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Dec 5th, 2014
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  1. 09:47:21 M: 40513536 ERROR: Unable to load: special://home/plugins/music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/resources/settings.xml, Line 0
  2. Failed to open file
  3. 09:47:22 M: 35790848 NOTICE: -->Python Initialized<--
  4. 09:47:25 M: 32034816 ERROR: Error Type: <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>
  5. 09:47:25 M: 32034816 ERROR: Error Contents: ('data',)
  6. 09:47:25 M: 32034816 ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
  7. File "Q:\plugins\music\Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox\", line 161, in <module>
  8. GStations(url)
  9. File "Q:\plugins\music\Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox\", line 51, in GStations
  10. returnedGenres = jsondata['response']['data']['stationlist']['station']
  11. KeyError: ('data',)
  12. 09:47:25 M: 39899136 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/?
  13. 09:47:25 M: 39899136 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/? failed
  14. 09:48:20 M: 42463232 NOTICE: Log level changed to 2
  15. 09:48:20 M: 42463232 NOTICE: Enabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 2.
  16. 09:48:21 M: 42475520 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 257 pressed, action is Back
  17. 09:48:21 M: 42467328 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate
  18. 09:48:21 M: 42467328 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (SettingsCategory.xml) ------
  19. 09:48:22 M: 43778048 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new
  20. 09:48:22 M: 43778048 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Settings.xml) ------
  21. 09:48:22 M: 43778048 INFO: Loading skin file: Settings.xml
  22. 09:48:22 M: 41979904 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 257 pressed, action is Back
  23. 09:48:22 M: 41971712 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate
  24. 09:48:22 M: 41971712 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Settings.xml) ------
  25. 09:48:23 M: 43778048 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new
  26. 09:48:23 M: 43778048 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Home.xml) ------
  27. 09:48:23 M: 43778048 INFO: Loading skin file: Home.xml
  28. 09:48:24 M: 39485440 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 270 pressed, action is Up
  29. Previous line repeats 2 times.
  30. 09:48:25 M: 39378944 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 256 pressed, action is Select
  31. 09:48:25 M: 39366656 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ActivateWindow(MyMusic)
  32. 09:48:25 M: 39366656 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : To ActivateWindow(MyMusic)
  33. 09:48:25 M: 39366656 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10501
  34. 09:48:25 M: 39366656 DEBUG: Checking if window ID 10501 is locked.
  35. 09:48:25 M: 39366656 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
  36. 09:48:25 M: 43761664 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyMusicSongs.xml) ------
  37. 09:48:25 M: 43765760 INFO: Loading skin file: MyMusicSongs.xml
  38. 09:48:25 M: 43294720 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
  39. 09:48:25 M: 43315200 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
  40. 09:48:25 M: 43331584 DEBUG: RetrieveMusicInfo() took 0 msec
  41. 09:48:25 M: 43331584 DEBUG: CFileItemList::Sort, sorting took 0 millis
  42. 09:48:27 M: 41897984 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 256 pressed, action is Select
  43. 09:48:27 M: 41885696 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://music/)
  44. 09:48:27 M: 41885696 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
  45. 09:48:27 M: 42131456 DEBUG: RetrieveMusicInfo() took 0 msec
  46. 09:48:27 M: 42131456 DEBUG: CFileItemList::Sort, sorting took 0 millis
  47. 09:48:27 M: 42049536 DEBUG: JpegIO::Read - Requested minx x miny 192 x 192 - using minx x miny 192 x 192
  48. 09:48:27 M: 42049536 DEBUG: JpegIO::Read - Using scale_num of 8, 192 x 192
  49. 09:48:27 M: 41938944 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 256 pressed, action is Select
  50. 09:48:27 M: 41926656 DEBUG: Clearing cached fileitems [plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/]
  51. 09:48:27 M: 41926656 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/)
  52. 09:48:27 M: 41926656 DEBUG: ParentPath = [plugin://music/]
  53. 09:48:27 M: 41926656 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::StartScript - URL for plugin settings: Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/
  54. 09:48:27 M: 41926656 ERROR: Unable to load: special://home/plugins/music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/resources/settings.xml, Line 0
  55. Failed to open file
  56. 09:48:27 M: 41926656 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path Q:\plugins\music\Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox\resources\language\english
  57. 09:48:27 M: 41926656 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::StartScript - calling plugin special://home/plugins/music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/'plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/','0','')
  58. 09:48:27 M: 41926656 INFO: initializing python engine.
  59. 09:48:27 M: 41926656 DEBUG: LoadLibraryA('python27.dll')
  60. 09:48:27 M: 39612416 DEBUG: LoadLibrary('python27.dll') returning: 00B55F80
  61. 09:48:27 M: 39305216 DEBUG: GetModuleFileNameA(00000000, 1E21E018, 256) => 'xbmc.xbe'
  62. 09:48:27 M: 39305216 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function RegQueryInfoKeyA called
  63. Previous line repeats 1 times.
  64. 09:48:28 M: 37187584 DEBUG: -->Python Initialized<--
  65. 09:48:28 M: 37199872 DEBUG: new python thread created. id=4
  66. 09:48:28 M: 36675584 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::WaitOnScriptResult - waiting on the Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox plugin...
  67. 09:48:28 M: 36675584 DEBUG: Python thread: start processing
  68. 09:48:28 M: 36675584 DEBUG: XBPyThread::Process - The source file to load is special://home/plugins/music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/
  69. 09:48:28 M: 36679680 DEBUG: XBPyThread::Process - Setting the Python path to Q:\plugins\music\Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.beautifulsoup\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.xbmcaddon\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.xbmcvfs\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.common.plugin.cache\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.simple.downloader\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.parsedom\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.simplejson\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.elementtree\lib;Q:\system\python\python27.zlib;Q:\system\python\DLLs;Q:\system\python\Lib;Q:\system\python\spyce
  70. 09:48:28 M: 36679680 DEBUG: XBPyThread::Process - Entering source directory Q:\plugins\music\Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox
  71. 09:48:29 M: 35844096 DEBUG: LoadLibraryExA called with flags:
  73. 09:48:29 M: 35844096 DEBUG: LoadLibraryA('_socket.pyd')
  74. 09:48:29 M: 35794944 DEBUG: kernel32.dll fake function DisableThreadLibraryCalls called
  75. 09:48:29 M: 35794944 DEBUG: LoadLibrary('_socket.pyd') returning: 00BC1380
  76. 09:48:29 M: 35794944 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(01D10000(_socket.pyd), 'init_socket') => 01D13F0E
  77. 09:48:29 M: 35778560 DEBUG: LoadLibraryExA called with flags:
  79. 09:48:29 M: 35778560 DEBUG: LoadLibraryA('_ssl.pyd')
  80. 09:48:29 M: 35770368 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
  81. 09:48:29 M: 35770368 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogBusy.xml
  82. 09:48:29 M: 34938880 DEBUG: kernel32.dll fake function DisableThreadLibraryCalls called
  83. 09:48:29 M: 34938880 DEBUG: LoadLibrary('_ssl.pyd') returning: 00CC2E30
  84. 09:48:29 M: 34938880 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(01D20000(_ssl.pyd), 'init_ssl') => 01D22ADF
  85. 09:48:29 M: 34938880 DEBUG: kernel32.dll fake function SetConsoleCtrlHandler called
  86. 09:48:30 M: 34287616 DEBUG: LoadLibraryExA called with flags:
  88. 09:48:30 M: 34263040 DEBUG: LoadLibraryA('_hashlib.pyd')
  89. 09:48:30 M: 34013184 DEBUG: kernel32.dll fake function DisableThreadLibraryCalls called
  90. 09:48:30 M: 34013184 DEBUG: LoadLibrary('_hashlib.pyd') returning: 01204E50
  91. 09:48:30 M: 34013184 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(01DD0000(_hashlib.pyd), 'init_hashlib') => 01DD171A
  92. 09:48:30 M: 33988608 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogProgress.xml
  93. 09:48:30 M: 33869824 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogProgress.xml) ------
  94. 09:48:30 M: 33574912 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(00893FE0(advapi32.dll), 'CryptAcquireContextA') => 002598BF
  95. 09:48:30 M: 33574912 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(00893FE0(advapi32.dll), 'CryptGenRandom') => 002598D0
  96. 09:48:30 M: 33574912 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  97. 09:48:30 M: 33320960 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
  98. 09:48:30 M: 33681408 DEBUG: xbmcaddon: cwd = plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox
  99. 09:48:30 M: 33681408 DEBUG: xbmcaddon: id =
  100. 09:48:30 M: 33681408 DEBUG: xbmcaddon: locations = ['plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox', 'plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/', 'Q:\\scripts\\.modules\\', 'plugin://music/shoutcastxbmc4xbox']
  101. 09:48:30 M: 33681408 DEBUG: xbmcaddon: trying Q:\plugins\music\Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox
  102. 09:48:31 M: 33665024 DEBUG: LoadLibraryExA called with flags:
  104. 09:48:31 M: 33665024 DEBUG: LoadLibraryA('pyexpat.pyd')
  105. 09:48:31 M: 33558528 DEBUG: kernel32.dll fake function DisableThreadLibraryCalls called
  106. 09:48:31 M: 33558528 DEBUG: LoadLibrary('pyexpat.pyd') returning: 00CE7A10
  107. 09:48:31 M: 33558528 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(01E20000(pyexpat.pyd), 'initpyexpat') => 01E2369F
  108. 09:48:31 M: 33562624 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path Q:\plugins\music\Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox\resources\language\english
  109. 09:48:31 M: 33562624 DEBUG: xbmcaddon: using plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox
  110. 09:48:31 M: 33550336 INFO: Scriptresult: Success
  111. 09:48:31 M: 33550336 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::WaitOnScriptResult- plugin returned successfully
  112. 09:48:31 M: 33550336 INFO: Python script stopped
  113. 09:48:31 M: 34074624 DEBUG: Saving fileitems [plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/]
  114. 09:48:31 M: 34074624 DEBUG: -- items: 4, sort method: 0, ascending: false
  115. 09:48:31 M: 34279424 DEBUG: RetrieveMusicInfo() took 0 msec
  116. 09:48:31 M: 33996800 DEBUG: python thread 4 destructed
  117. 09:48:31 M: 33996800 INFO: Python, unloading python27.dll because no scripts are running anymore
  118. 09:48:31 M: 34254848 DEBUG: Q:\system\python\DLLs\_ssl.pyd (base 01D20000): Detected memory leaks: 2412 leaks
  119. 09:48:31 M: 34254848 DEBUG: leak caller address 01D22A55, size 156, counter 1
  120. 09:48:31 M: 34254848 DEBUG: leak caller address 01D277D5, size 29876, counter 2408
  121. 09:48:31 M: 34254848 DEBUG: leak caller address 01D277E5, size 4672, counter 3
  122. 09:48:31 M: 34254848 DEBUG: _ssl.pyd: Total bytes leaked: 34704
  123. 09:48:31 M: 34955264 DEBUG: Q:\system\python\DLLs\_hashlib.pyd (base 01DD0000): Detected memory leaks: 112 leaks
  124. 09:48:31 M: 34955264 DEBUG: leak caller address 01DD1E20, size 2420, counter 111
  125. 09:48:31 M: 34955264 DEBUG: leak caller address 01DD1E30, size 128, counter 1
  126. 09:48:31 M: 34955264 DEBUG: _hashlib.pyd: Total bytes leaked: 2548
  127. 09:48:31 M: 35348480 DEBUG: Q:\system\python\python27.dll (base 1E000000): Detected memory leaks: 441 leaks
  128. 09:48:31 M: 38998016 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E014842, size 36, counter 1
  129. 09:48:31 M: 38998016 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E078BE4, size 586944, counter 199
  130. 09:48:31 M: 38998016 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E0815BE, size 1000, counter 1
  131. 09:48:31 M: 38998016 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E0866F2, size 45448, counter 46
  132. 09:48:31 M: 38998016 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E087F3E, size 1892, counter 56
  133. 09:48:31 M: 38998016 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E088022, size 116, counter 6
  134. 09:48:31 M: 38998016 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E093C8C, size 448, counter 1
  135. 09:48:31 M: 38998016 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E093D62, size 3145728, counter 12
  136. 09:48:31 M: 38998016 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E09408F, size 59011, counter 64
  137. 09:48:31 M: 38998016 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E09446D, size 2229, counter 1
  138. 09:48:31 M: 38998016 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E09F6BC, size 1600, counter 8
  139. 09:48:31 M: 38998016 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E0BC0E2, size 233, counter 1
  140. 09:48:31 M: 38998016 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E0F16E6, size 540, counter 45
  141. 09:48:31 M: 38998016 DEBUG: python27.dll: Total bytes leaked: 3845225
  142. 09:48:31 M: 41340928 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogProgress.xml) ------
  143. 09:48:33 M: 41738240 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 256 pressed, action is Select
  144. 09:48:33 M: 41725952 DEBUG: Clearing cached fileitems [plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/?url=&mode=Genres&name=Browse+by+genre]
  145. 09:48:33 M: 41725952 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/?url=&mode=Genres&name=Browse+by+genre)
  146. 09:48:33 M: 41725952 DEBUG: ParentPath = [plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/]
  147. 09:48:33 M: 41762816 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::StartScript - URL for plugin settings: Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/
  148. 09:48:33 M: 41762816 ERROR: Unable to load: special://home/plugins/music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/resources/settings.xml, Line 0
  149. Failed to open file
  150. 09:48:33 M: 41762816 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path Q:\plugins\music\Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox\resources\language\english
  151. 09:48:33 M: 41762816 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::StartScript - calling plugin special://home/plugins/music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/'plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/','0','?url=&mode=Genres&name=Browse+by+genre')
  152. 09:48:33 M: 41762816 INFO: initializing python engine.
  153. 09:48:33 M: 41762816 DEBUG: LoadLibraryA('python27.dll')
  154. 09:48:33 M: 39448576 DEBUG: LoadLibrary('python27.dll') returning: 00A8C1A0
  155. 09:48:33 M: 39153664 DEBUG: GetModuleFileNameA(00000000, 1E21E018, 256) => 'xbmc.xbe'
  156. 09:48:33 M: 39153664 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function RegQueryInfoKeyA called
  157. Previous line repeats 1 times.
  158. 09:48:34 M: 37056512 DEBUG: -->Python Initialized<--
  159. 09:48:34 M: 37072896 DEBUG: new python thread created. id=5
  160. 09:48:34 M: 36544512 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::WaitOnScriptResult - waiting on the Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox plugin...
  161. 09:48:34 M: 36544512 DEBUG: Python thread: start processing
  162. 09:48:34 M: 36544512 DEBUG: XBPyThread::Process - The source file to load is special://home/plugins/music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/
  163. 09:48:34 M: 36544512 DEBUG: XBPyThread::Process - Setting the Python path to Q:\plugins\music\Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.beautifulsoup\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.xbmcaddon\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.xbmcvfs\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.common.plugin.cache\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.simple.downloader\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.parsedom\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.simplejson\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.elementtree\lib;Q:\system\python\python27.zlib;Q:\system\python\DLLs;Q:\system\python\Lib;Q:\system\python\spyce
  164. 09:48:34 M: 36544512 DEBUG: XBPyThread::Process - Entering source directory Q:\plugins\music\Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox
  165. 09:48:35 M: 35954688 DEBUG: LoadLibraryExA called with flags:
  167. 09:48:35 M: 35954688 DEBUG: LoadLibraryA('_socket.pyd')
  168. 09:48:35 M: 35905536 DEBUG: kernel32.dll fake function DisableThreadLibraryCalls called
  169. 09:48:35 M: 35905536 DEBUG: LoadLibrary('_socket.pyd') returning: 01211FD0
  170. 09:48:35 M: 35905536 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(01D10000(_socket.pyd), 'init_socket') => 01D13F0E
  171. 09:48:35 M: 35897344 DEBUG: LoadLibraryExA called with flags:
  173. 09:48:35 M: 35897344 DEBUG: LoadLibraryA('_ssl.pyd')
  174. 09:48:35 M: 35889152 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
  175. 09:48:35 M: 35889152 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogBusy.xml
  176. 09:48:35 M: 35057664 DEBUG: kernel32.dll fake function DisableThreadLibraryCalls called
  177. 09:48:35 M: 35057664 DEBUG: LoadLibrary('_ssl.pyd') returning: 011D9F60
  178. 09:48:35 M: 35057664 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(01D20000(_ssl.pyd), 'init_ssl') => 01D22ADF
  179. 09:48:35 M: 35057664 DEBUG: kernel32.dll fake function SetConsoleCtrlHandler called
  180. 09:48:35 M: 34119680 DEBUG: LoadLibraryExA called with flags:
  182. 09:48:35 M: 34119680 DEBUG: LoadLibraryA('_hashlib.pyd')
  183. 09:48:35 M: 33845248 DEBUG: kernel32.dll fake function DisableThreadLibraryCalls called
  184. 09:48:35 M: 33845248 DEBUG: LoadLibrary('_hashlib.pyd') returning: 00C736F0
  185. 09:48:35 M: 33845248 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(01DD0000(_hashlib.pyd), 'init_hashlib') => 01DD171A
  186. 09:48:35 M: 33533952 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogProgress.xml
  187. 09:48:35 M: 33832960 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogProgress.xml) ------
  188. 09:48:36 M: 33411072 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(00893FE0(advapi32.dll), 'CryptAcquireContextA') => 002598BF
  189. 09:48:36 M: 33411072 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(00893FE0(advapi32.dll), 'CryptGenRandom') => 002598D0
  190. 09:48:36 M: 33411072 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  191. 09:48:36 M: 33267712 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
  192. 09:48:36 M: 33525760 DEBUG: xbmcaddon: cwd = plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox
  193. 09:48:36 M: 33525760 DEBUG: xbmcaddon: id =
  194. 09:48:36 M: 33525760 DEBUG: xbmcaddon: locations = ['plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox', 'plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/', 'Q:\\scripts\\.modules\\', 'plugin://music/shoutcastxbmc4xbox']
  195. 09:48:36 M: 33525760 DEBUG: xbmcaddon: trying Q:\plugins\music\Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox
  196. 09:48:36 M: 33525760 DEBUG: LoadLibraryExA called with flags:
  198. 09:48:36 M: 33525760 DEBUG: LoadLibraryA('pyexpat.pyd')
  199. 09:48:36 M: 33419264 DEBUG: kernel32.dll fake function DisableThreadLibraryCalls called
  200. 09:48:36 M: 33419264 DEBUG: LoadLibrary('pyexpat.pyd') returning: 00CDE9A0
  201. 09:48:36 M: 33419264 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(01E20000(pyexpat.pyd), 'initpyexpat') => 01E2369F
  202. 09:48:36 M: 33419264 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path Q:\plugins\music\Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox\resources\language\english
  203. 09:48:36 M: 33419264 DEBUG: xbmcaddon: using plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox
  204. 09:48:36 M: 33402880 DEBUG: LoadLibraryA('ws2_32')
  205. 09:48:36 M: 33402880 DEBUG: LoadLibrary('ws2_32.dll') returning: 00893730
  206. 09:48:36 M: 33402880 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(008936F0(ws2_32.dll), 'getaddrinfo') => 0025A9BA
  207. Previous line repeats 1 times.
  208. 09:48:36 M: 33402880 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(008936F0(ws2_32.dll), 'getnameinfo') => 0025A9D5
  209. 09:48:36 M: 33402880 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(008936F0(ws2_32.dll), 'freeaddrinfo') => 0025A9F9
  210. 09:48:36 M: 33394688 INFO: Scriptresult: Success
  211. 09:48:36 M: 33394688 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::WaitOnScriptResult- plugin returned successfully
  212. 09:48:36 M: 33394688 INFO: Python script stopped
  213. 09:48:36 M: 33898496 DEBUG: Saving fileitems [plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/?url=&mode=Genres&name=Browse+by+genre]
  214. 09:48:36 M: 33898496 DEBUG: -- items: 25, sort method: 0, ascending: false
  215. 09:48:37 M: 34217984 DEBUG: RetrieveMusicInfo() took 0 msec
  216. 09:48:37 M: 33931264 DEBUG: python thread 5 destructed
  217. 09:48:37 M: 33910784 INFO: Python, unloading python27.dll because no scripts are running anymore
  218. 09:48:37 M: 34095104 DEBUG: Q:\system\python\DLLs\_socket.pyd: Detected 1 unloaded dll's
  219. 09:48:37 M: 34140160 DEBUG: Q:\system\python\DLLs\_ssl.pyd (base 01D20000): Detected memory leaks: 2412 leaks
  220. 09:48:37 M: 34140160 DEBUG: leak caller address 01D22A55, size 156, counter 1
  221. 09:48:37 M: 34140160 DEBUG: leak caller address 01D277D5, size 29876, counter 2408
  222. 09:48:37 M: 34140160 DEBUG: leak caller address 01D277E5, size 4672, counter 3
  223. 09:48:37 M: 34140160 DEBUG: _ssl.pyd: Total bytes leaked: 34704
  224. 09:48:37 M: 34836480 DEBUG: Q:\system\python\DLLs\_hashlib.pyd (base 01DD0000): Detected memory leaks: 112 leaks
  225. 09:48:37 M: 34836480 DEBUG: leak caller address 01DD1E20, size 2420, counter 111
  226. 09:48:37 M: 34836480 DEBUG: leak caller address 01DD1E30, size 128, counter 1
  227. 09:48:37 M: 34836480 DEBUG: _hashlib.pyd: Total bytes leaked: 2548
  228. 09:48:37 M: 35225600 DEBUG: Q:\system\python\python27.dll (base 1E000000): Detected memory leaks: 441 leaks
  229. 09:48:37 M: 38825984 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E014842, size 36, counter 1
  230. 09:48:37 M: 38825984 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E078BE4, size 586944, counter 199
  231. 09:48:37 M: 38825984 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E0815BE, size 1000, counter 1
  232. 09:48:37 M: 38825984 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E0866F2, size 45448, counter 46
  233. 09:48:37 M: 38825984 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E087F3E, size 1892, counter 56
  234. 09:48:37 M: 38825984 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E088022, size 116, counter 6
  235. 09:48:37 M: 38825984 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E093C8C, size 448, counter 1
  236. 09:48:37 M: 38825984 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E093D62, size 3145728, counter 12
  237. 09:48:37 M: 38825984 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E09408F, size 59011, counter 64
  238. 09:48:37 M: 38825984 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E09446D, size 2229, counter 1
  239. 09:48:37 M: 38825984 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E09F6BC, size 1600, counter 8
  240. 09:48:37 M: 38825984 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E0BC0E2, size 233, counter 1
  241. 09:48:37 M: 38825984 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E0F16E6, size 540, counter 45
  242. 09:48:37 M: 38825984 DEBUG: python27.dll: Total bytes leaked: 3845225
  243. 09:48:37 M: 41164800 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogProgress.xml) ------
  244. 09:48:39 M: 41558016 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 256 pressed, action is Select
  245. 09:48:39 M: 41545728 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/?
  246. 09:48:39 M: 41545728 DEBUG: ParentPath = [plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/?url=&mode=Genres&name=Browse+by+genre]
  247. 09:48:39 M: 41545728 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::StartScript - URL for plugin settings: Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/
  248. 09:48:39 M: 41545728 ERROR: Unable to load: special://home/plugins/music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/resources/settings.xml, Line 0
  249. Failed to open file
  250. 09:48:39 M: 41545728 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path Q:\plugins\music\Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox\resources\language\english
  251. 09:48:39 M: 41545728 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::StartScript - calling plugin special://home/plugins/music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/'plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/','0','?')
  252. 09:48:39 M: 41545728 INFO: initializing python engine.
  253. 09:48:39 M: 41545728 DEBUG: LoadLibraryA('python27.dll')
  254. 09:48:39 M: 39231488 DEBUG: LoadLibrary('python27.dll') returning: 00C0ABE0
  255. 09:48:39 M: 38936576 DEBUG: GetModuleFileNameA(00000000, 1E21E018, 256) => 'xbmc.xbe'
  256. 09:48:39 M: 38936576 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function RegQueryInfoKeyA called
  257. Previous line repeats 1 times.
  258. 09:48:40 M: 36847616 DEBUG: -->Python Initialized<--
  259. 09:48:40 M: 36859904 DEBUG: new python thread created. id=6
  260. 09:48:40 M: 36335616 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::WaitOnScriptResult - waiting on the Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox plugin...
  261. 09:48:40 M: 36335616 DEBUG: Python thread: start processing
  262. 09:48:40 M: 36335616 DEBUG: XBPyThread::Process - The source file to load is special://home/plugins/music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/
  263. 09:48:40 M: 36339712 DEBUG: XBPyThread::Process - Setting the Python path to Q:\plugins\music\Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.beautifulsoup\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.xbmcaddon\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.xbmcvfs\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.common.plugin.cache\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.simple.downloader\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.parsedom\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.simplejson\lib;Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.elementtree\lib;Q:\system\python\python27.zlib;Q:\system\python\DLLs;Q:\system\python\Lib;Q:\system\python\spyce
  264. 09:48:40 M: 36339712 DEBUG: XBPyThread::Process - Entering source directory Q:\plugins\music\Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox
  265. 09:48:41 M: 35483648 DEBUG: LoadLibraryExA called with flags:
  267. 09:48:41 M: 35483648 DEBUG: LoadLibraryA('_socket.pyd')
  268. 09:48:41 M: 35434496 DEBUG: kernel32.dll fake function DisableThreadLibraryCalls called
  269. 09:48:41 M: 35434496 DEBUG: LoadLibrary('_socket.pyd') returning: 011CEB40
  270. 09:48:41 M: 35434496 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(01D10000(_socket.pyd), 'init_socket') => 01D13F0E
  271. 09:48:41 M: 35430400 DEBUG: LoadLibraryExA called with flags:
  273. 09:48:41 M: 35430400 DEBUG: LoadLibraryA('_ssl.pyd')
  274. 09:48:41 M: 34729984 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
  275. 09:48:41 M: 34729984 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogBusy.xml
  276. 09:48:41 M: 34725888 DEBUG: kernel32.dll fake function DisableThreadLibraryCalls called
  277. 09:48:41 M: 34660352 DEBUG: LoadLibrary('_ssl.pyd') returning: 00CC2430
  278. 09:48:41 M: 34660352 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(01D20000(_ssl.pyd), 'init_ssl') => 01D22ADF
  279. 09:48:41 M: 34566144 DEBUG: kernel32.dll fake function SetConsoleCtrlHandler called
  280. 09:48:42 M: 33943552 DEBUG: LoadLibraryExA called with flags:
  282. 09:48:42 M: 33943552 DEBUG: LoadLibraryA('_hashlib.pyd')
  283. 09:48:42 M: 33669120 DEBUG: kernel32.dll fake function DisableThreadLibraryCalls called
  284. 09:48:42 M: 33669120 DEBUG: LoadLibrary('_hashlib.pyd') returning: 00C7E4D0
  285. 09:48:42 M: 33669120 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(01DD0000(_hashlib.pyd), 'init_hashlib') => 01DD171A
  286. 09:48:42 M: 33476608 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogProgress.xml
  287. 09:48:42 M: 33542144 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogProgress.xml) ------
  288. 09:48:42 M: 33107968 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
  289. 09:48:42 M: 33378304 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(00893FE0(advapi32.dll), 'CryptAcquireContextA') => 002598BF
  290. 09:48:42 M: 33378304 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(00893FE0(advapi32.dll), 'CryptGenRandom') => 002598D0
  291. 09:48:42 M: 33378304 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  292. 09:48:42 M: 33353728 DEBUG: xbmcaddon: cwd = plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox
  293. 09:48:42 M: 33353728 DEBUG: xbmcaddon: id =
  294. 09:48:42 M: 33353728 DEBUG: xbmcaddon: locations = ['plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox', 'plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/', 'Q:\\scripts\\.modules\\', 'plugin://music/shoutcastxbmc4xbox']
  295. 09:48:42 M: 33353728 DEBUG: xbmcaddon: trying Q:\plugins\music\Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox
  296. 09:48:42 M: 33345536 DEBUG: LoadLibraryExA called with flags:
  298. 09:48:42 M: 33345536 DEBUG: LoadLibraryA('pyexpat.pyd')
  299. 09:48:43 M: 33243136 DEBUG: kernel32.dll fake function DisableThreadLibraryCalls called
  300. 09:48:43 M: 33243136 DEBUG: LoadLibrary('pyexpat.pyd') returning: 01316EF0
  301. 09:48:43 M: 33243136 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(01E20000(pyexpat.pyd), 'initpyexpat') => 01E2369F
  302. 09:48:43 M: 33243136 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path Q:\plugins\music\Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox\resources\language\english
  303. 09:48:43 M: 33243136 DEBUG: xbmcaddon: using plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox
  304. 09:48:43 M: 33226752 DEBUG: LoadLibraryA('ws2_32')
  305. 09:48:43 M: 33226752 DEBUG: LoadLibrary('ws2_32.dll') returning: 00893730
  306. 09:48:43 M: 33226752 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(008936F0(ws2_32.dll), 'getaddrinfo') => 0025A9BA
  307. Previous line repeats 1 times.
  308. 09:48:43 M: 33226752 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(008936F0(ws2_32.dll), 'getnameinfo') => 0025A9D5
  309. 09:48:43 M: 33226752 DEBUG: dllGetProcAddress(008936F0(ws2_32.dll), 'freeaddrinfo') => 0025A9F9
  310. 09:48:43 M: 33271808 INFO: -->Python script returned the following error<--
  311. 09:48:43 M: 33271808 ERROR: Error Type: <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>
  312. 09:48:43 M: 33271808 ERROR: Error Contents: ('data',)
  313. 09:48:43 M: 33267712 ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
  314. File "Q:\plugins\music\Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox\", line 161, in <module>
  315. GStations(url)
  316. File "Q:\plugins\music\Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox\", line 51, in GStations
  317. returnedGenres = jsondata['response']['data']['stationlist']['station']
  318. KeyError: ('data',)
  319. 09:48:43 M: 33267712 INFO: -->End of Python script error report<--
  320. 09:48:43 M: 33267712 INFO: Python script stopped
  321. 09:48:43 M: 33792000 DEBUG: python thread 6 destructed
  322. 09:48:43 M: 33792000 INFO: Python, unloading python27.dll because no scripts are running anymore
  323. 09:48:43 M: 33984512 DEBUG: Q:\system\python\DLLs\_socket.pyd: Detected 1 unloaded dll's
  324. 09:48:43 M: 34033664 DEBUG: Q:\system\python\DLLs\_ssl.pyd (base 01D20000): Detected memory leaks: 2412 leaks
  325. 09:48:43 M: 34033664 DEBUG: leak caller address 01D22A55, size 156, counter 1
  326. 09:48:43 M: 34033664 DEBUG: leak caller address 01D277D5, size 29876, counter 2408
  327. 09:48:43 M: 34033664 DEBUG: leak caller address 01D277E5, size 4672, counter 3
  328. 09:48:43 M: 34033664 DEBUG: _ssl.pyd: Total bytes leaked: 34704
  329. 09:48:43 M: 34734080 DEBUG: Q:\system\python\DLLs\_hashlib.pyd (base 01DD0000): Detected memory leaks: 112 leaks
  330. 09:48:43 M: 34734080 DEBUG: leak caller address 01DD1E20, size 2420, counter 111
  331. 09:48:43 M: 34734080 DEBUG: leak caller address 01DD1E30, size 128, counter 1
  332. 09:48:43 M: 34734080 DEBUG: _hashlib.pyd: Total bytes leaked: 2548
  333. 09:48:43 M: 35131392 DEBUG: Q:\system\python\python27.dll (base 1E000000): Detected memory leaks: 444 leaks
  334. 09:48:43 M: 38760448 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E014842, size 36, counter 1
  335. 09:48:43 M: 38760448 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E078BE4, size 586944, counter 199
  336. 09:48:43 M: 38760448 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E0815BE, size 1000, counter 1
  337. 09:48:43 M: 38760448 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E0866F2, size 48412, counter 49
  338. 09:48:43 M: 38760448 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E087F3E, size 1892, counter 56
  339. 09:48:43 M: 38760448 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E088022, size 116, counter 6
  340. 09:48:43 M: 38760448 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E093C8C, size 448, counter 1
  341. 09:48:43 M: 38760448 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E093D62, size 3145728, counter 12
  342. 09:48:43 M: 38760448 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E09408F, size 59011, counter 64
  343. 09:48:43 M: 38760448 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E09446D, size 2229, counter 1
  344. 09:48:43 M: 38760448 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E09F6BC, size 1600, counter 8
  345. 09:48:43 M: 38760448 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E0BC0E2, size 233, counter 1
  346. 09:48:43 M: 38760448 DEBUG: leak caller address 1E0F16E6, size 540, counter 45
  347. 09:48:43 M: 38760448 DEBUG: python27.dll: Total bytes leaked: 3848189
  348. 09:48:43 M: 41074688 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogKaiToast.xml) ------
  349. 09:48:43 M: 41009152 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::WaitOnScriptResult - plugin exited prematurely - terminating
  350. 09:48:43 M: 41009152 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/?
  351. 09:48:43 M: 41009152 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/? failed
  352. 09:48:43 M: 41009152 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/?url=&mode=Genres&name=Browse+by+genre)
  353. 09:48:43 M: 41009152 DEBUG: ParentPath = [plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/]
  354. 09:48:43 M: 41009152 DEBUG: Loading fileitems [plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/?url=&mode=Genres&name=Browse+by+genre]
  355. 09:48:43 M: 41009152 DEBUG: -- items: 25, directory: plugin://music/Shoutcast2Xbmc4Xbox/?url=&mode=Genres&name=Browse+by+genre sort method: 0, ascending: false
  356. 09:48:43 M: 41377792 DEBUG: RetrieveMusicInfo() took 0 msec
  357. 09:48:44 M: 41107456 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogProgress.xml) ------
  358. 09:48:49 M: 41549824 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogKaiToast.xml) ------
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