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crystal heart spell

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Feb 21st, 2015
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  1. >be Twilight
  2. >messing around in the Crystal Playset
  3. >You find a mysterious locked tome
  4. >It unlocks when your magic touches it
  5. >"Crystal Heart Spell"
  6. >Cast it on yourself because you were tripping on LSD and weren't thinking straight
  7. >Your heart begins to gradually turn to Mana Crystal, giving you unlimited magic generation
  8. >But your whole circulatory system will crystalize, soon there will be no blood in your veins and you'll promptly die
  9. >You must drink the blood of others to sustain your life
  10. >You have 24 hours to take your first drink...
  12. >6 hours in
  13. >The transformation is excruciating
  14. >Your body must adjust to the crystalization of your veins
  15. >Even the tiniest movement brings scathing pain
  16. >Your unlimited mana pool proved useful as you heavily sedated yourself with pain magic on your trip to Canterlot
  17. >Even that barely sufficed
  18. >Celestia could hardly believe it as she read the tome
  19. "Twilight, didn't you read what this would do to you??"
  20. >"Kindof... I was on drugs..."
  21. "Again? You promised not to!"
  22. >Your head lowers in shame and you struggle to breathe against the pain
  23. "There is no reversal spell in this tome. It's magic I've never seen the likes of before. This will require unprecedented levels of research to find a counter-spell, if one is even possible... But you'll need a drink far sooner than that."
  24. >You shake your head, somehow forgetting it would hurt, defiant of the notion of drinking another pony's blood
  25. >It brings to mind memories of the horrific monster stories of your childhood
  26. >Celestia pulls an ornate knife from her dresser.
  27. "If you have to, it might as well be from me. I don't think you should tell anyone else yet, either."
  28. >She gestures for you to come closer.
  29. >Taking the knife to her foreleg, she cuts a small wound
  30. >Her white fur immediately stains red, and blood drips down her leg
  31. "Go on, then..."
  32. >You hesitate, but move forward, pressing your lips to the wound.
  33. >Drip, drip, drip...
  34. "And for goodness' sake... you're forbidden from drinking anyone else's!"
  36. 12 hours in
  38. >You have avoided death.
  39. >Your body has nearly completed it's adjustment, with minor soreness lingering in your extremities
  40. >What you're dealing with now is the intense, burning sensation, radiating outward from your gut as you synthesize the blood of a 1,000+ year old Alicorn into essential lifeforce.
  41. >Your friends look at you funny and wonder what's been wrong with you all day, and what you're carrying in that wooden case
  42. >"Just came down with a nasty cold... I picked up some medicine from Canterlot. I'd better get some sleep now."
  43. >You escape to your bedroom, throwing the case onto your bed with a soft "glushing" sound within
  44. >In the case are a number of vials of Celestia's blood... it should hold you over for a while
  45. >You wonder, as you lie down to fall asleep, if this burning pain is only because of Celestia's blood...
  47. 24 hours after the spell.
  49. >You awaken with a grumbling in your stomach
  50. >You had trouble falling asleep, from the pain, but also from not feeling very tired to begin with.
  51. >And then, just as you started to become tired and the pain subsided, you became hungry and thirsty and still could not find sleep
  52. >You forced the matter with a sleep spell... but only awoke in a worse condition.
  53. >Grabbing the case in your magic, you fumble out of bed and drop it onto your dresser, opening it quickly
  54. >You pull out a vile and drink half as recommended
  55. >It soon becomes clear to you that your base needs; thirst, hunger, sleep - have all become tied to this.
  56. >Your exhaustion disappears soon after the blood hits your gut, but the burning sensation returns, as you feared.
  57. >You realize something suddenly, freezing in place with panic... holding your breath
  58. >(You now also realize in these moments that even breathing has become unnecessary, there is no urge to start breathing again.)
  59. >One vial has gone missing...
  60. "This is some crazy medicine, huh? It's not even labeled!"
  61. >Pinkie Pie is standing by your window, as the morning sunlight pours in, the vial held in her hoof up to the light. Light beams of familiar blue, pink and green shades refract through the vial across your room.
  62. "Hey, what's with your eyes?"
  63. >You panic some more, shutting the case and turning to your mirror
  64. >Your irises have taken on a magnificent iridescent quality, like opal...
  65. >Or at least, it would be magnificent if you'd not found yourself in such an awful, precarious situation...
  66. >"You're dreaming, Pinkie. Just go to your room and go back to sleep."
  67. >What a hopeless, stupid gambit.
  68. >All she does is giggle, popping the cork of the vile and taking a sniff of the liquid inside
  69. >This is awful.
  70. >It's too late now.
  71. >No amount of lying is going to escape Pinkie's scrutiny...
  72. >You have to break Celestia's orders and confess to Pinkie, and control this before it gets any further out of hoof.
  73. >"Pinkie Pie, swear to me that what I tell you is going to stay between the two of us."
  74. "I swear... does that include ponies who are standing, like, in the middle of us?"
  75. >"No! I mean it, this is serious!"
  76. "Alright, alright, I Pinkie Promise, not to tell a single solitary soul about your creepy crystal spell or your thirst for blood."
  77. >"Good, then- What?! How did you know?!"
  78. >Panka just blinks at you, tilting her head in confusion.
  79. "I guessed right? Hey... you weren't casting magic on yourself after eating my Trippy Chocolate Truffles again, were you? No wonder my last batch went missing! You broke that Pinkie Promise, we can't make another one!!"
  80. >You groan loudly and impatiently...
  81. >"I know, I know... please! It isn't just some silly magical hijinks this time, I'm really totally screwed, and this could turn into a /big mess/ if anyone else finds out... If we can't Pinkie Promise, then... Sparkle Swear to me you won't tell anyone!"
  82. >She squints at you and rubs her chin, considering it heavily...
  83. >Then pops back into an innocent and gleeful demeanor
  84. "Okay, I Sparkle Swear!"
  85. >You breathe a great sigh of relief... then stare at her intently, double-checking.
  86. " ... I Sparkle Swear, with whipped cream and a cherry on top?"
  87. >You give your best confident smile, but are still visibly wracked by nerves
  88. >"Good."
  90. "And Twilight... I guess you could always get more from Celestia, but if you're ever in a pinch... don't be afraid to ask me, okay? I wonder what mine tastes like, anyway."
  92. >Even with Pinkie out of the way, there was still the problem of your eyes
  93. >You can't go out and get contacts before someone would see you
  94. >Looks like it comes down to magic, again.
  95. >You rummage through your dresser drawers, looking for that old pair of reading glasses from a birthday a few years ago.
  96. >A light-enchantment to mask your eye-color would be easy...
  97. >"But I already told them I'm sick."
  98. >You take deep breaths, putting the glasses down and thinking this through...
  99. >Since they "know" you're sick, you might as well play it up full-scale.
  100. >You've come down with a magical illness in your eyes, and the medicine doesn't seem to be working yet. Maybe you could even sell it as a permanent change, a cosmetic "scar".
  101. >"It just can't be fixed."
  102. >Certainly true, no lying necessary...
  103. >But the worst of your secrets remains hidden
  105. >The burning hasn't gotten any better.
  106. >Your body temperature has been rising, and you've even vomited bile that slowly burnt away at the crystal floor of your bedroom, like acid.
  107. >The potent blood of the Sun Alicorn is too much for you to handle
  108. >Worse yet, you've needed to drink more of it as the days go on.
  109. >The second to last vile barely sustained you for a day, drunk in full
  110. >It seems the life-giving quality of blood degrades over time if it's stored.
  111. >The situation has reached a new breaking point.
  112. >You think of your friend Pinkie Pie, her innocent smile, her eagerness to stand by your side and help you through anything.
  113. >You nearly vomit again, before you can follow that line of thought any further.
  115. Three days later...
  117. >You've suffered day through day, night through night, hour through hour.
  118. >The last tiny sip slides out of the vial into your panting mouth
  119. >You drop it to the crystal floor as it shatters.
  120. >It's all gone, and as the minutes slowly churn by, the last bit of it has done nothing for you.
  121. >You're now dying. Really dying.
  122. >Celestia ordered you to try with Luna, but you never did, you struggled with both your repulsion and your intense desire, a twisting and relentless mental anguish
  123. >Synthesizing blood may have been an option, but in your current state of mind, it would be a waste of time to even try.
  124. >Every single pony you look at ends up in a fantasy of how you would approach them, lure them away, do the deed.
  125. >The illusory smell of fresh confectioneries filled your nostrils as Pinkie Pie's sweet offer repeated itself over and over again in your mind
  126. >You practically felt like you were in her bedroom right now.
  127. >Actually, you were...
  128. >Were you?
  129. "Hey Twi~ You okay..? You don't look good."
  130. >You must be dreaming.
  131. >"Lay down on the bed, Pinkie."
  132. >Her pretty blue eyes seemed to get lost, staring straight through you... /into/ you
  133. >She lost all expression and simply nodded, laying down.
  135. >When you come back to your senses, you find yourself lying on a hard floor, suckling the blood from a navy-blue hoof.
  136. >You adjust your eyes, and focus upwards...
  137. >The stern face of Princess Luna looking down upon you.
  138. >You can't remember what happened after you told Pinkie to lie down...
  139. >"Oh, shit..."
  140. "I am aware of it all, Twilight. You have caused a great deal of trouble. Very nearly more than I could have handled cleanly.
  141. >She pulls her hoof away, and you fall limp on the floor, closing your opal eyes in shame.
  142. >Something a bit weighty but small hits your chest
  143. >You check, to see that it's a black stone, a faint blue glow at it's center, corded onto a necklace
  144. "I want you to wear this always. It's just a 'get well' gift from me, if anyone asks. With it, we'll always be able to communicate, and I'll be able to monitor you to make sure this... doesn't happen again."
  145. >You hold it between your hoof and your chest, wiping the drying blood from your lips with your other hoof.
  146. "I will be your 'donor' now, we shall see how you react to my blood. In the meantime, you're going to be under my mentorship. You are a student once again, Twilight... This much power, Alicorns are not meant to have so young."
  147. >You slowly get to your hooves, placing the jewel-necklace around your neck and smoothing out your mane
  148. >"Princess... what /did/ happen?"
  149. >She looks at you for a brief moment, as if to convey some pretense.
  150. "You had a fit in the midst of your fever. It wouldn't be the first time you've acted strangely. The Cakes are quite worried, but I assured them it's all being quickly taken care of. Your mentorship with me and respite from Ponyville is part of this. The townsfolk and your friends are concerned for you, but don't suspect anything unusual... unusual for you, anyway."
  151. >You choke on your own breath as you hear 'respite from Ponyville'
  152. "As for Pinkie Pie..."
  153. >You lean in, eyes wide, desperate...
  154. "You somehow mananged to bind her will to yourself. She's catatonic and only reacts to your presence. That was all that happened, relax... I should be able to undo it with some dream-walking."
  155. >You heaved a great sigh... relieved in a morbid way.
  156. >"I didn't... 'drink' her?"
  157. >Luna shakes her head.
  158. "I would have much preferred discreetly taking her blood instead of adding this to my agenda... Oh well."
  159. >You shake your head, pendant swaying across your chest. The memory of Celestia's order to never drink from another pony bears down upon you like a desert sun.
  160. >"No, no..!" You shout, "How could you say that?!"
  161. >Luna brushes a wing across your back, and gestures for you to follow her.
  162. "We must be realistic about this... Celestia and I can't 'wait' on you every single day, for eternity. Your life is in Ponyville. You can't hide this from your dear friends forever, either. They will only continue to love you, and they will only want to help you. You might as well let them. The blood of your peers is a safer option, too, as it seems. Above all... you must accept this reality and take responsibility for it. Resisting like you have will only lead to more 'incidents'."
  163. >You look down to the floor, defeated.
  164. >You can't believe what she's telling you... you can't accept being a monster.
  165. >But she's right...
  166. >You're a monster, Twilight Sparkle.
  167. >Now what are you going to do about it?
  169. "On a brighter note... your eyes are so very beautiful now."
  171. >Luna afforded you one vial of blood, before she would force you to acclimate to drinking directly.
  172. >You stared at it, swirling it around.
  173. >The night had come, and it was soon time to meet with her and visit Pinkie.
  174. >You held the vial up to the moonlight pouring in through the window...
  175. >It cast a faint and glittering light across the room.
  176. >The crystal around your neck vibrated against your chest-fur, tickling you slightly, and her voice called to you in your mind.
  177. >You sipped down a third of the vial and made your way to Luna's room, your body tingling with satisfaction as it 'digested'.
  178. >It did not cross your mind at all that any pain was missing.
  181. >Seeing Pinkie sent an unholy chill down your spine.
  182. >As soon as you entered the room, she sat straight up and stared at you, her eyes vacant.
  183. >Not a smile, not a frown...
  184. >You nearly wanted to cry... You swore upon everything you could that you would make this up to her.
  185. "All you will need to do is tell her to go to sleep."
  186. >It scared you deeply that some small but sharp part of your mind seemed to light up with glee at this suggestion
  187. >"Pinkie Pie..." With hesitation, "Lay down and sleep now."
  188. "Yes, Twilight."
  189. >She spoke with such an empty tone, reminiscent of her sister Maud.
  190. >Pinkie nodded and obediently followed through, laying down on her side with her head rested on a pillow, and closing her eyes.
  191. >Luna smiled, waiting patiently for what seemed like forever. The seconds ticked by, into minutes.
  192. >Eventually, Pinkie's ears began to twitch, her hooves kicked... she was dreaming.
  193. "Alright then... I'll go untie this little knot."
  194. >Luna breathed deeply, a look of intense focus crossing her face, as her eyes slowly began to glow, brighter and brighter.
  195. >Luna's dream-walking trance was not something Twilight had personally witnessed before.
  196. >However, she felt it strangely familiar.
  197. >She could tell on some intrinsic level just when Luna left 'herself' and crossed over into Pinkie Pie.
  198. >But that was only the start of it.
  199. >Just as this moment came, Twilight's body began to throb, like the beat of bass drum vibrating through her.
  200. >Her crystal heart pulsed, and poured out with mana
  201. >Through her necklace, she picked up on Luna's confusion, and the realization that the pulsing of Twilight's heart was in synchronicity with her own heart-beat
  202. >It was as though a veil had suddenly been pulled off of Twilight's eyes, revealing to her an overwhelming new perspective
  203. >The realm of dream-walking had revealed itself to her...
  204. >She knew - some how - that the mana outpouring from her heart and enveloping her would unwind her spirit from her body and carry it to another destination
  205. >She knew just how to do it.
  206. >She had all the mana necessary
  207. >She was bewildered, but compelled to go forward
  208. >Through the necklace, Luna's thoughts were open to her, and they together pondered if this was the result of consuming Luna's blood.
  209. >A 'hole' emerged in Twilight's conscious. She felt it's immense depth and a sense of vertigo as she peered into it with her mind's eye.
  210. >Her stomach churned and she was overcome with dizziness as she began to teeter, swaying, eventually falling into that hole and spinning through an indescribable tunnel of darkness and splendorous light, existing simultaneously in a paradoxical harmony.
  212. "Brace yourself, Twilight. It gets weird in these places."
  214. >Twilight struggled to lift herself to her feet... feeling as though she had no muscle in her legs at all.
  215. >Several times she was overcome with nausea, vomiting chocolate and strawberry milk onto the dirt and grass beneath her.
  216. >She had arrived.
  217. >Before her was a gigantic amusement park, large open gates and a glittering neon sign that read "TWILIGHT TIME"
  218. >It looked extremely comical and did not adhere at all to any kind of spacial coherence
  219. >Beneath gigantic Tilt-a-Wirls, there were sprawling arcades, and you only needed to imagine one or the other to become the appropriate size
  220. >Twilight finally found her bearings and pressed forward into the site...
  221. >Her face was plastered everywhere, on posters with the word "OBEY" in bold text beneath
  222. >Sour Patch Fillies of all colors beat each other to a pulp, fighting over the Twilight Sparkle prize-dolls at the game booths
  223. >At the center of it all was a somewhat terrifying Carousel, featuring a dozen plush-looking Pinkie Pies impaled upon purple and white candy-canes.
  224. >The carousel screeched and strained, against purple licorice chains that kept it from spinning.
  225. >On top of the ride, Pinkie Pie sat, hugging tightly onto a gummi padlock that kept all of the chains secure
  226. >The padlock glowed and pulsed at the same rhythm as Twilight's heart.
  227. "Something tells me I'm going to need your help for this one, Twilight."
  228. >Twilight could only stare in horrified awe at what had become of her friend... Dippin' Dots tears falling from her eyes and rolling off her furry purple cheeks.
  229. >"What have I done?!"
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