

Feb 7th, 2013
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  1. [20:40:35] [@zoofman] Alright so.
  2. [20:40:51] [@zoofman] Presumably we're picking up as Norina and Rosetta arrive at campus?
  3. [20:42:58] ° Rosetta has spent the latter bit of the train ride tap tapping away at her phone. Just as the two arrive though, she proudly shoves the screen into Norina's face. "There, I put something out there so I can maybe get a Meetup going!" It's her first post on the forum thing.
  4. [20:43:49] [@zoofman] She looks over the screen a bit, then clicks something. Squints. "You spent a lot of time joining other groups didn't you."
  5. [20:45:05] [Rosetta] "Huh? Well, yeah, there are worse ways to go couch sur- er..." She clears her throat. "I mean to find people to meet and things to do on the road, right?"
  6. [20:49:34] [@zoofman] WOAH THAT ALMOST SOUNDED LEWD. Norina hands the phone back . "Well, if you say so I guess. If anyone would know it'd be you, considering how you've been getting by the last few years." She departs the train platform and heads toward the inner city.
  7. [20:50:59] [@zoofman] The city itself is much as you remember it. Expectedly urban with the ocean-front center being much more historical, which is where the campus resides.
  8. [20:54:38] [Rosetta] Couch surfing is so not lewd! "Aw, is that all you've got to say about it? I thought it was a pretty clever posting. We've got to keep a sense of humor going, yeah? I mean, I know this is serious stuff, but I don't think Binny'd like it if we stayed all mopey the whole time we're filling out his last request." Her voice quietens as she finishes her sentence and follows Norina.
  9. [20:56:28] [@zoofman] "I dunno - it could work, but you might also get a bunch of trolls. Speaking of that what the heck are these doll things we're gonna be looking for?"
  10. [21:00:43] [Rosetta] "Beats me. We'd need more of Binny's notes to know what's up with those." Rosetta shrugs. "And hey c'mon, it's not like I'm gonna grab just anyone to go searching with, yeah? I'm not as tough as...well, you, for example. So I have to count on finding competent teammates."
  11. [21:02:50] [@zoofman] The campus itself...well, seems to have a small decorative barrior with a bunch of archway entrances. The interior is pretty neat for the historical factor. a grassy courtyard with a collection of large mushroom colonies, and several buildings that have been kept up with through the ages and retrofitted into class rooms. The newer buildings here, mostly dorms, seem to have been built to match
  12. [21:03:32] [@zoofman] this heritage. There's also a dock out to water, but doesn't seem like very many boats are there, all smaller vessels.
  13. [21:04:21] [@zoofman] There's a statue at the center of the courtyard here with a plaque. Students are walking around, fairly normal day.
  14. [21:04:41] [@zoofman] Even if it's not that cold out most the girls seem to be wearing yoga pants, north face jackets and uggs. It's like a friggen uniform in the winter!
  15. [21:06:12] [@zoofman] "I guess that's true. Didn't really think about it but...yeah, you would have to join an exploring guild thing or something wouldn't you?"
  16. [21:06:45] ° Rosetta probably stands out a lot then, with her usual attire! The only bit that probably doesn't look weird amongst all the college kids is the leather gloves she's just taken out of her pocket and slipped on.
  17. [21:07:28] [Rosetta] "Is that how it works? I'm trying to remember - it's been a year, and in Johto they pretty much just let anyone travel however they want. The wilds aren't dangerous there."
  18. [21:08:08] [@zoofman] "Yeah there's a buncha strict rules about it. Gotta be eighteen, have a recommendation, least three members or join an existing one..."
  19. [21:09:06] [@zoofman] But yeah you don't really stand out all that much. Norina looks a bit older than she is, so far as most are concerned just some freshies.
  20. [21:09:39] [Rosetta] "A recommendation?" Rosetta narrows her eyes and bites her thumb. "Shit." She mutters. "Maybe I can talk to Annette's parents. Dealing with her slumber parties is sort of like battling feral ghosts, right?"
  21. [21:10:41] [@zoofman] "I dunno I never been to that crazy city." She shrugs. "You got any clue where we can find some of these dolls?" She seems a bit anxious to get moving.
  22. [21:12:32] ° Rosetta nods, then pulls out her cell phone again, searching up a map of campus. "Talk to me about this recommendation thing as I look and try to remember. Any experienced team is gonna have their own agenda, so I 'spose that means I've got to find some other fresh explorers if I want to have the time to look into this."
  23. [21:15:12] [@zoofman] "That forum thing you're looking into might help with that. Audino." She shrugs, meandering over to the statue as you look over the map. Roll me ... Focus for that.
  24. [21:16:07] [Rosetta] 3d6-2
  25. [21:16:09] [DiceMaid-9001] Rosetta, 3d6-2: 7 [3d6=4,3,2]
  26. [21:17:35] [@zoofman] God this is surprisingly hard to memorize. You think you got a general idea where some of the dots were. Looks like a lot of them were more by the class buildings than the dorm area.
  27. [21:19:38] ° Rosetta sighs and slips the phone back into her pocket. She streeeetches, then waves Norina in a direction. "Mmm, I think this way, toward the classroom buildings." She takes off at a light jog.
  28. [21:21:18] [@zoofman] The statue is a pretty goofy looking girl on a Garchomp. Norina nods, backing away from it and following. "Think you know where some of them are then?"
  29. [21:23:43] ° Rosetta slowly nods. "I think, yeah. Don't uh...don't be disappointed if they're not there though. It's been three months, and that's not just a strain on the memory, but they could've been moved or found by anyone since then. Alright?"
  30. [21:25:56] [@zoofman] She grumbles a bit and nods. Most the academic buildings are fairly close to each other. Looks like it wouldn't take you that much time to do a quick swoop over of them.
  31. [21:26:36] [@zoofman] "Guessing we should be a bit subtle about it though?"
  32. [21:27:58] [Rosetta] "Yeah, just walk by all casual like. And watch out for any kids who look out of place. Young and foreign." Rosetta slows to a stroll and nonchalantly glances at the nearby buildings as they walk past, heading toward her best idea of where a doll might be from her memories.
  33. [21:29:01] [@zoofman] Roll both Stealth and Perception
  34. [21:29:43] [Rosetta] 3d6+6 I am the stealthiest B[
  35. [21:29:44] [DiceMaid-9001] Rosetta, I am the stealthiest B[: 19 [3d6=4,4,5]
  36. [21:29:54] [Rosetta] 2d6+2 perception
  37. [21:29:57] [DiceMaid-9001] Rosetta, perception: 8 [2d6=4,2]
  38. [21:33:45] [@zoofman] 2d6+4;2d6+2
  39. [21:33:45] [DiceMaid-9001] zoofman, 2d6+4: 16 [2d6=6,6]; 2d6+2: 9 [2d6=3,4]
  40. [21:34:53] [@zoofman] Well you guys are pretty good about looking like students on your daily routines but it isn't really getting you anywhere. You don't see any of them around. Norina kicks a wall in frustration. "OW!"
  41. [21:36:35] [Rosetta] "Whoa, whoa, hey, uh, just chill, alright?" Rosetta goes up and puts a hand on Norina's shoulder. "Deep breath. We have all day here, yeah?"
  42. [21:36:57] [@zoofman] "Right, right..."
  43. [21:37:45] [Rosetta] "You might wanna blow off some of that steam before we go on though, or you're gonna make us stand out a little." Rosetta takes a quick nervous glance around.
  44. [21:38:19] [@zoofman] "I swear when he mentioned this in an email to me he made them sound so, they stuck them in doorways, next to trash cans, on street signs..."
  45. [21:39:07] [Rosetta] "He told you about them?"
  46. [21:41:00] [@zoofman] "Yeah, when you mentioned it sorta jogged my memory...he said he was helping some kid place them around town."
  47. [21:42:05] [Rosetta] "He was helping them? That must've been before he realized there was something funny with that whole business then. Sounds just like him though."
  48. [21:42:46] [@zoofman] She thinks a bit. "You don't suppose he put one someplace HE'D go frequently, do you?"
  49. [21:44:24] [Rosetta] "Where are you thinkin that'd be?" Rosetta shoves her hands in her pockets and does two Natu-like hops, spinning in a circle and facing Norina again.
  50. [21:44:58] [@zoofman] "The...uh...cafeteria?"
  51. [21:45:47] [Rosetta] "That sounds worth a shot, but do you know any of the classes he was taking?"
  52. [21:46:35] [@zoofman] "That one girl he had a thing for's dorm building? Classes...uh..."
  53. [21:47:06] [@zoofman] "I don't recall him mentioning classes much!"
  54. [21:49:00] ° Rosetta slumps a little with a shrug and a weary smile. "Cafeteria it is, then!"
  55. [21:49:51] [@zoofman] You guys poke around a bit till you notice a large, victorian mansion of sorts people are taking to-go boxes out of.
  56. [21:50:33] [@zoofman] There's a small sign in front. VETOR HALL, CAFETERIA OPERATION HOURS... "Think we found it."
  57. [21:50:34] [Rosetta] "Shit, this is where they go eat? Fancy."
  58. [21:52:00] [@zoofman] Roll me perception as you look over it.
  59. [21:52:08] [Rosetta] 2d6+2
  60. [21:52:10] [DiceMaid-9001] Rosetta, 2d6+2: 11 [2d6=5,4]
  61. [21:52:47] [@zoofman] Above the front door you see this sorta sitting on a little landing supported by some columns.
  62. [21:52:57] [@zoofman] It's...pretty easy to miss if you weren't looking for it.
  63. [21:53:23] ° Rosetta hops up and snatches it.
  64. [21:55:09] [@zoofman] Roll me acrobatics and stealth for that.
  65. [21:55:26] [@zoofman] This is a good bit more up than just the top of the door frame
  66. [21:55:30] [Rosetta] 4d6+2;3d6+6
  67. [21:55:31] [DiceMaid-9001] Rosetta, 4d6+2: 9 [4d6=4,1,1,1]; 3d6+6: 20 [3d6=5,4,5]
  68. [21:55:41] [Rosetta] 4d6+2 pc
  69. [21:55:42] [DiceMaid-9001] Rosetta, pc: 17 [4d6=3,5,3,4]
  70. [21:55:55] [@zoofman] Well, I guess you DID hop up and get it.
  71. [21:56:02] [@zoofman] Norina just stares in amazement. "Daaayum."
  72. [21:56:11] [@zoofman] "...Wow those are really creepy."
  73. [21:58:10] ° Rosetta nods in satisfaction. "What, you didn't think I'd just been slacking off the last three years, did you? I may not hit as hard as you, but I can sure zip around." She looks down at the doll. "Yeah...uh what the actual fuck?"
  74. [22:00:23] [@zoofman] Roll perception for me.
  75. [22:00:34] [Rosetta] 2d6+2
  76. [22:00:35] [DiceMaid-9001] Rosetta, 2d6+2: 8 [2d6=3,3]
  77. [22:01:34] [@zoofman] It's then you notice an older man with a long beard and coat, holding a small togo box himself, standing near you and looking at the doll curiously.
  78. [22:02:29] ° Rosetta ignores him for the moment, turning the doll over and examining it carefully. Can I roll occult to have an idea of what it's for or what it symbolizes?
  79. [22:03:05] [@zoofman] Sure.
  80. [22:03:22] [Rosetta] 3d6+2
  81. [22:03:22] [DiceMaid-9001] Rosetta, 3d6+2: 6 [3d6=1,2,1]
  82. [22:03:36] ° Rosetta has no clue. :O
  83. [22:03:46] [@zoofman] That she does not.
  84. [22:04:03] [@zoofman] 2d6+2
  85. [22:04:03] [DiceMaid-9001] zoofman, 2d6+2: 9 [2d6=1,6]
  86. [22:04:21] [@zoofman] Norina also notices the old man, but seems to be following your reaction to it.
  87. [22:06:16] [Rosetta] "Let's see if we can't find more of these." Rosetta says quietly, starting to walk off.
  88. [22:07:39] [@zoofman] "Alright then..." you two start to meander off. The man shrugs and walks his own way.
  89. [22:08:07] [Rosetta] "...Was that a professor here?" Rosetta glances back.
  90. [22:09:16] [@zoofman] 3d6+2
  91. [22:09:16] [DiceMaid-9001] zoofman, 3d6+2: 14 [3d6=3,3,6]
  92. [22:09:27] [@zoofman] "...What, you didn't recognize him?"
  93. [22:09:49] [@zoofman] "I mean you've been gone for a long time but the family library has like all his friggen books."
  94. [22:09:50] ° Rosetta blinks. "Should I have?"
  95. [22:10:26] [Rosetta] "Hey, I left cause I didn't want to spend the rest of my friggin life watching those books, remember?"
  96. [22:10:43] [@zoofman] "Right, right," She sighs and handhips. "That was Professor Spore, you dumbo."
  97. [22:11:42] [@zoofman] "He's a Mythology and Cryptozoology researcher. Pretty popular professor from what Corbin mentioned..."
  98. [22:12:40] [Rosetta] "I'm not a dumbo. Jerk." Rosetta makes an exaggeratedly frowney face and lightly jabs Norina in the arm. She then hops around Natu-like again and watches Prof Spore as he walks off.
  99. [22:15:02] [Rosetta] "Hm hm hm..."
  100. [22:15:26] [@zoofman] Norina hrmps, rubs her arm some. Professor Spore seems to have been stopped by a few students on his way, glances over at you mid conversation before continuing toward what you assume is his where his office is
  101. [22:17:06] [Rosetta] "If this is tied somehow to a war among rune masters, then he ought to know something about it, right?" Rosetta bounces on her feet, debating whether to go after the man.
  102. [22:18:50] [@zoofman] "Well he IS also the Gym Leader last I heard. So...well, hell, seems dumb to pass up."
  103. [22:19:40] [Rosetta] "Ohhh, I remember that now. Yeah, yeah, let's go then!" Rosetta dashes after him, with a few well-placed teleports to weave around the crowd as she goes.
  104. [22:20:09] [@zoofman] "That's cheating, jerkface!" She chases after.
  105. [22:20:53] [@zoofman] The building sits sort of on the corner of campus, off a bit. It's a long building and seems to have a greenhouse attatched to it.
  106. [22:21:24] [Rosetta] "What? Jealous?" Rosetta grins widely as she pops into existence with a last teleport in front of the door.
  107. [22:21:34] [@zoofman] There's a small sign on the door. GUILD HALL.
  108. [22:22:04] [@zoofman] "Don't make me punch you - oh wow this building's old."
  109. [22:23:18] [Rosetta] "You can sure try!" Rosetta teleport hops back and forth a few times before stopping at Norina's comment on the building. "Oh huh, you think he works at the Guild Hall too?" She peers up.
  110. [22:25:09] [@zoofman] "Would make sense." She pushes the door in slowly. Dark inside, just oil lamp lighting here. "...Waaah?"
  111. [22:26:10] [Rosetta] "Ooh, how mysterious. Very atmospheric." Rosetta strolls in.
  112. [22:28:51] [@zoofman] As you walk through, the floor creeks a bit. This place seems the most preserved of any building on campus. Along the interior you see what seems like endless paintings and photos down the hallway, divided by small signs listing a year under them.
  113. [22:30:06] [Rosetta] "Professor Spore?" Rosetta calls out as the walks along.
  114. [22:30:23] [@zoofman] The hallway seems to go back quite a the right there's where you'd expect a door leading into the greenhouse. Just sorta an open walkway.
  115. [22:30:51] ° Rosetta glances around for any sign of the professor.
  116. [22:31:56] [@zoofman] If you poke your head into the greenhouse you see him sitting at a small circular table next to a bunch of fruit trees.
  117. [22:32:17] [@zoofman] He is poking at a salad and reading over a stack of essays.
  118. [22:32:50] [Rosetta] Is he a WIZARD? with a SPARKLESTAFF?
  119. [22:33:41] ° Rosetta nods to Norina, then skips on in. "Professor Spore?"
  120. [22:33:54] [@zoofman] HE HAS A SPARKLESTAFF
  121. [22:33:59] [@zoofman] BUT YOU HAVE NO DETECT WIZARD
  122. [22:34:47] [@zoofman] The man nods, "I had a feeling you would come after you noticed me. Come, sit." Not looking up from the papers quite yet.
  123. [22:35:37] ° Rosetta turns to give Norina a 'what' look, then turns back to the professor. "Sure, sure."
  124. [22:36:12] [Rosetta] "I 'spose that means you've seen these around then..." Rosetta tosses the doll between her hands.
  125. [22:36:51] [@zoofman] He nods. And whistles. You hear chirping from above you. Lot of chirping, in fact.
  126. [22:36:59] [@zoofman] Roll Education: Pokemon.
  127. [22:37:05] [Rosetta] 2d6+2
  128. [22:37:06] [DiceMaid-9001] Rosetta, 2d6+2: 8 [2d6=1,5]
  129. [22:38:09] [@zoofman] A large collection of bird Pokemon appear out of everywhere. They flock down and drop off a doll each, before long there's a small stack of them.
  130. [22:38:40] [@zoofman] You -think- that might have been every bird species. You even see this perching on the tree you're sitting under.
  131. [22:38:41] [Rosetta] Rosetta's eyes sparkle at all of the birds.
  132. [22:39:40] [Rosetta] "Wow."
  133. [22:40:22] [@zoofman] "I noticed them here and there myself. Had no idea who put them there, figured it was a prank of some club's. The birds in the sanctuary liked them as toys though, so here they are."
  134. [22:40:57] [@zoofman] He looks up from the essay. "What I am wondering is what -you- know of them."
  135. [22:41:50] ° Rosetta glances to Norina with a hesitant look.
  136. [22:43:06] [@zoofman] Norina is all :> cause there's a Piplup in her lap.
  137. [22:43:56] ° Rosetta sighs, then turns back to Professor Spore. "I don't know much myself - but my brother did, and that's what got him killed."
  138. [22:44:06] [@zoofman] "Can I keep hi- oh, sorry." She focuses a bit.
  139. [22:44:48] [@zoofman] Professor Spore puts the papers down. "I see. You must be children of the Whitacre family."
  140. [22:45:21] [Rosetta] "Rosetta Whitacre, Corbin's brother." She nods.
  141. [22:45:37] [@zoofman] "My condolences. I was not one of your brother's Professors, but it was a terrible tragedy for the academy as a whole."
  142. [22:45:47] [Rosetta] *sister
  143. [22:45:59] [@zoofman] (WoAH. WOAH.)
  144. [22:46:39] [Rosetta] (shut up I was typing "Corbin was my brother" and then I changed it and forgot to change the gender ;-;)
  145. [22:48:02] [@zoofman] He picks up one of the dolls. They all look similar, but differently dressed, small hair color differences. "I suppose it's only right I tell you what I know of what these are."
  146. [22:48:37] [@zoofman] "They are wanga dolls."
  147. [22:48:48] [Rosetta] "We'd be grateful." Rosetta jabs the entranced Norina with her elbow and mouths "introduce yourself".
  148. [22:49:36] [@zoofman] "Oh, erm, sorry. Norina Elyse. A cousin."
  149. [22:50:40] [Rosetta] "Wanga?"
  150. [22:53:49] [@zoofman] He fiddles with the arms and legs of the doll a bit. It has a surprisingly lifelike joint structure. "Long ago before The Empire found these lands, the Thundercry Tribe was already experimenting with, for the time, advanced automatronics. They didn't know much of the science of matters, but mathematics, they had discovered and studied well."
  151. [22:54:42] [@zoofman] "The dolls they made at first were just toys. Highly structured joint systems, puppets in a telekinetic's hand."
  152. [22:54:59] [Rosetta] "And then...?"
  153. [22:56:14] [@zoofman] "Eventually, one found its way to the then Skullnest Tribe, and someone had the wise idea to infuse part of his will into it perminantly."
  154. [22:57:47] [@zoofman] "The result was the Wanga Doll. Essentially the world's first drone."
  155. [22:58:30] [Rosetta] "So it's a living puppet? Can it act independently, or does the creator have to actively control it? And....does that mean these are all inactive?"
  156. [23:00:57] [@zoofman] "Independently? No. The creator must control it. Just with a much more natural grace than a puppetmaster and his puppet. More of a possession."
  157. [23:01:39] [@zoofman] "And yes, far as I could tell these are all inactive. Hence I haven't disposed of them, just removed the charms within that would allow such a thing."
  158. [23:01:46] [@zoofman] "Seems I missed one, however," he nods to the one you're holding.
  159. [23:02:28] [Rosetta] "Can you figure out who cast the charm on the doll from examining it?" Rosetta hands hers over.
  160. [23:04:24] [@zoofman] "Yes, if they had been activated. An Aura Seer could do as such potentially. These were, however...just sitting around."
  161. [23:05:33] [@zoofman] "Hence I was under the impression it was simply a bad prank. It seems I was mistaken considering you believe this led to your brother's unfortionate end."
  162. [23:07:00] [Rosetta] "You should have campus security be on the look out for young kids who look out of place. Foreigners. Actually likely the same ones who have been disappearing all over the world. They've been the ones planting these everywhere - and my brother saw them. It gets uh, more complicated after that."
  163. [23:09:00] ° Rosetta tugs at her hoodie collar before continuing. "That's only one part of what's apparently some sort of war between factions of rune masters."
  164. [23:10:52] [@zoofman] He nods slowly, takes a bite from his salad. "These warnings are quite forboding. Though I imagine you would not claim them without proof of such matters, or at least reason for suspicion."
  165. [23:11:31] [@zoofman] He whistles again, the three legendary birds flutter down. He whispers to them, they seem to nod and fly off through a small opening in the greenhouse cieling.
  166. [23:12:42] [Rosetta] "I can't show you what I saw." Rosetta reaches in her pocket and pulls out the small booklet. "And the only bit of real physical evidence I have left is blank - probably supernaturally wiped."
  167. [23:13:50] [@zoofman] He looks over it. "I'm sorry, I do not recognize this insignia."
  168. [23:13:51] [Rosetta] "But our family is, as I understand, among the few in Visiwa that routinely produces rune masters each generation." There's an unsure look toward Norina after this claim, since Rosetta's fuzzy on those details.
  169. [23:15:38] [@zoofman] Norina nods in agreement. "That you are, Miss Whitacre. The Unown do not have a strong presence here. If there is truely a conflict escalating, it will become not very secret before long."
  170. [23:17:41] [Rosetta] "Whoever's fighting it, they're willing to go pretty far to keep it secret. Corbin..." She pauses, taking a deep breath. "Corbin was made an example. That...that design carved into him. See nothing, hear nothing, say nothing."
  171. [23:18:42] [@zoofman] He nods. "It was something the investigators took note of. Hardly a subtle message."
  172. [23:19:04] [Rosetta] "There was a video he left us, it's gonna seem crazy, like, completely fucking nuts, but he's been hiding clues in the wild. You know how his room was ransacked? That's probably why, he knew he'd be silenced."
  173. [23:21:34] [@zoofman] "I see this conversation will be an extended one. I do not doubt what you have witnessed, but it is a lot to absorb."
  174. [23:22:18] [Rosetta] "Sorry. I actually just got told all this today myself. I've been away from home for a long, long time, and it's been a rough first day back."
  175. [23:23:55] [@zoofman] Norina nods slowly. Professor Spore munches on the salad some, thinking. "Tell me, child, what you wish to see transpire from this talk."
  176. [23:25:41] [@zoofman] "The matters of security are certainly pressing. I have seen to that with those couriers. But even my own authority as a Gym Leader only extends so far without more concrete evidence."
  177. [23:25:42] ° Rosetta pauses for a moment. It suddenly hits her that her intent to ask about the dolls has somehow spiraled into spilling everything.
  178. [23:27:05] [Rosetta] She nods, looking anxious to say something, and starting to speak very fast as soon as Professor Spore finishes. "I need a recommendation, professor. To join an explorer team, or to form one of my own. If there's some trial of competence, I can prove I'm capable of surviving out there."
  179. [23:28:29] [@zoofman] "Hmmmm."
  180. [23:31:14] [@zoofman] He sits up a bit, folds his arms. "I see the pattern. It would empower you to investigate the claims that you believe led to your brother's potential murder on your own. And with substancial evidence, future catastrophy could be avoided."
  181. [23:32:46] ° Rosetta nods. "He left a video for us, Norina and I, I mean. Saying that he left his clues while doing Ranger Corps work specifically so Explorers could find them. It'd be proper for family to be the ones to pick those up, yeah?"
  182. [23:34:08] [@zoofman] "Did he now? Hmm..."
  183. [23:36:06] [@zoofman] "I will be honest, Child. Even as a Gym Leader, I am primarily a teacher. My challenge itself is comparable to a simple test. I do not hold as much authority as you might think I do. I can keep an eye on New Ivyhollow, a bit closer now, however."
  184. [23:36:49] [Rosetta] "Right, well...I can't get anything done if I can't get out into the wilds, right?"
  185. [23:36:53] [@zoofman] "The most I can do is, well, teach what I know. Most of the past. And approve of your request. Though you will need a Pokemon of your own first. The actual trial...well, that would be telling a bit much."
  186. [23:37:15] [Rosetta] "So I can ask for other Gym Leaders to help once I know mo- really? Sweet!"
  187. [23:40:40] [@zoofman] "I would still like to hear the rest of your evidence myself in a bit, however. And I have a story I must impart on you. All I can offer you as far as Pokemon are grass types, or the birds in this sanctuary."
  188. [23:40:47] [@zoofman] Norina seems pretty jelly, hugs the Piplup close :<
  189. [23:42:26] [Rosetta] "I like birds!" Rosetta hops up. "Maaaaaybe a Piplup." She leans in teasingly toward Norina.
  190. [23:44:11] [@zoofman] "You can't have him jerkwad!" she jumps up and hops back a bit. Professor Spore chuckles, then whistles.
  191. [23:45:02] [Rosetta] "Hehe, alright, alright." Rosetta natu-hops around again and looks up at all the birds.
  192. [23:46:53] [@zoofman] "These isles are well known for having every bird known in the world native to them. Here, in New Ivyhollow, we seek to preserve that. These children are spefically bred for Explorers to one day take under their own wing."
  193. [23:47:14] [Rosetta] "Shiny."
  194. [23:47:29] [@zoofman] Literally every bird lands around the area, looking down at you. Pidgies, Pidoves, Starlies, Torchics, babby Skarmories, god you name it it's here.
  195. [23:47:44] [@zoofman] Right on the table, though. plops a Natu.
  196. [23:48:15] [@zoofman] Or more poofs. Just sort of appears there. Stares at you curiously.
  197. [23:48:39] ° Rosetta starts going around and placing them on her head, testing them out. "Hm, too heavy." "Awkward claws." "Huh..." She stares back.
  198. [23:51:52] [@zoofman] It seems intruiged by your selection process.
  199. [23:51:59] [@zoofman] Flutters up and sits on your head.
  200. [23:53:04] ° Rosetta reaches up and adjusts it slightly, then takes a few steps and then a hop. "...I think this one fits!"
  201. [23:53:44] [@zoofman] The Natu does a short hop of its own after. Professor Spore scratches at his beard.
  202. [23:54:43] [@zoofman] "In all my years I have never witnessed such a choosing method. Very well, Miss Whitacre. He is yours." He whistles again, and this time a Trecko comes down from the tree slowly, tosses him a Pokeball, offers it to you.
  203. [23:54:44] ° Rosetta takes another few steps and midstride in one of them teleports a few feet forward.
  204. [23:55:15] [@zoofman] The Natu looks confused a secondas it starts to fall then teleports after you, plop.
  205. [23:55:23] [@zoofman] Norina is max jelly >:T
  206. [23:55:25] ° Rosetta spins around on one foot to face the Professor. "Really now? Doesn't seem that odd."
  207. [23:56:35] [@zoofman] "I suppose it is not. He seems well acclimated."
  208. [23:56:36] ° Rosetta gets another teasing grin on her face as she takes the pokeball. "Thanks Professor." And she ambles over to Norina's, reaching an arm around her. "Now, now, cuz. Wasn't it you who badgered me into doing this in the first place?"
  209. [23:56:43] [Rosetta] *Norina's side
  210. [23:58:38] [@zoofman] She punches you. "Jerk! You know I'm not old enough to join you. Just you wait - grrr."
  211. [23:58:51] [@zoofman] She lets the piplup down and walks into the hallway to look at the pictures and photos, annoyed.
  212. [00:00:00] × Day changed to [Thursday, February 7th 2013].
  213. Session Time: Thu Feb 07 00:00:02 2013
  214. [00:00:41] [Rosetta] "Owwwww! Hey, that hurts!" Rosetta stumbles back, wincing. "It was just a little teasing!"
  215. [00:00:54] ° Rosetta turns to Professor Spore. "Family. You understand, yeah?"
  216. [00:01:50] [@zoofman] "I was once much the same with my own cousins and siblings. I do. Though that's not the bit of mythology I wished to share." He jests.
  217. [00:03:09] [Rosetta] "Gimme a second, she'll probably want to hear your story too." Rosetta trots outside. "Hey, hey, c'mon it was a joke. Are you mad at me?" :<
  218. [00:04:10] [@zoofman] She returns after looking at a few photos. "I think we got family in pictures here..."
  219. [00:04:40] [@zoofman] "And not really, but I'll get even after training with Gabriela SO BLEH." She follows back in.
  220. [00:05:23] [Rosetta] "I wouldn't be surprised. Isn't that how the stories go? The rune masters in the family get called out by the Unown for adventures, yeah?" Rosetta leads her back in. "...What do you mean 'get even'?"
  221. [00:05:42] [@zoofman] "You'll see, I will have the best bird!"
  222. [00:05:49] [@zoofman] The Natu seems a bit offended.
  223. [00:07:10] [Rosetta] "Hey, you can't say that after just meeting...meeting..." Rosetta glances up. "Huh, right, you need a name."
  224. [00:08:59] [Rosetta] "...Trilloby! That's a good name, yeah?" Rosetta nods to herself, satisfied. "Aren't you happy with Cervantes? Adorable huge puppy that he is. Er, anyway..." She turns her attention back to Professor Spore.
  225. [00:12:17] [@zoofman] He chuckles a bit. "A few years ago while I was abroad for a conference in India, I came upon a small tea house with an old, but substancial library to peruse from."
  226. [00:12:58] [@zoofman] "Many of them were creation myths I was accustomed to, as well as those for the regional legends, but one in particular stuck with me, that your own tale reminded me of."
  227. [00:13:31] [Rosetta] "Go on!"
  228. [00:16:43] [@zoofman] "It told the story of a man who befriended a Kyogre and sailed the world. Eventually, he came across a collection of isles. On the isle he approached, he found a few tribes of natives who he found extremely peculiar."
  229. [00:19:58] [@zoofman] "One of which had constructed a wall of bone around their village, and had a fondness for birds of darker feathers."
  230. [00:20:29] [@zoofman] "Another, a tribe of nomads who had a society that resembled that of an insect colony."
  231. [00:21:56] [@zoofman] "A third who constructed golems from the earth itself, and a forth...who lived among a collection of Pokemon that had the shape of an alphabet he did not recognize."
  232. [00:22:27] [Rosetta] "Aha, there we go!" Rosetta snaps her fingers. "...Sorry, keep going."
  233. [00:22:46] [@zoofman] "And I found this odd, as it was a tale from hundreds of years ago, before the descendents of Shiverwing even came to the isles. And today there is no evidence known to us of this other tribe."
  234. [00:23:50] [@zoofman] "This tale is too precise to be a complete fabrication or fluke, in my own experience. So I cannot help but wonder if some of the mystery of your delimma lies with this question: what happened to them?"
  235. [00:25:04] [Rosetta] "And I 'spose with finding them, I'd find whatever alphic ruins might exist in the Isles?"
  236. [00:26:06] [@zoofman] "Presumably, yes."
  237. [00:27:14] [Rosetta] "Is...that all you know? It'd help to have more leads."
  238. [00:29:52] [@zoofman] "On this subject? I am afraid so. My knowledge of the Unowns and their relation to our home region is very clouded. I imagine the two of you would know more than myself."
  239. [00:30:49] [Rosetta] "That's definitely something to watch out for then, at least. Thanks!"
  240. [00:32:38] [@zoofman] He nods. "I would be delighted to hear of any developments you do make on such a venture. But before you depart, there is some paperwork you will have to fill out, and I suppose I should hear the rest of what you know of Corbin's discoveries."
  241. [00:34:53] [Rosetta] "Honestly, the easiest way would be to watch the video he left us." Rosetta takes out her phone. "But first, uh, lemme recount what I saw...It was a few months back; I was in Johto visiting the Ruins of Alph, and the Unown sort of...astral projected me I guess? Onto campus following what Corbin was doing that night."
  242. [00:36:05] [@zoofman] (was sorta trying to wrap up cause I gotta bed ;-;)
  243. [00:36:55] [Rosetta] "Lemme think. There was this thug, had unown tattooed into himself all over, and uh...uh, oh I was dressed up in some sort of weird ninja outfit I think? and...shoot I should write this stuff down sometime." OKAY ROSETTA KEEPS RAMBLING ON AND ON AND THEN SHOWS HIM THE VIDEO. THEN SHE LEAVES WITH NORINA AND DEMANDS HER COUSIN BUY HER HOT CHOCOLATE AS A WELCOME BACK THING.
  244. [00:37:30] [Rosetta] :D
  245. [00:37:41] [@zoofman] GOD FINE SHE
  246. [00:37:45] [@zoofman] SHE BUYS YOUR DAMNED HOT CHOCOLATE
  247. [00:37:46] [@zoofman] YOU...YOU...
  248. [00:37:52] [Rosetta] IT BETTER HAVE MARSHMALLOWS.
  249. [00:37:55] [@zoofman] DOUBLE FARTMONGER
  250. [00:38:23] [Rosetta] And then she probably asks what the funeral plans are and stuff. ;_; And fin.
  251. [00:38:32] [@zoofman] ;-;
  252. [00:38:33] [Rosetta] BUT THE HOT CHOCOLATE IS IMPORTANT.
  253. [00:40:06] [Rosetta] Thanks zoof~
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