Guest User


a guest
Oct 24th, 2015
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  1. ---
  2. blocked:
  3. - world_blocked
  4. cumulative:
  5. Votes:
  6. broadcast: "{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted a total of {YELLOW}10 times {GOLD}and received {GREEN}20 Diamonds!"
  7. commands:
  8. - "/give {username} 264 20"
  9. playermessage: "{GREEN}Thanks for voting {AQUA}10 times!"
  10. rewardmessage:
  11. - "Voting Rewards:"
  12. - "&6[&2100%&6] &2: &35 Diamonds &6and &2$1500 Money "
  13. - "&6[&220%&6] &2: &4&lEXTRA &310 Diamonds &6and &21000 Money"
  14. - "{AQUA}You currently have {GREEN}{votes} Votes"
  15. joinmessage:
  16. - "{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------"
  17. - "{GOLD}{BOLD}Remember to vote at /vote to recieve &4&o/rewards"
  18. - "{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------"
  19. - "{AQUA}You currently have {GREEN}{votes} Votes"
  20. luckyvotes:
  21. 20:
  22. broadcast: "{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was lucky and received an extra $1000 and 10 Diamonds! "
  23. commands:
  24. - "/eco give {username} 1000"
  25. - "/give {username} diamond 10 name:&6&oVote_Diamond"
  26. playermessage: "{GREEN}You were lucky and received an extra $1000 and 10 Diamonds!"
  27. 500:
  28. broadcast: "{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was super lucky and received an extra 1000$ and $10000!"
  29. commands:
  30. - "/xp give {username} 1000"
  31. - "/eco give {username} 10000"
  32. playermessage: "{GOLD}You were super lucky and received an extra 1000$ and $10000!"
  33. perms:
  34. double:
  35. broadcast: "{DARK_GREEN}{username}{GOLD} is a donor and has voted at {GREEN}{service} {GOLD}and received an extra {DARK_RED}30K {GOLD}and {DARK_RED}10 Diamonds!"
  36. command:
  37. - "/give {username} 264 10"
  38. - "/eco give {username} 30000"
  39. playermessage: "{GREEN}Thanks for voting! {GOLD}Remember you can vote every day!!"
  40. remindmessage:
  41. - "{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------"
  42. - "{DARK_RED}{BOLD}You have not voted lately. Vote or DIE!"
  43. - "{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------"
  44. - "{AQUA}You currently have {GREEN}{votes} Votes"
  45. rewardfooter:
  46. - "&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-"
  47. rewardformat: "{REWARD}"
  48. rewardheader:
  49. - "&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-&7-&8-"
  50. services:
  51. default:
  52. broadcast: "{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted at {GREEN}{service} {GOLD}and received {GREEN}5 Diamonds{GOLD} and {GREEN}$1500!"
  53. commands:
  54. - "/give {username} 264 5"
  55. - "/eco give {username} 1500"
  56. playermessage: "{GREEN}Thanks for voting! {GOLD}Remember you can vote once a day!!"
  57. settings:
  58. broadcastoffline: false
  59. broadcastqueue: true
  60. broadcastrecent: true
  61. cumulative: true
  62. dbFile: GAL.db
  63. dbHost: ~
  64. dbMode: sqlite
  65. dbName: GAL
  66. dbPass: ""
  67. dbPort: ~
  68. dbPrefix: ""
  69. dbUser: ~
  70. joinmessage: true
  71. logfile: false
  72. luckyvote: true
  73. onlineonly: true
  74. permvote: true
  75. ratelimit: 10
  76. remindseconds: 300
  77. rewardcommand: true
  78. votecommand: true
  79. voteremind: true
  80. votemessage:
  81. - "{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------"
  82. - "&6&lVoting Links:"
  83. - "&4&l1. &6"
  84. - "{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------"
  85. - "{AQUA}You currently have {GREEN}{votes} Votes"
  86. votetopformat: "{POSITION}. {GREEN}{username} - {WHITE}{TOTAL}"
  87. votetopheader:
  88. - "{GOLD}---------------- {WHITE}[ {DARK_AQUA}Top Voters{WHITE} ] {GOLD}----------------"
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