
Thursday Night is Spaghetti Night

Apr 29th, 2012
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  1. >You're the ambivalent owner of a somewhat cute fluffy pony that's not usually too bad.
  2. >Your pony was a rescue from a shelter; according to them she was found abandoned by her former owner.
  3. >Already housebroken, fairly good companion in most respects.
  4. >Except one.
  5. >Her last owner must have spoiled her with spaghetti every night.
  6. >Thursday is spaghetti night... today is Wednesday.
  7. >Dinner time; put a bowl of fluffy chow down for your pony.
  8. >She ignores it and follows you around screaming, "No wan yucky pewwets! Wan sketties!"
  9. >Tonight is not fucking spaghetti night.
  10. >You usually have to lock her in the safe room with chow for an hour before she'll get desperate and isolated enough to eat it.
  11. >If you leave her free instead she'll follow you all night, screaming until you relent or lock her up.
  12. >She does this every time you feed her anything besides spaghetti.
  13. >Punishment doesn't help.
  14. >Locking her outside didn't work, the idiot almost starved rather than eat grass.
  15. >She seems to be a natural princess.
  16. >Starting to know the feeling her first owner must have had.
  18. >One day the doorknob on her saferoom breaks and the door won't stay closed.
  19. >Bullshit.
  20. >Can't lock fluffy cunt in the safe room to get her to eat.
  21. >Can't lock her in another room, because broken shit everywhere plus dead pony.
  22. >Don't want to reward being a cunt.
  23. >Attempt to explain to pony that she'll have to eat in kitchen tonight.
  24. >Set down bowl of chow, set pony in front of it.
  25. >"No wan pewwets! Pewwets yucky! Give sketties!"
  26. >You glare and inform your pony that spaghetti night is two days away, and that only ponies who behave get spaghetti.
  27. >"No! Give sketties now! Fwuffy skweam if no sketties!"
  28. >When you give her the stinkeye at this remark, fluffy starts to scream at the top of her lungs.
  31. >You get up and walk away.
  32. >She follows you, still screaming. "WAN' SKETTIES! WAN' NOW!"
  33. >Putting her into the bathroom doesn't help.
  34. >The door is not as thick as the safe room's, and you can hear her banging on it from across the apartment.
  36. >Ugh, you don't feel like cleaning the bathroom floor.
  37. >You yank the door open and catch her up.
  39. >Whatever, man.
  40. >You hold her over the toilet as she attempts to shit, and the rank turds drop harmlessly into the bowl.
  41. >It's still no picnic, since she screams in your face the entire time.
  42. >After ten solid minutes of alternately trying to explain to her and stare her down, you give up.
  43. >Someone is starting to pound on your wall by this time.
  44. >Walking over to the stove, you start the burner, then grab an oven mitt.
  46. >Fluffy screams the whole time, "WAN SKETTIES! FWUFFY HATE YOU!"
  47. >You death-glare at her one last time, trying to eyeball the fear of God into her.
  48. >Fluffy doesn't notice.
  49. >Picking the bitch up and holding her over the toilet, you squeeze hard.
  50. >Fluffy voids the remainder of her bowels and bladder while screaming.
  52. >Having made sure she won't soil your kitchen, some handy cling wrap further ensures she can't move her legs, and you set her on the counter.
  53. >"Wet fwuffy out! No wan' sticky skin! Wan' sketties!"
  54. >You open the utensil drawer and take out a skewer.
  55. >"Okay, you can have spaghetti."
  56. >"Yay! Fwuffy wuv ske-"
  57. >Before she can finish, your free hand darts out and grabs her little tongue, then yanks it out of her mouth.
  58. >The fluffy's eyes go wide as you ram the skewer through her tongue from below.
  59. >"Nnnnnnuhhhnn!" she cries, unable to pull her tongue in.
  61. >You reach in the drawer again and take out a pair of metal kitchen shears.
  62. >Slipping on the oven mitt, you put your covered thumb and finger through the loops on the shears, then hold the blades over the lit burner.
  63. >Once the blades begin to glow faintly red, you take them out of the fire and walk over to the fluffy.
  64. >A small pool of blood has formed under her face, and she's looking at you with a hateful stare.
  65. >"Nnnnunng! Nannh ngehhi!"
  66. >You're pretty sure she just fucking asked for spaghetti again.
  67. >You set a heavy pot atop her, with the rim on her neck.
  68. >Her eyes start to bug out as the pot forces the air out of her windpipe.
  69. >Grabbing the skewer, you extend her tongue.
  70. >You move in the shears and, with one cut, sever it at the base.
  71. >She tries to scream again, but all that comes out is a windy burble of blood.
  72. >Throwing the skewer and severed tongue in the sink, you force your free hand into her mouth and wedge it open.
  73. >You push the hot shears into her mouth and against the base of her tongue, cauterizing the wound and burning the side of her mouth badly.
  74. >Her eyes continue to bulge as she spits up blood while you hold her mouth open and check the stump.
  75. >Satisfied, you lift the pot and pick up the pony.
  76. >You carry her over to the stove and hold her face down, a few inches from the still-lit burner.
  77. >Leaning close to her ear, you whisper that from now on any time she refuses to eat any food you're kind enough to provide, you will cut something out of her.
  78. >Starting with her ears, then her tail, then her legs, and then her eyes.
  79. >To emphasize your point, you feint at her with the shears, causing her to flinch.
  80. >Though fluffy pony can no longer speak, the spluttering of her tears on the hot metal below tells you her answer.
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