
Multi-Mobs life

Jul 18th, 2015
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  1. 21:32 Multi-Mob It was 9 pm, Mulit-Mob, going as Micheal for this, laid on the couch, his face covered with a white mask and body in a large coat, no skin showing, normally strange but in Neon, its just another day.. "So. I've, never really done this before. A 'friend' told me to do this, handle my anger and, I'm just not sure where to start"
  2. 21:32 Nameless-Therapist "Well, we have two hours, plenty of time. Why don't you start with your childhood?"
  3. 21:36 Multi-Mob "...Right. Before I was in Neon I lived on a small farm in Arkansas, middle of nowhere. My father drank, but only on celebration. Says its to limit his fun for he can work better. My mother raised me and my older brother, off time made clothes for use, we were fast growers apparently. And, everything was fine. We were happy, just a normal family...
  4. 21:39 Multi-Mob ...Only time things ever got bad is when our uncle was mentioned. He and my dad never got along. Different work life I guess. but, besides that it was a fine life. Hard to remember details, it was what? 60, 70 years?. But I do remember when everything went wrong."
  5. 21:40 Nameless-Therapist "60, 70 years? You don't sound it. How did everything change?"
  6. 21:43 Multi-Mob "All I did was fall out of a tree. My arm broke in two places, and the closes doctor was about 3 hours away. My dad went to get him while my mother kept me company. Don't know why he didn't take me, maybe a call in doctor was cheaper? After a few hours he came back, the doc with them. My mom went to tell him what happened and when they came back to me....
  7. 21:46 Multi-Mob I was catching a toad outside. Naturally my parents were confused, and enraged. They thought I faked it, until I came back up the steps to our house, I fell and hit my head. They rushed to me and saw the wound close, as if it was never there. I was sent to my room while they talked to the doc. They were worried and why shouldn't they be?
  8. 21:49 Multi-Mob When they came back, they told me I was something new. A 'Meta'. Someone with powers that can do impossible things. We never had a tv or comics, anything like that. All this was so new to me, I had so many questions. Was I human? Why am I like this? Why didn't my brother get this? Why were they scared of me?"
  9. 21:53 Multi-Mob He moves around a bit. All this coming back to him. "After a mouth or two things started to get back to normal. until my dad gave me a flier, 'Saint Marie's Meta Boarding School' A place where I could learn more about my powers, be with others like me. It sounded great, but like most things after that day, I was wrong."
  10. 21:59 Multi-Mob "I didn't want to leave, no matter how great it apparently was. But I didn't have a choice. So, off I went, a new chapter in my life. And Saint Maries was hell. Kids from everywhere were there, with all sorts of powers. Some could fly, some could spit fire, literally, the inside of their mouth was like a volcano. And with me being the new kid...
  11. 22:03 Multi-Mob Orientations had to happen. I laid in bed one night and was hit over and over with shoes in socks. Of course with the whole healing thing I was fine by morning. They didn't take it well. I took the fun out of it. So, they decided to go harder, things got bad to worse. I was lit on fire kicked out of a window. Oh sure I got better fast but that never, NEVER!..
  12. 22:06 Multi-Mob Stopped the pain. I couldn't handle it. I left, ran away back home. My brother, he still cared for me. he drove me home. And when I got back. My Parents, the ones who raised me, sold everything I had, not to pay the school, but to better their lives. We fought for a long time that night, my mom drank and drank making thing worse. She said "I've had it with...
  13. 22:08 Multi-Mob ...this little shit, I'm tired of him. The freak! She...she went to get her gun. My father tried to talk her out of it. Talked. My brother was the one to come in to stop her, everything was so fast, I didn't know what was happening until..."
  14. 22:11 Multi-Mob He takes a breath in. "The gun went off, right into her stomach. My brother, he didn't know what to do he just. Ran into his room. My father stayed by her side until the end. The last words she said to me were 'Get away. You caused this.'"
  15. 22:12 Nameless-Therapist "Oh my...if you wish we can stop for no-"
  16. 22:17 Multi-Mob "No. I'll continue. My brother stayed in his room for weeks. Never coming out, he didn't eat, he just, laid in bed, ate what food dad brought him. I stayed home. I don't know why but I did. About a month pasted. My brother...they said he ran away. But I saw him walk in there with the rope. I knew what happened. I was kicked out the next week. Alone, no famliy
  17. 22:23 Multi-Mob I had no other place to go. Saint Mary took me in. But she said I had to work. Monday through Wednesday was school, Thursday through Sunday, I worked. I worked jobs kids should never do. Fix the roof, feed the others. And worse of all, keep to the cellar, shoving coal in the furnace, keep everyone warm. After months of labor...
  18. 22:25 *** Wells quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 39.0/20150630154324])
  19. 22:26 Multi-Mob A fire was...broke out somehow in the Landry room. After a few minutes the whole place was turning to ash. I remember looking at it from outside. Watching them burn, the bubbling and was over after a hour"
  20. 22:26 Nameless-Therapist "...'
  21. 22:28 Multi-Mob "...I never found out what happened, maybe the fire mouth kid sneezed at the wrong time?"
  22. 22:32 Multi-Mob "...So, with no home, family, or school, I went to the streets. I my healing kept me alive, during the months with no food I had to improvise" He stared at his hand for a moment "I would of been dead, if the one person I grew up learning to hate never should up. My uncle. It was the first time I ever saw him. He was big, 7 feet tall, and shoulders that make..
  23. 22:33 *** McGoFuckYourself joined #covenger_rp
  24. 22:38 Multi-Mob Football gear jealous. But his eyes are what got my attention, they were big, almost glowed red. I found out he as a Meta like me, he could see x-ray, infrared, faraway or close up. They called him the Sight. He found me and gave me a job. I loaded the g-fax machine...and such. He gave me a place to live. I learned the way this world really works."
  25. 22:44 Multi-Mob "after a few months we moved. 'A new city' He said. 'A place for metas like you and me.' The last time I heard that, things didn't end well. But Neon wasn't like anything I ever saw. neither was were our 'home' was. A place called Argon."
  26. 22:44 Nameless-Therapist "Argon? That the building name?"
  27. 22:47 Multi-Mob ''...yes, don't know why he called it that. It was rundown, hideous. But I learned to call it home. Years pasted, I went up on the ranks in the business. And after my uncle retired, I became the boss. And everything was going great, for once I was happy. Then..."
  28. 22:47 Nameless-Therapist "then what?"
  29. 22:49 Multi-Mob he squeezed his fist. and removed the mask and jacket. Each eye opened at once, the extra arm stretched out. The mouths took a deep breath. "This, my powers broke. They fucking BROKE!" He punches the wall. Taking a few deep breaths and calms down
  30. 22:50 Nameless-Therapist "oh my god!"
  31. 22:52 Multi-Mob He laid back down. "Soon after, this, started to happen, I got a new partner." He spoke softly for a sec "Chem, Chemmy" before returning to normal volume...Kimmy, I'll call him Kimmy"
  32. 22:52 Multi-Mob [oh god HER* sorry oyuun]
  33. 22:53 Nameless-Therapist "r-right. Tell me about this Kimmy"
  34. 22:59 Multi-Mob "Whats is there to talk about? She is insane. I never saw her face for three years. I think her voice was distorted too for awhile. I couldn't stand it, how can i work with someone that I never even seen? So, I stormed her place. dispite my power breaking, it was still strong. My arm once took a few hours to grow back, now it takes 30 seconds...if an arm does
  35. 23:00 *** AnnaClaskovic quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  36. 23:10 Multi-Mob Grow back. I deceided to try a drug lab of hers first. After some poison gas and guards I finally meet her. Of course the second he saw me she stared to shout, and inject me with god knows what. Thats how I got lefty.2 here. And I was disappointed honestly, she wasn't some ugly beast, she was just a paranoid bitch."
  37. 23:17 *** AnnaClaskovic joined #covenger_rp
  38. 23:35 Multi-Mob 'After she realized her little cocktails of poison did nothing to me. We got to talking. She still kept thirty feet away so we had to use phones. I managed to get to work with me more. Actually see each other during meetings. Doesn't stop her from injecting me with some flesh eating virus every time I talk while shes turned around.....
  39. 23:36 Multi-Mob The only reason we work together is because she needs my men, and I need part of her drup profit to keep up on top"
  40. 23:36 Nameless-Therapist "Excuse me?"
  41. 23:44 Multi-Mob He takes a deep breath. "I think I'll go now. I just needed to get stuff off my chest. Thank you miss." He puts the mask and coat back on
  42. 23:46 Nameless-Therapist "R-Right." She was going to call the police the second he leaves.
  43. 23:48 Multi-Mob Multi left, getting into the limo he came in, Sight waiting in it
  44. 23:48 *** Sight joined #covenger_rp
  45. 23:49 Sight "So, how was it? You feel better?"
  46. 23:49 Multi-Mob "..."
  47. 23:50 Sight "oh, the bombs are set, here. The detonator"
  48. 23:52 Multi-Mob "...I don't feel better. All I feel is hate and emptiest"
  49. 23:54 Sight He places a hand on Multi shoulder. "Things will get better."
  50. 23:57 Multi-Mob "...Sure they will..." His face curls in anger. "Book me a flight to Arkansas, I have old business to finish."
  51. 00:00 Multi-Mob He Presses the button
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