AM <JuriSuzuki_> That counts as hitting me!
  558. 1:17 AM <Tidus357> Me! Pick me!
  559. 1:17 AM <Jimcloud> Yuan: I would just hurt them if they asked that of me
  560. 1:17 AM <cooky560> Yuanchosaan it says something about a Zpass
  561. 1:17 AM <BlueLionheart> I...don't know..
  562. 1:17 AM <Yuanchosaan> After all, there are only five girls who regularly use the IRC. The next could be you!
  563. 1:17 AM <Tidus357> Juri: Not to me it wouldn't
  564. 1:17 AM <Tidus357> Jim? Nah
  565. 1:17 AM <Catuse> holy....
  566. 1:17 AM <Tidus357> She's got an angry all powerful boyfriend already
  567. 1:17 AM <BlueHighwind> and Jimcloud is my mom, so that's gross
  568. 1:17 AM <Tidus357> Don't wanna f with him
  569. 1:17 AM <BlueHighwind> well, I would capture Yuanchosaan and take her to the Black Moon to be Queen of the Damned, but that would cause the entire IRC to turn on me
  570. 1:17 AM <JuriSuzuki_> ......
  571. 1:18 AM <Tidus357> No it wouldn't
  572. 1:18 AM <Catuse> BlueHighwind: no, we'd just ignore your inanities like always
  573. 1:18 AM <Tidus357> Yuan would like to be queen
  574. 1:18 AM <Tidus357> And it would end conflict
  575. 1:18 AM <JuriSuzuki_> I'd take notice!
  576. 1:18 AM <Tidus357> Which is what Yuan wants
  577. 1:18 AM <Tidus357> Right?
  578. 1:18 AM <BlueLionheart> I can be queen of both, I guess.
  579. 1:18 AM <Tidus357> No, you can
  580. 1:18 AM <Tidus357> t
  581. 1:18 AM <BlueHighwind> there can be a BlueLionheart power sharing system
  582. 1:18 AM <cooky560> so in short yuan, only people with AU uni logins can see your video that no-one should see :P
  583. 1:18 AM <Tidus357> Being married to two people at once is illegal
  584. 1:18 AM <JuriSuzuki_> ?!?
  585. 1:18 AM <BlueHighwind> she can be Tidus' in the spring and summer and mine in autumn and winter
  586. 1:19 AM <Tidus357> ...
  587. 1:19 AM <Tidus357> Well...
  588. 1:19 AM <Yuanchosaan> No I wouldn't! I'm a staunch monarchist.
  589. 1:19 AM <JuriSuzuki_> Bigami!
  590. 1:19 AM <Catuse> Tidus357: not everywhere
  591. 1:19 AM <BlueHighwind> just like Persophone and Hades
  592. 1:19 AM <Catuse> Nove to Utah.
  593. 1:19 AM <Tidus357> BL?
  594. 1:19 AM <JuriSuzuki_> did i spell it right?
  595. 1:19 AM <Catuse> *M
  596. 1:19 AM <Tidus357> Bigamist?
  597. 1:19 AM <BlueLionheart> Yes, Tidus?
  598. 1:19 AM <Tidus357> Utah is weird
  599. 1:19 AM <Jimcloud> I don't know what you were --oh
  600. 1:19 AM <Jimcloud> Bigamy
  601. 1:19 AM <Tidus357> \jk
  602. 1:19 AM <JuriSuzuki_> Oh.
  603. 1:19 AM <JuriSuzuki_> Teehee
  604. 1:19 AM <BlueHighwind> .okay, I have a new solution
  605. 1:19 AM <Tidus357> BL: Is the "Spring -> Summer" thing ok with you
  606. 1:20 AM <BlueHighwind> BlueLionheart is free
  607. 1:20 AM <BlueHighwind> however, Tidus, you shall be the Black Queen
  608. 1:20 AM <Tidus357> Goodie!
  609. 1:20 AM <Tidus357> Wait-
  610. 1:20 AM <Yuanchosaan> cooky560: It wasn't in the usual "only students can see this" section, so I was hoping others could view it. Ah, well.
  611. 1:20 AM <Tidus357> OH SHI-
  612. 1:20 AM <JuriSuzuki_> Ahahahaha!
  613. 1:20 AM <BlueLionheart> Oh....Sure.
  614. 1:20 AM — Tidus357 screams like a little girl
  615. 1:20 AM <cooky560> I think the entire site is students only
  616. 1:20 AM <JuriSuzuki_> *slaps Tidus*
  617. 1:20 AM <cooky560> as you have to login to see the homepage
  618. 1:20 AM <JuriSuzuki_> Get a hold of yourself!
  619. 1:20 AM — Tidus357 throws Juri into space
  620. 1:20 AM <Tidus357> DON'T SLAP ME
  621. 1:20 AM <Tidus357> Take her, BH
  622. 1:20 AM <BlueHighwind> this is extremely entertaining by the way, I'm glad we're having such a spirited conversation or else I'd have to watch this opera
  623. 1:21 AM <cooky560> thought JuriSuzuki_ was in jail :P
  624. 1:21 AM <Catuse> SCM is the official slapper
  625. 1:21 AM <Tidus357> Take her, and leave mke alone
  626. 1:21 AM <Catuse> and isn't on right now
  627. 1:21 AM <BlueHighwind> okay, BlueLionheart, do you see that?
  628. 1:21 AM <JuriSuzuki_> I escaped from Jail!
  629. 1:21 AM <BlueHighwind> Tidus chooses to save himself over you, and thus, he does not love you
  630. 1:21 AM <cooky560> Tidus did you leave the door open again
  631. 1:21 AM <cooky560> typical
  632. 1:21 AM <BlueLionheart> Aww...
  633. 1:21 AM — Drake|7Kingdoms2 is going to nap
  634. 1:21 AM <Drake|7Kingdoms2> ciao
  635. 1:21 AM ⇐ Drake|7Kingdoms2 quit ( Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89-rdmsoft [XULRunner]
  636. 1:21 AM <Catuse> so what Juri did is illegal
  637. 1:22 AM <BlueHighwind> SO NOW YOU ARE MINE~
  638. 1:22 AM <Tidus357> Yes
  639. 1:22 AM — Catuse executes Juri just to make things more confusing
  640. 1:22 AM <Tidus357> BH: No
  641. 1:22 AM <Yuanchosaan> cooky560: Huh, really? It doesn't ask me to log in until I go to "Anatomy for Medical Students".
  642. 1:22 AM <JuriSuzuki_> .......
  643. 1:22 AM <Tidus357> She likes you
  644. 1:22 AM <BlueHighwind> instead of a dark lord we shall have a QUEEN, BEAUTIFUL AND TERRIBLE AS THE DAWN
  645. 1:22 AM <Tidus357> And she hates seeing us fight
  646. 1:22 AM <Tidus357> It's better for her
  647. 1:22 AM <Tidus357> :<
  648. 1:22 AM <cooky560> yup it just says some BS about certain access, then shows a login page
  649. 1:22 AM <JuriSuzuki_> *dies*
  650. 1:22 AM <Tidus357> Not for me, but whatever
  651. 1:22 AM <Tidus357> She can always have an affair
  652. 1:22 AM <Tidus357> :3
  653. 1:22 AM <Armageddon11> Okay at what point do we start macing and castrating BH?
  654. 1:22 AM <Sove> Funnily, escaping from an open prison is not illegal in my country >_>
  655. 1:23 AM <cooky560> it'd not be open if Tidus had locked the doors
  656. 1:23 AM <Catuse> I meant slapping Tidus, not escaping from prison
  657. 1:23 AM <cooky560> we need to fire that guy
  658. 1:23 AM <BlueHighwind> its really a shame that we're not a high school right now, because at least then all this cheating and double-teaming and angst would at least have dates and sex involved
  659. 1:23 AM <JuriSuzuki_> He slapped me first!
  660. 1:23 AM <Sove> Open prison as in a prison with no walls in the courtyard and laxer security
  661. 1:23 AM <Catuse> And what happens if somebody /does/ escape? >_>
  662. 1:23 AM <BlueHighwind> its a prison with no walls
  663. 1:23 AM <JuriSuzuki_> It was self-defence
  664. 1:24 AM <BlueHighwind> but you're on Pluto
  665. 1:24 AM <Tidus357> Cooky, i did lock the door
  666. 1:24 AM <BlueHighwind> so escape is kinda pointless
  667. 1:24 AM <Tidus357> He unlocked it
  668. 1:24 AM <cooky560> how do you suppose he did that huh?
  669. 1:24 AM <cooky560> I don't believe you
  670. 1:24 AM <Sove> You probably just end up in closed prison
  671. 1:24 AM <JuriSuzuki_> Well basically...
  672. 1:24 AM <Yuanchosaan> BlueHighwind: In the hobbit, we might get to see Galadriel tearing down Dol Guldur with its own power. Which is pretty cool. :3
  673. 1:24 AM <JuriSuzuki_> I summoned Siren. Tidus was distracted by the flashing lights...
  674. 1:24 AM <Yuanchosaan> *Hobbit
  675. 1:24 AM <BlueHighwind> I'm glad somebody got my reference
  676. 1:24 AM <BlueHighwind> that would be very awesome
  677. 1:24 AM <JuriSuzuki_> and i took the keys off his belt
  678. 1:25 AM <Sove> Either way, our prisons are nowhere near the shitholes US has
  679. 1:25 AM <Sove> So very few inmates even consider escaping
  680. 1:25 AM <JuriSuzuki_> pretty smart for someone who is Tipsy?
  681. 1:25 AM <BlueHighwind> the US prison system is pretty broken
  682. 1:25 AM <BlueHighwind> we send people to jail for twenty years for a gram of marajuana
  683. 1:26 AM <cooky560> and we now have a confession on record
  684. 1:26 AM <Yuanchosaan> There's a conversation near the end of LotR about whether Galadriel or Arwen is more beautiful.
  685. 1:26 AM <Sove> Yes, and that has resulted in 1% of adult population being in prisons
  686. 1:26 AM <cooky560> assaulting an officer and jailbreak
  687. 1:26 AM <Yuanchosaan> It's depressing to realise that the conversation is basically, "So who's hotter: the grandma or her granddaughter?"
  688. 1:26 AM <BlueHighwind> I'd say Galadriel by a country mile
  689. 1:26 AM <Sove> Here a life sentence is typically 12 years
  690. 1:26 AM <JuriSuzuki_> ......he assaualted me first!
  691. 1:26 AM <BlueHighwind> I don't care for Arwen's actress
  692. 1:26 AM <Sove> And our recidivism rate is much lower than what it is in US
  693. 1:27 AM <Sove> Our prison system is rehabilitation based, not retribution
  694. 1:27 AM <Catuse> Not that depressing, they aren't human
  695. 1:28 AM <BlueHighwind> actually the prettiest one is Eowyn
  696. 1:28 AM <JuriSuzuki_> .......*holds head in pain*
  697. 1:28 AM <JuriSuzuki_> i have a headache.
  698. 1:28 AM <cooky560> your sentenced to spend your life in a Suzuki
  699. 1:28 AM <Yuanchosaan> Catuse: More that it's couched in lovely, florid language. The Evening Star vs the Morning Star and all that.
  700. 1:28 AM <JuriSuzuki_> Noooooo!
  701. 1:29 AM <Tidus357> Juri, I did not assault you. You told me you loved me
  702. 1:29 AM <Tidus357> And then you tried to kiss me
  703. 1:29 AM <cooky560> and since you can't drive yet, it'll be a very still suzuki :P
  704. 1:29 AM <Tidus357> So
  705. 1:29 AM <Tidus357> I locked you up
  706. 1:29 AM <JuriSuzuki_> :O
  707. 1:29 AM <Tidus357> Cooky: Thumbs up for the pun
  708. 1:29 AM <Tidus357> :P
  709. 1:29 AM <JuriSuzuki_> I did not!
  710. 1:29 AM <Tidus357> You did too
  711. 1:29 AM <Jimcloud> well
  712. 1:29 AM <Catuse> Well, it's a fantasy novel.
  713. 1:29 AM <Jimcloud> you definitely did one of those things
  714. 1:29 AM <Tidus357> If you had waited till I was off duty, well...
  715. 1:30 AM <JuriSuzuki_> No i didn't!
  716. 1:30 AM <JuriSuzuki_> :O
  717. 1:30 AM <Tidus357> Didn't do what?
  718. 1:30 AM <Catuse> Among Tolkein's other works, the end of Children of Hurin is much worse.
  719. 1:30 AM <cooky560> [01:09:53] <Tidus357> Well, I now have it on record that Juri loves me
  720. 1:30 AM <Yuanchosaan> The answer is obviously Luthien Tinuviel, anyway.
  721. 1:30 AM <Catuse> Not because of incest, but because brother-sister incest is apparently infinitely more evil than incest between a cousins. >_>
  722. 1:30 AM <JuriSuzuki_> ......i'm never getting drunnk again.....
  723. 1:30 AM <Tidus357> [12:01:17] <JuriSuzuki> Tidus..... [12:01:22] <Tidus357> What? [12:01:23] <Jimcloud> Yuanchosaan [12:01:25] <Tidus357> Whaaaat? [12:01:26] <cooky560> tidus can drive at his age? wow [12:01:30] <JuriSuzuki> I love you!
  724. 1:30 AM <Jimcloud> [20:01:32] <JuriSuzuki> I love you!
  725. 1:31 AM <Yuanchosaan> Turin Turambar, Master of doom by doom mastered. :(
  726. 1:31 AM <JuriSuzuki_> ........
  727. 1:31 AM <Tidus357> See?
  728. 1:31 AM <Otherarrow> Back again
  729. 1:31 AM <Tidus357> Then I said you didn't
  730. 1:31 AM <Catuse> Aye Yuan.
  731. 1:31 AM <Otherarrow> Hello hello hello!
  732. 1:31 AM <Tidus357> And you said you did
  733. 1:31 AM <Jimcloud> you definitely sobered up quick
  734. 1:31 AM <JuriSuzuki_> taht wasn't me....
  735. 1:31 AM <Catuse> Wait now who did what, Tidus?
  736. 1:31 AM <Otherarrow> I wish I wrote books.
  737. 1:32 AM — Catuse looks at the geneaologies (sp?) at the end of Silmarillion
  738. 1:32 AM <Tidus357> Cat: Juri said he loved me
  739. 1:32 AM <Tidus357> :3
  740. 1:32 AM <Catuse> >_>
  741. 1:32 AM <JuriSuzuki_> ........
  742. 1:32 AM <Yuanchosaan> They're all related.
  743. 1:32 AM <Tidus357> Yep
  744. 1:32 AM <Yuanchosaan> All of them.
  745. 1:32 AM <JuriSuzuki_> Etro help me....
  746. 1:32 AM <BlueLionheart> I'd write a book, too, if I could, OA.
  747. 1:32 AM <JuriSuzuki_> Yevon help me....
  748. 1:33 AM <Catuse> Then... do it?
  749. 1:33 AM <Catuse> yeah
  750. 1:33 AM <BlueLionheart> Heh hee, I don't think I could.
  751. 1:34 AM <Tidus357> ^You have no confidence
  752. 1:34 AM <JuriSuzuki_> And for the record Tidus. Even if you was off duty...I....Urm....
  753. 1:34 AM <Tidus357> Time for a confidence boost
  754. 1:34 AM — Tidus357 wiggles fingers
  755. 1:34 AM <BlueLionheart> ?
  756. 1:34 AM <JuriSuzuki_> Urm.....
  757. 1:34 AM <Tidus357> Close your eyes, BH~
  758. 1:34 AM <Catuse> Ah, I thought Morwen was Hurin's first cousin anyways. Apparently not.
  759. 1:34 AM <JuriSuzuki_> *holds head in pain*
  760. 1:34 AM <Tidus357> And you too, BL~
  761. 1:34 AM — BlueLionheart does so?
  762. 1:34 AM <Tidus357> :3
  763. 1:35 AM <Tidus357> BH~
  764. 1:35 AM — Tidus357 ignores him
  765. 1:35 AM <Catuse> whatever it is, Tidus, if I had ops I'd be thinking about /kick right now
  766. 1:35 AM — Tidus357 grabs a nearby bunch of roses
  767. 1:35 AM <Tidus357> ...?
  768. 1:35 AM <Tidus357> Cat, I wasn't...
  769. 1:35 AM <Tidus357> :<
  770. 1:35 AM <Tidus357> Way to ruin it
  771. 1:35 AM — Tidus357 puts roses in BL's hands, runs away
  772. 1:36 AM — Catuse goes back to finding pages to move
  773. 1:36 AM <JuriSuzuki_> ......we are a wierd bunch of people...teehee
  774. 1:36 AM <BlueLionheart> Oooo.
  775. 1:36 AM <BlueHighwind> and we're back
  776. 1:36 AM <BlueHighwind> sorry I had to work
  777. 1:37 AM <BlueHighwind> am I still competing for BlueLionheart's love?
  778. 1:37 AM <BlueLionheart> Hi again.
  779. 1:38 AM <BlueHighwind> oh, I missed Yuanchosaan 's entire thing on Children of Hurin
  780. 1:38 AM <Yuanchosaan> It wasn't really a thing.
  781. 1:38 AM <Catuse> OH GOD
  782. 1:38 AM <Yuanchosaan> What a depressing book.
  783. 1:38 AM <Catuse> 3000 PAGES LINK TO WIND
  784. 1:39 AM <Jimcloud> ahahahahaha
  785. 1:39 AM <Catuse> even with the bot this will take a few hours ._.
  786. 1:39 AM <JuriSuzuki_> brain is in pain....
  787. 1:39 AM <Yuanchosaan> Catuse: JBed and I did all the links to Water, once.
  788. 1:39 AM <BlueHighwind> I didn't read much of it
  789. 1:39 AM <Catuse> I can imagine the two of you doing that :P
  790. 1:39 AM <BlueHighwind> I figured if I was going to read the Song of Seigfried I'd reach the Song of Seigfreid or watch Wagner's version
  791. 1:39 AM <BlueLionheart> Do you need help, Catuse?
  792. 1:40 AM <Catuse> No, I'm taking the lazy way out and using the wiki bot.
  793. 1:40 AM <BlueLionheart> Oh...okay.
  794. 1:41 AM Dinnerblade0 → Keyblade0
  795. 1:41 AM <Catuse> hi Keyblade
  796. 1:42 AM <BlueHighwind> actually forgot Wagner, just watch the cartoon, What's Opera Doc? starring Bugs Bunny
  798. 1:42 AM <JuriSuzuki_> Teehheee...
  799. 1:42 AM <Jimcloud> brb
  800. 1:43 AM <Catuse> "Control - Move to make way for disambig." -Yeah, that's what the ENTIRE LIST IS FOR. Pages that need to be moved to make way for disambigs. >_>
  801. 1:43 AM <Keyblade0> Hi, Catty Cat.
  802. 1:44 AM <Catuse> ah, there's also a Control (Status) page
  803. 1:45 AM <JuriSuzuki_> Okay i'm gonna do something i shoulda done an hour ago...
  804. 1:45 AM <JuriSuzuki_> I'm gonna go
  805. 1:45 AM <Armageddon11> Bye Juri
  806. 1:46 AM <JuriSuzuki_> to sleep
  807. 1:46 AM <Keyblade0> Night, Juri.
  808. 1:46 AM <Catuse> bye
  809. 1:46 AM <JuriSuzuki_> Sorry everybody for ya know...being drunk.
  810. 1:46 AM <Keyblade0> And Welcome to the Final Fantasy Wiki's IRC channel.
  811. 1:46 AM <Keyblade0> :3
  812. 1:46 AM <BlueLionheart> Bye.
  813. 1:46 AM <Keyblade0> So many new people this month...
  814. 1:46 AM <JuriSuzuki_> Thanks for welcoming me. Bye bye......Teehee...
  815. 1:46 AM <Keyblade0> It's a GLORIOUS month indeed...
  816. 1:46 AM ⇐ JuriSuzuki_ quit (5ad9ec01@gateway/web/qwebirc/ Quit: Wikia webchat:
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