
Swan Song - Octavia x Anon - Part 1

May 18th, 2014
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  1. >You were fascinated with that pony ever since you saw her perform in Ponyville a few months ago.
  2. >Her elegance during her performance was unlike anything you had seen before.
  3. >You always had an affinity for classical music.
  4. >But the way she performed sparked a newfound interest in the craft.
  5. >And it went beyond her fine playing abilities.
  6. >It showed at an outward level.
  7. >Her eyes, a beautiful shade of purple, suggested refinement and gentleness.
  8. >Her lovely, black mane was clean and straight, and astonishingly radiant.
  10. >You wanted to get to know her better.
  11. >But she was of a higher social class.
  12. >At least... that's how you felt.
  13. >She had an air about her....
  14. >It wasn't arrogance, or any sort of haughtiness.
  15. >You had a feeling it was something else.
  16. >As if she put up a wall to protect herself.
  17. >You were lucky enough to introduce yourself to her before her last performance in Ponyville.
  19. >Though her reaction was less than pleasant:
  20. >"I'm sorry, I'm a bit busy getting ready for a performance. Do you mind?"
  22. >You did mind.
  24. >You expressed to her that you were a fan of her playing.
  25. >She scoffed at you, hiding her face behind what seemed like a blush.
  26. >She continued to tune her cello, still hiding her face.
  27. >"I-I... well, thank you, kind sir."
  28. >Upon tuning the A string, she let out a sigh of relief.
  29. >"Good. All good. I'm sorry, you said your name was... Anon?"
  30. >You nodded, giving her a warm smile.
  31. >She returns the smile as well, before hiding her face.
  32. >"W-well... I-I... should go on now. It was quite nice to meet you, Anon."
  33. >You wished her luck.
  35. >You were saddened that she was to leave.
  36. >Though happy that you were going to be able to hear her play once more.
  37. >You probably were to never see her again, anyways.
  39. >Before Octavia leaves, she turns to face you.
  40. >Her eyes at the ground and her cheeks rosy, she whispers to you:
  41. >"Maybe... we can talk more... after my performance?"
  43. >And you did just that.
  45. >Octavia's performance was even better that night, you would say.
  46. >Multiple times you found her eyes meeting yours.
  47. >And she would close them instantly, resuming focus on her playing.
  48. >Her cheeks remained rosy for most of the performance.
  49. >She was woking to keep her eyes shut.
  51. >Afterwards, you meet Octavia in the same place you introduced yourself to her.
  52. >She was in the process of putting her instrument away.
  53. >She gives you a small smile as you approach her.
  54. >You congratulate her on a job well done, smiling warmly.
  55. >She hides her face again.
  56. >"Thank you very much, Anon. I thought the performance was... acceptable."
  57. >You give her a confused look.
  58. "Acceptable? It was definitely great!"
  60. >She shuts the cello case gently.
  61. >Her face still hidden behind her mane, she gives out a sigh.
  62. >"I was... having a hard time focusing tonight."
  63. >She puts her cello on a trolley.
  64. >"I'm not quite sure why."
  66. >Octavia's eyes kept catching yours during the performance.
  67. >Her lack of focus was probably your fault.
  68. >You walk over and help her fix the cello onto the trolley.
  69. >"You are quite the... gentlecolt."
  70. >You laugh.
  71. "Gentleman."
  73. >A tired pony comes by to take the trolley and it's contents to storage.
  74. >She gives you a weak nod before attaching the trolley to herself.
  75. >You give the pony a tip for her hard work.
  76. >"Wow... thanks, sir!"
  77. >She trots off happily with the trolley in tow.
  78. >Octavia gives you a slightly bigger smile.
  79. >"Wow. You really ARE a gentle... man."
  80. >You shake your head.
  81. "I just wanted to be nice. She looked like she was working hard."
  82. >She brushes her hoof against you.
  83. >"Nonsense! You are quite...."
  84. >She doesn't finish.
  85. >Instead, her face is hidden behind her mane again.
  87. >Octavia yawns, and rubs her eyes.
  88. >"I should... h-head back to my hotel for the night."
  89. "How about I walk you home?"
  90. >Octavia laughs nervously, loosening her pink bow tie.
  91. >"I couldn't ask you to do that...."
  92. "I insist."
  93. >Her cheeks redden.
  94. >"Such a gentleman..."
  96. >The walk back to her hotel was relaxing.
  97. >Octavia spoke a lot about her career as a cellist, with you listening intently.
  98. >"I feel like I'm speaking a lot... I'm sorry to make you have to listen to me so much."
  100. >You smile at her.
  101. "I like hearing you talk... it's quite interesting, really."
  102. >She bumps you with her hoof.
  103. >"Oh, you're just saying that, Anon!"
  104. >You shake your head.
  105. "Not at all. Please, continue."
  106. >Octavia's cheeks redden again.
  107. >"... truly?"
  108. "Truly."
  110. >Octavia walks closer to you as you approach the hotel.
  111. >"It's been a long time since I was able to talk with one who cares about what I have to say."
  112. >You shrug at her.
  113. "I really enjoyed it. You are an interesting pony, and a fantastic musician."
  114. >"Oh... stop it, Anon!"
  115. >She gets closer to you.
  116. "I'm really glad that I got to share this time with you."
  117. >"Y-yes... I would have to agree with you, Anon."
  118. >She gets a bit closer to you.
  119. >The hotel is within sight.
  121. "I hope that we can spend more time together sometime in the future."
  122. >You put your hands into your pockets.
  123. "Next time you're in Ponyville... let me know."
  124. >Octavia smiles at you.
  125. >Her rosy cheeks redder than ever.
  126. >"I definitely will... I could never pass up another opportunity to spend time with such a...."
  127. >Her coat brushes against you.
  128. >She jumps back, apologizing.
  129. >You assure her that everything is alright, laughing nervously.
  130. >She turns her face away.
  131. >"I... should go up now."
  133. >You kneel down next to her.
  134. "Ok. Don't forget what I said. I'll be here waiting for you, Ms. Melody."
  135. >She smiles at you.
  136. >"You... are such a gentleman, Anon."
  137. >She gets close to you.
  138. >"You really are."
  140. >She gives your face a gentle nuzzle.
  141. >You feel yourself blushing.
  142. >Her soft, warm fur feels amazing against your face.
  143. >"H-have a good night, Anon."
  144. "You as well, Octavia."
  146. >She leans in and pecks your cheek before turning and heading into the hotel.
  147. >You will definitely see her again.
  148. >Sooner than you think, you are sure.
  150. ~
  152. >That kiss she planted on your cheek left you yearning for more.
  153. >You felt as if you would see her again soon.
  154. >And everything would be grand.
  155. >You'd have the opportunity to get to know the real her.
  157. >That was months ago.
  158. >And you haven't seen or heard from Octavia since that night.
  160. >You returned to that hotel the following morning to see if she was there, to no avail.
  161. >She had apparently checked out earlier in the morning to catch a train to Manehattan.
  162. >Octavia was a hot commodity, and she was in high demand to give performances all over Equestria.
  163. >So you understood that she would be quite busy.
  164. >But you didn't think she would leave without so much as a goodbye.
  166. >Fast forward to today.
  167. >You had a day off, and decided to put it to good use.
  168. >After hours of work, your small cottage was clean.
  169. >No more letting Pinkie throw parties here.
  170. >You plop down on the couch and sigh deeply.
  171. >You shut your eyes and breath in and out slowly.
  173. "Relaxation...."
  175. >Before you get too relaxed, you hear a knock on your door.
  176. >You groan and force yourself up.
  177. "Coming...."
  178. >Who would be so rude as to disturb your relaxing Anon time?
  179. >You open the door, expecting it to be Pinkie or Lyra or....
  180. >But it wasn't.
  181. >Instead, a gray mare stares back at you, giving you a wide smile.
  183. "What a... pleasant surprise?"
  184. >The gray mare's smile widens.
  185. >Her yellow eyes slightly skewed, she moves her attention to her mail bag.
  186. >"I got a delivery for you, Anon!"
  187. >She digs through her bag, searching for this mysterious letter.
  188. "Oh... I wasn't expecting any mail!"
  189. >Derpy hands you a small, purple envelope.
  190. >"Here you go. A nice surprise is good for everyone, Anon!"
  191. "You're right, Derpy. Thanks a lot...."
  192. >She gives you a smile and a wave.
  194. >You close the door and examine your letter.
  195. >It's addressed to you, though there is no return address.
  196. >Odd...
  197. >The letter is quite nice.
  198. >Why are you still examining it?
  199. >You carefully open the envelope and pull out a folded piece of high-quality parchment.
  200. >A ticket falls out of the letter as you open it.
  201. >You pick it up and begin to read the letter:
  203. Dear Anonymous,
  205. I will begin by saying that I deeply apologize for not contacting you these past few months.
  206. It was not my intention to do so. I became quickly overwhelmed with the number of performances I had,
  207. and I had to ensure that I could clear my mind before I continued to talk to you, or introduce you into
  208. my life more.
  210. I hope that you are still interested in getting to know me, as I am with you. I... I would understand if you did
  211. not want to pursue contact with me. It would hurt me greatly, but it is something that I would
  212. deserve for not talking to you, Anon.
  214. I live in Manehattan now, and have included a train ticket for you. If you could come and visit me this upcoming
  215. weeked, well... I would be thrilled to say the least. I don't know if you have enough free time to stay a few days
  216. here, but we could work something out. If you decide to come, I will wait in Central Park within the hours of
  217. 2p.m. and 4p.m..
  219. I hope that I will see you soon, Anon. I am excited to see my gentleman again (I remembered!).
  221. - Octavia Melody
  223. >You pocket the letter and rush to your room to begin packing your bags.
  225. ~
  227. >The trip to Manehattan was somewhat pleasant.
  228. >It was only a few hours, tops.
  229. >Though you would have preferred to not have to sit next to the Cakes and their crying children.
  230. >You were lucky to not have any established work going on Ponyville either.
  231. >Odd jobs gave you more than enough to live comfortably, and not above your means.
  232. >You were sure to let a few ponies know, just to be safe.
  233. >You arrive at the Manehattan train station around noon.
  234. >With one bag of luggage in tow and a small backpack, you exit the station.
  236. >You are immediately overwhelmed with the scope of the city.
  237. >Buildings everywhere, streets of asphalt, and sidewalks of cement
  238. >An immense number of skyscrapers scrape... well... the sky.
  239. >It wasn't like you never experienced the city life back home.
  240. >But you were so accustomed to the laid-back lifestyle of Ponyville by now.
  241. >The fact that ponies could create a city like this...?
  242. >Glorious.
  244. >You pull out a map that you just picked up.
  245. >Central Park looked like it was a good thirty minutes away via... cab?
  246. >You look and see gruff ponies pulling yellow and black carriages at varying intervals.
  247. >Word.
  248. >Walking... would take you maybe an hour and a half.
  249. >Hmm....
  250. >You weren't opposed to paying for a ride.
  251. >Though you needed to save your funds for a hotel room and food.
  252. >You had until 4p.m. to meet Octavia in the park.
  254. >Your stomach growls.
  255. >You just can't think on an empty stomach.
  256. >You walk over to a food cart, hoping to grab a quick snack.
  257. >The pony at the cart gives you an extremely judgmental look.
  258. "Hello. Could I have a-"
  259. >"We're all out."
  260. >You stare at the pony.
  261. "Excuse me?"
  262. >"I said we're closed!"
  263. >The pony slams the cart door.
  264. >You raise your hand to bang on the door but stop yourself as you see two cop ponies walk bye, eyeing you intently.
  265. >Cool down, Anon.
  266. >This city don't play.
  268. >You decide to skip the food and instead flip a coin to decide for you.
  269. >You pull out a shiny bit.
  270. >You give it a flip in the air.
  272. >Why the heck did you decide to walk?
  273. >You're tired.
  274. >Your feet hurt.
  275. >You are cold.
  276. >You are hot.
  277. >You are thirsty.
  278. >You are hungry.
  279. >It goes on....
  281. >You arrive to the final few blocks before Central Park.
  282. >At least, according to your map.
  283. >You need to check the time, and get a quick bite for sure.
  284. >You stop into the first deli you see.
  285. >You can't be picky, though you're hoping you won't be given rotten service again.
  286. >A chubby orange filly awaits you behind the register.
  287. >Behind her, a clock reading 3:21p.m..
  289. >"What's goin' on, mister? Welcome to this here fine establishment. Can I getchu you a drink or somethin'?"
  290. >At least she's nice.
  292. >You scan the menu, ordering the first thing that sounds good.
  293. "Yeah, I'll have a... water and a bagel, please."
  294. >She gives you a confused look.
  295. >"That'll be... eh... hmm... let's just make it three bits, huh?"
  296. "Uh, sure?"
  297. >The filly nods and gets your order ready.
  299. >Ignoring the fact that she didn't know the prices, you fiddle through your bag for your bits.
  300. >Though you are tired, you definitely saved money not taking a cab.
  301. >Good call.
  302. >You pull out the correct change and wait for the orange, bacon-maned filly to put a fresh bagel into a bag for you.
  303. >The door bell chimes.
  304. >You see two older ponies enter the deli.
  305. >They stand behind you in line.
  306. >You don't like eavesdropping, but you can't help but overhear them:
  308. >"That poor dear. She plays in that park every afternoon."
  309. >"Yes, yes. She is quite talented."
  310. >"It's a shame that she doesn't ever get a lot of bits for how well she plays."
  311. >"Mhmm. I'm always sure to give her a few when I can, but..."
  313. >You are brought back into reality by the cash register ringing.
  314. >"Here ya go, sir. A fresh bagel and a cold watah bottle."
  315. >You complacently hand her the bits.
  316. >Were those ponies talking about....
  317. >"Nuttin' like a cold water on a cold fall day, huh?"
  318. >You nod, still not quite listening to the filly.
  319. "Yeah... thanks."
  320. >"Havah good day, den."
  321. >You quickly leave the deli.
  323. >You gobble up the bagel and chug the water as you walk briskly towards Central Park.
  325. >Those old ponies in the deli surely weren't talking about Octavia?
  326. >Everything they said made sense.
  327. >Except for her not making enough bits.
  328. >You could understand if some ponies were stingy but...
  329. >Octavia is a world-class cellist.
  330. >She's played in famous venues all around Equestria.
  331. >If she indeed the one playing in the park, well....
  332. >Who's to say it isn't for fun?
  334. >After a few near-trips and collisions with oncoming ponies, you arrive at the wrought iron gates to Central Park.
  335. >And another glorious sight it is, with a seemingly endless number of trees scattered all over, their orange and brown leaves signaling the presence of fall.
  336. >Upon entering the park, you hear the faint sound of what seems like a cello!
  337. >But where? You don't recall the letter mentioning where exactly she would meet you.
  338. >You pull out Octavia's letter again.
  339. >Nothing....
  340. >Two ponies trot towards you, in the middle of what seems like a healthy jog.
  341. >You wave at them.
  342. "Hey! Excuse me! Do you all know where the pony playing cello is?"
  343. >You charade the bowing of a cello, in case they can't hear you.
  344. >One of the ponies throws his head backwards.
  345. >"Back...huff huff... there... huff...."
  346. >You give them a thanks as they trot past you.
  348. >You increase the speed of your brisk walk as you take the main path down the center of Central Park.
  349. >The sounds of the cello ring more loudly the nearer you get.
  350. >Your heart is racing!
  351. >It is exciting to be able to see someone you thought was lost forever.
  352. >Especially someone you are so fond of.
  353. >You begin to make out the gentle melodies of one of Octavia's own compositions.
  354. >You feel yourself getting fatigued, though.
  355. >Easy there, Anon.
  356. >Almost there.
  358. >You faintly make out a gray mare and cello in the distance.
  359. >The sound of her cello stops.
  360. >You see her look around expectantly.
  361. >You try and wave at her, but she doesn't see you.
  362. >She begins to put her cello away.
  364. "Done playing already?"
  365. >"Unfortunately, yes. I must return home and-"
  366. >Octavia turns her head slowly to you.
  367. >Upon seeing you her jaw drops and her eyes open wide.
  368. >"A-Anon! You're... y-you're here!"
  369. >You nod and kneel down to her level, giving her a smile.
  370. "Did you think I would pass up an opportunity to see you?"
  371. >She gives you an affectionate hug.
  372. You hug her back, your heart continuing to race.
  373. >You feel her own heart beating at a faster rate than yours.
  375. >"I don't know what to say! I'm just so... wow. I cannot believe you actually came!"
  376. >You feel her hug getting tighter.
  377. >You pat her on the back.
  378. "I wouldn't even consider any other alternative."
  379. >You break the hug and stand back up.
  380. "Besides, a little vacation is nice now and then."
  381. >Octavia smiles at you.
  382. >You immediately notice that she appears... different.
  383. >She has bags under her eyes, her mane is a bit less maintained than usual, and she seems to be a bit thinner than you remember.
  384. >You start to wonder if she was always like that....
  386. >"Let me finish putting this away, and then we can... well, we are certainly overdue for some catching up, are we not?"
  387. >You nod as she trots over the her instrument.
  388. >Octavia closes and locks her cello case.
  389. >Her smile clashes with her appearance.
  390. >She doesn't appear to be entirely well....
  391. >Maybe she had a long night of rehearsals?
  392. >Perhaps she is just tired?
  394. "Shall we head back to your place?"
  395. >Octavia scratches her mane.
  396. >Well... maybe we can go elsewhere first? My place is nothing special."
  397. >You shrug.
  398. "Maybe. Don't you want to take your cello back first?"
  399. >She puts the case on her back, avoiding your eyes.
  400. >"I suppose that would make the most sense now, wouldn't it?"
  401. >Her eyes still don't meet yours.
  402. >She is acting a bit strange.
  403. >Poor dear must be nervous!
  404. >You walk up to her.
  405. "So to your place then? Maybe we can get dinner afterwards?"
  406. >She sighs.
  407. >"It's not too far from here. It's just through the rear of the park."
  409. >After a quick walk, you arrive at a peculiar set of run-down apartments.
  410. >Octavia sighs as she walks up the stoop to a particularly beat up one.
  411. >"Here we are...."
  412. >You follow her up the stairs.
  413. >She opens the door and heads inside with you in her wake.
  414. >You close the door behind you and look around her abode.
  415. >"Home sweet home...."
  417. >You put your luggage to the side and remove your bag as you look around the tiny studio apartment.
  418. >The inside was well-kept, though what surprised you was the lack of items within the apartment itself.
  419. >You expected someone as talented as Octavia to have more money than this studio suggests....
  420. >The bland and simple furniture aside, you notice a series of awards and photos residing on a wooden bookshelf.
  421. >Octavia walks over to that shelf and places her cello next to it.
  422. >Her tail blocks the view of a majority of her honors.
  423. >You look around more of the tiny apartment for another sign of prosperity.
  425. "Nice place, Octavia."
  426. >She scoffs.
  427. >"Well, we don't have to be here too long. Are you about ready to leave?"
  428. >You give her a look of confusion.
  429. "What's wrong with staying here and talking for a bit?"
  430. >She hides her face from you.
  431. >"Nothing, I suppose... though I must admit that I am ashamed that you are in here right now."
  432. >You shake your head.
  433. "Don't be. That's silly. Do you mind if I grab a drink?"
  434. >"No, go right ahead."
  436. >You take a few steps and arrive in the kitchen.
  437. >You see a small package of styrofoam cups.
  438. >You take one and open the fridge.
  439. >To your surprise, it is nearly empty.
  440. >There was only a bottle of water, some fruit, and a assortment of leftovers.
  441. >Most looked like elegant versions of ramen.
  443. >You decide against drinking her last but of water.
  444. >Though you are confused.
  445. >Quite confused.
  446. >You leave the kitchen and approach Octavia.
  447. >She was in the process of cleaning some of her awards.
  448. >She gives you a small smile.
  449. >"You ready to head out, Anon?"
  450. >The bags under her eyes are more clear indoors.
  452. >You shake your head.
  453. "Before we do anything, is there anything you'd like to tell me?"
  454. >Octavia gives you a nervous laugh.
  455. >"Like what, Anon?"
  456. >You sit down the sofa.
  458. "Is everything ok with you?"
  459. >You see her begin to sweat.
  460. >"Whatever do you mean?"
  461. >You look around the apartment again.
  462. >Gotta make sure didn't miss anything.
  463. "Well... this isn't quite the place I thought you'd be living in."
  465. >Octavia sighs and sits next to you.
  466. >You feel as if the couch is about to collapse under the weight.
  467. >"I don't know where you thought I'd be living, Anon...."
  468. >She looks around the apartment.
  469. >You try to catch her eyes.
  470. >No luck.
  471. >She won't look at you for some odd reason.
  472. >You hear her sniffle.
  473. >She rubs her eyes.
  475. >"... but this is the best that somepony of my talent can afford."
  477. ~
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