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a guest
Nov 23rd, 2014
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  1. variables:
  2. {wejscia.graczy3} = 0
  3. {wejscia.ogol3} = 0
  4. on join:
  5. if player don't have permission "ranga.admin":
  6. if player has premium:
  7. execute console command "spawn %player%"
  8. execute console command "god %player% on"
  9. wait 0.1 second
  10. create timed bar with text "&a&lPARKOUR &7&l- &6&lSky&3&lLife&6&l.PL" to player for 25 seconds
  11. execute console command "fly %player% off"
  12. teleport player to {lobby.serwer}
  13. add 1 to {wejscia.ogol3}
  14. loop 100 times:
  15. send ""
  16. send " &6&lSky&3&lLife&6&l.PL"
  17. send ""
  18. send "&3Na serwerze &6&lPARKOUR &3bylo &6%{wejscia.graczy3}% &3graczy."
  19. send "&3Wchodzili na niego &6%{wejscia.ogol3}% &3razy."
  20. send "&3Wykup range &6&lVIP&3! &9(/vip)"
  21. send "&6%player%&3, witaj na serwerze!"
  22. send "&3Zalogowano z konta &apremium&3!"
  23. execute console command "ne prefix %player% &7"
  24. if {nick::%player%} is not set:
  25. set {nick::%player%} to uncolored display name of player
  26. if player has not premium:
  27. execute console command "spawn %player%"
  28. execute console command "god %player% on"
  29. wait 0.1 second
  30. create timed bar with text "&a&lPARKOUR &7&l- &6&lSky&3&lLife&6&l.PL" to player for 25 seconds
  31. execute console command "fly %player% off"
  32. teleport player to {lobby.serwer}
  33. add 1 to {wejscia.ogol3}
  34. loop 100 times:
  35. send ""
  36. send " &6&lSky&3&lLife&6&l.PL"
  37. send ""
  38. send "&3Na serwerze &6&lPARKOUR &3bylo &6%{wejscia.graczy3}% &3graczy."
  39. send "&3Wchodzili na niego &6%{wejscia.ogol3}% &3razy."
  40. send "&3Wykup range &6&lVIP&3! &9(/vip)"
  41. send "&6%player%&3, witaj na serwerze!"
  42. send "&3Zalogowano z konta &apremium&3!"
  43. execute console command "ne prefix %player% &7"
  44. send "&3Zaloguj sie! &6/login (haslo)&3."
  45. if {nick::%player%} is not set:
  46. set {nick::%player%} to uncolored display name of player
  47. else:
  48. if player has premium:
  49. execute console command "spawn %player%"
  50. execute console command "god %player% on"
  51. wait 0.1 second
  52. create timed bar with text "&a&lPARKOUR &7&l- &6&lSky&3&lLife&6&l.PL" to player for 25 seconds
  53. execute console command "fly %player% off"
  54. teleport player to {lobby.serwer}
  55. add 1 to {wejscia.ogol3}
  56. loop 100 times:
  57. send ""
  58. send " &6&lSky&3&lLife&6&l.PL"
  59. send ""
  60. send "&3Na serwerze &6&lPARKOUR &3bylo &6%{wejscia.graczy3}% &3graczy."
  61. send "&3Wchodzili na niego &6%{wejscia.ogol3}% &3razy."
  62. send "&3Wykup range &6&lVIP&3! &9(/vip)"
  63. send "&6Administratorze %player%&3, witaj na serwerze!"
  64. send "&3Zalogowano z konta &apremium&3!"
  65. execute console command "ne prefix %player% &7"
  66. if {nick::%player%} is not set:
  67. set {nick::%player%} to uncolored display name of player
  68. if player has not premium:
  69. execute console command "spawn %player%"
  70. execute console command "god %player% on"
  71. wait 0.1 second
  72. create timed bar with text "&a&lPARKOUR &7&l- &6&lSky&3&lLife&6&l.PL" to player for 25 seconds
  73. execute console command "fly %player% off"
  74. teleport player to {lobby.serwer}
  75. add 1 to {wejscia.ogol3}
  76. loop 100 times:
  77. send ""
  78. send " &6&lSky&3&lLife&6&l.PL"
  79. send ""
  80. send "&3Na serwerze &6&lPARKOUR &3bylo &6%{wejscia.graczy3}% &3graczy."
  81. send "&3Wchodzili na niego &6%{wejscia.ogol3}% &3razy."
  82. send "&3Wykup range &6&lVIP&3! &9(/vip)"
  83. send "&6%player%&3, witaj na serwerze!"
  84. send "&3Zalogowano z konta &apremium&3!"
  85. execute console command "ne prefix %player% &7"
  86. send "&3Zaloguj sie! &6/login (haslo)&3."
  87. if {nick::%player%} is not set:
  88. set {nick::%player%} to uncolored display name of player
  89. on first join:
  90. if player has premium:
  91. execute console command "spawn %player%"
  92. execute console command "god %player% on"
  93. wait 0.2 second
  94. create timed bar with text "&a&lPARKOUR &7&l- &6&lSky&3&lLife&6&l.PL" to player for 25 seconds
  95. execute console command "fly %player% off"
  96. teleport player to {lobby.serwer}
  97. add 1 to {wejscia.ogol3}
  98. add 1 to {wejscia.graczy3}
  99. loop 100 times:
  100. send ""
  101. send " &6&lSky&3&lLife&6&l.PL"
  102. send ""
  103. send "&3Na serwerze &6&lPARKOUR &3bylo &6%{wejscia.graczy3}% &3graczy."
  104. send "&3Wchodzili na niego &6%{wejscia.ogol3}% &3razy."
  105. send "&3Wykup range &6&lVIP&3! &9(/vip)"
  106. send "&6%player%&3, witaj na serwerze!"
  107. send "&3Zalogowano z konta &apremium&3!"
  108. send "&3Na wszelki wypadek zarejestruj sie! &6/register (haslo powtorzHaslo)"
  109. execute console command "ne prefix %player% &7"
  110. if {nick::%player%} is not set:
  111. set {nick::%player%} to uncolored display name of player
  112. if player has not premium:
  113. execute console command "spawn %player%"
  114. execute console command "god %player% on"
  115. wait 0.2 second
  116. create timed bar with text "&a&lPARKOUR &7&l- &6&lSky&3&lLife&6&l.PL" to player for 25 seconds
  117. execute console command "fly %player% off"
  118. teleport player to {lobby.serwer}
  119. add 1 to {wejscia.ogol3}
  120. add 1 to {wejscia.graczy3}
  121. loop 100 times:
  122. send ""
  123. send " &6&lSky&3&lLife&6&l.PL"
  124. send ""
  125. send "&3Na serwerze &6&lPARKOUR &3bylo &6%{wejscia.graczy3}% &3graczy."
  126. send "&3Wchodzili na niego &6%{wejscia.ogol3}% &3razy."
  127. send "&3Wykup range &6&lVIP&3! &9(/vip)"
  128. send "&6%player%&3, witaj na serwerze!"
  129. send "&3Zarejestruj sie! &6/register (haslo powtorzHaslo)"
  130. execute console command "ne prefix %player% &7"
  131. if {nick::%player%} is not set:
  132. set {nick::%player%} to uncolored display name of player
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